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Is it possible to play a sith carebear?


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Hello I am new to the game. Nearly a month into the game. I found out you can play both light/dark side on all characters from both the republic/imperial faction. I know you can play a 'dark' corrupted jedi knight, although I haven't tried that. What I am curious about and would like to hear from the rest here is, is it possible to play a goody 'carebear-like', benevolent, kind-hearted, tender, sith? The concept and idea of it is just too amusing and I have to know!
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The concept of a light-side sith isn't as strange as it sounds.


At some point in his life, the hunter decided it'd be fun to hunt people for money.

The agent decided to join an organisation that bases on manipulation and assassination.

The Sith, though? You're force sensitive in the empire, you're sith or you're dead.

Edited by Mubrak
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I'm not so sure I'd take ALL the lightside options. They do tend to say, "Oh hey, let this guy who tried to kill you and everyone else on this part of the planet go unharmed for a bit of help" and give you LS but say "Oh look, see it made life a little easier on you."


Really, things that shouldn't be a LS/DS choice, often is, and they have things that are LS/DS one minute but not the next. :p


Black Talon: Kill the General = DS! Let him live so he can be tortured endlessly in the most painful degrading ways possible = LS!


Bounty Hunter: Kill the Eidion = LS! Let him live so he can be tortured endlessly in the most painful degrading ways possible = DS!

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You can be a kind, gentle, heroic and humble sith...until SoR where every dialogue option is suddenly either DS, mocking, or snooty and even the LS choices become "you're lucky I can't be bothered to kill you worm" rather than "there's no need to be afraid, take these credits and escape with your family." I hope KotFE's dialogue options go back to letting us be how we were in lv 1-55.
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You can be a kind, gentle, heroic and humble sith...until SoR where every dialogue option is suddenly either DS, mocking, or snooty and even the LS choices become "you're lucky I can't be bothered to kill you worm" rather than "there's no need to be afraid, take these credits and escape with your family." I hope KotFE's dialogue options go back to letting us be how we were in lv 1-55.


Well, on Yavin 4 when you tell Marr no, wasn't snooty. So that's a plus :)

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The concept of a light-side sith isn't as strange as it sounds.


At some point in his life, the hunter decided it'd be fun to hunt people for money.

The agent decided to join an organisation that bases on manipulation and assassination.

The Sith, though? You're force sensitive in the empire, you're sith or you're dead.

That is horribly misleading imo. As far as I know we/our char never shares why exactly they decided to do what they do...


except for an agent, but I am pretty sure there was 'not for you to know' for them so it can be headcannon-ed whatever reason you want too



Black Talon: Kill the General = DS! Let him live so he can be tortured endlessly in the most painful degrading ways possible = LS!


Bounty Hunter: Kill the Eidion = LS! Let him live so he can be tortured endlessly in the most painful degrading ways possible = DS!

...that is actually correct (and funny as they have it ''right''' in one case and ''wrong'' in another:) ) Imo for the force-users the intend is more important than the consequences....but the non force users don't have this excuse, so they should have been different LS/DS choices in black talon...


As for SoR....you Are (after all) not only among a society that... while it may not reward and condone cruelty, is pretty much all for lack of second chances and all that. Your Sith is an excellent actor. Not only that, but unlike 1-50 you are kinda in the spotlight - as wrath....

...I indeed hope the choices to be disgustingly good be option in the coming expansion, as with darth Marr it will be funny discussion:)

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As for SoR....you Are (after all) not only among a society that... while it may not reward and condone cruelty, is pretty much all for lack of second chances and all that. Your Sith is an excellent actor. Not only that, but unlike 1-50 you are kinda in the spotlight - as wrath....

...I indeed hope the choices to be disgustingly good be option in the coming expansion, as with darth Marr it will be funny discussion:)

We had been playing in that same empire the whole time in lv 1-55. If they were going to force a specific personality on our character, they should have done it from the beginning instead of randomly changing the personality that you may have played. My inquisitor was a slave who was literally forced to become sith or die but there was nothing dictating that he needed to be cruel or snobby. Besides for a good portion of SoR you're under cover, why would you act like a snooty and cruel sith lord and give your identity away? There are plenty of people out there who want to play a snobby and evil character and that's fine. All I want is to play the same character I played for 55 levels...

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<< Besides for a good portion of SoR you're under cover, why would you act like a snooty and cruel sith lord and give your identity away? >>


by acting like a snooty and cruel pirate?

part of it is acting, I know with my JC <LS5> there was one story in which he was "undercover" portraying himself as a Sith and correspondingly, made one of the few "darkside" choices - by acting the part of a Sith - because he wanted it to be a real 'undercover" type of operation.


Not sure what the LS options for Yavin are for sith - haven't gotten that far with my LS'ers, but for my BH <LS5> the only real consequence of making a decision to turn over a prisoner to Satele Shan rather than to Marr was having a rather pointed remarks from Marr reminding her of where the source of most of her money <bounty contracts> come from. <the Empire...>

I think she'll get back in Marrs good graces by not kneeling to the new Emperor in the expansion, if Marr somehow survives....

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<< Besides for a good portion of SoR you're under cover, why would you act like a snooty and cruel sith lord and give your identity away? >>


by acting like a snooty and cruel pirate?

part of it is acting, I know with my JC <LS5> there was one story in which he was "undercover" portraying himself as a Sith and correspondingly, made one of the few "darkside" choices - by acting the part of a Sith - because he wanted it to be a real 'undercover" type of operation.


Not sure what the LS options for Yavin are for sith - haven't gotten that far with my LS'ers, but for my BH <LS5> the only real consequence of making a decision to turn over a prisoner to Satele Shan rather than to Marr was having a rather pointed remarks from Marr reminding her of where the source of most of her money <bounty contracts> come from. <the Empire...>

I think she'll get back in Marrs good graces by not kneeling to the new Emperor in the expansion, if Marr somehow survives....


Marr gives a different response to the Inquisitor if they give the prisoner to Satele and one not about remembering who's in charge or anything. Been awhile, but I believe it was basically "Very well." But Darth Imperius/Noc/Occlus are supposed to be on equal ground with him. The hunter really isn't. :p But I am now curious what he says to an Agent.

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I think the Agent comment is something about trusting your expertise........ maybe, it's been a long time since I ran my first Agent through Yavin, and I deleted my second Agent long before SoR cause I got sick of his ugly Togruta face (montrals). :( Edited by OathboundCoH
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I very much enjoyed playing Light Sided Sith. If you roll a character that way, the character basically becomes someone trying to change a system from within. You get an honorable Sith who is loyal to the Empire but recognizes that a lot of its practices need to be changed or abolished altogether, but doesn't want to rock the boat too hard just yet. It's a very interesting and enjoyable route to take. At least it was for me. Edited by Yermog
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<< Besides for a good portion of SoR you're under cover, why would you act like a snooty and cruel sith lord and give your identity away? >>


by acting like a snooty and cruel pirate?

part of it is acting, I know with my JC <LS5> there was one story in which he was "undercover" portraying himself as a Sith and correspondingly, made one of the few "darkside" choices - by acting the part of a Sith - because he wanted it to be a real 'undercover" type of operation.

He's not acting like a pirate though, to me his behaviour screams "sith lord" or maybe "grand moff?" from a mile away >_<


In the inquisitor's personal quest, an underling doubted that you would come see him (or something like that) and with no input from me, the inquisitor puts on a mean face and charges lightning in his hand threatening this helpless old man and making him cower. That's so pointless and out of character and I had no say in it.

Edited by Nefla
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I very much enjoyed playing Light Sided Sith. If you roll a character that way, the character basically becomes someone trying to change a system from within. You get an honorable Sith who is loyal to the Empire but recognizes that a lot of its practices need to be changed or abolished altogether, but doesn't want to rock the boat too hard just yet. It's a very interesting and enjoyable route to take. At least it was for me.


In case of Inquisitor, you're not really "loyal" to the Empire. There are multiple oppurtunities to express how much you dislike the Empire & the Sith, calling them depraved, immoral, sick etc. From that angle you're essentially disassembling the system from within and taking over to spread love and light side, zero loyalty to the Sith doctrine or dictator regime of the Empire political structure.

Edited by Pietrastor
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My Juggernaut was very light side, with a couple exceptions, such as the grand finale of Chapter Three. She has no loyalty to the Empire, basically because she's not Imperial and because she didn't choose to become Sith, much less the Emperor's Wrath. That being said, she chooses to make the best of her station, using her influence to keep everything from going to rot. And Jaesa keeps her head straight. :p

Also when you tell Marr off on Yavin 4, he's actually sympathetic to your reasoning. I forget exactly what he says, but it's something along the lines of "you're the Wrath so I can see where you're coming from".

I highly recommend rolling a light side Warrior. Light side Inquisitor is fun, but it seems you have to do a lot of side quests or hunt for light side choices, because the story doesn't give you a lot of light options.

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My Juggernaut was very light side, with a couple exceptions, such as the grand finale of Chapter Three. She has no loyalty to the Empire, basically because she's not Imperial and because she didn't choose to become Sith, much less the Emperor's Wrath. That being said, she chooses to make the best of her station, using her influence to keep everything from going to rot. And Jaesa keeps her head straight. :p

Also when you tell Marr off on Yavin 4, he's actually sympathetic to your reasoning. I forget exactly what he says, but it's something along the lines of "you're the Wrath so I can see where you're coming from".

I highly recommend rolling a light side Warrior. Light side Inquisitor is fun, but it seems you have to do a lot of side quests or hunt for light side choices, because the story doesn't give you a lot of light options.


I just replayed the quest where the Inquisitor goes back to their cult to get the sensor for the Silencer. When she killed the three who had it one by one instead of betraying her cult to them, I was surprised none of the options had a light or dark component to them :p

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Hello I am new to the game. Nearly a month into the game. I found out you can play both light/dark side on all characters from both the republic/imperial faction. I know you can play a 'dark' corrupted jedi knight, although I haven't tried that. What I am curious about and would like to hear from the rest here is, is it possible to play a goody 'carebear-like', benevolent, kind-hearted, tender, sith? The concept and idea of it is just too amusing and I have to know!


one of my SW's is a complete heretic and full on light sider and he loves rubbing it in on everyone elses faces. hes known to be one of the most powerful in the empire, there wont be many if at all anybody who would challenge this heretic of darkness :p.

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My sith warrior kind of ended up light side by accident. While I think the sith really should dial back the social darwinism, I can understand the importance that they place on bettering oneself through conflict and adversity, and not letting evolution and progress grind to a halt. By extension, my warrior sees the dark side as a necessary evil that must be included in the grand scheme of things, even if it has to be forced on the galaxy-- but moderation is key, and the empire, generally speaking, lacks moderation.

So imagine his confusion when he catches up to Jaessa and she tells him that his actions reflect only light, apparently due to his habit of doing as much of the empire's dirty work as possible so that others won't have to... oh, and being relatively merciful when he can. Who would have thought ethics could effect your alignment more that religion?

I have no idea if I'm explaining this in a way that makes any sense, so to illustrate: there was this one quest line on Taris where you figure out what to do about some nekghouls. The light side option is to form an alliance with them, and the dark side option is to kill them all. They deserve to live just like anything else, but the plague they carry must be contained at any cost.. I was pretty torn about it, and I'd imagine my sith would be, too.

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Black Talon: Kill the General = DS! Let him live so he can be tortured endlessly in the most painful degrading ways possible = LS!


It's your character who kills him, but not your character who tortures (or not, you don't actually know what will happen to him). Bad example, this alignment shift is correct.

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That is horribly misleading imo. As far as I know we/our char never shares why exactly they decided to do what they do...


It is, as far as I know the choice for force-sensitives in the Empire, become Sith or die and before the Cold War force-sensitive slaves didn't even have that choice, they were executed. It's very, very clear why the Inquisitor becomes Sith, they had no choice, at all.

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Light side warrior is a realy cool guy.


Especialy on Alderaan



When he annihilates everyone up to the point when he meets Jaeasa's parents and then he tells them that he comes in peace.



Also thorought the story, he tells the jedi how to be jedi.

Edited by Deshiel
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Light side warrior is a realy cool guy.


Especialy on Alderaan



When he annihilates everyone up to the point when he meets Jaeasa's parents and then he tells them that he comes in peace.



Also thorought the story, he tells the jedi how to be jedi.


My favorite parts of LS Warrior were exposing the hilarious hypocrisy of Nomen Karr.


I never felt so smugly superior in my life :p

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