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Bad Draw Distance/LOD Issues


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Experiencing this issue too. Used to be able to see everything in complete detail on my bridge and now console screens only show up once I'm within 5 meters or so. The shuttle for the guild ship cinematic is also doing the same disappearing act for me.


This is with all graphics set to high on a system that usually runs the game very beautifully. I'm rather disappointed. I hope this is fixed before KotFE.

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Got the same issue on the guildship. Multiple decorations are affected including multiple screens and some dissapearing partially decorations on medium distances with a clearly noticable border when it switches visible/not. I've tried changing multiple graphical options without any difference. Bioware please take a look on this.
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I tried some tweaks in the config file today just to see if it would work...it didn't.


I've noticed that there are varying levels of detail depending on distance. It's as if you're going through each stage of texture quality as you approach an object. Console screens go from blank to semi detailed to detailed and then highlighted and glowy.


It's very distracting when you're running around and suddenly see objects pop up and disappear in the background and corner of your eye all the time. It gives the illusion of object flickering.


I personally feel as if this is a game breaking adjustment. I've never been negative about the devs before and I've always been in their corner, but this is bothering me. I really hope this is acknowledged and dealt with by the time KotFE is released, because I'm not sure I'd play it in this sort of condition.

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The change to the LOD and draw distances for objects is absolutely awful and not only makes the game look bad, it also causes issues in some fights. The Torque fight for example.



Consoles on my guild's bridge deck simply disappearing at relatively close distances.


Consoles (everywhere) seem to cause issues. The lod popping is really bad for them. Pretty much every console everywhere looks like low poly mess unless you are standing 1 metre away.





Bioware plz, can I haz LOD slider?

Edited by Eraan
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Was doing Dread Fortress nim today, and just like in Soa fight, you cannot see Corruptor Zero appearing on the floor AT ALL unless you turn you camera facing into the ceiling every time he jumps to different location...


Really annoying and that is going to be a pain when raised back up to lvlcap again.


Edited by Kiesu
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Two more issues I have encountered with the Draw Distance issue:


1. The imperial bombers you are supposed to sabotage in the Balmorra Heroic "Industrial Sabotage" are invisible. You have to search for the small blue boxes floating in the air to click on. Once you click on them, the bombers render and do their "post-sabotage" animation.


2. In the Space Heroic PvE mission "Hypori Escort" the blue sky doesn't render. Instead the part of the sky that should be blue is just black. At various points of the mission, the blue sky will blink into existence and then blink out of existence a few moments later.


Please fix this issue. I'd hate to experience KotFE with all of these issues looming over it.

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Ran some stuff last night and I can confirm the same issues others are experiencing in certain operations.


  • EV: The falling rock islands do not appear, leaving guesswork on where they actually are in the lava
  • EV: The platforms in Soa do not show up for some, leaving that mechanic rather precarious.
  • Shuttle in the guild ship cinematic is still disappearing as it flies away.


This seems to happen with environmental objects that have some sort of animation or particular feature. For example, in the Jedi Ship, the readout above the bed in Doc's room does not appear until you're halfway into the room, and the actually animations and blinking lights don't show up until you're on top of the bed.


It also seems to occur with NPCs and objects that appear as part of a mechanic. For example, if you're not close enough to the falling platforms in the Soa fight when they first appear, they never show up.


Please fix this devs. I hate the thought of not experiencing the KotFE in its full glory because of this dumb graphics adjustments.

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you expect response? they have not updated Known ingame issues since the change the location of know ingame issues they really havent post much anything that is "known", it like they dont want to know or cant be bothered to tell us they know.


CS more important then fix things away....

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Feel free to add this one to your list.






But since a lot of the LoD issues seem fixed now, I guess the STROBE LIGHTS OF DOOM attached to our holocommunicators are just the new normal.


Just FYI EA: It's terrible. I know you don't care if people have seizures from your terrible graphics upgrade, but ... I mean ... cmon EA. People who have seizures from your game don't pay subscription fees, and since all you care about is money, not quality, I thought this might be an issue you'd fix. I guess people who get seizures from your game don't represent large enough blip on your profit margins to be worthy of note.

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The draw disatnce/LOD issues as far as I've seen so far seem to have been fixed.


However, the NPC animations are still extremely jittery. It's very distracting to be doing a fight (especially operations fights) and seeing all your enemies look like they're updating at 5 frames per second.

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^^The way they implemented shadows are rather horrible. It's totally unoptimised and anything higher than 2048 resolution will cause massive issues.

The draw disatnce/LOD issues as far as I've seen so far seem to have been fixed.


However, the NPC animations are still extremely jittery. It's very distracting to be doing a fight (especially operations fights) and seeing all your enemies look like they're updating at 5 frames per second.


Yeah, lod issues seem to be fixed. Sadly shading on characters (just go to Tatooine, start a conversation and you'll see) and horrible banding on Zakuul swamps (examples: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=843518) are still there. It looks absolutely hideous.

Edited by Eraan
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