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Buying lvl 60's I dont agree with.


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You haven't done that yet? Step up your game Ferk! I did it in 29.5 seconds, holding a baby, saving another from a burning building, all while eating pizza. You can't possibly let me show you up! Get to it good sir!


Sorry am Bad. Did it in 31 Seconds. Will try harder next time Senpai.

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4 hours? Right.... And I'm the Pope and cleared ToS HM in 30 seconds.


lol this^ It takes close to one hour just to get off dromund kaas with speeders & quick travel and that planet isn't half as strenuous to traverse as voss, belsavis & corellia. 4 hours... lol keep dreaming.

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Makes no difference to me. If that's what it takes to get someone to play, big deal. People don't learn their class until 60/65 anyway.


I'm gonna agree here. A lot of those key abilities aren't learned until much later on. Not only that, but if we're being completely honest, you pretty much have to Google the best rotations for your class to remain competitive, and most players won't do that until they're at endgame anyway.

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Im interested, how did you figure out you dont need Hail of bolts and explosive rounds? Im just leveled my commando to 50 using only mortal and hail of bolts for aoe - dont see any reason to remove them from bars. Game didnt teach me that by now, doubt it will by 60.


Ability bloat is much bigger concern. Having 6 aoe abilities by lvl 40 is really too much. How do you decide which to use not having any dmg meter?

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4 hours? Right.... And I'm the Pope and cleared ToS HM in 30 seconds


lol this^ It takes close to one hour just to get off dromund kaas with speeders & quick travel and that planet isn't half as strenuous to traverse as voss, belsavis & corellia. 4 hours... lol keep dreaming.


And you saw, very clearly, and acknowledged that you saw by posting, that I corrected my typos a few posts later. Yet you want to troll on my original post LOL.


So again I will repeat for those who refuse to state that they saw the correction made right below my original post - it actually takes about 6 - 8 hours total, and that is with watching cut-scenes and paying attention to choices. Just because other people choose to also do all the side quests and bonuses which makes them take longer does not mean I am full of it.


What's happening is you guys are dicking around with bonuses (and don't tell me you aren't, because you are), which during the 12x XP is a total waste of time. When this 12x XP event started I took a freshly created character from 0 - 55 in around 6 hours, ONLY focusing on the main mission and ignoring all bonuses, since bonus XP does NOT count toward story bonus XP, even if it is a bonus during a Story mission. Bonus missions are considered completely separate. I tested this by comparing bonus XP from a story mission with bonus XP from a side mission of the same level - got the same amount of XP from it.


Either way, skipping bonuses saves a LOT of time but does not detract anyone at all from doing the story completely and enjoying it. And I had NO issues with keeping up with level, either. Doing this saves a lot of time if you are leveling multiple characters. I have only 16, but I am a casual player. Any player who is actually a bit hardcore about this game has the max 22 on their server, and most likely more alts on other servers. I'd imagine not all of those players would want to dick around with bonuses and side missions when slamming up their alts.


And FerkWork, you also clearly understood that I had no issues with how people play. The entire point of my post was very obvious - that leveling in this game takes almost no time at all compared to other MMO games, even without the 12x XP bonus, and that most people WILL have their characters to 60 anyway before KotFE comes out. I was stating that I am neutral and it really does not matter about them having instant 60's as starting characters. The only people that are against it are the whiners and elitists that can't stand the fact that someone MAY have started somewhere in the game a bit easier than they did, which is NOT the case because regardless of 1 or 60, learning how to play is still a learning curve which must be overcome, and regardless of level, it will still take time for people to settle in and learn their class.


Personally I am thinking of rolling a couple more characters with the level 60 bit, just to experiment with different skill trees, etc. without having to re-spec a current character. It's going to be nice. Either way, the level 60 perk is here to stay, and no way, regardless of what people post in these forums, will they even consider getting rid of it. It's already coded in, and it already has enough demand and support from the community that it is set and ready to go :)


EDIT: Re-reading your replies, it is very clear (and correct) that you somehow think I am saying you guys are wrong in how you play. I never said that. I simply made a time calculated comparison of what was involved in leveling my alts when talking about this level 60 topic. The great thing about an MMO game is you can level as fast - or as slow - as you so desire and enjoy the content any way you like. So don't come back saying that I am wrong in how I level just because you choose to level differently. Thanks :)


Im interested, how did you figure out you dont need Hail of bolts and explosive rounds? Im just leveled my commando to 50 using only mortal and hail of bolts for aoe - dont see any reason to remove them from bars. Game didnt teach me that by now, doubt it will by 60.


Ability bloat is much bigger concern. Having 6 aoe abilities by lvl 40 is really too much. How do you decide which to use not having any dmg meter?


Well technically no one in this game "needs" any particular skill, but I am definitely with you in that Hail of Bolts REALLY made the class fun for me - especially while leveling. As long as my mods and gear kept up to speed, Hail would clear out a group of all the weak/normal mobs almost immediately, leaving only strongs and elites for me to deal with.


I usually only use 2 AoE abilities - the one that does the most damage (such as Death from Above) to open up with then spam the one that has no CD (such as Hail of Bolts for example). That's all anyone needs. The other AoE skills are just for personal preference and specific use, really, but on my bar that's the only two that ever get placed. An exception also would be for my casters, I usually have a knock-back to get stuff away from me in groups if I am getting hit on really hard.

Edited by Faelandaea
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And you saw, very clearly, and acknowledged that you saw by posting, that I corrected my typos a few posts later. Yet you want to troll on my original post LOL.


So again I will repeat for those who refuse to state that they saw the correction made right below my original post - it actually takes about 6 - 8 hours total, and that is with watching cut-scenes and paying attention to choices. Just because other people choose to also do all the side quests and bonuses which makes them take longer does not mean I am full of it.


What's happening is you guys are dicking around with bonuses (and don't tell me you aren't, because you are), which during the 12x XP is a total waste of time. When this 12x XP event started I took a freshly created character from 0 - 55 in around 6 hours, ONLY focusing on the main mission and ignoring all bonuses, since bonus XP does NOT count toward story bonus XP, even if it is a bonus during a Story mission. Bonus missions are considered completely separate. I tested this by comparing bonus XP from a story mission with bonus XP from a side mission of the same level - got the same amount of XP from it.


Either way, skipping bonuses saves a LOT of time but does not detract anyone at all from doing the story completely and enjoying it. And I had NO issues with keeping up with level, either. Doing this saves a lot of time if you are leveling multiple characters. I have only 16, but I am a casual player. Any player who is actually a bit hardcore about this game has the max 22 on their server, and most likely more alts on other servers. I'd imagine not all of those players would want to dick around with bonuses and side missions when slamming up their alts.


Lmao, no not trolling. There are 10 story planets, each with an hours worth of story content, some we have to make return trips to for another 15-20 minute errand and the special class events to boot. The only way you could possibly run all that content in 6-8 hours is if you're invincible, one shotting everything and teleporting directly from quest giver to quest giver. The travel time across the lanscapes of dromund kass, taris, balmorra, hoth, alderaan, belsavis, voss, corellia & makeb with qt & speeders eats up 9-10 hours alone without cut scenes. And we're not even accounting for special events, return trips, smaller planets like quesh & tatooine or gearing breaks. Unless you're an undercover dev with godlike console commands, it's simply not feasible to reach 1-55 in that small time allotment. :p

Edited by Aeristash
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Well I kept track with 16 characters and that was the average time it took me, so we'll just agree to disagree, even though I am still certain you are doing other stuff besides story to take that long. It may also be that I unlock all the planetary quick travels in legacy as soon as my character qualifies for them in levels. That does save me a LOT of time there. The frigging amount of times they want me to travel back to the capital planet was insane LOL. I probably shaved off an hour of game time just by that one perk alone. I also use Stongholds when snapping to Nar Shadaa.


But both of us are veering way off topic, so I apologize to the original poster for that one.


Final bit - level 60 perk for subscribers - perfectly okay in my book.

Edited by Faelandaea
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It may also be that I unlock all the planetary quick travels in legacy as soon as my character qualifies for them in levels. That does save me a LOT of time there. The frigging amount of times they want me to travel back to the capital planet was insane LOL. I probably shaved off an hour of game time just by that one perk alone.

Not every class story allows you to Quick Travel back; there are a number of cutscenes that won't trigger unless you use your ship to make the journey. The Trooper storyline is notoriously bad for this -- I think Garza keeps hoping I'll bring her some cookies one of these days.

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Not every class story allows you to Quick Travel back; there are a number of cutscenes that won't trigger unless you use your ship to make the journey. The Trooper storyline is notoriously bad for this -- I think Garza keeps hoping I'll bring her some cookies one of these days.


While it is true that you need to use your ship to travel to places a lot, especially for a trooper, you can still make extensive use of alternative travel options there. Traveling to and exiting coruscant stronghold directly from ship is still a lot faster than to trudge through the spaceport every time.


Honestly not sure how long I took when I was trying to level fast (first 12xp, when I thought I had to get all my leveling done quickly..^^), but I finished a new lvl60 every day back then, never running out of the 1h xp boosts you get for clearing a planet (and not even getting around to using the 3h ones for clearing chapters), so it doesn't sound too far-fetched to me.

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Not every class story allows you to Quick Travel back; there are a number of cutscenes that won't trigger unless you use your ship to make the journey. The Trooper storyline is notoriously bad for this -- I think Garza keeps hoping I'll bring her some cookies one of these days.


Gods - so true. Commando was the absolute worst story-line for coming back to the capital world. I'd quick travel there and it'd tell me "Nope", use your ship". Commando definitely took the longest to do as a result.


Traveling to and exiting coruscant stronghold directly from ship is still a lot faster than to trudge through the spaceport every time.


yeah my stronghold was so appreciated by me for that method. That spaceport is huge. i never understood why they disabled quick travel just because you were close to your ship. It makes no sense to me.


Honestly not sure how long I took when I was trying to level fast (first 12xp, when I thought I had to get all my leveling done quickly..^^), but I finished a new lvl60 every day back then, never running out of the 1h xp boosts you get for clearing a planet (and not even getting around to using the 3h ones for clearing chapters), so it doesn't sound too far-fetched to me.


Yeah that's how it went with me. I am full time as a student and work full time, and even on those days I managed to get a full character done same-day, then hit the sack to rinse/repeat the next day.

Edited by Faelandaea
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I dont understand why bioware just doesnt sell a 35x exp instead of a full lvl 60, so the players can at least level some to get used to the class mechanics and be a benefit to pvp or ops, or flashpoints, because if you just give some one a lvl 60 they will not be good to anyone, and I mean players who have never played the class they purchased a lvl 60.

And honestly I would pay for that especially for some of the more boring story lines. But I wont be buying any lvl 60 toons thats just plain dumb when it doesnt take long to lvl one.

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Im interested, how did you figure out you dont need Hail of bolts and explosive rounds? Im just leveled my commando to 50 using only mortal and hail of bolts for aoe - dont see any reason to remove them from bars. Game didnt teach me that by now, doubt it will by 60.


Ability bloat is much bigger concern. Having 6 aoe abilities by lvl 40 is really too much. How do you decide which to use not having any dmg meter?


Cause spamming AOE will burn your energy and does less damage versus a single target if it hits. Then again, if you are only running solo then spam away as its not affecting me, however in group settings it will be a detriment to a boss fight. And ability amount is fine if you use the abilities you get passives for. I enjoy lots of abilities as part of my plastyle

Edited by FerkWork
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As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.


I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.



Earned? Are you serious?: D : D

One weekend with space bar. That's all it takes now. If he so chooses, and most do, subscriber remains completely alienated from challenge, multiplayer aspects or learning the class while enjoying his totally awesome Bioware cinematic experience. He is blind, deaf and dead to the community/world around him. Running from instance to another. Without a single ounce of dramatization I can say the most challenging and time consuming aspect of it all is driving and teleporting around. If you figure the weekend spacebar marathon is actually something relevant you earned..well, I won't take that away from you.


12xXP ensured people won't need much time or have much of an experience making a 1-60.

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<<I dont understand why bioware just doesnt sell a 35x exp instead of a full lvl 60>>


Basically its a marketing decision. They expect there will be an influx of new players once SW7 hits the screen, and they want to be in a position for people to get into the game as quickly as possible once it rolls out.

Nothing wrong with that, its what keeps the company a viable concern.


That said though, aside from the "free" 60th i'll get as a subscriber, I don't plan on buying additional 60s, as - RPwise, I prefer to have a more hands-on-approach for each of my characters story. I don't want their alignment, for example, to be set in stone before they go off on a new adventure, and I want to have choice in which companions to romance or not, etc, not have a "ready-made" to try to fill in the gaps with.


For example - a large part in my <LS> sorcerer decision - why did she become LS? Because of what happened on DK in the Dark Temple. A certain chat she had with a ghost...

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Oh, man, are you ever behind the times.


The casual-friendly "easy" mode is exactly what the modern MMO gamer wants. The old EQ1 style is at best a niche market now.


Actually you are dead wrong, in all the latest MMO's that are in development they are trying to do some thing new that doesn't copy the easy mode games like WoW. Guess you don't read many gamer magazines.

Edited by Fallensouls
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I dont understand why bioware just doesnt sell a 35x exp instead of a full lvl 60, so the players can at least level some to get used to the class mechanics and be a benefit to pvp or ops, or flashpoints, because if you just give some one a lvl 60 they will not be good to anyone, and I mean players who have never played the class they purchased a lvl 60.

And honestly I would pay for that especially for some of the more boring story lines. But I wont be buying any lvl 60 toons thats just plain dumb when it doesnt take long to lvl one.


You don't have to buy them and I am far from convinced that going through the story 1-60 at 35 x xp will teach anyone how to play their class in a group.

Edited by Tsillah
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You don't have to buy them and I am far from convinced that going through the story 1-60 at 35 x xp will teach anyone how to play their class in a group.


If they do OPs, PVP, or FP along the way it will yes. Allot better than handing some one a lvl 60 and they try to do any of the group stuff with the wrong gear , or not knowing their role in groups. What about new players needing help along the way in the lower lvl planets? Without the more experienced players to help them how many would have quit the game in frustration? There is allot of reasons selling lvl 60 characters is a bad idea. It will eventually lead to fewer players, because if you don't level a character you don't have as much emotional value in them.

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You cant do 35x boost as you'd level cap at half of the story and we know people get their panties in a bunch if there is no "progression".


The focus to the KOTFE "relaunch" is to grab new/returning players. Key to that is lowering/eliminating any and all of the entry barriers. And a mandatory slog through all the existing/"old" content is a pretty sizable barrier to get into the shiny new expansion. "Jump into KOTFE in 3 days, when you play through one of the origin stories (assuming you play 5h per day)!" doesn't quite sound like the best marketing idea ever.

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Without any data to back it up: I can claim with almost total certainty that the majority of people who purchase max level characters already have one or more max level characters to begin with.


Precisely, I have 6 60s, and 60 58s, so I think one could hardly be blamed for availing oneself of this feature.


Assuming we get an extra 1 or 2 extra slots (23 or 24 max for subs), then I'll get 3 or 6 fresh 60s.

Edited by sentientomega
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You don't have to buy them and I am far from convinced that going through the story 1-60 at 35 x xp will teach anyone how to play their class in a group.


I fully agree with this. Either you suck or you don;t suck. Amount of playtime does not make a player better or worse. That player actually taking the time to use Google, ask friends, ask their guild, hover over tool-tips and actually have a curiosity about HOW their class works ... THAT is what differentiates a good player from a bad player.


Player A can spend 2 months leveling just mashing 1,2,3,4, manage to somehow complete the story, and suck completely in an OP.


Player B can spend 2 hours just inspecting their skill tree, inspecting tool-tips, asking a few questions and maybe spending a bit on Google, and do 100 times better in an OP than Player A ever possibly could.


It annoys the crap out of me when someone in an OP is having a bad day and they get defensive with the whole "I've been playing for x-amount of time" . . . . no one cares, he still sucked and would not listen to the critique of his teammates. I'd rather have a newer player on my team that actually CARES about their class than some tard elitist that thinks he is superior because he took longer to level or something.


Precisely, I have 6 60s, and 60 58s, so I think one could hardly be blamed for availing oneself of this feature.


Assuming we get an extra 1 or 2 extra slots (23 or 24 max for subs), then I'll get 3 or 6 fresh 60s.


I know in the Twitch stream, the devs had new players starting 60's just to try out KotFE and to sell it, but I thought I read somewhere that the actual requirement for getting a level 60 would be having a character already to 60? Did I get that wrong?


Either way, in my case it is true. I have 16 level 60 characters. But I like this level 60 option because I may want to roll four more characters: A Sorc/Sage set up for DPS instead of Heals and a Sin/Shadow with tank builds. After leveling 4 characters through 2 story-lines (2 Inquisitors - one Sorc healer and one Assassin DPS, 2 Consulars - one Sage healer and one Shadow DPS), I think I can manage an alt of the same classes without having to trudge through those same stories again. A LOT of players like me have that mentality - they already leveled a similar class, and just want to roll out an alt of the same class with a slightly different skill tree setup.


EDIT: To add: Level 60's are not for sale anyway. As far as I am reading in the Dev publications so far, they are free to all current players. Did I miss something else there?

Edited by Faelandaea
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