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Buying lvl 60's I dont agree with.


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I'd be saying that if the level cap was level 60 at launch but it won't be. You also won't be able to do the class storylines as well since you'll get the class storyline already completed for you and the choices for it already decided.


Agreed. There will always be consequences to how we decide to start the game, and thus I very highly doubt having 60 characters will be bad on anyone. Grab a 60 - save time but miss story components, affection from companions, choices in dialogue that may have been caused by decisions you made earlier on, etc.


Mostly people are freaking out about "People won't know how to play their class". Why do they care??? I play how I play, and that's that. And using the argument of "group this and group that" doesn't fly with me. This is an MMO with a guild-based structure. Go group with your guild-mates. If you choose to ignore your guild and go billy-bad-a** on your own and group with randoms in random queues, it doesn't matter if someone started at 60 or 1 - you WILL have people in your group that have no clue and completely suck, and the experience WILL always be worse. At that point you probably deserve a bad group. Stop ignoring your guild-mates and go group with them, and if they suck then join a new guild. Simple as that.


He used his analogy that he was in the army 7 years and had plenty of time to play video games and he was in college full time and had plenty of time to play video games. He used that as an analogy to show why people should have plenty of time to play video games. Just because he may had plenty of time to play video games doesn't mean everyone does.


What he forgot to mention though was that his "Army" career was probably National Guard - weekend warrior - or he was a desk jock or something. Okay, yes, I work full time and go to college full time and have time to play, but even with those two factors in my life, I have LOTS more time to play than when I was in the Army active duty - probably because I was too busy doing my bloody job and being out in the field - something I do NOT regret.


Either way - the fact of the matter is not everyone has time to play as much as everyone else. Regardless of career/school/living situation/internet restrictions/adult movies with midgets/spousal abuse/etc. Don't try to take something like military service and use it to justify your opinion that everyone has same time to do everything you did - you just embarrassed the military of many countries in many ways.


As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time. I know that this raised the question of character limits as well. In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit per server by 2 for the Fallen Empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!


I know you still have many questions, such as how this impacts Class story, etc. We will be revealing all of these details down the line as we get closer to launch.






Sweeeeet. Thanks for the verification, Eric. I know a lot of people needed confirmation in black and whi - er - yellow - about that. Heard that info discussed on yesterday's Twitch stream, but having it in writing helps a lot.

Edited by Faelandaea
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You guys are making a big deal out of nothing. Literally everyone has all their characters to 60 by now anyway with the 12x XP boost - if not then they simply have not logged onto the game at all to even try to play. It takes 4 hours to get from 0 - 55 with the boost and another couple hours to go ahead and get to 60. For me I paced myself at pone character per day and have 16 characters to 60, and I am a VERY VERY casual player. I know of many hardcore players who have 22+ characters on multiple servers all to 60 due to the boost.


If anyone has any need for a new 60 with this option, it's strictly for role-play purposes to play a race/class combination they hadn't thought about creating before the expansion.


I know you latter said this is a typo, but in theory you are correct by 4 hours. I would definitely think five. How you may ask? Keep in mind, guild xp boost, legacy xp boost, and the xp boost you buy from cartel market all stack. Next use cc to get speeder at level 10. Then speed run doing the higher level planets of chapter one before the lower level when they are avail. (Ie, instead of doing tat then Alderan, do Alderan then Tattooine.) Once your around 47 stop the story and do makeb. (Don't forget the buff you get when doing makeb) You should definately be 55 by the end of makeb. Especially with all the extra xp boosts your using. I haven't done this since July, but I did have a gunslinger at just under 60 going into the second rishi flashpoint solo. So like I said in theory you probably could get 1-55 in four hours with the 12x xp boost. Sadly I have no slots left, otherwise I would do a test of it. Sorry if my writing is incoherent, but It is 9 in the morning and I have a hangover the size of Antarctica right now. BTW unless they changed it since June, I know for a fact that the xp boosts I mentioned above all stack, I just don't know how long it would take if you did it straight through.

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I know you latter said this is a typo, but in theory you are correct by 4 hours. I would definitely think five. How you may ask? Keep in mind, guild xp boost, legacy xp boost, and the xp boost you buy from cartel market all stack. Next use cc to get speeder at level 10. Then speed run doing the higher level planets of chapter one before the lower level when they are avail. (Ie, instead of doing tat then Alderan, do Alderan then Tattooine.) Once your around 47 stop the story and do makeb. (Don't forget the buff you get when doing makeb) You should definately be 55 by the end of makeb. Especially with all the extra xp boosts your using. I haven't done this since July, but I did have a gunslinger at just under 60 going into the second rishi flashpoint solo. So like I said in theory you probably could get 1-55 in four hours with the 12x xp boost. Sadly I have no slots left, otherwise I would do a test of it. Sorry if my writing is incoherent, but It is 9 in the morning and I have a hangover the size of Antarctica right now. BTW unless they changed it since June, I know for a fact that the xp boosts I mentioned above all stack, I just don't know how long it would take if you did it straight through.


This was the fastest time I could find on youtube: 7 hours, 13 minutes, although I think he mentioned it could have been faster.

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This was the fastest time I could find on youtube: 7 hours, 13 minutes, although I think he mentioned it could have been faster.


Yup. SO many factors involved that it is VERY hard to calculate the fastest - the BIGGEST factor being the one a lot of folks forget about - the human factor. Different people with different play-styles with different learning curves and - unless they are androids - different reaction times, paths through areas, etc. That's what is great about an MMO - so much variety in decision making yet we all eventually meet up in the endgame :)

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I'm going to use my freebie to make a gunslinger. I don't expect I'll ever purchase a 60, but if they're going to give me one, neat. I'll make it one of ethe AC's I don't already have and at least do dailies with it sometimes.
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I have no intention on using the automatic level 60 but I will disagree with you on a point. I am a full time paralegal major and I do not have plenty of time to play on the game, especially if I want to maintain my grade average, so not everyone that goes to college full time has plenty of time to play.


In addition, my boyfriend is in the air force and he doesn't have plenty of time to play as well so maybe that branch is different than the army or maybe it because he is in intelligence but using those two analogies to say people that are in the service or in college have plenty of time to play is false.


It really depends on the type of unit for any branch. Line units tend to be field rats. A lot of support units the same way. Line units need a lot of support whether Wrenches, Band-Aids , or beans and bullets. There are units which rarely go to the field. Certain admin units and such. So they probably have more time.

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In this circumstance, indeed it is. The minute you made your opinion a topic on an open discussion forum, it ceased being yours solely. You've licensed every user on said forum to judge, debate & dissect it at their leisure. If one users opinion is that your opinion should've never existed as an opinion at all, well... thems the brakes of free for all open discussion for you. The beautiful diversity of opinionated exchange & all. :p


That just needs to be a solid gold poster posted all over internet forums...

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Agreed. There will always be consequences to how we decide to start the game, and thus I very highly doubt having 60 characters will be bad on anyone. Grab a 60 - save time but miss story components, affection from companions, choices in dialogue that may have been caused by decisions you made earlier on, etc.


Mostly people are freaking out about "People won't know how to play their class". Why do they care??? I play how I play, and that's that. And using the argument of "group this and group that" doesn't fly with me. This is an MMO with a guild-based structure. Go group with your guild-mates. If you choose to ignore your guild and go billy-bad-a** on your own and group with randoms in random queues, it doesn't matter if someone started at 60 or 1 - you WILL have people in your group that have no clue and completely suck, and the experience WILL always be worse. At that point you probably deserve a bad group. Stop ignoring your guild-mates and go group with them, and if they suck then join a new guild. Simple as that. How does that embarrass the military? I only replied to a guy that says, what about people in the service and people that go to college, well I'm proof you still have time to play videogames, i never a A LOT of time, but you do have time.




What he forgot to mention though was that his "Army" career was probably National Guard - weekend warrior - or he was a desk jock or something. Okay, yes, I work full time and go to college full time and have time to play, but even with those two factors in my life, I have LOTS more time to play than when I was in the Army active duty - probably because I was too busy doing my bloody job and being out in the field - something I do NOT regret.


Either way - the fact of the matter is not everyone has time to play as much as everyone else. Regardless of career/school/living situation/internet restrictions/adult movies with midgets/spousal abuse/etc. Don't try to take something like military service and use it to justify your opinion that everyone has same time to do everything you did - you just embarrassed the military of many countries in many ways.




Sweeeeet. Thanks for the verification, Eric. I know a lot of people needed confirmation in black and whi - er - yellow - about that. Heard that info discussed on yesterday's Twitch stream, but having it in writing helps a lot.


Wrong, i was active duty army, and i served at different units, we got off every holiday even the ones most americans don't even get off, we were off almost every saturday and sunday unless something was going on or we had to go out in the field. If you picked a job where you have to go out to the field all the time, that is your fault and your fault alone. Not to mention the one month out of a year vacation time, that EVERY soldier gets. What you say makes me believe you are lying about your service. I'm not saying we had all the time in the world to play video games, but from the 3 different units i was in, we all got off at a decent hour, we had days off, we had vacation... just like every working american has, maybe work a little more than most of them. Only time i've ever had no time to play, was basic training, and mobilization.

Edited by SaerethDL
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I think its a personal preference to have the ability to purchase Level 60 and a free server slot at the same time.


As someone with 22+ toons I don't see the problem and welcome the option. Just like WOW has the BOOST we will have the same option available. Is it Buy to Play or just plain greed? I think its greed, but at the same time its an option that other MMO's are doing and most folks expect SWTOR to follow suite. (BTW: I'd like buying my subs via Credits to be next please).


KEEP in mind they are trying to secure NEW users and make money off them as well continue to milk the existing community. Some people have TONS of time to level characters (Heck I saw that video of 1-55 in 7 hours), but others don't and like to take breaks due to real life. I think my best time was 1-60 in like 20 hours, but I also had all my gear in legacy and tiered purple every 10 levels for quick swapping out on the new character.


On the FLIP side this also provides a long term benefit to sub's. If we can buy Level 60 with CC's and we get like 500-600 a month then I'm sure a couple months of those will be enough to purchase a level 60 at least twice a year.

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New players who start at lvl 60 will be missing out on a lot of good content.


True, I actually think that a new player that starts out at level 60 will create a new character and do the old content at some point.


The level 60 character is a excellent way to reboot the game and let new players come in to the story that really feels like a entirely new chapter (even a new book) :tran_smile:

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Sometimes you get sick of levelling, but already have tonnes of max level toons. But maybe you just want to create a class you love with new race etc etc... BAM. I have no issue with buying max level characters. Great feature.
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I think this is fine as long as they have the option to forgo the 60 and start from scratch. Most player's are going to want to level from 0 to 60 first before touching the new stuff. Those that start at 60 probably will never touch group content and hence you won't need to deal with them and their "noob ways." Which i think is a bad assumption that they can't learn to play just because they start at 60.


Though selling 60's in the market it is a little bit much, but i will just ignore them.

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It's funny because now after the kotfe videos have released, everyones comments are like, "these level 60's that are playing suck!" , "they don't even know how to play the game", "i hope they don't party with me", "end game is gonna be horrible with them".


Yeah, because these were supposed to be very experienced players. I'm a noob and even I could do better then them.

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Wrong, i was active duty army, and i served at different units, we got off every holiday even the ones most americans don't even get off, we were off almost every saturday and sunday unless something was going on or we had to go out in the field. If you picked a job where you have to go out to the field all the time, that is your fault and your fault alone. Not to mention the one month out of a year vacation time, that EVERY soldier gets. What you say makes me believe you are lying about your service. I'm not saying we had all the time in the world to play video games, but from the 3 different units i was in, we all got off at a decent hour, we had days off, we had vacation... just like every working american has, maybe work a little more than most of them. Only time i've ever had no time to play, was basic training, and mobilization.


I wasn't lying, but then again when I was enlisted the military was more than just a paid vacation and G.I. Bill. Okay so military is nothing but paid vacation now. Got it. So my point more or less stands for everyone else who actually works a full time job :)


I am sorry that you are so insulted and blatantly against other people being able to take advantage of rolling a level 60, but no one is forcing you to roll one. No one is forcing you to buy one, and even though you'll have one for free no one is forcing you to use that slot either.


Some of us actually learn to play our characters regardless of level or roll. If I roll a new 60, well you already read this in my other post but since you decided to focus ONLY on boasting about being on paid government vacation let me reiterate:


  1. First I examine skill trees, read tool tips and study on what skills do what.
  2. I then solo play story content, solo FP's, Heroics, exploration missions and anything else I can do solo - which is pretty miuch EVERYTHING except for OP missions, until I start feeling very comfortable with rotations and knowing what my skills do in the field.
  3. Since this is a guild-based MMO, I am already in a guild, so I turn to my guild-mates and ask if anyone would be willing to group with me on some group content. I would advise them I am newer to the class and ask for feedback that they may notice so that I can improve or notice things about my character that I never noticed before as far as play style and strategy.
  4. I would take such advice and practice with it both in groups and solo, and continue to improve.
  5. I would not join a PUG until I am confident in grouping with my friends and guild-mates and those friends and guild-mates give me the thumbs up that I am doing as expected for my class.


The whole fear thing about people buying 60's is "OMG, they are going to jump right into groups and totally suck!"


Fact: If this is your fear then you are guilty of playing that way (IE taking a character you barely know and jumping into groups with it) and projecting that guilt onto everyone else. Since you are surrounded in this game by friends and guild-mates, maybe stick to grouping with them if that is your fear? News flash - if someone sucks at playing their class - level has NOTHING to do with making them play better. I see PLENTY of people at level 60 completely suck at what they do - especially healers.


I for one do NOT fear the 60 thing because I know for a fact that the majority of players play like I described above, and thus there are PLENTY of good, skilled, team-based players out there ready to be a part of that team and play their class well as a result.


Besides, pretty much the only ones who will probably be buying a 60 are people who already leveled through this game, like myself, and want to roll an Alt for solo content just to check out on the side. I know I, for one, want to roll a Sorc/Sage DPS duo. I've already played a Sin and Sorc/Sage Healer duo. That's twice for each storyline. I like the story, but there's only so many times I want to repeat it just to pick up another role. So having level 60's available to start from is pretty much the next best thing to FFXIV's system of being able toplay everything on one character and switch at will using the hot-bar.

Edited by Faelandaea
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As long as people buy pre-made 60's, I don't think Bioware gives a hoot on whether or not they can play the class or not.

Let them learn to play the class or give them suggestions on how to play it.

Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they'll tell you they're having fun, it's their money and you can go piss off and STHU and PUT YOUR A** ON their Ignore list.

I don't give a damn if somebody buys two dozen pre-mades 60's.

Ask Bioware if they even care what you think.

Congrats to them and more power to them.

As for the FFXIV comment, considering that POS was remade, it's still an EPIC Fail coming from a company such as SE (aka Square Enix).

SO don't even start with that, they should do TOR like FF 14 does garbage.

These are not the droids you are looking for.

Move along and **** about FF14.

This is TOR and if you don't like it, ****. :rak_04:

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The last few releases in the game have been about removing barriers from content... letting people access the content in as quick and straight-forward a manner as they can. This is simply a furthering of that approach. It's about trying to keep the playerbase fat and healthy... this is a good thing, they are trying to bring people into the game... I see it very much as a trial.


No legacy account will benefit from an insta-roll level 60... it merely lets them engage with 4.0 story content. Once they have, no doubt they will roll a level 1 and do it properly.


I also view the insta-roll level 60 as a trial fro my account, whereby I can roll a char with the same AC as my main and preview how things will work, given that certain decisions will be permanent.

Edited by leehambly
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As long as people buy pre-made 60's, I don't think Bioware gives a hoot on whether or not they can play the class or not.

Let them learn to play the class or give them suggestions on how to play it.

Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they'll tell you they're having fun, it's their money and you can go piss off and STHU and PUT YOUR A** ON their Ignore list.

I don't give a damn if somebody buys two dozen pre-mades 60's.

Ask Bioware if they even care what you think.

Congrats to them and more power to them.

As for the FFXIV comment, considering that POS was remade, it's still an EPIC Fail coming from a company such as SE (aka Square Enix).

SO don't even start with that, they should do TOR like FF 14 does garbage.

These are not the droids you are looking for.

Move along and **** about FF14.

This is TOR and if you don't like it, ****. :rak_04:


Just going to go ahead and point this out, while they did fail with the first attempt, FFXIV ARR has a higher daily user rate than Swtor has had in the last year or so...also has a higher active RP community. While I still prefer SWTOR over FFXIV, FFXIV is hardly the POS it was before the remake, and I'm someone who has active subs for both....just sayin

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