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Buying lvl 60's I dont agree with.


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As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.


I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.

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As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.


I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.


idk i don't think it will matter all that much. I mean with the 12x for subs how many people don't already have at least 2 or 3 60's? So if I have a agent and want to buy a slinger they are pretty much the same so its not that big of an issue.

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As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.


I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.



Level 60 doesn't make a good raider/pvp'er. I see people in warzones decked out in purples that can't play their class for crap. I've seen Juggs in 60 hardmodes wearing Aim mods, I've seen Healer's in hardmodes in dps specs. Buying a max level won't change artards.


I probably won't partake in the buying of 60's here as I enjoy the leveling experience too much, and I don't really need a fresh 60 since I'm running up on 21 right now, but I'll buy a slot and make a powertech cause I don't have one yet and I'll be getting a free 60 out of it.

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I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.


Yes, that's the reason behind it. You got that right. That's also why Bioware will not change the instant-sixty feature now.


I dont agree with.


Bioware has duly noted your complaint. Yet they will probably not change the feature now. Move along. :rak_03:

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As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.


I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.


If you don't like it you don't have to make an instant level 60. You should make a personal stand and not participate.


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Level 60 doesn't make a good raider/pvp'er. I see people in warzones decked out in purples that can't play their class for crap. I've seen Juggs in 60 hardmodes wearing Aim mods, I've seen Healer's in hardmodes in dps specs. Buying a max level won't change artards.


I probably won't partake in the buying of 60's here as I enjoy the leveling experience too much, and I don't really need a fresh 60 since I'm running up on 21 right now, but I'll buy a slot and make a powertech cause I don't have one yet and I'll be getting a free 60 out of it.



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Makes no difference to me. If that's what it takes to get someone to play, big deal. People don't learn their class until 60/65 anyway.


i totally disagree with that. you learn what skills to use and when to use them as you level (at least thats what i use leveling for)...I play around with the different paths and such to find what works for my play style.

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If they were buying level 65's it might be more a problem, but you still have to level 5 levels for max to which you can learn your toon.


Level 60 doesn't make a good raider/pvp'er. I see people in warzones decked out in purples that can't play their class for crap. I've seen Juggs in 60 hardmodes wearing Aim mods, I've seen Healer's in hardmodes in dps specs. Buying a max level won't change artards.


I probably won't partake in the buying of 60's here as I enjoy the leveling experience too much, and I don't really need a fresh 60 since I'm running up on 21 right now, but I'll buy a slot and make a powertech cause I don't have one yet and I'll be getting a free 60 out of it.


You know I've not yet seen a site or thing in game that actually tells you how to gear your toons for their class. It might be a place on the forums in the Class area, but what new player is going to come to the forums to play their class. Even dulfy doesn't have a new player guide that I've seen.

They're going to get the gear that looks better for them, no matter what it is. So instead of calling them names, why don't you help them out? If they don't want it, so be it, but you tried. As it looks from your post you'd just rather call them names & get irritated with them. That doesn't help the game or you out at all.

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i totally disagree with that. you learn what skills to use and when to use them as you level (at least thats what i use leveling for)...I play around with the different paths and such to find what works for my play style.

Since you generally don't get your "rotation" skills until late levels, I disagree. As a Trooper, I used Hail of Bolts and Explosive Round all the time at lower levels...those skills aren't even on my toolbar at 60.


I'm not suggesting a new 60-65 player has the same skill as a 1-65 player would, but I really don't care, as long as the player is having fun. Experience comes from learning a good rotation...since that rotation changes constantly from 1-50+, I don't see this as a big issue at all.

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Since you generally don't get your "rotation" skills until late levels, I disagree. As a Trooper, I used Hail of Bolts and Explosive Round all the time at lower levels...those skills aren't even on my toolbar at 60.


I'm not suggesting a new 60-65 player has the same skill as a 1-65 player would, but I really don't care, as long as the player is having fun. Experience comes from learning a good rotation...since that rotation changes constantly from 1-50+, I don't see this as a big issue at all.


k i see your point and yea as long as its fun for the player im good with it

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If they were buying level 65's it might be more a problem, but you still have to level 5 levels for max to which you can learn your toon.




You know I've not yet seen a site or thing in game that actually tells you how to gear your toons for their class. It might be a place on the forums in the Class area, but what new player is going to come to the forums to play their class. Even dulfy doesn't have a new player guide that I've seen.

They're going to get the gear that looks better for them, no matter what it is. So instead of calling them names, why don't you help them out? If they don't want it, so be it, but you tried. As it looks from your post you'd just rather call them names & get irritated with them. That doesn't help the game or you out at all.


My artard comment was more directed towards the OP's fear that an instant 60 will kill FP's and whatnots due to huge amounts of bad. Personally when I see a Jugg in Aim gear I let them know they want str/end mods and to go to dulfy for secondary stats for whatever role they are looking for. And the Healers in dps specs those are just dps wanting a faster que in my experience, thinking they can get by with a HoT and a Heal in a 60 hardmode, when confronted they almost always say "Hey I've been healing like this since level 10, being dps will allow us to kill faster", yeah that may have worked in the 1-50 content but doesn't fly when you've got a dps and tank dying because the healer spent to much force doing dps instead of heals. Heck I rarely see these same healers use consumption.


But that is all a moot point, as I don't do hardmodes/ops anymore I'm not sure if they still do as much damage as they did, so those healers might be able to get away with being a dps and using a HoT as their main heal. Point is buying a 60 isn't going to make someone an instant bad.

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My artard comment was more directed towards the OP's fear that an instant 60 will kill FP's and whatnots due to huge amounts of bad. Personally when I see a Jugg in Aim gear I let them know they want str/end mods and to go to dulfy for secondary stats for whatever role they are looking for. And the Healers in dps specs those are just dps wanting a faster que in my experience, thinking they can get by with a HoT and a Heal in a 60 hardmode, when confronted they almost always say "Hey I've been healing like this since level 10, being dps will allow us to kill faster", yeah that may have worked in the 1-50 content but doesn't fly when you've got a dps and tank dying because the healer spent to much force doing dps instead of heals. Heck I rarely see these same healers use consumption.


But that is all a moot point, as I don't do hardmodes/ops anymore I'm not sure if they still do as much damage as they did, so those healers might be able to get away with being a dps and using a HoT as their main heal. Point is buying a 60 isn't going to make someone an instant bad.


Ahh okay! Very understandable there.

I agree with you there. Buying isn't going to make you insta-bad.


BTW: Anyone know what the price is going to be for the insta-60s??

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Ahh okay! Very understandable there.

I agree with you there. Buying isn't going to make you insta-bad.


BTW: Anyone know what the price is going to be for the insta-60s??



I'm going to venture to guess it'll be around 5800 cartel coins or whatever 60/90$ translates to, if they really are going by the WoW model

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i totally disagree with that. you learn what skills to use and when to use them as you level (at least thats what i use leveling for)...I play around with the different paths and such to find what works for my play style.


Solo leveling play and end game group play have about zero to do with each other, and low level group play isn't much better when classes are missing key abilities vital to their role.


I've been playing MMOs over almost 15 years now, and no matter how hardcore the leveling process was, people were always complaining about players who didn't know how to play. Some people are good at figuring it and some aren't, and no amount of leveling, or pay for a 60 is going to change that.

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Solo leveling play and end game group play have about zero to do with each other, and low level group play isn't much better when classes are missing key abilities vital to their role.


I've been playing MMOs over almost 15 years now, and no matter how hardcore the leveling process was, people were always complaining about players who didn't know how to play. Some people are good at figuring it and some aren't, and no amount of leveling, or pay for a 60 is going to change that.


where did i complain? and i respectfuly disagree with you. I honestly think more MMO's should go the way FF14 did with class missions every 5 levels or so to put your new skills to the test.


if you run fp's/instances or what-not as you level you get the group experience. I understand you don't have all your ablities but those you have you (not saying it does) can learn which ones to rely on and when.


But then again my playstyle is different then anyone else and I tend to experiment

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Since you generally don't get your "rotation" skills until late levels, I disagree. As a Trooper, I used Hail of Bolts and Explosive Round all the time at lower levels...those skills aren't even on my toolbar at 60.


I'm not suggesting a new 60-65 player has the same skill as a 1-65 player would, but I really don't care, as long as the player is having fun. Experience comes from learning a good rotation...since that rotation changes constantly from 1-50+, I don't see this as a big issue at all.


For a Sniper all you need is Suppressive Fire to level :p

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