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Rumored downgrading


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I don't see the issue with down-leveling people on planets in the 1-55 range, those planets weren't designed with content for level 60+ and the only reason I can see it being such a big issue is that no one can solo World Bosses for the weekly anymore


You also have to bother killing lowbie mobs that don't like you doing your GSI dailies next to them. (Assuming threat range is affected by this too.). And open world PVP might get more interesting if they also disable expertise outside of WZs.


As for soloing world bosses, simply removing the 100% evade chance when you outlevel content by 10+ levels would already do the trick. And usually high-levels ask in general if someone wants to join them.

Edited by Mubrak
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You also have to bother killing lowbie mobs that don't like you doing your GSI dailies next to them. (Assuming threat range is affected by this too.). And open world PVP might get more interesting if they also disable expertise outside of WZs.


As for soloing world bosses, simply removing the 100% evade chance when you outlevel content by 10+ levels would already do the trick. And usually high-levels ask in general if someone wants to join them.


Open world pvp is dead for many reasons and this won't fix it.


Forced scaling will be pain for so many people. Lets say you really want that chest piece or weapon from said heroic but its h4 so you wait 10 lvls and go back to get said item and bang you're scalled down so you're forced to find 4 people willing to do it (even if you're lucky enough to find them will you be lucky enough for them to know what they are doing ? doubt it).


And optional is the worst case scenario. You get downleveled to help a friend with said h2/4 and bang some 65 guy who didn't downscale comes and roflstopms you both again and again. Then you have to take it or go back to unscale yourself and ruin your friend's expirience.

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How does being downscaled from 60 to 15 take a level 15 area and make it "a little bit harder"? :rolleyes:


Why do you care so damn much whether other players go back and solo through some Flashpoint or Heroic when they're 10, 20, or even 30 levels over? Why do you care whether anyone else EVER groups for ANY content?


Forced downscaling isn't going to push people who wait to go back and do it solo into grouping to do that content, it's just going to push them out of ever doing that content. Ever.

Very well said Max. I could not agree more.


I'm 100% in favor of allowing this to be optional...if added (optionally), it would finally be the mentoring system so many people have asked for. What could be a phenomenal addition, has the potential to be a HUGE mistake.

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And optional is the worst case scenario. You get downleveled to help a friend with said h2/4 and bang some 65 guy who didn't downscale comes and roflstopms you both again and again. Then you have to take it or go back to unscale yourself and ruin your friend's expirience.

Yet another reason why this rumor is almost certainly a load of dingoes kidneys.

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no it shouldnt be. why should be cause you don't like groups not have some kind of penalty to choosing to wait til its easier for you to do it?


the scaling down as far as i understand it(and since nothing is coming from the devs) dont mean you cant solo anything. it means that it might be a little bit harder. What took 10 mins before might take 15. Deal with it


if they scale me down when i return to the planets i have already visited, i will deal with it by no longer subbing.


i very much enjoy going back tot he places that troubled me so that i can destroy those mobs. i don't expect to get great drops. i do n ot expect any xp. i do it because it is fun for me to wade through like that. i do this all the time when i get tired of running the differnt missions. it is a very big thing for me.


now, i do not know if this is even happening, but if it does, i will "deal with it"

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if they scale me down when i return to the planets i have already visited, i will deal with it by no longer subbing.

I think the game will manage, But in any event, no one (not even you) believes you will actually do it, although this would be the proper course of action should the game reach the point where you no longer enjoy it.


The reason no one believes you is that if you were serious, you would simply do it (when the time came). You would not bother to post your "threat" here.

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if they scale me down when i return to the planets i have already visited, i will deal with it by no longer subbing.


i very much enjoy going back tot he places that troubled me so that i can destroy those mobs. i don't expect to get great drops. i do n ot expect any xp. i do it because it is fun for me to wade through like that. i do this all the time when i get tired of running the differnt missions. it is a very big thing for me.


now, i do not know if this is even happening, but if it does, i will "deal with it"


I believe you.

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Solo Mode Flashpoints

These Flashpoints are repeatable, and made to be played solo or with a Companion. Your character will be adjusted down to the appropriate level so that you are experiencing the Flashpoint at the level and difficulty that is intended.


This is under the community news , under the flashpoints and ops on 7/9/15 its says NOTHING about planets.


Stop starting rumors

Edited by Fallensouls
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eh. i normally don't post in these things, seeing as how it's all uncomfirmed rumors, but i really dislike the childish/trollish "deal with it" answer.

The more mature reaction is what we get from many forum complainers: faux threats to quit the game, maybe virtual breath-holding and foot-stomping. And complaints, endless complaints about how BWEA hates us all.


The game is not under your (or my) control. If it has stuff in it you don't like, you (and I and everyone else) have only one option: deal with it, which might mean "quitting the game."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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How does being downscaled from 60 to 15 take a level 15 area and make it "a little bit harder"?


As if open world trash mobs are difficult. And since heroics are being change to be done solo, the idea that anything in open world as "difficult" is laughable even now.

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Forced scaling will be pain for so many people. Lets say you really want that chest piece or weapon from said heroic but its h4 so you wait 10 lvls and go back to get said item and bang you're scalled down so you're forced to find 4 people willing to do it (even if you're lucky enough to find them will you be lucky enough for them to know what they are doing ? doubt it).


Except they are lowering the difficulty of Heroics to be solo'd.

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I am really disliking this rumor, and I would love it if Bioware (since they promised the release of some blogs this week) could either confirm or tell us what is happening. The downgrading of players' toons to level of the planets (ie a lvl 60 Sin becomes lvl 12-16 on Dromund Kaas) would be an absolute ridiculous move you make, Bioware. Sure, you can do such a thing for operations and flashpoints, but please don't infect solo players with this!


If this rumor would proof to be true, can't you just satisfy players like me by making it optional? Like the GSI Bolster terminal, make a terminal on each planet that allows player to follow this development that will downgrade them to the level of the planet and have players who DO NOT want this, keep the level they are now?


I mean what is the use of levels if you force this upon us? Yes, you are FORCING this upon us, upon players who don't like this. Don't ignore us PLEASE.


Clarify this rumor Bioware, PLEASE.[/quote



Not a rumor, it's a known stupid and rediculous Fact that should've never have been tried. This thing should Only be used on Fp's and Ops to get gear, otherwise you are very correct in how EAWare would have no damned good reason for having any levels period.


Stuff like this should only be Optional.


Do Not let any dumb-nuts tell you what you can and cannot say either.

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Solo Mode Flashpoints

These Flashpoints are repeatable, and made to be played solo or with a Companion. Your character will be adjusted down to the appropriate level so that you are experiencing the Flashpoint at the level and difficulty that is intended.


This is under the community news , under the flashpoints and ops on 7/9/15 its says NOTHING about planets.


Stop starting rumors


Kinda agree, but the rumors are quite persistent and going on for a while now.


Still, If the rumors were true, the information would come from datamining or NDA-violations, in both cases you'd think at least the threads would be closed, and you'd also think the info would deserve its own article on the dulfy-like site that shall not be named.

Edited by Mubrak
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Kinda agree, but the rumors are quite persistent and going on for a while now.


Still, If the rumors were true, the information would come from datamining or NDA-violations, in both cases you'd think at least the threads would be closed, and you'd also think the info would deserve its own article on the dulfy-like site that shall not be named.


The claim would have it that it was a breach of NDA. Supposedly a screenshot from someone on the test server got onto reddit (no idea if it's true, haven't been able to find it) and it showed some poorly translated (no idea which non-English version it's from) blurb which states something about planet-wide level sync.


But yeah, topics chattering about this don't seem to be seeing any mod activity...

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As if open world trash mobs are difficult. And since heroics are being change to be done solo, the idea that anything in open world as "difficult" is laughable even now.


"LoL, too hard for you? L2P, noob."


It couldn't possibly be that the subject is broader than dealing with a few trash mobs...


Always with an insult and an excuse when someone feels like defending the mistakes of the developer.. oh well.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You know I DON'T like RIFT, but one thing they did right was their mentoring system. The player could choose through an interface to downgrade himself and his stats to a level of his choosing, with a minimum of 10. Of course since he has all that purple about him he'd be stronger than players of his level, but he could at least be comparable to them, and allowed them to get EXP and progression through lower level mobs. If anything SWTOR should just copy/paste this system. Edited by RJMazz
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I don't get it, down bolstering to area level is a step forward. For starters it's the first step to allowing high levels to participate equally with low levels which in turn allows for more dynamic group questing because it allows them to create content that is relevant for a much wider range of the population.

Guild Wars 2 already set a precedent for it, and in GW2, they have world bosses that require dozens of players to kill, yet players hardly if ever have to LFG spam for such things. Not saying swtor will go that route, but down bolstering opens up many possibilities in terms of content, as without down bolstering they can only ever add content at the endgame level.


There are other reasons too. Downbolstering fixes a number of issues with world events such as BBA and rakghoul, since downbolster eliminates the problem of low levels getting inadvertently globaled by some random mobs that a high-levled pulled. Nothing like the level 1s getting 2 shotted on hutta before they even make it out of the cantina.


besides, on the simple logical level it makes zero sense that blasterfire from separatists on Ord Mantell is a complete non-threat to a highbie while blasterfire from revanites is. Plasma is Plasma.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I don't get it, down bolstering to area level is a step forward. For starters it's the first step to allowing high levels to participate equally with low levels which in turn allows for more dynamic group questing because it allows them to create content that is relevant for a much wider range of the population.

Guild Wars 2 already set a precedent for it, and in GW2, they have world bosses that require dozens of players to kill, yet players hardly if ever have to LFG spam for such things. Not saying swtor will go that route, but down bolstering opens up many possibilities in terms of content, as without down bolstering they can only ever add content at the endgame level.


besides, on the simple logical level it makes zero sense that blasterfire from separatists on Ord Mantell is a complete non-threat to a highbie while blasterfire from revanites is. Plasma is Plasma.


I don't think anyone is arguing against voluntary / optional down-bolstering.


But mandatory down-bolstering is just another example of needlessly taking away from one set of players, to give something to another set of players. Killing the skill trees, making companion gearing purely cosmetic, mandatory down-bolstering, etc, and so on -- all represent instances in which Bioware has treated player enjoyment as a zero-sum game, instead of working out a way to give without taking.

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I don't think anyone is arguing against voluntary / optional down-bolstering.


But mandatory down-bolstering is just another example of needlessly taking away from one set of players, to give something to another set of players. Killing the skill trees, making companion gearing purely cosmetic, mandatory down-bolstering, etc, and so on -- all represent instances in which Bioware has treated player enjoyment as a zero-sum game, instead of working out a way to give without taking.


The problem with opt-out is it eliminates all of the reasons for downbolstering in the first place. For instance if it's opt-out they can't fix the lowbie-being-one-shotted by high level mobs in world events, since if players could opt-out, everyone would proceed to do so, thus trivializing the event and mandating the up-scaling thrash mobs.


Plus you're not thinking of the applications of downbolstering. Consider if they implement downbolstering, and then proceed to make planetary side quests repeatable and the quest rewards scale to the player's real level. That change alone would make every single planet a daily zone, rather than the current model where you just do Yavin day after day after day after day. Moreover doing so would increase the population of lowbie worlds, and could even resuscitate heroics.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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