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Rumored downgrading


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LOL, are you new here? Vanilla, RotHC, and SoR all were released on time. They'll ship whatever compiles as scheduled, whether it works or not.

You're on a role today...this is the second post of yours I find myself in total agreement on :)

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"Rumored" is implying content that was datamined. Devs, especially ours, arent ones to start rumors. You are treading on dangerous grounds. Especially considering how little time there is left for the xpac to come out.


bioware has stated themselves about scaling so its not entirely a rumor or datamined.


what we need so everone will relax is clear and concise info on this esp since the exp pack is less then a month out

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They do this in some other MMORPGs like GW2. It sounds odd at first but it's really kinda nice. You'd be able to, for example, take your 60 back to DK to help a friend level and you'd be the "same level range" so it would be challenging to you both and you wouldn't throw off your friend's XP.


I know in games like GW2 when you get "leveled down" to a lower zone, the "drops" are still appropriate to your true level. So if BioWare was going to go this route I'd hope they would do the same.

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bioware has stated themselves about scaling so its not entirely a rumor or datamined.


what we need so everone will relax is clear and concise info on this esp since the exp pack is less then a month out

I think we'll find out in less than a month, then. I can wait that long. Knowing now is not going to make jot of difference.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I am really disliking this rumor, and I would love it if Bioware (since they promised the release of some blogs this week) could either confirm or tell us what is happening. The downgrading of players' toons to level of the planets (ie a lvl 60 Sin becomes lvl 12-16 on Dromund Kaas) would be an absolute ridiculous move you make, Bioware. Sure, you can do such a thing for operations and flashpoints, but please don't infect solo players with this!


If this rumor would proof to be true, can't you just satisfy players like me by making it optional? Like the GSI Bolster terminal, make a terminal on each planet that allows player to follow this development that will downgrade them to the level of the planet and have players who DO NOT want this, keep the level they are now?


I mean what is the use of levels if you force this upon us? Yes, you are FORCING this upon us, upon players who don't like this. Don't ignore us PLEASE.


Clarify this rumor Bioware, PLEASE.


Just gotta say... Not buying it. here are reasons why.

Certain classes, their final story boss happens on a low lvl world. No way they could be downgraded, as that would essentially break the game on several levels.


Second reason, bonus series. Too many worlds have them to mention, and they are often above the level of the initial story.


Third, the dread seed quests and such which are lvl 50+. Again it would be mechanic breaking if suddenly you were a very low level doing those.


Could go on, but those are some of the most glaring reasons why I'm not buying said rumor.

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Just gotta say... Not buying it. here are reasons why.

Certain classes, their final story boss happens on a low lvl world. No way they could be downgraded, as that would essentially break the game on several levels.


Second reason, bonus series. Too many worlds have them to mention, and they are often above the level of the initial story.


Third, the dread seed quests and such which are lvl 50+. Again it would be mechanic breaking if suddenly you were a very low level doing those.


Could go on, but those are some of the most glaring reasons why I'm not buying said rumor.

Dang, I think you won this thread and the other two current threads on this topic.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Just gotta say... Not buying it. here are reasons why.

Certain classes, their final story boss happens on a low lvl world. No way they could be downgraded, as that would essentially break the game on several levels.


Those class quest that you have to go back to lets say Hutt are all inside an instance and therefore wouldn't be affect.


Second reason, bonus series. Too many worlds have them to mention, and they are often above the level of the initial story.


Those mobs could have there level lowered.


Third, the dread seed quests and such which are lvl 50+. Again it would be mechanic breaking if suddenly you were a very low level doing those.


Could go on, but those are some of the most glaring reasons why I'm not buying said rumor.


Again those mobs level could be lowered.



I don't buy the rumor simple because some player like to do quest before they are grayed out because they want an easy time and someone want to more of challenge and only do red quest. I think what rumor might be based off is a feature that has been ask for; a mentoring system. It will most likely work like Makeb's GSI satellite set player to level to match the planet. You can either click it or not.

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Those class quest that you have to go back to lets say Hutt are all inside an instance and therefore wouldn't be affect.


Every instanced area, currently in game, in which you receive a bolster, requires a loading screen. Yet another loading screen that we have to sit through is hardly what I would call a game improvement, nor is it sreamlining anything. Actually that many additional loading screens may actually be a major turn off for some players.




Those mobs could have there level lowered..

Actually they couldn't for several reasons. First many of the bonus series are triggered by a certain level advancement. If everything on say Tatooine were to suddenly be lvl synched to 4 lvls, you would be starting the bonus series before you even started the main storyline. That aside those mobs drop higher levels of loot. By level synching you would only be enabling credit farmers/sellers.




Again those mobs level could be lowered.

Again, while theoretically this might work, you would once again have mobs on low level planets dropping high level loot. You have suddenly made a credit farmer's paradise. Now of course you could nerf the loot and synch that to level as well... but then you would be essentially breaking the game. Why would I want to go do a lvl 50-55 quest if the mobs and so forth are only going to drop level 20 loot? If my character were to die a couple of times, I wouldn't even be able to afford the repair bills.... That is the definition of a game breaking mechanic.

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Every instanced area, currently in game, in which you receive a bolster, requires a loading screen. Yet another loading screen that we have to sit through is hardly what I would call a game improvement, nor is it sreamlining anything. Actually that many additional loading screens may actually be a major turn off for some players.


They could has scale back the mob damage and health to be inline with the planet well leaving the mobs level alone.


Actually they couldn't for several reasons. First many of the bonus series are triggered by a certain level advancement. If everything on say Tatooine were to suddenly be lvl synched to 4 lvls, you would be starting the bonus series before you even started the main storyline. That aside those mobs drop higher levels of loot. By level synching you would only be enabling credit farmers/sellers.


Bonus series aren't not only triggered by level but by completing class story for that planet. Verified on my 39 sorc who I never did any story pass Kass I can't pick up the Tat bonus series.


Again, while theoretically this might work, you would once again have mobs on low level planets dropping high level loot. You have suddenly made a credit farmer's paradise. Now of course you could nerf the loot and synch that to level as well... but then you would be essentially breaking the game. Why would I want to go do a lvl 50-55 quest if the mobs and so forth are only going to drop level 20 loot? If my character were to die a couple of times, I wouldn't even be able to afford the repair bills.... That is the definition of a game breaking mechanic.


The game already drops class specific loot inside FP for the members of the group that kill it. It wouldn't be that hard to change all mobs so they drop items/credit for the level of the character that kills them. Let face it making so a level 65 have to group up to do a heroic on Kass for Kass level rewards; no one is going to do bother to do it unless they are going back to help a friend.


Look at the Rakghoul event. You attack a place holder mob and it spawns mobs the same level as you. It can be done. Just depends on how they want to do and how much work they are willing to put in.

Edited by Warrgames
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Bonus series aren't not only triggered by level but by completing class story for that planet. Verified on my 39 sorc who I never did any story pass Kass I can't pick up the Tat bonus series.

They are not triggered by level at all, but by, as you say, completing the class quest series on the planet. Point is, as mentioned, there are many reasons for high level characters to go back to low level planets to do high level quests and if characters are "down leveled" by the planet, these quests either won't work or they have to be "down leveled" as well.


Or the whole "planet down leveling" is a load of hooey.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Every instanced area, currently in game, in which you receive a bolster, requires a loading screen. Yet another loading screen that we have to sit through is hardly what I would call a game improvement, nor is it sreamlining anything. Actually that many additional loading screens may actually be a major turn off for some players.

Rakghoul event mobs scale to player level, as do enemies in Seeker Droid/Ocular solo instances depending on whether you bring friends or not, none involve additional loading screens. So some mechanics already exist and nothing prevents them from developing new ones too.

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I am really disliking this rumor, and I would love it if Bioware (since they promised the release of some blogs this week) could either confirm or tell us what is happening. The downgrading of players' toons to level of the planets (ie a lvl 60 Sin becomes lvl 12-16 on Dromund Kaas) would be an absolute ridiculous move you make, Bioware. Sure, you can do such a thing for operations and flashpoints, but please don't infect solo players with this!


If this rumor would proof to be true, can't you just satisfy players like me by making it optional? Like the GSI Bolster terminal, make a terminal on each planet that allows player to follow this development that will downgrade them to the level of the planet and have players who DO NOT want this, keep the level they are now?


I mean what is the use of levels if you force this upon us? Yes, you are FORCING this upon us, upon players who don't like this. Don't ignore us PLEASE.


Clarify this rumor Bioware, PLEASE.


Love how the OP makes it seem as though he speaks for everyone and we will be oh so oppressed. 1st world problems.

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They are not triggered by level at all, but by, as you say, completing the class quest series on the planet. Point is, as mentioned, there are many reasons for high level characters to go back to low level planets to do high level quests and if characters are "down leveled" by the planet, these quests either won't work or they have to be "down leveled" as well.


Or the whole "planet down leveling" is a load of hooey.


Almost every instance of high level needing to go back to a planet that is low level for a quest is either A. Non-combat so level is irrelevant. Or it is phased, so again level of the rest of the world is irrelevant.



Not sure how BIoware is setting theirs up, but most other games that have something similar have plenty of overlap so you can be higher level than what encounters are meant for.

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Every instanced area, currently in game, in which you receive a bolster, requires a loading screen. Yet another loading screen that we have to sit through is hardly what I would call a game improvement, nor is it sreamlining anything. Actually that many additional loading screens may actually be a major turn off for some players.


There's a load because they're flashpoints / ops, not because of bolster. People pick up / lose the Gree event bolster just fine when entering / leaving the western half of Ilum, like it applies it automatically just for being in that section of the map. Logically a suggestion for bolstering an instance for a mission on a planet would just have it that some code applies and removes the buff on transitioning in and out of the instance's map. No load screen required.


It's no more complicated than picking up and losing the exhaustion zone debuff when you wander to the edge of the map and back in. Or there's a buff saying something about high altitude or cold weather on top of a peak on Hoth, and you pick up and lose that just fine when entering or leaving that specific section of the map. The radiation or whatever it is near the engines on the Theoretika when it's only thin/stale air elsewhere on the ship. Things like this affect you without just throwing a random load screen at you.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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IF this scaling down thing has to happen for whatever instance, it should be entirely optional.


Max_Killjoy is absolutely spot-on, it's nobody's bloody business how anybody spends their time in the game; I play this game to enjoy it, not to end up tearing my hair out because the only groups available are the groups from hell.

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IF this scaling down thing has to happen for whatever instance, it should be entirely optional.


Max_Killjoy is absolutely spot-on, it's nobody's bloody business how anybody spends their time in the game; I play this game to enjoy it, not to end up tearing my hair out because the only groups available are the groups from hell.


no it shouldnt be. why should be cause you don't like groups not have some kind of penalty to choosing to wait til its easier for you to do it?


the scaling down as far as i understand it(and since nothing is coming from the devs) dont mean you cant solo anything. it means that it might be a little bit harder. What took 10 mins before might take 15. Deal with it

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no it shouldnt be. why should be cause you don't like groups not have some kind of penalty to choosing to wait til its easier for you to do it?


the scaling down as far as i understand it(and since nothing is coming from the devs) dont mean you cant solo anything. it means that it might be a little bit harder. What took 10 mins before might take 15. Deal with it


How does being downscaled from 60 to 15 take a level 15 area and make it "a little bit harder"? :rolleyes:


Why do you care so damn much whether other players go back and solo through some Flashpoint or Heroic when they're 10, 20, or even 30 levels over? Why do you care whether anyone else EVER groups for ANY content?


Forced downscaling isn't going to push people who wait to go back and do it solo into grouping to do that content, it's just going to push them out of ever doing that content. Ever.

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It blows my mind that we even have to have those discussions less than one month from launch. A huge change like this should've been announced shortly after the initial announcement of the expansion among other things.


That said, this rumored feature would be a great addition as an option, as it would eliminate the problem of overlevelling for those that dislike it and allow for a mentoring system, which has been requested since launch.


A forced downgrading in both FPs and open world on the other hand is a bad thing IMO. Soloing FPs and H2/4s for whatever reason is a fun thing to do and doesn't touch on the enjoyment of the game for others in the slightest.

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