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New performance improvements seem to be a double edged sword.


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Well finally tested, medium aliasing @ 1440p everything else except cascades to max and I get 96 FPs ( where I've set my refresh rate to for my monitor ). This is my coruscant stronghold.


Turn up aliasing to high ( or very high )and boom down to 30 fps with jittery npc movement.


GPU jumps to 100% usage so I guess I could be happy the it's finally using my GPU heh.


It could be a driver issue I guess as I've not seen others reporting these sort of performance drops so I might update that at some stage if I care enough at this stage to try fix it ( happy enough with medium until 4.0 ) but if not then woah that's some pretty crappy optimization. But yeah with not too many complaints about massive FPS drops like when playing with aliasing I'll assume there's an issue on my end somewhere.


Shouldn't be my PC for power either - r9 290, i5 4690k @ 4.3 - my first time witnessing massive FPS drops in this game when I really shouldn't be getting them, feel like I've joined a club. :)

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Well finally tested, medium aliasing @ 1440p everything else except cascades to max and I get 96 FPs ( where I've set my refresh rate to for my monitor ). This is my coruscant stronghold.


Turn up aliasing to high ( or very high )and boom down to 30 fps with jittery npc movement.


GPU jumps to 100% usage so I guess I could be happy the it's finally using my GPU heh.


It could be a driver issue I guess as I've not seen others reporting these sort of performance drops so I might update that at some stage if I care enough at this stage to try fix it ( happy enough with medium until 4.0 ) but if not then woah that's some pretty crappy optimization. But yeah with not too many complaints about massive FPS drops like when playing with aliasing I'll assume there's an issue on my end somewhere.


Shouldn't be my PC for power either - r9 290, i5 4690k @ 4.3 - my first time witnessing massive FPS drops in this game when I really shouldn't be getting them, feel like I've joined a club. :)


no you didnot. if you ran game fine, you can do same, improved AA means more demand on gpu now, set older AA youll pretty much have exact grapghics/fps.

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no you didnot. if you ran game fine, you can do same, improved AA means more demand on gpu now, set older AA youll pretty much have exact grapghics/fps.


I shouldn't be going form 96 FPS to 30 FPs on the hardware I have with that sort of AA implementation. I had previously forced AA via my drivers and even supersampling didn't give me this sort of performance hit.


Speaking with other in chat noone seems to really be getting hits like that at all making me think it's my drivers.


Only other thing I can think of is because of running @ 1440p however I do this for all games and run pretty much top levels of AA ( witcher 3 for example ) and get better FPS.


As the AA here seems to be processed by the GPU ( shown by it jumping from 20-30% usage to 100% usage when I go from medium to high ) as opposed to other performance hits in this game almost always being at the CPU I think I can rule out the usual CPU bottleneck.


Interested to hear from anyone else running AMD GPU's @ 1440 ( or higher ) and what sort of performance they are getting with the AA settings?


Either way off is superior to medium, damn that FXAA is washed out and ugly. At least @ 1440p it does take a lot of the jaggies away.

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Sounds to me like you want your cake and eat it too. Things in life have draw backs and compromises. Something that does everything well, excels at nothing. Something that excels at something, does poorly or average at everything else. Make up your mind what you want, before you post.


The problem is the un-optimized engine, not your philosophical rambling.

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Terrible engine and **** graphics, everyone just accepted it since day 1, I don't know what the big deal is. Except the fact that its supposedly one of the most hyped and most expensive games ever made. Could at least have put more work and money into the technical side of it instead of marketing, you know, before asking people to pay 15 USD monthly.


Framerate issues on high-end systems in a game with graphics like these are unacceptable. Should *********** run 100+ FPS with maximum draw distance on a 970, I've seen better optimized console ports from Japan than this.

Edited by Iffyluse
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I'm seeing similar stuff on my guild ship. It looks really bad. It's rather frustrating how bad that looks.



It's not just guild ship, go to Makeb and try to run around main republic hub. 20m to pop an object, NPC with horrid animations in 10m (used to be really far), no shadows from most objects after 30-40m... Ehhh new "optimizations". :(

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You know, actually playing the game and not spending however much time you did on pointing out the flaws in the rendering, I noticed very little issues. Perhaps you should play instead of complain?


It's impossible not to notice when the objects around you are popping in and out of different qualities every time you take a step. Most of the downscaled objects look really bad too.


Effort: Also, literally the first thing I saw when I loaded into my sentinel was the guild ship cinematic where the body of the shuttle I was flying in on disappeared from the new draw distance, while the wings were still going. Not to mention the obvious downscaling of quality before it disappeared.


Just because you don't pay attention to your surroundings doesn't mean it doesn't look like **** for those of us that do.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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the only thing of note i have seen that has changed are the shadows on peoples faces, they are cartoonish and there is no fading between the shadows and the object so it looks smoother when a shadow scrolls over the side of a face during cinematics. otherwise everything else has remained the same, but loading times a little quicker, thats about it.
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Yeah, I am absolutely nuts. How can I expect a game to run well with these outdated graphics in 2015 without having to sacrifice render distance this much? And don't get me started on how stupid it is that we still have a 32 bit client that doesn't even take advantage of all the power in modern processors. I understand that this custom engine is a mess and that there's only so much they can do with it. But I actually think that we should be able to increase the render distance and take a performance hit if we prefer it that way. I know I do.


But yeah, that's the internet for you... Criticism is often considered petty entitlement.


What you need to understand is that the engine was created probably even 3 or more years before the game even came out. You want to judge performance of a 3.5 year old game that had extended development time prior to release on capabilities of 2015 hardware options and that is just not fair. But also have you gone into the graphic settings and seen if you can adjust things to your liking before complaining, perhaps the update reset aspects of choices that can be undone to increase the draw distance that you find so important.


IMO being that I am right now recovering from a foot surgery and stuck in a recliner playing on a 3 year old laptop, I am more then happy with the improvements and appreciate that I don't have even 25 percent of the load times I was experiencing before the improvements. Now that opinion could be different if I was on my normal game computer sure, but lets keep in mind nothing in PC gaming is every optimized to the standards of current hardware capabilities if you want that then everyone has to be on the same rig and your are basically playing console games.

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But also have you gone into the graphic settings and seen if you can adjust things to your liking before complaining, perhaps the update reset aspects of choices that can be undone to increase the draw distance that you find so important.


There is no setting to reverse the changes to the draw distance. I have everything set to max (except antialiasing, which is set to High for the best appearance) and everything is still popping in and out at very close distances.

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It almost sounds like some people are going through the strange "the draw distances are radically different for different objects" thing I was going through before I upgraded the video card. I'd be standing 6 feet from an elevator door, or a random object in a Stronghold (lots of signs and wall placards and the like), and everything else out to a far, far distance would be showing the fine-detail texture, and that elevator or object would show the bluriest, crapiest texture (or whatever) it had. Sometimes turning away and turning back would force the fine-detail texture to load for a moment, then it would go back to blurry.
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You know, actually playing the game and not spending however much time you did on pointing out the flaws in the rendering, I noticed very little issues. Perhaps you should play instead of complain?


I play the game and I noticed all of these things. I think it looks silly how objects pop in and out at such a short range. If you notice very little issues, well good for you then. For the rest of us, ours eye are still working properly and we don't like the changes.

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Has anyone else tried 16m raiding yet with the new graphics updates?


Generally everything runs better now on casual content, but was doing 16m hm raid on tue night and the frame drops were absolutely terrible. (more terrible than previously I felt, though I dont have frame comparsions atm) 10-15 fps on effect heavy fights like Bulo/Revan were the worst i felt.


Also, not sure if its the update, but I started getting random CTDs after tue patch...

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Between the view distance LOD issues, and the suddenly jittery animations, I've decided this was actually a downgrade overall.


They nerfed high settings because people with crappy computers were whining that they couldn't play without it being a slideshow at those settings. So Bioware in typical fashion decided rather than tell those people it's due to their hardware limitations, they'd nerf the high settings to be near medium and let them think they improved performance.

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