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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Listen to the hardcore players.


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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


The bottom 1% "look up" to the 2% the 2% aspires to achieve the 3%'s loot and success, it is a chain effect all the way to the top.


There is a chain, an unbroken link to the very highest achievers in game.


EDIT 2**


It is absolutely staggering how so many posts do not address the actual point of the post.


Im going to copy/paste my response now as it irks me to see it.


************************************************** **********************


This is not about looking up to the top 1%


This is about EVERYONE playing the game with friends and peers they DO look up too and wish to emulate, this is wanting to achieve goals WITH those players, these players you DO wish to emulate and DO respect look up to others and so on, right up to the very top.


Now the question is...


WHO do aim the most difficult endgame content at?


On a scale of 1-100 WHERE do you target the difficulty level?


************************************************** **********************


The point of the OP is too make sure the devs aim the difficulty level of the endgame content at as high a percentage as possible, I would say the top 5-10%.


If you aim it at the average gamer 50% mark, then you will have half your player base bored out of their tiny brains, the upper eschelons of this percentage will jump ship fast, this will leave the best players in the game as average players.


Finally you will see players OUTSIDE of the game begin to ridicule players that play this game, a meme will appear, with the derogotory nature "Are you a SW:TOR player?!"


Only a few people it seems really understand the point im making.



Edited by Scan
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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


i completely agree with this guy

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This is completely wrong.


In a financial perspective it is extremely wrong to cater to only 1% of your game population.


Bioware shouldn't listen to these forums at all, and instead evaluate focus groups which represents the casual majority of this game.

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The problem isn't that Bioware didn't listen to the hardcore. It's that Bioware didn't listen to anyone.



The whole, Hey the GTN UI sucks massive and needs to be redone completely.




Hey you know sentinel's and marauders are kinda lacking in.....everything.




why do we get huttball every time?




why are knockbacks so strong against players but doesn't work against any mob thats considered strong?




why can't I do anything to change/modify/or even move my UI screen around.




why did you get rid of matching color outfit? I have orange pants and a brown chest and green boots.




why for the love of god can't I hid this stupid hood.

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mmorpgs for hardcore gamers usally wind up mega flopping in less than a month.


Just no, Blizzard listens to its hardcore.


It creates content for its hardcore to beat. The content then trickles down the foodchain, mostly nerfed but availible to all.


It works.

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This is completely wrong.


In a financial perspective it is extremely wrong to cater to only 1% of your game population.


Bioware shouldn't listen to these forums at all, and instead evaluate focus groups which represents the casual majority of this game.


Actually, if you cater to the 99% (which SW:TOR has so far, making everything stupidly simple) you alienate the 1%, who are the most vocal, and are the people the average MMO player tries to be. When I'm with some guildies in the Fleet and we whip out our Purple sabers in our epics right now, people start asking us how, where, how long did it take, etc. They want to be like us. If we aren't there... they won't know half these things, nor see it and want it. Someone has to get the carrot on the end of the stick to make the rest of the people keep running the treadmill in the attempt to get that carrot.

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These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Wow... I suppose it's atleast interesting to get a glimpse into the delusional, egotistical world of the people who's only achievements come through videogames.


Me, I tend to look up to and emulate people who actually made something of their life, not people who got top score in a videogame (well, not unless they manage to rake in millions doing so).


Thankfully the OP has deluded himself to the point that he will never believe me, because if he actually realised how little others cared for him and his ilk I'd be scared for his life.

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Just no, Blizzard listens to its hardcore.


It creates content for its hardcore to beat. The content then trickles down the foodchain, mostly nerfed but availible to all.


It works.


That's just silly, and your entire theory is based on flawed logic. I played WoW for years, and I never, ever tried to emulate any "hardcore" players. In fact, I thought of them all as pompous and arrogant and tried very hard to NOT be like them. I was a casual player, still am, and we form the foundation of this house, you silly person, not the ubah l33ts.

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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


As pathetic as it sounds, it may be partly true, again as pathetic as that is. People look to the tryhards and tend to envy the gear, mounts, etc. Is it what keeps them playing? Probably not. It's the belief in this however that actually keeps the "uber hardcore's" playing. In a sense, it's the opposite of what the OP is saying that rings truest. Without casual gamers, they would move on. Not all of them, but people like the OP here. This all said without colorful text of course, but I think the point carries.


OP doesn't need to worry however, they are in fact who are given the most attention to regardless of how they feel. They have more invested in the game, hence they tend to be the ones who flock to the forums and give feedback (whine) the most. So it's pointless to pity the OP, given that he nothing to worry about.


No doubt he is one of those players who poses his character around gathering spots imagining that everyone is inspecting his gear, in awe of his guild tag, and in some extreme cases probably want his seed. It's freaky, but probably more common than we think. If he knew the truth, that a majority of the gamer population had no idea who he or his guild was (a majority don't go the forums to read a guilds brag posts) he would be crushed and would probably give up MMO's completely.

Edited by alkanterah
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Just no, Blizzard listens to its hardcore.


It creates content for its hardcore to beat. The content then trickles down the foodchain, mostly nerfed but availible to all.


It works.


And the fact that their looking for raid option is making a huge number of their fans upset is a good sign, right?


Oh, also, most of the boss models were rehashed in 4.3. Another good sign, right? Not to mention that Blizz has stated that you'll never see anything like Ulduar again, which was arguably the peak of their raids.


Also, the endgame content exists in ToR. Other 50's don't exist in abundance however.

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Glad I could help fix your sig.



But seriously this has to be some of the most childish thinking on these forums. You think everyone else cares what "hardcore" people do? You think everyone wants to be like them?


Thanks for pointing out my sig typo :)


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effext of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.

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Just no, Blizzard listens to its hardcore.


It creates content for its hardcore to beat. The content then trickles down the foodchain, mostly nerfed but availible to all.


It works.


Incorrect. WoW is the most casual friendly mmorpg in existence. You can listen to the hardcore and get 1/10th your subscriber base or the casual group and make infinitely more money. Both are fine games but guess which one the developers who need to make money will pick

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Anyone playing SWTOR is by definition not a hardcore player. Go play Darkfall or EVE if you want to be hardcore. I love those games, just don't have the time anymore.


People who think they are "hardcore" playing games like this are just virtual gym class heroes. They should go play a real "sport" instead of picking on all the fat kids that don't get dressed for gym.

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Think about it, if the 1% leave then so does the 1% that looked up too and emulated them, then the 1% below that and so on.


If you do not see this then you are either a fanboy (these will stay if others leave) or a bioware drone.


I agree fanboys will stay, but they are not in number enough to float this game.


This has such major facepalm all through it I'm ashamed to be a part of the human race. You really honestly believe this how it works....


Please please tell me you aren't this arrogant and full of yourself that you think we play the game to stare at you....


The biggest issue is I know what the response is going to be.

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Lol, you couldn't be more wrong. The reason WOW is the most successful MMO to date is because they copied then dumbed down a hardcore game like EQ so it would appeal to the much larger casual audience.


I know hardcore players think they're L33t but the reality is it's much more financially beneficial for a company not to cater to a small minority of players. And make no mistake you ARE a small minority.


And seriously dude, no one beyond their teen years cares about your mounts or titles. I can't even believe you wrote that.

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