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I hope you give us something from The Force Awakens on December 18th, BioWare


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I have this running theory that somehow the First Order in Force Awakens might have roots in the Zakuul Empire. It's also interesting that Kylo Ren's mask looks very similar to Reven's mask. Order of Revan - Knights of Ren...thousands of years can change the names a little. Hell look what they did to Korriban changing to Morriban but they left Darth Bane in the Clone Wars.


Totally just a theory but it would make great marketing sense as well lol. I'd buy.


I dont see the similarity and Revans mask is a mandalorian mask. Metallic look vs Leathery / plastic look.

The zakuul empire knights are more similar to http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Knight

since we know from the livestream cutscene they use the force for justice and weren't trained to channel their hatred (seemingly not using the dark side of the force?)

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If they give us nothing, some players will complain.

If they give us something crappy, some players will complain that it's not what they wanted.

If they give us something decent, some players will complain that it's not what they wanted.

If they give us something awesome, some players will complain that it's not what they wanted.


TLDR: Some players will complain.

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I have this running theory that somehow the First Order in Force Awakens might have roots in the Zakuul Empire. It's also interesting that Kylo Ren's mask looks very similar to Reven's mask. Order of Revan - Knights of Ren...thousands of years can change the names a little. Hell look what they did to Korriban changing to Morriban but they left Darth Bane in the Clone Wars.


Totally just a theory but it would make great marketing sense as well lol. I'd buy.


Revan and Rens mask look barely similar.. I think it more closely related to Vaders helmet



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I still think the masks are close enough for there to be a tie in.


I just don't see it.


They are both masks. Beyond that, there's nothing compellingly similar. I'd water there's more similarity to Vader's mask than Revan's. Storm troopers. Tie pilots. Even some random background characters have masks with more stylistic similarities to Ren's mask than Revan's mask.

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Don't you guys think it would be a massive let down if BW just have ignored the fact that the The Force Awakens: Ep VII is coming soon and didn't give us a single thing in a game related or at least inspired by the newest episode?


Probably a new PvP map that's been in testing for the last 10 years based on a location in the movie. Wait.... who am I kidding?

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I love the 3-4000 years in the future argument. Yet the first canon double-bladed sabre comes from the same time period and nobody has any problem running around with those literally everywhere.


If Disney allows them to, bioware will include tie-ins. Simple as that. The bioware team would have to be stupid not to capitalize on it. It is just a matter of whether Disney allows it.

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I love the 3-4000 years in the future argument. Yet the first canon double-bladed sabre comes from the same time period and nobody has any problem running around with those literally everywhere.


If Disney allows them to, bioware will include tie-ins. Simple as that. The bioware team would have to be stupid not to capitalize on it. It is just a matter of whether Disney allows it.


saber staffs were part of kotor 1...

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I love the 3-4000 years in the future argument. Yet the first canon double-bladed sabre comes from the same time period and nobody has any problem running around with those literally everywhere.

Your assertion is based on the erroneous assumption that it would take 3000 years to think of the idea of a double-bladed saber.


If Disney allows them to, bioware will include tie-ins. Simple as that. The bioware team would have to be stupid not to capitalize on it. It is just a matter of whether Disney allows it.

Have you not read the thread. I haven't done a count, but there are roughly the same number of "No" posts as "Yes" posts. So you could just as easily they would have to be stupid to include stuff from the new movie.

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Your assertion is based on the erroneous assumption that it would take 3000 years to think of the idea of a double-bladed saber.


Or a crossguard? LOL, you're hopeless.



Have you not read the thread. I haven't done a count, but there are roughly the same number of "No" posts as "Yes" posts. So you could just as easily they would have to be stupid to include stuff from the new movie.


That's not how marketing works. That's not how expanding your market works. Far fewer people will quit this game because of a crossguard on a lightsaber (something that will be 100% canon and seen in the films) than will be drawn to this game by the release of the new films. I have more problem with talking bird-people than I do with a perfectly canon crossguard lightsaber. But really, there are any number of more stupid things that have been included in this game than that.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Or a crossguard? LOL, you're hopeless.

Maybe they will out a cross-guard saber in the game. Who knows?


That's not how marketing works. That's not how expanding your market works. Far fewer people will quit this game because of a crossguard on a lightsaber (something that will be 100% canon and seen in the films) than will be drawn to this game by the release of the new films. I have more problem with talking bird-people than I do with a perfectly canon crossguard lightsaber. There are any number of more stupid things that have been included in this game.

There sure are, and in the movies (every movie made since TESB has been chock full of stupid alien muppets, and your complaint in the game is about Rishi? :rolleyes:).


I suspect it will be as someone else posted: what will Disney allow them to do.

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I think the time they could use to give away something for free could be better spent fixing bugs. Better yet making a trailer to play in theaters that customers seeing the new movie could see. Could add some more subs to the game or at least more f2p bantha fodder.
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I think the time they could use to give away something for free could be better spent fixing bugs. Better yet making a trailer to play in theaters that customers seeing the new movie could see. Could add some more subs to the game or at least more f2p bantha fodder.


Who is to say they do not plan to have Sacrifice running before/after the movie?

But they will probably be hyping up Failfront

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I think the time they could use to give away something for free could be better spent fixing bugs. Better yet making a trailer to play in theaters that customers seeing the new movie could see. Could add some more subs to the game or at least more f2p bantha fodder.


I think someone on these forums mentioned seeing a KotFE advertisement on TV.

If that's true, well, looks like they're going all out with this expansion.

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Gee, Family Guy Star Wars is Star Wars too. Maybe we should have an old man pedo jedi...


Sure, if that's what you think. Do you not consider this game star wars enough for you? Or are you just complaining because you want something added that they didn't add so are crying about it?

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