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Nico Okarr


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So, since I've been away a while, I'll just address this. If Nico meets the same qualifications, what have they done wrong this time? How is having a stipulation tied to it any different than crystals, or Treek, that I mentioned in another post? If you get the contract, but have to actually do something to unlock it, just like Treek, then they have fulfilled their end of the bargain. I find it hilarious that, in this post, you use the same basic argument that I did, that some items have a requirement, but you still have them, but when I use it, it's a strawman, but when you use it, it's logic?


Regarding your strawman claim: So a subscriber can't have a level 1 toon, at all? I'm trying to figure out how you come up with this logic, not trying to build a strawman to tear down. I'm trying to figure out how your entitlement to a reward doesn't apply to every character on your account, even one that you rolled up and then couldn't remember, or figure out what you were going to do with, and then forgot about whilst playing your other toons, something that happens quite often to me. Rotate my crafters in and out, and the new toon winds up on the bottom of page three, a distant memory. It happens...


As Eric has just announced that Bioware has chosen to do the right thing regarding Nico, continuing to argue about it is silly.


Have a good day. :)

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You can repeat it all you want but people who don't qualify for him are still gonna whine about it.


Actually not everyone. I am unsure whether I will get him due I had to cancel my sub for a bit but that was something I did. They have a rewards system and it officially states how you would get the reward. If you don't sub by the date then it is your fault. I am not going to whine or blame BW for something that was in my control. It was stated for a while how to obtain the rewards.

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Actually not everyone. I am unsure whether I will get him due I had to cancel my sub for a bit but that was something I did. They have a rewards system and it officially states how you would get the reward. If you don't sub by the date then it is your fault. I am not going to whine or blame BW for something that was in my control. It was stated for a while how to obtain the rewards.


Were you subscribed on 7/31 or 8/10? If yes, you will get him, if not, then no. Its pretty simple really.

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Actually not everyone. I am unsure whether I will get him due I had to cancel my sub for a bit but that was something I did. They have a rewards system and it officially states how you would get the reward. If you don't sub by the date then it is your fault. I am not going to whine or blame BW for something that was in my control. It was stated for a while how to obtain the rewards.


A rational person who might not get something they were interested in getting? I didnt know they existed on this forum! :D


Humor aside, i see this rearing its ugly head come launch though, as seen all over this and other game forums, some gamers have ridiculously overinflated sense of entitlement for the most part, and will whine, stomp, and toddler tantrum it up if they are told Bioware intends to stick to the "You only get Nico if you met the requirements" rule.


As seen by numerous posts in other threads asking for him to be added to the CM, they dont care if they had to do something specific, they think they should get a pass on not doing what they were supposed to do.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


So, what happens if you just mark the mail as read, leave the token in the mail, and play through the story as normal? Will Nico's recruitment mission still come up, or will the existence of the token mess with a flag somewhere?


I ask because this is fairly common inventory management practice for in-game items that are mailed to characters--especially newer ones that might have half a cargo bay's worth of ingame items mailed all at once, when the character is created--and that's likely to be an even bigger issue with having gear that was on our companions before KotFE mailed back to us.

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So, what happens if you just mark the mail as read, leave the token in the mail, and play through the story as normal? Will Nico's recruitment mission still come up, or will the existence of the token mess with a flag somewhere?


He just said that you get the recruitment mission whether you use the token or not, so I doubt its existence will make any odds.

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Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).




Thanks for clearing this up Eric. It is much appreciated, and the kind of follow-up communication that is very welcome and that we wish we had more of.


Let's add a pink elephant to the game, you can always delete it

Well, considering they added a Christmas snow blower, a Christmas sleigh, and a Jack O'lantern meditation chamber, why the heck not? Regardless, the use of Nico at least is something that is focused in the solo story mode of the game, therefore, how other people got him has no bearing on how you will get him.


Demands which will be met with such high regard. :p Other words, NOT heard. lol


Am wondering myself, will he be in mail for level 1 toons, or when you hit level 60 you get him? Or just for the characters you have now will get the mail? For future characters will you have to wait till you hit that point in story??

From the sounds of it, he will be available at level 1 (like Treek is, I believe) so he will be usable right away.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).




Hey Eric,

Thanks for keeping in touch with the community and all the hard work that goes in the game to everyone at Bioware, I have a question which is a little out of place with this topic here, but I am wondering when will we know about plans for PvP servers and overall sever population issues such as queue times? PvE servers are too crowded now and that brings up lag issues and PvP servers are ... pretty much dead. How much longer do we have the 90CC transfer for?

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Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).




Good decision. Maximum player choice, no drawbacks. You did well on this one.

Edited by idnewton
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If you missed the deadline, don't expect to get him.

Eh, seems like they've been making a point to not call the pre-launch rewards 'exclusive' anywhere - I'd guess they're at least leaving their options open to put them up on the market later on. Honestly, with something like a whole companion they'd be leaving a lot of money on the table not making him available eventually.

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Eh, seems like they've been making a point to not call the pre-launch rewards 'exclusive' anywhere - I'd guess they're at least leaving their options open to put them up on the market later on. Honestly, with something like a whole companion they'd be leaving a lot of money on the table not making him available eventually.


So he was advertised as a Subscribers reward. If you were a Subscriber before Aug 10 ( which was an extended deadline ) then you were allowed to have him as a companion. Even adding him down the road to the Cartel Market would mean that truly he was not a Subscribers reward just an early release to Subscribers. I'm Glad for now Bioware is sticking to their guns ( or Nico's in this case ) and keeping him exclusive to people who again are ( wait for it ) Subscribers.

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It's all clear and yet at the same time it's still weird.


So there's a mission step / mission chain somewhere in the KotFE chapter 1-9 story to recruit him. This exists to establish the canon context for his appearance regardless of whether or not you use the token to obtain him earlier than you can do that story. (I doubt that there will really be many who don't just use the token as early as the can instead of waiting for his canon introduction to them.) That's all been cleared up.


The part that sounds weird is having this mission exist in the game but nobody who missed the promotion or joins later without ever having heard of that promotion will ever even see the option to pick it up.


I mean, imagine if HK had been a promotional subscriber reward. Players that were subscribed at the right time get a token mailed to every character they create that will let them unlock HK automatically, and with or without using that token they can go to Section X and start the HK mission chain to see the explanation for how they got HK. But players that missed the promotion or started playing later would never be offered the chance to start the mission.


I don't know, it seems like you might imagine that recruiting him would require some sort of rep / influence grind to convince him and maybe those with the special privilege from the promotion get a hidden bonus so they build rep with the guy 100x faster or something. So we complete the mission and officially recruit him after just a few dailies instead of having to make it a months-long project to gain his favor. (Or for the hypothetical about "what if HK had been treated like this?", we might imagine a hidden bonus that makes the part-finding readings super accurate and helpful for those who had been subscribed at the right time (larger search radius and suggests a direction to move for your next search) while others get the generic non-helpful readings (scan area, only say hit or miss, give no clues about direction.))


It just doesn't seem like "having him" would/should be the exclusive. The exclusive could just as easily be "ease of access" (instant token / hidden buff to make it much easier to convince him to join / whatever). And I say this as someone that has been subscribed all along and will be getting him anyway.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Eh, seems like they've been making a point to not call the pre-launch rewards 'exclusive' anywhere - I'd guess they're at least leaving their options open to put them up on the market later on. Honestly, with something like a whole companion they'd be leaving a lot of money on the table not making him available eventually.

This is just wishful thinking. Name one thing that was a pre-order or a "be subscribed at this time" reward that was later added to the CM. And I don't mean stuff with similar functionality, I mean that exact thing (like the Jawa Party Balloon, the Hutt trainer, etc.).

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So he was advertised as a Subscribers reward. If you were a Subscriber before Aug 10 ( which was an extended deadline ) then you were allowed to have him as a companion. Even adding him down the road to the Cartel Market would mean that truly he was not a Subscribers reward just an early release to Subscribers. I'm Glad for now Bioware is sticking to their guns ( or Nico's in this case ) and keeping him exclusive to people who again are ( wait for it ) Subscribers.

It wouldn't be the first time a "Subscriber" reward was also available on the CM - before Galactic Strongholds launched there was a promotional "be a subscriber on [X] date" deal to get a Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace at no additional cost once the expansion launched - but the Palace was still available for purchase as well (in that particular case it was even available immediately, and could be bought for either CCs or Credits).


I'm not saying that I think they definitely will open it up on the Market, they might not even know for sure themselves if they will do so, just that I really would not be surprised if after a time they eventually put it up on the CM for those who missed out. If that happens, we'll still have gotten value for the subscription reward (since he didn't cost any CCs for those of us who subscribed early, just like with the Sky Palace) and they wouldn't have violated any terms (since they never said he was "exclusively" available via the reward).

This is just wishful thinking. Name one thing that was a pre-order or a "be subscribed at this time" reward that was later added to the CM. And I don't mean stuff with similar functionality, I mean that exact thing (like the Jawa Party Balloon, the Hutt trainer, etc.).

See above. And it's neither wishful thinking nor pessimism from my perspective - I'm already qualifying for the reward, but I don't particularly mind if others get access to him down the line (provided there is some cost, so that this promotional reward still has actual value).

Edited by DarthDymond
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So he was advertised as a Subscribers reward. If you were a Subscriber before Aug 10 ( which was an extended deadline ) then you were allowed to have him as a companion. Even adding him down the road to the Cartel Market would mean that truly he was not a Subscribers reward just an early release to Subscribers. I'm Glad for now Bioware is sticking to their guns ( or Nico's in this case ) and keeping him exclusive to people who again are ( wait for it ) Subscribers.


You don't actually know that's what they're doing. It's like looking at a 1-year-old and saying "I'm glad he made the right choice and hasn't robbed a bank". Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't, especially (in the case of SWTOR) when they haven't explicitly said they won't be putting it on the CM.


On the one hand, I think they should keep it for subscribers as that's what was originally said. On the other hand, it sucks for everyone who starts playing afterward. When a subscriber starts playing KotFE and enjoys it tremendously, he/she tells a friend and gets that person into the game. However, with this current decision, that friend will never enjoy as full of an experience as the other player, even though it may have been the first time that friend had heard of the game. I think sub-exclusive things are very very important, but I'm not sure I agree with sub-exclusive time-based things. The best way to handle this would be to put the Nico Okarr token on the Cartel Market, but make it Bind on Pickup (and of course, mention this in the CM listing) so people can't buy it off the GTN (forcing people to pay money for it) and then price it at exactly 1 month's subscription cost (in Cartel Coins) to make it fair for the people who subscribed for a month to get the token. Then the player could reclaim it via collections, possibly at an additional cost.


That, or there would be future opportunities to be subbed by a certain date to get the token for your account in case you missed it this first time around.


From a game developer's perspective, it is simply a poor decision to close off content to new players. I shouldn't have to explain to my friend why he'll never have as good of an experience as I will. That's just not good business.

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It wouldn't be the first time a "Subscriber" reward was also available on the CM - before Galactic Strongholds launched there was a promotional "be a subscriber on [X] date" deal to get a Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace at no additional cost once the expansion launched - but the Palace was still available for purchase as well (in that particular case it was even available immediately, and could be bought for either CCs or Credits).


Not the same thing. They said subs would get Narr Shadda stronghold and some of it unlocked for free. And subs got it. They never said NS stronghold would be sub only SH.

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Not the same thing. They said subs would get Narr Shadda stronghold and some of it unlocked for free. And subs got it. They never said NS stronghold would be sub only SH.

That's kind of my point - maybe I've just missed it, but from what I've seen they've never said that Nico was "exclusive" to this promotion - i.e. they've never said he is sub "only" either.


With the Stronghold, they certainly did announce right from the start that Nar Shaddaa would also be on the Market, but they're under no obligation to do so. As I said before, I wouldn't be surprised if BW isn't even sure whether or not they're going to put Nico up on the Market eventually - I'm just saying they seem to have left that door open by not using the word "exclusively" anywhere.

Edited by DarthDymond
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