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Nico Okarr


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No I didn't understand them wrong, and from what I see on the forums ... many people on this forums expect the same as I did.

Therefore I suggest to use the reason and follow the dev posts rather than going with own imagination.

Edited by PavSalco
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This companion recruiting from other classes seems to be getting annoying. You hyped it all up Bioware, made us all hope we can finally go through game content with any companion we'd like, and the way it sounds now ... well sorry but if this is going the way it seems to be going, with recruitable companions only usuable in KotFE areas, would be really DISAPPOINTING. Better clarify this quickly Eric, if you don't want an uproar like the Slot Machine fiasco, which you never bothered to comment on anymore after one or two posts.


While I wouldn't oppose them clarifying this one way or the other, what in the world is making it seem that you can only use KotFE companions in KotFE areas? It sounds like when you're in those areas you have to have a KotFE companion, or at least for the conversations and story bits, but outside of that? What gives you that impression? What would be the point of restricting it like that when we can already take companions with no story impact to older planets? Or on Flashpoints? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me for them to do that and I see no reason why they'd be "forced to".


Eric's post doesn't say "and you'll have him as a companion thereafter whenever you're in a KotFE area" either. It just says "as a companion thereafter." Period. If I'm missing something, please correct me, but nothing they've stated has even hinted at the KotFE companions not being usable outside of KotFE areas. It seems more like a rumor or something taken as fact and then blown waaaaaaaaaay beyond the rumor it started as. I won't rule it out as a possibility (thus why I wouldn't oppose them clarifying it) but assuming it's true when it's really not likely is kinda silly. Why? I know I asked this above but seriously, why? What would be their motivation or reasoning behind it? Especially since they'd have to KNOW they'd be shooting themselves in the foot by doing it. It doesn't make sense.

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Does this mean that if you don't play through fallen empire you can't get him as a companion despite being advertised as part of July's/August 10th subscription?


Sounds exactly like that.


From the wording, at X mission, you start interacting with him I guess, and it'll probably end like in SoR with the wookie asking if he'd like to join up with who permanently, but in this instance, if you subbed during the pre-order deadline, Nico will say "Sure."

Edited by Eillack
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This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don't want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter.




So what you are saying is that we can't use Niko as a companion unless we start playing KotFE. I find that disappointing as it would be nice to have a subscriber perk that we can use even if we do not plan on playing the expansion.


That's interesting because IIRC the return trailer takes place 20-30 years before the game starts.


Here's what I presume to be part of his story in the intervening years:


Edited by TravelersWay
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That's interesting because IIRC the return trailer takes place 20-30 years before the game starts.


Heh, maybe this is why they're releasing his blasters and his coat separately. Perhaps when we finally get him, it'll be a big dramatic build up, and then a door will open, and slowly, leaning heavily on a walking frame, white, wispy hair hanging round his shoulders, an ancient old man will hobble into the room and "Eh, whassat? Hmm? I was once a famous gunslinger, y'know, before the arthritis set in... hmm... you young whippersnappers should show me some respect, I should say, hmm... what? What did he say? Speak up! Did you steal my coat and my blasters, young lady? Tch, in my day young people had more respect. I knew Satele Shan when she was a Padawan, you know... and... whatshisname. Darth something... him with the red laser sword. Now I think I'll have a nap on your starship. Where are my slippers?"

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So what you are saying is that we can't use Niko as a companion unless we start playing KotFE. I find that disappointing as it would be nice to have a subscriber perk that we can use even if we do not plan on playing the expansion.




Here's what I presume to be part of his story in the intervening years:



Thing is, they could argue back at you that it's a subscriber perk related to the "pre-order" of Knights of the Fallen Empire and that it shouldn't be a surprise he is tied to it.

If his presence in the game is heavily reliant on the new storyline (Let's say, carbonite wall decoration for the Zakuul Empire), then getting him without playing KOTFE would make zero sense.

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This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don't want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter.





Does this mean that he will be available to all players now? I would hope not since it was offered as a subscribers reward.

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Does this mean that he will be available to all players now? I would hope not since it was offered as a subscribers reward.


He'll be with you in the story, just like how Lana, etc. were in SoR. After a specific time (or until the expansion is completely done in 2016?), you get to actually keep Nico.

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So what you are saying is that we can't use Niko as a companion unless we start playing KotFE. I find that disappointing as it would be nice to have a subscriber perk that we can use even if we do not plan on playing the expansion.


Wait... are you saying that you have no intention of actually playing KotFE content?


I do not believe you. :)

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This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don't want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter.




Upon reading this again, I'm drawn to the mention of our 'Alliance,' is this what companions only available in KotFE will be called? Will all members of our 'alliance' be companions after or only NIco?

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Wait... are you saying that you have no intention of actually playing KotFE content?


I do not believe you. :)

I don't either. I don't believe anyone who says they are going to continue subscribing to play yesterday's game. I have no doubt many players will keep select characters out of the KotFE story line, though.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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This companion recruiting from other classes seems to be getting annoying. You hyped it all up Bioware, made us all hope we can finally go through game content with any companion we'd like, and the way it sounds now ... well sorry but if this is going the way it seems to be going, with recruitable companions only usuable in KotFE areas, would be really DISAPPOINTING. Better clarify this quickly Eric, if you don't want an uproar like the Slot Machine fiasco, which you never bothered to comment on anymore after one or two posts.


Wrong! They spoke about it at a cantina tour and stated they weren't going to touch them anymore after the fiasco and won't bring anymore out

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This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don't want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter.





So basically what we've been told up to now by the devs has been wrong, and we wont have access to him immediately as our reward for being subscribed by X Date?

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Since KotFE includes a "free" level 60 character for subscribers, no, they are not wrong, you are.



Do I really need to spell it out for you? We have never been told, at any point, that we would have to wait until we started playing the story to get access to him or that we would have to recruit him to our alliance as Eric's post now seems to imply. In fact:


*To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards, the account must be in a Subscriber status as of 11:59PM PDT//6:59AM GMT on the date listed by the reward.

•Knights of the Fallen Empire rewards are delivered through in-game mail and are redeemable as of the launch of the expansion upon login on October 27, 2015.


•To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates. Once you qualify you may enter and play Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 20, 2015, seven (7) days prior to live launch on October 27, 2015.



Nico Okarr is one of the Rewards for Subscribing by August 10th (changed from July 31st) and everyone was told in the terms and conditions, which is where you can find what I posted above that we would be able to redeem those rewards as soon as the expansion launched. That has been the expectation of a lot of people that we would have access to him immediately, and now more than a month after we met our requirements, Eric announces that Bioware is changing that condition and in fact we wont have access to him immediately and will have to wait until we gain access to him as part of our alliance. I for one feel like I was lied to on what I would be receiving for being subscribed on 8-10-15.

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Maybe it's just me, but as long as I actually GET him and they don't remove him, I don't care how I get him.


Maybe there's a note in our in game emails that we'll received once Lana unfreezes our *** and the thing in our mail is a side quest. We have to look around the wall o' popsicles and we see Nico there, frozen. Since we have our in game mail clicky quest item, it let's us thaw him, he falls down, says he's blind and by the stars what day/time is it??


We tell him and he's all omgwtfbbq about it. So we get young man Nico explained, we get our SUBSCRIBE BY so and so cause we're the only ones who can thaw his butt out and he follows us like a puppy or takes off looking for the bathroom and off we go on our merry way doing chapters 1-9 by kicking butt and taking names. :p


It's just a theory I have.

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