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Nico Okarr's Coat - What a disappointment


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I'm still trying to figure out where my pistols and coat are, been subbed since weeks prior to the announcement. =/



EDIT: Or did they bump the sub-special? I thought both the blasters and coat would be available on September 30th but my mail box is empty D:

Edited by tXHereticXt
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I'm still trying to figure out where my pistols and coat are, been subbed since weeks prior to the announcement. =/



EDIT: Or did they bump the sub-special? I thought both the blasters and coat would be available on September 30th but my mail box is empty D:


all of it comes on Oct 19th early access, or October 27th, sorry my bad, Oct 20th early access or October 29th.

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Okay so I was a bit surprised as well.


I already have the troublemaker duster. I was hoping for a different model, not just a re-skin.


BUT ...


It IS free (I am not paying any extra for it) so I will take it and enjoy it either way, and I hope they at least make this one entirely able to be dyed - not just the main area like the troublemaker. It always bugged me that the chest part could not be dyed on the troublemaker.


I sure wish, though, that they didn't use artwork from Niko to make us think we were getting an entirely new and cool looking jacket. That jacket has nothing to do with Niko at all.


Here is the confusing part. Per this image, SWTOR devs already DO have the ACTUAL jacket modeled - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/67/ab/62/67ab628007e4ae42404d9df2a7a6d7f6.jpg - so why not use it? Just curious.


I'm still trying to figure out where my pistols and coat are, been subbed since weeks prior to the announcement. =/



EDIT: Or did they bump the sub-special? I thought both the blasters and coat would be available on September 30th but my mail box is empty D:


Nope. Everywhere they talked about it they stated you get all items on launch. Sept. 30th was just one of the required days you needed to be subbed for.


all of it comes on Oct 19th early access, or October 27th, sorry my bad, Oct 20th early access or October 29th.


The items come out the 27th. Early access does not get the items. All they get is access to new missions and a jump start on leveling.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Here's a question for all those who called the devs lazy or who said the duster was a reskin (same with the blasters): Whoever said that you would be getting the duster or blaster from the trailer for the Republic prior to creating a Republic character?


I think the thing that has folks kind of stirred up is the fact that when announcing this stuff, if they intended to just use the Troublemaker duster and reskin it - which was already done prior to the initial announcement, they should have just screen-shot it and showed that instead of showing this: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/67/ab/62/67ab628007e4ae42404d9df2a7a6d7f6.jpg


They used images like that to tease and then put nothing even close to that as the final product. That was one of the images they used when saying what jacket we were getting.


No one at all used any argument for "opening trailer" or anything of the like. What we are referring to is what they showed specifically for "get this for subscribing on x-dates" then gave us something else.

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I was hoping they'd throw in the hat too, but w/e. I know there are several cowboy hats, but all the ones I've acquired have the ridiculous giant chin straps.

And so would Nico's, if there were a version made for player characters.


I think the thing that has folks kind of stirred up is the fact that when announcing this stuff, if they intended to just use the Troublemaker duster and reskin it - which was already done prior to the initial announcement, they should have just screen-shot it and showed that instead of showing this: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/67/ab/62/67ab628007e4ae42404d9df2a7a6d7f6.jpg

They showed us this. If you can't tell that's just the Troublermaker Duster, you're simply not paying attention.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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They showed us this. If you can't tell that's just the Troublermaker Duster, you're simply not paying attention.


Ah well. There is so much fashion in this game that people will forget completely about this jacket within a month or so of launch and be right back in their favorite outfits from before.


I know there's one outfit I spied in Collections that is going to be available in the CM after launch I am DEFINITELY prioritizing getting hold of. Makes the jacket look like nothing XD

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Ah well. There is so much fashion in this game that people will forget completely about this jacket within a month or so of launch and be right back in their favorite outfits from before.


I know there's one outfit I spied in Collections that is going to be available in the CM after launch I am DEFINITELY prioritizing getting hold of. Makes the jacket look like nothing XD

I certainly agree Nico's jacket is singularly unimpressive. But, contrary to what others have posted, they have in no way misled us as to what it looks like.

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I certainly agree Nico's jacket is singularly unimpressive. But, contrary to what others have posted, they have in no way misled us as to what it looks like.


I agree. I never saw the other image that was linked. I just remember the one I linked being in a Twitter feed somewhere but - yeah - SWTOR is a Fashion hall compared to some other MMO games. For all the faults people seem to find in the game, we can;t deny that SWTOR does indeed have a HUGE amount of character customization and fashion available. I wish some of the other games had as much as this game did.

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And so would Nico's, if there were a version made for player characters.



They showed us this. If you can't tell that's just the Troublermaker Duster, you're simply not paying attention.



Bran, don't be obtuse. Within the context of this thread you are aware that BioWare changed artwork. They actually went back and changed artwork that had been used prior to advertise the coat and replaced it with something more closely resembling the re-skin that people are receiving instead. What does it say about BioWare that they would make that sort of change, which did take time/effort to make, rather than just providing players with a new model?


They retroactively changed their website and artwork.


The 'old' image that WAS used on the website was of the original duster:



This later got changed (after the controversy) to be the present image, cropped and replacing the above:



Different blasters, different coat.


So while the 'current' images being used match the re-skins, the original images did not match what players are getting, and BioWares answer was to be a bit underhanded and just change the images to match reskinned cheap knockoffs of existing content. Which is funny because the blasters do already exist in game. The thing that doesn't is the coat, and they just couldn't be bothered to make a new coat and instead just want to re-use one they have already re-used multiple times. Despite it requiring effort to create new artwork in the same/similar pose to the old artwork in order to change peoples expectations.


Combined with other recent behaviours its hard not to feel insulted by how BioWare is approaching its 4.0 changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So, what did you expect for free. Plus, everyone and his pet will have one, so, whatever it looks like, it will be common as dirt.


yeah I verified by clicking between coats in the preview window. it is precisely the Troublemaker jacket. It's not even a re-skin. It has the same details, everything.


Man, I used to LOVE my troublemaker jacket. But alas since I don;t want to be running around all trendy and sheep-like, I replaced it with another cool outfit, which will only be cool until these cartel market packs make sure everyone has this outfit too LOL.


But, like Quaker said - it;'s free so we can't complain like we've been wronged. :)

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