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Conquest Changes in Fallen Empire


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This exactly is my thinking right now. I agree that crafting was OP for conquest but without it PvE players cant compete to PvP players, because they simply dont have any infinitively repeatable objectives. All PvE objectives are daily limited.


I agree.. making it a PVP only conquest objective is just plain STUPID and I hope they balance it better than what is being discussed by Eric in this thread.


Should LOCK the OPS to PER Character instead of once per account. That coupled with the ability to one time craft each item per character as well. Would make sense.


Right now I can care less about PVP and even less about conquest since I've already knocked my title. I just think it's unfair to penalize the PVE players with this change without putting some boundaries around PVP or increase PVE objectives to balance out those "NO PVP EVER" type people.

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This exactly is my thinking right now. I agree that crafting was OP for conquest but without it PvE players cant compete to PvP players, because they simply dont have any infinitively repeatable objectives. All PvE objectives are daily limited.


And even if they weren't (like the flashpoints in the very first conquest week) the only way to get your points as fast as with PVP is to rush trough lowbie flashpoint and this gets boring very quick, while PVPers simply play the game as they like to play it.


Conquest was a nice idea, but it's time to lay it to rest. Anything but PVP for PVPers is more work than fun, and I expect to be paid with real money for my work. And frankly, while it would be nice to get some CC for meeting my conquest goal, I would rather see that annoying broken and unmovable "controlled by..." sign gone.

Edited by Mubrak
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I agree.. making it a PVP only conquest objective is just plain STUPID and I hope they balance it better than what is being discussed by Eric in this thread.


Should LOCK the OPS to PER Character instead of once per account. That coupled with the ability to one time craft each item per character as well. Would make sense.


Right now I can care less about PVP and even less about conquest since I've already knocked my title. I just think it's unfair to penalize the PVE players with this change without putting some boundaries around PVP or increase PVE objectives to balance out those "NO PVP EVER" type people.


Considering that winning 1 pvp match is worth the same as completing an op in a lot of situations if it's a win or even more, and the fact that it is limited to 1 daily, pve people have to basically will have to do every daily op and flashpoint on every toon they want to hit it with every day. Really?

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  • The Objective “Conquest: War Supplies” is no longer repeatable and is set to reward 2,000 Conquest Points for any Conquest that included that objective.



I don't recall seeing an objective called this. Do you mean "Crafting: War Supplies"?
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I agree.. making it a PVP only conquest objective is just plain STUPID and I hope they balance it better than what is being discussed by Eric in this thread.


Should LOCK the OPS to PER Character instead of once per account. That coupled with the ability to one time craft each item per character as well. Would make sense.


Right now I can care less about PVP and even less about conquest since I've already knocked my title. I just think it's unfair to penalize the PVE players with this change without putting some boundaries around PVP or increase PVE objectives to balance out those "NO PVP EVER" type people.


What I would do is the following


1) Weekly Ops is per character not per legacy max award is. Ops must be done through Group finder and not just waled into. 2000 points x bonus


2) Flashpoints are repeatable (through GF only and require bonus content to be done) and must be with in level range (me running False Emp solo on hardmode never made a lick of sense). Max award is 500 per story mode GF and 1000 per HM GF flashpoint x Stronghold bonus. Reason why 1000 is a hard mode flashpoint at level takes considerably longer then your average war zone or GSF mission.


3) Warzones and GSF are repeatable and pay out 750 X bonus for win, 250x bonus for loss


4) Crafting is 500 war supply x bonus (never higher then that. So no x2,x3,x4 planets) Flat 500X bonus per wr supply. Repeatable


5) Stronghold bonus is now distributed between FIVE strong holds for a bonus of 20% per strong hold (you want a higher bonus you must buy them all and decorate them all.


That would actually work out very fair as only the dedicated crafters gain points on the 500 weeks. Everyone else waits for 1000 and 1500 weeks per war supply

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Finding it quite funny, that Bio said the reason for these changes, is to get more players interested in conquest, but it seems to be having the opposite effect. If this thread is any indication, now less players are gonna want to spend time doing conquest, because if you cant get your guild on the board what is the point. Plus, sure there are rewards for doing the personal conquest, but I can get better rewards doing 1 daily planet, and it takes 1 hour or less, whereas conquest takes 2-3 days if you grind it, so there is no point in doing the personal unless bio decides to improve the rewards.
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No problem with that, you do what you have to do for the reward and take it back to your own guild. The guild you were part of gets their kudos on the charts. Win/win for all.


My point remains that there shouldn't be a mathmatical system in place to put small guilds on par to large guilds in terms of conquest.


You speak of warfare so look at war itself, there are no "gimmes" in war if a larger nation declares war on a smaller nation. There are guerilla tactics like what you have in mind but that's also not you competing with the guild and just doing what you can to fund your own guild and ship.


Conquest to me is competition, competition between guilds, no guilds should get a leg up if part of that compeition is "how large you are".




Is UTTERLY contradictory and will ahve larger on going effects within the rest of the game that I've outlined.


I might hit conquest hard this week with my green jawa junk and save the war supps until they are rare for those repeatable invasion force weeks. I was making 40K a pop, I imagine I'll make double that once they become more rare for those weeks.


So, to continue with the warfare analogy...


The month or so before KotFE might well be considered the last-minute diplomacy attempted in a (probably futile) effort to avert said war, because warfare is inherently destructive and something that most nations try to avoid if possible. In this case, we are attempting said "diplomacy" by trying to convince Bioware to revert the changes, or at least modify the changes to preserve the relevance of conquest activity, regardless of guild size.


We both recognize that the changes, as posted verbatim by Musco, are a bad idea. We arrive at that conclusion for differing reasons, but we both would like to see the changes modified in some form.


FWIW, I have seen the types of infiltration tactics our guild plans erode community trust in EVE Online, and generally make everyone there paranoid, to the point where newbies are shall we say "strongly encouraged" to join one of a couple university-type corps to not only learn the ropes of the game, but also attain the credibility they'll need to go anywhere in the game. My guildmaster has seen similar in SWG. I don't want to see Bioware implement this type of half-assed change that will encourage this kind of paranoia here because long-term, it will be bad for the community and game when we start reading "so and so stole 15 frameworks from the guild bank and sent them to his alt corp!" when said thief spent six months infiltrating his mark until he was given guild bank access. (Hell, in EVE players will spend YEARS infiltrating, earning their mark's trust, before they pull the heist.)


That is something to be avoided if possible...if it becomes the only viable method for my small guild to expand our guild ship we will do it (granted we would not go to that extreme, we would only place our toons within our host and send the encryptions we ourselves earn back home, but someone will inevitably do it and it'll no doubt make everyone more suspicious and paranoid)...but it is something we obviously don't want to do. We're effectively trying to talk Bioware down from forcing this type of behavior, because we recognize it is bad for the long-term health of the game, but if Bioware insists upon removing the viability of small guilds for conquest, and yet keeps the current all-or-nothing system for conquest rewards, we don't exactly have a lot of other options.


And hell, we're making contingency plans for this because we care enough to make them. What of all the smaller guilds who just say, "We can't compete anymore, fck it?" That kind of mass apathy is going to turn out to be even more destructive to the social fabric of the game than encryption parasites and guild infiltrators.


It is not strictly necessary to handicap larger guilds in order to make conquests more worthwhile for smaller ones. It is only necessary to remove its all-or-nothing nature. Hell, going on the idea of guild targets, it is possible for Bioware to assume a small conquest guild will have nearly 100% participation, and expect as such for guild rewards, while letting larger guilds get away with more apathy; in this way smaller guilds would actually have to work harder (as it probably should be) but the rewards would actually be attainable and worth it. Hell, I'd be cool with some form of power-law curve where a guild with 5 members had to have 100% average participation (accounting for the fact that it is possible to overshoot personal conquest goals, the average could exceed 100%) to get its 4 or 5 encryptions, while a guild with 500 members only had to have 10% average participation to get 50 encryptions. The numbers could be tweaked, but the general point should be fairly obvious. Or something like that, make smaller guilds work for the guild reward, but keep a relevant guild reward generally attainable so smaller guilds still have a reason to participate without resorting to more extreme and destructive measures.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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I think you have missed the point, though sadly these days that appears to be par for the course.


The reason people are not hitting their weekly targets is That they don't care. In case you missed it they don't care,


Conquest is not conquest in any meaning of the word. Conquest is a score board where more guild members equals easier to get on it and top it. There is no conquest involved none of the planets have been conquered. Instanced PvP, GSF, flashpoints and Operations may get points to conquest but they have nothing to do with conquering the planet.


Crafting war supplies that you sell for credits and related npc killing or heroics likewise has nothing to do with conquering the planet. People aren't interested in hitting their conquest target or investing the time cause its repeating in some cases 4 year old content.


And for what some Jawa Junk some xp that I can't use, some credits that costs less than the crafting supplies and if Im in a guild part of a guild ship which is the only possible reason and even that who cares if you have an extra hanger on the ship it doesn't change anything.


The reason less people than you hoped are hitting the conquest targets is because conquest was just offering points to old content. Its dull and I imagine the majority of people that hit it do so by accident of alreading running pvp matches or out of an addiction that its something to do in the game after so little content has been added for the last 6 months.


Honestly do you think that the problem with a scoreboard is that its too hard to get points but then take away an easy repeatable method of grinding those points afk.


This is worth repeating.

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So AFKing in PvP and GSF matches is the best way to win now?


Hard to believe some people actually get paid to 'game design' when they are pretty clueless.


While I agree crafting did need a reduction in its effectiveness nerfing it into the ground doesn't seem to be the best idea.


^ This is no different than the nerf into the ground of the slots, or a bunch of other examples...


Bioware doesn't do middle ground, they are all or nothing...

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Do you really and truly want to see more people hitting their personal Conquest goals, BioWare? Here's a surefire, 100% guaranteed way to get them to do that: award an encryption for meeting your personal goal! Right now most people don't bother with Conquest because if their guild is not big and rich enough to place, there is NO POINT in bothering with it. If you offered a reward that was actually worth something, people would jump through all the hoops required to get it.
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  • The Objective “Conquest: War Supplies” is no longer repeatable and is set to reward 2,000 Conquest Points for any Conquest that included that objective.


Hate this change.


I’m part of a medium-sized guild that began on Jung Ma and moved to The Ebon Hawk a few months ago. I’ve been with them for well over three years now, and consider some of the people here among my closest friends in the world, and would never dream of leaving. We are, however, proud to be a community-first guild with a mantra of “play how you want,” which means winning conquests was a difficult challenge -and often times a very fun one- for us, even on the smaller server.




We never had the raw numbers to compete with the ‘spam-invite-everyone’ guilds, and because many of our players don’t consider grinding for points engaging content (and who can really blame them), we normally wouldn’t be able to even put up as many points as other guilds roughly our size.


However, we did have a dozen or so members who were really excited when Conquests were announced, and loved the idea of working together as a guild to conquer planets and obtain awesome titles and achievements. We knew it would be a long, hard battle, but we had our eyes set on that glorious “The Galaxy Conqueror” legacy title, and were willing to do whatever it took to get it.


Crafting allowed those of us who were seriously interested in Conquests to use our overabundance of dedication and determination to offset our guild’s overall lack of numbers. We had to be smart about picking our battles, saving up crafting materials for weeks on end until we felt we had enough to grab a planet that we wanted. So most weeks we ‘sat out’ and didn’t try to compete with the conquest-heavy guilds, but the weeks we did compete, where our crafters dumped millions of points worth of saved crafting materials towards our goal, with many less-hardcore members also stepping up to the plate and going for the other objectives as often as they could, we were able to put up astonishing numbers and actually win planets as a guild. Without a doubt, some of my favorite moments in this game (and I’ve been playing since launch) are standing on our conquered planet at 7am on a Monday morning, launching fireworks, playing music in teamspeak, and hoping my euphoria would help me stay awake at work that day.




In other words, our guild was expending the same (or greater) amount of total effort as the much larger guilds we were up against; crafting simply allowed us to spread that effort over a longer period of time, which was necessary since our motivation was for the most part centered around a smaller core of people. Crafting gave us a fighting chance, an opportunity for those of us who desperately wanted those titles to still put in the grueling hours and hard work needed to win, despite the challenges arrayed against us.


After this change, underdog victories like that are no longer going to be possible. After 4.0, it’s simply going to be whomever has the biggest guild and members with a lot of free time to PvP all week. Conquests will no longer be a contest measuring overall dedication and effort; it will simply be about which PvP guild has the most players. Even if PvP were made non-repeatable, it wouldn’t change anything; the larger guilds with more accounts would then always win. No matter how badly I want to win a planet, that extra willingness and dedication won’t be able to offset guild members who would (understandably) rather do things other than grind points, or who may not have much free time to play at all. Simply put, Conquests should be a measure of which guild has, in aggregate, the most motivation and commitment to winning, not which simply has more interested numbers. By limiting crafting, you’re putting a softcap on the amount of points a single account can contribute to their guild, and that destroys the chances of any smaller or medium-sized guild to win at conquests, no matter how much they’re willing to prepare, or how hard they’re willing to try.


All of this wouldn’t be so concerning if it wasn’t for one enormous gaffe: Rishi and Yavin. My guild conquered 12 of the 15 planets before 3.0 hit. We had conquered the last three by the end of March, leaving only the new additions of Rishi and Yavin before we would be able to obtain the “Galaxy Conqueror” titles we had been working towards since last August. So we waited. And waited. We stored mats like squirrels, waiting for the day when those planets would come up again in the rotation and we could finally grab one. It never came. We transferred servers, and kept hoarding, knowing that given how rare those two planets are, they would be even tougher to take on a larger server when they did eventually become available. Still, we already had 15/17 planets, we weren’t about to give up at that point, so we gathered, and gathered, and watched for the day “Revenge of the Revanites” might return.


We’re still waiting.


I don’t think there are any words to describe the level of ineptitude with which Rishi and Yavin were implemented to conquests. One week, with both of those elusive planets available, and it has come up a grand total of twice since they were added, the last time in February, more than SIX MONTHS AGO. That is beyond absurd, and makes my blood boil whenever I think about it, because it shows how little the devs really care about this game mode. They added it, hyped it up, got us all interested, hooked, and then abandoned it without a second thought. There’s no excuse for an oversight of this magnitude, and even if there was, this thread notified them of the issue on the first of June, and has been completely and systematically ignored. Three months later, still no sign of Rishi or Yavin in the rotation, nor a single dev response acknowledging the issue.


On top of that, CZ-198 is still bugged in the meta-achievement, more than a year after it was added. Players going for “The Galaxy Conqueror” legacy title need Rishi and Yavin –planets which have come up twice over a nine-month period, and only in the same week- but not CZ-198. If anyone from Bioware is reading this, now would be an appropriate time to summon the entire office for a collective headdesk.


Despite this fiasco, I kept telling myself and my guildmates, “It’ll be fine. It’s crazy they haven’t added Rishi or Yavin back yet, but just keep storing mats, because they have to eventually, and the longer they wait, the more mats we’ll have stockpiled and the better chance we’ll have at grabbing it when they do.”


I wake up in the morning and I do a gathering rotation through 13 toons with max companions and max crew skills, a few of whom I’ve leveled for that specific purpose. Whenever I’m watching TV on one monitor, I’ll continuously send out crafters on the other. Between PvP pops, I gather crafting materials on low level planets. When I know I should be getting to bed at night, I stay up fifteen extra minutes for one last set of gathering missions, knowing those mats will be useful someday, not willing to let myself or my guild down after we’ve all tried so hard to get this title. Others in my guild are doing the same, to various degrees, dreaming of the day when Yavin and Rishi will come back and months and months of hard work will finally pay off.




Now it never will. I don’t even want to think about how many hours of my life I’ve wasted gathering mats that are now essentially useless. I suppose it’s my own damn fault for buying into this game, for trusting the developers to actually pay attention to a game mode they added a year ago. If you didn’t have any intention of ever supporting Yavin or Rishi, why even bother adding them to conquests in the first place?


I love this game, and I’ve subbed and played since launch, and that’s not going to change; I’m still going to be running operations and doing PvP once 4.0 hits, because those are gameplay types I very much enjoy and which the devs actually pay some degree of attention to. But this does go to show how little the developers actually care about maintaining newly-added aspects of their game, and feels like a slap in the face to those of us who stuck with conquests all this time, hoping that sooner or later, they would set things right. The next time a new and super hyped type of gameplay is added, I’ll be much more likely to turn a blind eye to it –as I did with GSF- and spend the time in a different game instead, knowing that the new game mode will likely be all but abandoned a few months down the road anyway.


I suppose this thread is meant to indicate that someone at Bioware is finally giving some thought to Conquests. So if that someone is listening, I’m imploring you, please fix the actual issues with Conquests instead of (or at least in addition to), the perceived ones.


As someone who has played Conquests extensively and knows them quite well by this point, my recommendations:


  1. Do not implement the above change. Allow crafting to remain as a method for small but dedicated guilds to –once in a blue moon- actually have a shot at conquering planets. Decrease its value and/or increase the value of existing one-time objectives if you have to, but please don’t make crafting non-repeatable.
  2. Add new conquests weeks to the mix containing Yavin and Rishi, or at the very least add them to the “Total Galactic War” week. It’s absurd that these two planets are only available from a single type of conquest, and it’s doubly absurd that that one type is shared between the two of them.
  3. Add Revenge of the Revanites to the mix far more frequently; look to the frequency of “Death Mark” –which has far more common planets anyway- as an example to aspire to.
  4. Add CZ-198 to the meta-achievement, as was originally intended, so that guilds actually have a reason to go for it.


Since this thread wasn’t specifically asking for feedback, I realize that the first recommendation may be unlikely, but I love this game and over the past year I’ve really enjoyed conquests in their current state, as have many others, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t caution against what I see as a real change for the worse. But at the very least, please implement the other changes I suggested, please show that you’re listening, and really do care about keeping Conquests fun and rewarding for players, through 4.0 and beyond. Mine and many other guilds have worked desperately hard to obtain “The Galaxy Conqueror” legacy title; give us some honest shots at winning the last two planets we need so that we can conclude the amazing journey we started more than a year ago.

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In looking at our data and in seeing playing feedback, one thing we have noticed is that many Guilds are primarily using the repeatable Crafting objective to gain points for Conquests. Although we want to include Crafting as an essential part of the Conquest effort, we don’t want that objective to be the “only best answer” to Conquests. Due to this we are making the following changes:

  • The Objective “Conquest: War Supplies” is no longer repeatable and is set to reward 2,000 Conquest Points for any Conquest that included that objective.


So instead of making bad options better, you simply made the one good option bad. That's not how you make a good game. I would know.


You want people to care about conquests? Actually make it interesting. It's pretty stupid that conquering a planet doesn't require you to actually do anything on or with that planet. Conquering a planet should primarily require the completion of planet-specific missions and objectives.




One thing that we noticed in looking at Conquests is that not as many players as we would hope are completing their personal targets. We feel this may be because the targets are too high, requiring more time to complete than many players may have available. Because of this we are adjusting the target points for rewards in some Conquests

The community has time for conquests, we just don't care because the hype has worn off and we realize it's actually pretty bland. The community has time, as humans do in general. If people are spending less time on SWTOR, it's because you haven't given them incentive to play.


I've stayed subbed since the first day of early game access and I continue to sub. However, right now, I'm playing 8 hours a week, tops. There's simply nothing to do. I'm enjoying Diablo 3 and its vastly superior skill-based combat system, I'm enjoying Jedi Academy and its vastly superior skill-based combat system. I'm enjoying a whole lot of games right now, none of which have 'The Old Republic' in their name. You want me to invest my time into conquests? Give me a reason.

Edited by idnewton
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After reading the manifesto posted by the person two posts above me, it falls to me to point out that Bioware was asked specifically about small guilds and conquests at the 2014 Community Cantina in Seattle. I should know, because I am the person who actually asked that question, and so I went spelunking for the video footage thereof.


(with my specific question coming around the 7:45 mark).


To paraphrase the question, I noted that as a small, tight-knit guild, we basically became "slaves to the game" to compete on an even footing with guilds with 200 members (i.e. forty times our size), and asked if Bioware was working on any alternative measures such as per-capita output to make conquests more viable for smaller guilds.


While Eric Musco replied with his usual squirrelly, non-committal answers, he did indicate that Bioware was aware of that issue, and the dev who took the question more directly indicated that while he couldn't promise anything, that we might see something to help alleviate the situation.


Ultimately, of course, we saw little to no further development of conquests, leaving smaller guilds like us to refine our tactics and become more precise with them. Crafting became the great equalizer; some small guilds prepared for months on end for a single invasion to earn the titles; while others (such as mine) opted for a more slow, steady burn of crafting every Sunday to maintain a steadier flow of encryptions to fuel our guild ship expansions. I myself built a crafting empire, proliferating from 7 to 8 conquest-capable toons per week at the launch of conquests, to 17 now, across both factions, simply to increase what was an initially glacial flow of encryptions. It presented us with an interesting choice to say the least.


The point of this, I suppose, is to hold Bioware to account: while it is understandable perhaps that further conquest development fell prey to higher priorities, those responses at least implied that even if the greater system remained largely unchanged, Bioware wouldn't actively seek to make conquests worse for smaller guilds. Yet, because someone with a nerfhammer looked at conquest point totals without accounting for the size of the guilds earning them (smaller guilds as it is must use crafting to offset sheer weight of numbers of megaguilds who will passively earn a million or two million points for playing the game), this change will do exactly that. Smaller guilds will be forced to either withdraw from conquests or merge into larger ones.


I would remind Bioware of the feedback that they have already received from the small guilds in conquests, not only at community cantina events, but also in this very thread, and ingame, where small guilds who are interested in conquests craft to go toe-to-toe with guilds many times their size. Removing crafting as a factor without addressing conquest for smaller guilds in other ways (several of which have been suggested in this very thread) will only set conquests far backwards and lead to even further declines in participation.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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For all of you crying about crafting getting nerfed...get over it. It was a dumb system to begin with. As stated by previous posters, to conquest a planet should be about doing objectives on that planet not by seeing who has the most matts to weave the most baskets.


One person with 22 characters on a server could potentially send out 132 companions to craft and garner millions of points of their own. This is not how it should have ever been implemented.

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My biggest problem with Conquests is I just don't understand the point, is it just really bragging rights? or are the rewards actually worth it.


Also I am not 100% sure of what I would be supposed to do or when even if I were interested, which is why I might have accidently taken part in the past as I just happen to be doing stuff that qualifies as conquest points.

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For all of you crying about crafting getting nerfed...get over it. It was a dumb system to begin with. As stated by previous posters, to conquest a planet should be about doing objectives on that planet not by seeing who has the most matts to weave the most baskets.


One person with 22 characters on a server could potentially send out 132 companions to craft and garner millions of points of their own. This is not how it should have ever been implemented.


Your point is greatly undermined by the fact that nothing that Bioware has told us indicates that there will suddenly be conquest objectives that actually relate to the planet being invaded. Bioware is adding nothing to conquests, let alone along those lines, only taking away.

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I find the annouced changes contradictory....


On one hand, you say people don't have time to do their personnal conquest point, and in the other hand, you remove the only viable objective that players with low connection time can use to do their conquest....


As stated by many before, crafting objectives are the only way for people (or guild) with low connection time to gather points.

With those changes, you insure that only the guild who have the most players with the most available time to farm pvp and zl wins conquest...


On darth nihilus (dieing server, i know...) my guild manage to be on top 10 every weeks, sometime even win planets without trying, juste because we've got people who farm pvp and zl. The only way for some guilds to beat us is to craft when we're not even trying to win the planet....

I don't even want to imagine what's conquest is like for small/medium guild on populated server, with big guilds...


Without crafting or a similar low time consumption mecanism, casual player/guild will never be able to win a planet.

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I find the annouced changes contradictory....


On one hand, you say people don't have time to do their personnal conquest point, and in the other hand, you remove the only viable objective that players with low connection time can use to do their conquest....


As stated by many before, crafting objectives are the only way for people (or guild) with low connection time to gather points.


Yeah, seriously, I agree here. Let them kill the million-point crafting thing, but why not leave personal quota for crafting? just 50 k is more than enough.

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Your point is greatly undermined by the fact that nothing that Bioware has told us indicates that there will suddenly be conquest objectives that actually relate to the planet being invaded. Bioware is adding nothing to conquests, let alone along those lines, only taking away.



I find the annouced changes contradictory....


On one hand, you say people don't have time to do their personnal conquest point, and in the other hand, you remove the only viable objective that players with low connection time can use to do their conquest....

Also, this. I don't remember if I ever actually hit this nail on the head in my post, but this is a pretty central flaw in BW's decision.

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I Love This Change. It will no longer be about how big your pocket is, but how well you work with and motivate your guild. This is great.


Question: Will you remove the repeatable invasion force weeks with this change?


Yay, let's make the grind even more monotonous and time-consuming than it already is.


You're telling me that there's no effort required in motivating people to sink millions of credits into a legacy title? You're joking, right?

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Well those changes were overdue..!


But the Devs need to change a few more things like the amount of repeatable PvP-Objectives and PvE-Objectives... There are quite a few PvP ones but not so many PvE ones - the balance is missing... Also if they won't make more of the PvE ones repeatable they need to add at least some more of them so that there will be more ways to earn CQPs (Conquest-Points) via PvE... For example they could add all the HEROIC-Quest from the planets which are included in the Conquest-Event or the GSI-Quests or a goal where you have to use your Seeker-Droid in one of the appropriate areas and and and...



Best regards


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No, you are saying that killing all the crafting repeatable objectives evens it out, which it does not.


Also keep in mind you have to GATHER those mats, or get money to buy those mats. Which requires play time. Also you can still get WZ credit for 30s of worth. All that has to happen is a couple people leave on your team, which happens a lot. And you can still AFK WZs and GSF. You don't have to do anything, as has been pointed out that votekick is useless.


It's never going to be even. Conquest is a somewhat good idea with horrible implementation and even worse follow thru.


Right now the point of the matter is they are trying, again, to force people into PvP. It's BS. It does not help PvP, as has been proven in the past.


And also your point about not being able to do it on multiple character, with this crafting change, same thing except for 3 weeks. So your argument is moot anyways as you won't be able to craft AFK anymore. And each WS takes at least 45 minutes, you can get 3 PvP matches easily in 45 min...


Gathering mats is trivial. Anyone who crafts knows the best way to get mats in the least amount of time. And yes, while it does take time it does not take me being ATK for any longer than it takes to send 5 (now 6) companions out on missions x22 toons with gathering crew skills.


Right now (before this change takes effect) crafting is king and flat out is the deciding factor in every single Conquest battle for first place. It has been this way since Conquest started and has been a bone of contention across the board.


Conquest is a guild thing. It was designed for guilds to do things together and to be rewarded for their actions...as a guild. Crafting has nothing to do with playing as a guild. Everything related to crafting is an individual effort, though those combined efforts benefit the guild as a whole.


It's about time that crafting was relegated to a secondary role. No one should win a Conquest doing nothing more than crafting.


With this change, players will either have to wait for one of the three Conquests that have repeatable crafting conquests or actually go out and do Flashpoints, Operations, PvP or GSF. They will have to go out after World Bosses or attack opposite faction bases.


Until this change, you didn't have to do any of that. You just crafted, and that just isn't what Conquest was designed for.


As for your views on PvP, no you can't easily get 3 matches in 45 minutes. I've seen times where getting 2 matches in an hour were problematic. A couple of nights a week you might get good pops but for the most part you just end up sitting in your SH or on fleet waiting.


But one crafting change I'd support would be to keep Invasion Forces as they are now as far as mats and time to craft but have them replace the crafting repeatable for 250 points (500 with a full SH bonus). The amount of time and effort it takes to craft the prerequisite WS's and then craft the IF's would still force people to do things other than craft in order to win a planet.


I'm not entirely sure what you mean by not being able to craft AFK, though...


Edit: One more thing though...


I'm in what is easily considered a medium sized guild, especially when compared to some real monster guilds out there who will take anyone at all. We've won some planets and when Conquest first started we were on the leader board every week on both our Pub side and Imp side guilds. After a couple of months we realized two things: First, it just wasn't worth the effort for a few titles and some guild ship things we could more easily get taking out commanders and second, until the larger guilds got their titles and stopped doing Conquest altogether no one else would win a planet.


Crying that small guilds can't compete...well, they shouldn't be able to. Small guilds equals fewer people equals lower Conquest scores and saying that small guilds can't compete now...well, you couldn't compete before either. No matter how much you craft you won't defeat a larger guild doing the same exact thing. It's a moot point.

Edited by Grayseven
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