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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Knight + Sith Warrior


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I think this is a solidly good suggestion.


*pokes Eric and Tait*


As a mobility buffer, 45 secs is not going to work for juggs. Sents with 2 util points spent on trans are a different story...

Edited by Savej
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Taitwatson, how controllable is Mad Dash/Blade Blitz!?????


Does it work by placing a marker? Is it channeled and we just run forward during the channel? Is it instantaneous like a teleport? Or is it something that while running we can turn left and right and control where we dash forward while its channeling?


I hope it's the latter. I think it would be good if the ability was channeled and during the channel I could use the left or right arrow keys to turn left or right while dashing forward.

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Your combat team is terrible. I think the reason for this mad dash is to help combat the boatloads of CC in this game. Instead of reigning that in, you add more gap closers. And more utility points to be spent on getting out of being CC'd (Through Victory/Cut Loose!). Boatloads of CC, boatloads of ways of dealing with the CC. Not fluid combat at all. We'll spend more time hitting CCs and escapes than our rotation.


I have two more words for your combat team.


ability bloat


ability bloat


ability bloat


ability bloat


ability bloat


ability bloat


ability bloat

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Can we get someone from the combat team to come in and explain it what circumstances they think mad dash is going to be of any use in end game pvp or ops.


As a dps class this does almost nothing to assist. Ranged DPS are just so much better in the end game cause they can move around the area and as long as they stay within 30 meters can continually dps where as mdps constantly lose time on target and an uncontrollable 20 meter run every 45 seconds isn't going to fix it.


PvP aside if we look at the 2 level 60 ops most of the bosses have leaps, knock backs and cover the floor in high damage circles (fire, turret lasers, mines, aoe adds jumping up and down ect) all of which costs an mdps time on target. While their dps when on target is not sufficiently higher than rdps to make a difference.


The combat team have ignored the community and it appears that the plan is to focus on single player story which will be set an easy enough level that even mdps can do it with spaming basic attack. But this doesn't help the end game experience.

Edited by Costello
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Mad Dash/Blade Blitz sound like a lot of fun to me. Nothing inherently bad about a new dimension to the class to master i.e. not hitting it when 10m from target you're chasing.


Aside from the fact that in pvp you need to be within 4m and this will just zip you past them. If it was intended to be an escape ability fine, but they clearly state they want to make melee have an easier time dealing with kiting so this is clearly meant to be a gap closer. If it acts like force speed then I think people would have less of an issue but the problem is we don't know how it will work but since it says 20m its safe to assume its basically a poor mans exfiltrate.

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Aside from the fact that in pvp you need to be within 4m and this will just zip you past them. If it was intended to be an escape ability fine, but they clearly state they want to make melee have an easier time dealing with kiting so this is clearly meant to be a gap closer. If it acts like force speed then I think people would have less of an issue but the problem is we don't know how it will work but since it says 20m its safe to assume its basically a poor mans exfiltrate.


or hightail it with a scatter bombs twist ;p


I still don't get the issue. Other classes will be most likely getting additional CC breaks/escape tools. The ammount of time force leap keyis going to be pressed like mad while the thing is on CD is only going to go up so an additional gap closer will come in handy. The fact it's not SMOrc simple like leap is not necessarily a tragedy.

Edited by aeterno
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So you're giving warriors/Knights an extra CC breaker in essence. While particularly beneficial for marauders who die quickly when controlled, PvP is going to be out of control with juggernauts having 2 leaps, an ability that makes them immune to CC and now this. Hutball better be adjusted to compensate (e.g. Cannot use the ability when carrying the ball).
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So you're giving warriors/Knights an extra CC breaker in essence. While particularly beneficial for marauders who die quickly when controlled, PvP is going to be out of control with juggernauts having 2 leaps, an ability that makes them immune to CC and now this. Hutball better be adjusted to compensate (e.g. Cannot use the ability when carrying the ball).


No. Mad Dash + Through Victory will break roots and snares. Not stuns.

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Aside from the fact that in pvp you need to be within 4m and this will just zip you past them. If it was intended to be an escape ability fine, but they clearly state they want to make melee have an easier time dealing with kiting so this is clearly meant to be a gap closer. If it acts like force speed then I think people would have less of an issue but the problem is we don't know how it will work but since it says 20m its safe to assume its basically a poor mans exfiltrate.




If it was about a gap closer just give a utility to reduce the cool down on force leap. Which at least has the benefit of being directional.


Depending on the speed of mad dash I can only see if being used to escape combat where you don't see yourself run past your target cause they step to the left. Maybe to get across a bridge in void star though I suspect you wlll get knocked back just as quickly.


This is as said before ability bloat with an ability that will not achieve the goal that was set out to make the class more mobile. The combat team need to redesign the new warrior ability and give something that helps maintain dps not a headless chicken run.

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That doesn't make it any less concerning though. Stand on the edge of the fire in Hutball and dash forwards, you'll be over the line and scoring with no way to stop it.


Force push, overload, bh/commando knockback abilities. There are ways but they aren't fully specific about how the new ability works. Until they are more specific, hard to judge based on a vague description.

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before you do the 4.0 you need to fix what's broken first, instead of adding onto of a shoddy foundation. computer is 2 yrs old

since patch 3.3 the game in 75 percent unplayable due to frame rate drops down to 3.5 to 10.1fps within 20 minutes of logging into the game..i know it's not my system all drivers are up to date, and i am able to play STAR TREK ONLINE without any problems at all..The foundation of the game needs to be solid before you add a 2nd story..

i'm trying to come up with good reasons to stay a sub but right now i don't see any reason to, i'm sure STO would like me

to be a sub instead F2p..I'll give it a year and this game will be dead in the water due to all the problems that you all will not

fix that you all know about..Then maybe Disney/Lucas will give it to UBI SOFT .They could do a hell of a better job that this

bunch can do...

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That doesn't make it any less concerning though. Stand on the edge of the fire in Hutball and dash forwards, you'll be over the line and scoring with no way to stop it.


Thats a valid point if the game was all about huttball and running a ball over a line.


Far worse would be if they gave sorcs the option to move while invulnerable then they could do the same only with a skill useful in places other than running across a 20m gap.

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Aside from the fact that in pvp you need to be within 4m and this will just zip you past them.


They could change it so that instead of dashing forward 20m, it needs a target and stops at it, while still hitting anything along the way.

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That doesn't make it any less concerning though. Stand on the edge of the fire in Hutball and dash forwards, you'll be over the line and scoring with no way to stop it.


This just in: Juggs OP for Huttball. More old news at 11.

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From a pvp perspective, we'll have to wait and see what official changes other classes get before we can theorize as to how this will affect balance. Naturally, emphasizing knight/warrior mobility will shake things up.


From a game performance standpoint, the operative roll causes enough issues. So, I'm cringing when I see a knight/warrior equivalent. In general, I fear that game performance is not being considered as much as it should be.


•New Active Ability: Mad Dash/Blade Blitz! Dash forward 20 meters, dealing weapon damage to enemies in your path and increasing your defense chance by 100% while dashing. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered. Has a 45 second cooldown, and can be attained at level 61.

I'm curious as to what the damage radius will be. Also, is a target required? Meaning, do I have to have a valid target in order to use it or can I just use it to move around like the operative roll? I'm assuming that it would have been mentioned if a target was required.


For those of you that have mentioned the blitz / dash being a problem with moving past your target and getting out of melee range, it's not much different from the operative roll - you can roll past melee range. It's up to you to properly judge distances and only use it when it is beneficial to you. I don't view it as being a rotational ability, just a movement boost / gap closer (assuming that it can be used without a target). The AOE damage that comes with it is just a perk. It's probably going to be quite low damage anyway.


The name "Blade Dance" is not my favorite, but I'm having a hard time coming up with something better. I'm still probably going to call it Master Strike. :p


Regarding the moving around of the levels at which certain utility points are granted: meh. It doesn't bother me. It doesn't take long to get to level cap, so even if it is an inconvenience, it's a very temporary one.



Tier 1 - Skillful

•New Utility: Unflinching Determination/Unwavering Resolve! Saber Ward grants immunity to stuns and incapacitating effects (fear, sleep, blind, etc.) for 6 seconds after you activate it.

This is good news for Combat / Carnage in pvp arenas - will be able to do a ton of damage in a six second window. Those poor mercs are so dead. Sorcs' bubble reflexes will be tested. However, I noticed that it does not mention "knockbacks" specifically. I guess you can still knock back a Carnage Mara during ravage.

Edited by teclado
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New Utility: Unflinching Determination/Unwavering Resolve! Saber Ward grants immunity to stuns and incapacitating effects (fear, sleep, blind, etc.) for 6 seconds after you activate it.

I got super excited... then I remembered that all three of these are effectively the same exact thing in this game. SWTOR: Forever a shadow of what it could be.


Other than that petty disappointment, these changes look okay. There's really just not much here. However since there hasn't been all that much time since 3.0, I can let it slide this time, I suppose. I like the idea of increased movability, and I hope that will be given to all melee classes. However, in order to properly "speed up combat" as hinted in the livestream, you need to do more than just speed up movement. You also have to reduce TTK. Less health game-wide, or more damage game-wide, or both. Compared to most other games (at least the games I play), the combat in this game is really, really slow. If I had the choice, I'd be playing SWTOR at 150% speed at LEAST. I'm not asking for that much, but I'd really enjoy hearing that you're speeding up combat as you said you would, not just speeding up our movement.

Edited by idnewton
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Thats a valid point if the game was all about huttball and running a ball over a line.


Far worse would be if they gave sorcs the option to move while invulnerable then they could do the same only with a skill useful in places other than running across a 20m gap.


Yeah, I am going to go grab some popcorn, I think the forums over the next few weeks will get pretty entertaining.

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Poor warriors with their CC immunity, leaps, & roll. However will you cope? :rolleyes:


#8 for season 5 ratings = jugg. So my answer to your sarcastic question, especially considering buffs going to other classes, is I have no idea. Maybe you can show us all how it's done?

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#8 for season 5 ratings = jugg. So my answer to your sarcastic question, especially considering buffs going to other classes, is I have no idea. Maybe you can show us all how it's done?


And if performance in solo rated meant anything meaningful, there might be a point. But the game isn't designed around 4 Damage v 4 damage games which is ubiquitous in solo rated.

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