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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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I think there needs to be two different games available.


PvP servers allowing macros, add-ons, animation interrupt/faster attacks, dungeon finders, meters, etc.


PvE servers without the above, and no PvP flagging in non-PvP areas.


That way, people can really choose the environment and community they want to play in.


What a great idea! Cause the PVE guys are the ones complaining about those PVP things.



Speaking of commendations make one commendation you get lvling up besides the daily one. all the gear has lvl requirements why do i need 15 diff types in my currency tab.

Edited by brusthoden
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First off, I'm enjoying the game a lot and it has many strong points. Also we have to consider it just launched so we have to cut them a bit of slack.


That said, there are many improvements needed and desired. Practically all I want has already been said before in this thread, but I'll list them in order of priority as I see it. Due to an unplanned wall of text that has arisen here the previous 15 minutes, I will start with two things that I haven't seen mentioned here before:




- At the very least, some kind of record keeping of your actual WorldPVP. If the Republic brings together an operation-group for a world boss and theyre lounging around after the kill, and the Empire descends on them also 20 strong and a vicious realworld battle plays out, right now there is NOTHING that rewards or even acknowledges it. That takes the fun out of worldpvp quite quickly, knowing that for all the game cares, that cool impromptu skirmish 5 minutes ago didnt even happen. Not saying we should be showered in rewards for ganking some poor git, but at the least keep score of kills and deaths or something. Really...just something. :(




- INVISIBLE PLANETS! Coruscant is the supposed "Center of the Galaxy", but if you ask my Sith Inquistor, Coruscant doesn't exist. Whats up with this? Three planets totally inaccessible, unexisting even, for both factions. That blows hard. There's plenty of ways around the idea of lowlvl gankfest (make the entire planet faction-territory, so low-lvls will never be pvp-tagged unless they choose to) or the lore-wise bad idea of flying to the Coruscant Starport in a Sith ship (remote landing locations, fake ID-tags obtained by quest, whatever really), so there's no need for the total removal of three planets for each faction. Korriban and Tython are ok to be invisible, theyre secluded sanctuaries of the respective orders.


But Dromund Kaas and Coruscant shouldn't be totally inexistant for Republic and Empire. That's Lame with a capital L.







Major stuff that should be fixed soon:


- Viability of crafting @ end level. I love the fact that crafting can make you good gear WHILE you level, sadly this disappears on endgame levels. Added to that seems that RE'ing high-lvl items is just not worth it anymore (is RE succes dependant on skill-lvl? Almost looks like it). At level 30 I could have higher skill than my lvl (relatively), and make myself a purple lvl30 hilt without disproportionate effort. Now when my artifice is maxed, it's just....the schemes aren't popping. Last night I tore apart eighteen Force Wielder Hilt 22, the basic green version.

Eighteen tries on a green. How many would take it to pop purple from blue? 30+? Yeah sure, I'll go collect over a 100 artifiacts, 120 Lorrdian gemstones etc etc....be right back! ... Not worth it by a long shot because the result is even quickly outclassed by other gear. Make discovering blue and purple lvl49 items a bit easier to achieve, then you can add even better craftables as boss-drops, rare random loot or even better: unlockable as a chosen reward at the end of a long and difficult skill-quest.



- End game gear being purple armor or weapons with respectively armouring or hilt/barrell fixed. Many of this stuff looks weird, too similar and the item lvls exclude it from modding, as does tooling up normal (orange) moddable gear to the same level, because you're not going to find purple lvl58 mods and enhancements to put in them.



- Supposedly (too) easy grind for purple PVP-gear relative to the PVE route.


(As a gear-based MMO, it's necessary that there are multiple paths to the best gear AND that the stuff looks good and/or that we have a say in how it looks. At lvl50 I don't want to walk around with an upturned chipsbag on my Inquisitor. I want that cool golden engraved mask that I've been using the past 15 levels)



- UI improvements. Macro's, moveable windows, no companion-mission interrupts etc



- Being punished for not strictly going Light or Dark. I started Dark but recently I came across a range of Dark choices I simply didnt wanna make. As a result your alignment gets thrown back and you have to make do with low-lvl relics or even no relics for true Neutral players. This is immersion breaking and even gamebreaking to a small extent.




Stuff that needs to be implemented in a medium timespan:


- More customization! Preferably on gear, saber colors, charachter looks. More vanity stuff!


- A more interactive, lively world. Make chairs sittable, text balloons, more simple emotes


- PAZAAK!!!!! I honestly could not believe this wasn't in the game from the get-go. I really enjoyed Pazaak in Kotor, it's a good, simple cardgame with a personal touch ("your" deck) that takes almost no time to play. It's truly almost made for a MMO, even opening the door for quests and discoveries for rare cards. A big oversight that this isn't ingame.


- Expanding on the Pazaak, we definitely need more minigames in social areas. Ping pong for all i care, chess, stuff like that.



Stuff that sounds juicy for the future:



- More exotic playable races. People are correct in saying we're just all playing humans, some of them with horns and a different skin colour, but they're really all VERY humanoid. A bit too humanoid for some of us.


- Expansion of space combat. I realise this is not a simple thing to implement, but the sheer notion of "open world space combat multiplayer PVP" will have a LOT of us hard in all the right places and drooling with desire. And besides, this is Star Wars. Some of the most iconic scenes of the movies were in spacecraft and spacebattles. Trench run anyone? Thats what I'm saying.


- Customization till you drop dead. Theres never enough customization in an MMO like this. Especially Id like to see stuff for the ships. I know I cant expect the Normandy SR-2 standard, but being able to make a ship, especially the interior, more homely or detailed would be frickin awesome.




Long smack of text and TL;DR for some, but it feels good to vent regardless. :)

Edited by Hakkefest
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I think there needs to be two different games available.


PvP servers allowing macros, add-ons, animation interrupt/faster attacks, dungeon finders, meters, etc.


PvE servers without the above, and no PvP flagging in non-PvP areas.


That way, people can really choose the environment and community they want to play in.



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@ OP

Majority of these ideas are on top of the list "things I hope never ever see in TOR".

There are better ways of fixing some issues than just copy&paste from WoW/WH.





This way we can close crazy MMO numbers-maniacs in a cage and keep them away from everyone else :D

:p :P :p

ok, just kidding.

Still though - IMO it's better idea than "just" implementing it.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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To all those people saying


"Put more chairs to sit in"


Why do you care about chairs? The entire concept is an enigma to me


They are chairs, who cares.


For that matter I hate when I want to click kira and accidently click the "Captain's Chair and have to endure an unwanted "Now you wait as your character sits in a chair you never meant to sit in"


again who cares? More importantly why do you care about chairs

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I previous posted about how annoying it was to get mail about item be sold instead of just chat message. But now I more angry than annoyed - namely because it takes about 5 sec for the mail to populate with credits or items after you open - SO I just deleted a message that actually had auction money because it first openned with 0 money and i thought it was another "you sold something and will get it in an hour" spam only to see it populate after I hit delete.


So my second suggestion is: If some hits delete on a message with items or credits, the items and credits go into their inventory. I mean is there ever really a circumstance that you want to delete Money? At least have a pop up that asks if you are sure about deleting the mail with money or items.

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1) Instead of removing high resolution textures and making everyone look terrible because it lags slower machines, give us the option in the graphics preferences to turn them up and down. Game crawling? Turn down the settings. That is pretty standard practice. The textures are there, they are used in cutscenes, give us access to them.


2) When missions have a mission item you have to use, put a button next to the quest in the tracker where we can click the item directly, without having to open our inventory or manually putting every new quest item on the hotkey bars.

Edited by RuQu
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What would be ideal is if the in game chat function is to be used to chat to people for those who dont use ventrilio or whatever you call it but when you are in a flashpoint with a group if we can have a specific Flashpoint chat section.


I don't want chat bubbles, this is not a cartoon.


A seperate flashpoint tab for chat you can go to everytime your running an FP. If such a thing exists already then my bad i havent noticed it yet


When your in a guild and fifty people speak and then another fifty in general chat its highly difficult in the middle of a battle to keep looking in the core chat area to see if your groupmates are talking before it being over run by random others discussions.


A few wipes have happened because of this due to the fact i pulled aggro and didnt actually see someone in the group say "wait"


Right click the General Tab. Click Create New Chat Tab. Name it Party or Flashpoint. Right-click that tab, select Chat Settings. Deselect everything that isn't party chat. You now have a custom tab that only shows you conversation from your group. You can do this for any and all chat channels or combination of channels, including custom channels you create via the command "/join CustomChatChannelName"

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A post about tank companions:


I play a mercenary. I love Blizz. I want to use Blizz all the time, because he's a totally rad character. However, it is just flat-out less effective for me to use him than Mako. A primary reason for this, I've realized, is that, for whatever absolutely inane reason that I can't figure out (assuming it's an intentional design decision), companions heal SIGNIFICANTLY slower than our actual characters when using the class out of combat heal.


I think it would be incredibly beneficial to those of us who like using tank companions to either dramatically increase the speed at which all companions regen from the class out of combat heals, or tack a buff on to the tank stances that provides said buff. If i only had to recharge and reload for only about 3 seconds or so when using Blizz, as I generally do with Mako, to get to full hp, I'd be much more inclined to use him.

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With all the suggestions you guys are making it sounds like you guys are describing " Star Wars Galaxies " lol. Which they got rid of for this WoW clone. So madding we waited so long for this crap. I am s Star Wars fan boy so i will continue to sub until i feel i have digested most of the content available. i.e. re-roll a number of characters until the monotony of the side quests turn my brains to mush. They should release this to PS3 and Xbox next that is how dumbed down this game is. I am enjoying my time here but there is a reason i quit playing WoW after a month or so and the same reasons are present here.








no. uh uh. mass battles like star wars battle front. keep mentions of star wars galaxies out of what i am others are saying because we are definitly not trying to say ''make this game into that.''. i like the battle system thats in this game. make no mistake or otherwise about that. but it could be improved and added upon. period! i have played kingdom hearts for its space ship system. i have played such legends as star wars battlefront. and that is the impession i came with when i started to play this game, which it should be like. theres really no reason other than the fact that it hasnt been made yet that you cant customize every part of your space ship. or that no one but yourself can shoot-while sitting in a chair staring off into space no less.





on another note

ive heard telll theres not much for you after level 50. great. not. more attention paid to things like social games in the cantinas, ally based stuff and having more than just the allys you have. i like it, the fact that the missions are being expanded and the new armors that come with it-meanwhile however, some more important things remain..lacking to put it short. there should be more point to playing after level 50 than just switching to a new character.






masks & hoods, mods and customizations for the speeder vehicles- and im sorry to say, but the cantina dancers..


its just that despite that fact that they are almost nude which is .ok and everything, , dont get me wrong you are very bold for putting that in there... but their skin texture is just very grainy. they look way too skinny, all too short, so that ive found that other ai's and player models with all their clothes on end up looking more attractive-yes more attractive - than alot of the dancers. you dont beat a zoo lion with a paddle, prop him up on strings before the crowds with a matted patchy coat of fur and say ''look how well he's doing'' do you? should be the same idea


and thx for what is already available though. theres alot that does please in the game.

Edited by ekosdarid
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erm my idea is pretty far away currently at this thread. Now i feel worried my idea wont get recognized and of course the other ideas too.



swhy you politely keep reminding everyone of the things you want to see done.











social points btw, are extremley easy to get. its just what method are you using to obtain them. mandalorian raiders? athiss? cad? all way too much battling and not enough convoing to get them en mass like that. go this way instead-and ive proven it time and time again with others- do black talon. its easy-even on hard mode- which means its faster to beat and theres waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more convoing involved in it. i went from 298 something social points to roughly 678 social in the space of less than a few hours thanks to that mission.

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Enemies need to be more diverse. More blaster bolts, colors, uniforms, lightsaber blades.


Even if they are just simple recolors, it would do wonders.


Have enemy mobs have a more varied style of attack, abilities, and animations, as well as more varied styles of covers and layouts.


While the many small enemies is a good idea, the fights tend to not be as epic as fewer but stronger enemies.

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i also find it a little unhappy that alot of the enemys- are standing around grouped in fields and stuff as if they are waiting for something that will never come.

make them roving around in speeder-like vehicles from which they attack you. show them sleeping in sleeping bags and cooklng food around the fire. show the droids hauling things and doin labor like digging tirelessly for resources. the sand people riding around on banthas that can RAM you as well as the rider shooting or throwing spears at you.


a llittle more diversity.

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Please add in: Getting rid of skill lag.. Skill lag is killing me as a BH healer, when i am desperately trying to time the damage done to my group. Timing, chaining, and juggling my heals is how a healer is played, and it is crucial to have NO SKILL LAG in doing this. Everything I do is timed, and if the skill lag is unpredictable, then it is nearly impossible to get used to my character, or get the feel of her capabilities
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emotes seemed to be a pointless thing to include in this game from the onset.......


Not for roleplayers.

The fact that you cant emote the opposite faction but you can /say to them is stupid.

Friendlisting of the opposite faction should also be possible for those using alts.

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Modding your items and bag items in your bag(s)


When you are hovering over a current mod you can see in your bags what items that be placed in that slot but when you take your cursor off of your current mod the highlighted items in your bag are no longer high lighted. Maybe a feature in which you can click the current mod and move your cursor over to your bags and still see the items that are able to be placed in that current slot. (instead of the highlighted items becoming not high lighted, as is current)



Dark Side/Light Side 1,2,3 appearance


Currently as you progress your character either to the dark or light side your facial features change each time you hit a new level of that side (1,2,3) maybe an optional feature to choose even if your at say Dark 3 you can choose to only show Dark 1 (red/orange eyes)


Bag space and your companion


Current your companion can sell your "trash" items but what about the ability to select items in your bag to send to your "bank" making questing while doing crew skills less of a hassle when taking up bag space.


Dark Side/Light Side and your companion relationships


Probably not so simple in regards to code but what if like your own character your facial features change as you become more dark/light so does your companion (this is assuming that you are having a good relationship with said companion)


Logging in and your server


Currently after log in you must drag down, or find your server you play on. How about a feature where at the login screen you can to auto log in to your last played server.







Server: Iron Citadel

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The Suggestion Compilation Thread:

Updated: January 10th.


I will attempt to update this thread frequently and prioratize major needed updates. I will base need on the number of people asking for specifc changes.


At the request of our gaming community I have been asked to provide feedback to Bioware discussing improvements to the game that they feel are most critical.


The general reaction to SWTOR has been extremely positive. However, in order to keep the interest of players and to continue to provide a vastly superior alternative to games such as World of Warcraft Bioware must do what it can to listen to the concerns and suggestions of their player base.


If Bioware keeps the faith with the communities that populate it we will continue to recommend SWTOR and the subscriber base will grow.


We are looking for a good faith effort to communicate and implement the changes that are discussed here. Most are simple fixes that will increase the enjoyment and interest of players in continue to build on their characters, communities and make a truly long term investment in SWTOR and its possible expansions.


We are looking for community feedback that is intelligent, thoughtful and expresses the areas in which SWTOR could improve and expand to provide additional enjoyment and long term play value.

Please post your ideas below and I will list your ideas here! Thank you.


Feedback will be organized into the following categories:




Currently the pvp end game has been limited to three warzones which players grind for commendations and gear. However, the world pvp Ilum end game remains unfinished.


Beyond the dailies on Ilum there is limited reason to actually pvp in the open world areas. My experience so far has been that players complete dailies and immidiately leave the zone. The open world pvp lakes are nearly always empty as a result. This is a far cry from the RVR experience of Warhammer where factions fought heavily for zone control, influence renown and gear.


In order to provide the Warhammer/DAOC open world experience, or at least provide a Wintergrasp Tol Barad level of pvp the Ilum system must be re-worked.


Here are the major changed required:



- Do not re-invent the wheel. Simply put the Warhammer RVR system on Ilum. Two bases with NPC bosses. Destructible doors. Siege equipment/vehicles, influence gear and rewards.

- Captureing a base should provide pvp commendations, loot bags, gear and general incentives.


Mercenary Commendations:


- We were told that Mercenary commendations would be awarded from participating in open world pvp areas. Currently, with the chests and resources removed from Ilum and Outlaws den there is no way to recieve mercenary commendations besides warzone commendation conversion. This is a major oversite.

- Commendations must be rewarded from open world pvp.

- Taking Battlefieled objectives and Bases all should provide Mercenary commendations.


Battlefield Objectives:





General Changes/Optimization:


- Optimization. Ilum has technical issues due to its high polygon count. Any significant number of players present tend to severely reduce frame rates. (Memory leaks)

- Overhaul. Implement the Warhammer system for RvR. Currently players are simply capturing points and moving on to complete their daily and weekly quests. There is very little pvp.

- Republic and Sith bases should be changed to defensible "keeps" that provide incentives for players to attack, and to defend. Once again please consider the Warhammer RvR lake system.

- Pilotable siege vehicles in Ilum. (Anti base vehicles for walls or door destruction).

- Siege system for bases. Currently there is no incentive to defend bases or real strategy to do so.

- New base design in Ilum. Currently people simply hit objectives and move on. No incentive to defend or hold points. Possibly consider the keep system from Warhammer Online. (Defense bonus quests based on kills for holding objectives)

- Lock points after capture for a period of time to concentrate pvp around vulnerable objectives. (Provide rewards for defense)




- ALLOW FOR EXPERTISE ON MODS! This is our number one complaint in the game at this time. There is a brilliant customization/mod gear system in SWTOR. Why not allow it for pvp gear as well?

- Allow Expertise mods to be purchased with tokens. Allow players to stat/customize their pvp gear!




- Ability to queue up for specific warzones.

- Additional warzones.

- Larger player caps 12 v 12, 16 v 16 + etc.

- Queuing as premades.

- Bracket pvp for warzones.

- 50's ranked play for warzones.

- Ranking system for match making in ranked warzones.


World PvP:


- More World pvp lakes and objectives!

- More rewards from world pvp and objectives.

- Additional buffs for control of world pvp objectives.

- World pvp should award tokens and valour on kills.

- Players in world pvp lakes should drop items or commendations.


- Multiple Bases per side on PvP planets. You fight to control these.

- Put in a relic system where if you control certain bases it allows you to somehow seize the planets relic that provides bonuses to your side.

- Add in a Realm Point system that gives rewards that further player development and not the gear treadmill. This means you earn points for killing other players and capturing bases. Then you spend these points on new abilities.

- Allow guilds to claim outposts on planets. Upgrade the defenses, etc.





- PUT RESOURCE NODES BACK ON ILUM/OUTLAWS DEN! If there is an issue with low level players farming high level nodes put a level restriction on Ilum (40+)

- Optimization. Ilum has tremendous technical issues due to its high polygon count. Any significant number of players present tend to severely reduce frame rates. (Memory leaks)

- Overhaul. Implement the Warhammer system for RvR. Currently players are simply capturing points and moving on to complete their daily and weekly quests. There is very little pvp.

- Republic and Sith bases should be changed to defensible "keeps" that provide incentives for players to attack, and to defend. Once again please consider the Warhammer RvR lake system.

- Pilotable siege vehicles in Ilum. (Anti base vehicles for walls or door destruction).

- Siege system for bases. Currently there is no incentive to defend bases or real strategy to do so.

- New base design in Ilum. Currently people simply hit objectives and move on. No incentive to defend or hold points. Possibly consider the keep system from Warhammer Online. (Defense bonus quests based on kills for holding objectives)

- Lock points after capture for a period of time to concentrate pvp around vulnerable objectives. (Provide rewards for defense)


Character Customization:


- Greater degree of customization for characters at creation (additional body sizes, hair styles, eye styles and colors, features and extras)




- Training Dumbies!

- Combat Log!

- Add a /random roll feature!

- Public Questing! Currently there are a few group quests throughout the world. Add more! Public question is an excellent way to encourage groups of 4 or more players in the world to take on objectives and assist each other with achieving rewards.

- Additional Flashpoints (these are in the works)




- Allow both 8 and 16/24 man versions of operations! 8 player pve is not "epic" it plays out much more like an instance and lacks the sense of group challenge and complexity.


Guild and Community Changes


- More interest and incentives for Guilds. This has already been a widely discussed topic, but it bears a little reinforcement. Guilds should be more than extended friends lists. They should have goals, advantages, interests, and unique content to advocate getting into them and interacting with others in the game.

- Guild Leveling

- Guild Perks

- Guild Hall (guild capital ship) This idea easily receives the most positive feedback from our community. Players are highly interested in a guild wide resource drive to construct and upgrade a guild capital ship/guild hall.

- Guild colors and insignia.

- Increase guild cap to at least 1000.

- Alliance system for coordination between guilds, Alliance chat channel.

- Guild Versus Guild Capital Ship Battles (Massive Warzone Boarding Action).




- More usable chairs

- Level of detail scaling (ability to control the draw distance for effects).


Personal Ships

- Interior color/exterior ship color has got to be pretty easy to skin. Having 4/5 color palettes would be great, even if it doesn’t translate to actual space combat. For instance Black exterior/red interior. Green/tan, Silver/black. Gold/Silver. White/Black. I hate my freighters colors. Use the Companion customization as a guide to ship colors.


Scaling issues:


- Corellia underwent a graphical overhaul prior to launch. In this overhaul many capital ships were added to the environment. However they were added in at under 1/8th their size! It is a major oversite in a game that otherwise takes such painstaking steps to ensure that the scale and scope of the environments is realistic. To see super massive capital ships simply tacked on to the side of buildings when they are supposedly several hundred meters long is immersion breaking.


Future projects for expansions.


- Space combat overhaul (free flight simulator)




Community Wish list Community submissions:


- Frontier zones.


- Player/guild facilities, outposts, bases, hubs in frontier zones.


- Relic System!


- Guild ships, or guild halls.


-Player housing or customizable interiors (furniture, interior color, move things around) of player ships.


-Different ship models players can buy.


-Exterior mods that actually change the appearance of the ship.


- A casino on Nar Shaddaa, speaks for itself really but a place where players can gamble credits.


- A pod racing track on Tattoine (not sure if this fits in with the timeline) - players can bet on Pod Racers or even take part (though you would have to make the races random or people may work out how to fix the outcome) could have Pod Racing upgrades.


- Being able to compare companion loot when looking at the companion page and when looking at an item. This worked in Beta, not sure why it was removed.


- Cross server dungeon finder.


- Cross server warzones.


- Advanced class switching.


- Dual spec.


- Improve fps performance in warzones which is terrible on some machines for no apparent reason


- Fix the various animation bugs and mirror class imbalances (due to animations most of the time)


- Combat log and possibly a recount function.


- GUILD BANK, the dev team should be fired for this one.


- Group finder, either cross server or not but it needs one either way.


- Fast transport to instance (flashpoint/heroic). THere should be a shuttle pickup that the group can initiate to get them all to the instance they are grouped for.


- Grace period on instance loot. Too many times due to game issues or not paying attention, loot get distributed wrong or someone decides they need an item they didnt need on.


- Competitive cantina mini-games


- More variety in moddable gear


- Galactic Market Additions - Ability to search without selecting all of the functions, just as ability to search JUST by typing the name of an item.


- Extending the limit on Warzone Commendations to 2000 - 4000 (why 1000?)


All of this should have been included at launch. :(


Darkfall 2.0 or Archeage will take me away before long.

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