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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are you a quitter? Make FP lockout timers 24 hours.


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Don't care for the quitters myself, but this is a horrible idea.


Disconnects happen. Someone may have been waiting a half hour or hour for that flashpoint to pop and then halfway through they get DCed through no fault of their own. They are already punished if they can't get back in. They have spent that time waiting for nothing and will have to start the whole flashpoint over, which means waiting for another queue to pop.

Punishing them further serves no good purpose.


Sometimes the group just doesn't have it. For whatever reason. Someone may have dropped for some reason (and again, this could be a DC that is not their fault, so don't go back to thinking that punishment would stop the behavior) or one or more players aren't doing their jobs well enough (and this could just be inexperience with the class mechanics or gaming in general, maybe some sub-par gear that they didn't think was that big a deal. There doesn't have to be any ill-intent here). Whatever.

Point is, everyone is going to eventually either drop in this case or there will be players sitting in the flashpoint for who knows how long hoping, praying that someone shows up to fill in the empty spot(s) that will tip the balance in the group's favor.

Again, why pile on with more punishment?


I might be trying to get into the flashpoint to meet the daily goal. If I ended up being banned for 24-48 hours, especially now, I may end up outleveling the content and missing out entirely if I had to wait rather than just re-queue.


So no, I am no fan of cherry-pickers that join GF for the daily but then decide that they will only run a certain flashpoint or decide that they only want to play with a certain specific mix of classes, but this idea for punishment hits too many innocent players to be remotely acceptable.




Instead, I would focus my ideas on making flashpoints and GF more appealing. Get more players wanting to run these and more queues pop more often.


Add in unique RE-able gear to every flashpoint.

Make them scale so that every player can join the GF for a specific flashpoint.

Let players input group mixes so the flashpoint queue will only pop for them when that specific group can be made.

Give every character some useful gear directly rather than rely on the need/greed system and luck to come up with something, or maybe give commendations to every character that loses a need/greed roll on blue or better gear.


Get more players involved and use positive reinforcement rather than using heavy-handed punishments to penalize players for things that they may have no control over or that are just learning how to play the game.

Edited by Mithros
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Seriously, if you're the kind of person who queues for a GF flashpoint, hardmode or otherwise, clicks 'ready', fully aware you are joining PUGs, and then quits before anything happens, you are wasting everybody's time. Everyone that just queued, and waited, sometimes for up to an hour or even more, to get into that flashpoint that you just flippantly bailed on. If you want a perfect group, or a specific flashpoint, then GF is not for you, so don't join it. Make some friends, find a guild, then you can pick and choose whatever. But there is a special place in the spice mines of Kessel reserved for you if you're quitting GF groups.




As a side note, I would totally support 24 hour lockout timers for people who quit GF flashpoints. They might think twice about clicking that 'ready' button in future.


Nah...I join GF's to help other players usually...not to be penalized. If you wanna stop good players from joining, this is the perfect way to do it...there are some groups that you just can't carry.

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I am more than happy to suffer a 24% lockout (if that will make the OP feel better) so long as a couple of things happen first.


1. Remove Blood Hunt HM from my list of choices, yet still allow me to get my daily Ultimate coms.

That FP is toxic. Yer, yer - you can all tell me how easy it is, how you've completed it. However I've attempted it no less than 15-16 times and never got anywhere near clearing the first boss.

So remove that, but let me get my daily and I'll suffer any of the other FP's you throw at me.


2. Allow me to queue for WZ 8man only and not have to go and no god awful areanas.


So sort that and I'll happily accept your 24hr lock-out.

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I will support if everyone has to pass a test to show they are geared/skilled enough to complete the content for the roll they are trying to fill. And that everyone agrees to spacebar.


I will drop a group in a sec if people can't do their roll or people want to watch the cutscenes. You want to get carried or watch the cutscene that is fine with me. I don't want to carry you or watch the cutscene; so I will just leave.



I'm sorry but your idea is bad. Only thing that going to happen is people afking till you kick them.


This is exactly why it is a good idea - though I think 24 hours is way to long, just put them at the bottom of the queue - to keep your mindset from poisoning Group Finder. GF is for forming PUGs, if you want a group formed to your liking, make one with your guild and/or friends.

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I accidentally queued as a healer when I wasn't when starting on my operative. Would you have preferred I just healed badly?

You could explain your reason for leaving. I think everyone would understand and not ask for lockout. Withing the OP's proposal, people could vote kick you so there'd be no lockout.

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If you were joining GF to help, you wouldn't be quitting.

After an hour+ on one boss, I would. I love to help other people and seldom quit...but there have been times where I just couldn't carry the other 3. Lost Island was the last time I truly quit a FP, but that was after 2+ hours of getting nowhere...and it was well past midnight for me.

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Seriously, if you're the kind of person who queues for a GF flashpoint, hardmode or otherwise, clicks 'ready', fully aware you are joining PUGs, and then quits before anything happens, you are wasting everybody's time. Everyone that just queued, and waited, sometimes for up to an hour or even more, to get into that flashpoint that you just flippantly bailed on. If you want a perfect group, or a specific flashpoint, then GF is not for you, so don't join it. Make some friends, find a guild, then you can pick and choose whatever. But there is a special place in the spice mines of Kessel reserved for you if you're quitting GF groups.




As a side note, I would totally support 24 hour lockout timers for people who quit GF flashpoints. They might think twice about clicking that 'ready' button in future.


Uhm, sorry but... 24-hour lockout? Stop ranting. While having someone leave the group can be annoying, there can be tons of reasons for one to leave the group. And if you have to wait as long as you say, play a tank or healer. No way you'll be waiting for an hour or more then. Who the hell are you to decide whether people should use the group finder or not? And perhaps follow your own suggestion, if you want 'trustworthy' people, make some friends or find a guild yourself instead of spouting nonsense here.


If it were up to me, I'd remove the whole lockout timer. It's stupid and doesn't do anything to quitters. I hardly ever come across them anyway.

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If your looking for quick and productive FP runs, Group Finder really isnt the way to go.


Your best off just trying to get a group together yourself. Between the people who are clueless on how to play/gear their classes, derpy dps who facepull/charge/leap into everything and wont get out of circles of death, the carry me trolls, and the "im not really a healer, i just clicked it for a faster pop" DBs, group finder is usually a unmitigated disaster.


If your going into GF, prepare for the worst, and be plesantly suprised if things actually go well... :D

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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After an hour+ on one boss, I would. I love to help other people and seldom quit...but there have been times where I just couldn't carry the other 3. Lost Island was the last time I truly quit a FP, but that was after 2+ hours of getting nowhere...and it was well past midnight for me.


You spent 2+ hours in LI?! Are you freaking serious?! :eek::eek: I would have been gone after 30min of failing!

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You spent 2+ hours in LI?! Are you freaking serious?! :eek::eek: I would have been gone after 30min of failing!

Back shortly after release of it...it seemed like a father/son group that had never done a FP before. The healer and I were EXTREMELY patient with them...but we just had to throw the towel in after enough attempts and zero progress.


I was nice enough to offer to help them again some time, but I'd have been sure to bring Kak or Gin had that happened :)

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This is exactly why it is a good idea - though I think 24 hours is way to long, just put them at the bottom of the queue - to keep your mindset from poisoning Group Finder. GF is for forming PUGs, if you want a group formed to your liking, make one with your guild and/or friends.


This is a prefect example of the true poison of GF. Forcing what you want on the other players and wanting harsh punishment to ensure they do what you want. You shouldn't expect a random group to gear your character for you or to teach you how to play your character. You shouldn't force a group to sit through cut scenes when the rest of them don't want too. You and the OP would rather force other players to do what you want. Maybe you should take your own advice. You don't want people quitting than make a group of your own.


I would be happy if there was a vote option to skip all cut scenes.



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Back shortly after release of it...it seemed like a father/son group that had never done a FP before. The healer and I were EXTREMELY patient with them...but we just had to throw the towel in after enough attempts and zero progress.


I was nice enough to offer to help them again some time, but I'd have been sure to bring Kak or Gin had that happened :)


Rofl Oh okay. That's more understandable...

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I don't quit groups often however there are occasions that I would;



RL happens and I need to go, it happens.


One or more players in the grp are tools, that happens as well.


You're upset and ranting and your entitled,but remember BW are here to make money ,if they start punishing players in the way you want there's a good chance they will lose subs.

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Instead, I would focus my ideas on making flashpoints and GF more appealing. Get more players wanting to run these and more queues pop more often.


Add in unique RE-able gear to every flashpoint.

Make them scale so that every player can join the GF for a specific flashpoint.

Let players input group mixes so the flashpoint queue will only pop for them when that specific group can be made.

Give every character some useful gear directly rather than rely on the need/greed system and luck to come up with something, or maybe give commendations to every character that loses a need/greed roll on blue or better gear.


Get more players involved and use positive reinforcement rather than using heavy-handed punishments to penalize players for things that they may have no control over or that are just learning how to play the game.


This. Positive reinforcement would so be awesome. Especially comms for N/G losers. Too many times I've gone through an FP and only gotten the final reward : (


Regarding lockout for quitters, I wouldn't mind seeing a system whereby you're locked out of GF after quitting within an hour - the lockout time being the remainder of that hour. Or a half hour, whichever. Just, once you click Accept, you've dedicated yourself to at least give the FP a fair shot, and don't just leave as soon as you get in.


Also, I think being able to Inspect your prospective teammates from the Accept/Decline window would help alleviate a lot of concerns. I make this suggestion even though I usually run around in PVP gear (I do a lot more warzones than PVE) and switch to my 190/192s inside the FP once it finally hits. Knowing that your teammates have at least a decent chance of survivability before you go in may help reduce the quit rate.

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After an hour+ on one boss, I would. I love to help other people and seldom quit...but there have been times where I just couldn't carry the other 3. Lost Island was the last time I truly quit a FP, but that was after 2+ hours of getting nowhere...and it was well past midnight for me.


Well, that's a long time. But you could also state it chat, you know, "Hey guys, this ain't working and I am getting tired of it, so good luck to yall", something like that, nobody is going to take offense or complain. That is not the kind of quitting the OP is talking about.


Brings me to an amendment of the proposal, reduce the lockout depending on the time you've participated in the group content.

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