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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are you a quitter? Make FP lockout timers 24 hours.


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Seriously, if you're the kind of person who queues for a GF flashpoint, hardmode or otherwise, clicks 'ready', fully aware you are joining PUGs, and then quits before anything happens, you are wasting everybody's time. Everyone that just queued, and waited, sometimes for up to an hour or even more, to get into that flashpoint that you just flippantly bailed on. If you want a perfect group, or a specific flashpoint, then GF is not for you, so don't join it. Make some friends, find a guild, then you can pick and choose whatever. But there is a special place in the spice mines of Kessel reserved for you if you're quitting GF groups.




As a side note, I would totally support 24 hour lockout timers for people who quit GF flashpoints. They might think twice about clicking that 'ready' button in future.

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Then don't join groupfinder. See, how hard is that?


No, let me correct this. Don't join group finder with pugs. You can still get your daily GF coms by forming your own group of four, and joining GF with that for a random FP, so you can do it that way. But if you intend in advance to leave if you don't get the FP or group that you want, then don't join with pugs, it's really that simple.

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Seriously, if you're the kind of person who queues for a GF flashpoint, hardmode or otherwise, clicks 'ready', fully aware you are joining PUGs, and then quits before anything happens, you are wasting everybody's time. Everyone that just queued, and waited, sometimes for up to an hour or even more, to get into that flashpoint that you just flippantly bailed on. If you want a perfect group, or a specific flashpoint, then GF is not for you, so don't join it. Make some friends, find a guild, then you can pick and choose whatever. But there is a special place in the spice mines of Kessel reserved for you if you're quitting GF groups.




As a side note, I would totally support 24 hour lockout timers for people who quit GF flashpoints. They might think twice about clicking that 'ready' button in future.


I understand you're just venting, but I think your point needs to be addressed, regardless. ;)


First off, you do know you can select what FP you want to run, be it a HM or otherwise, in the selection window, right? As such, while half the outcome of a FP comes from the random queue, few would really queue for a random FP and decline every time they get another one, it would be pretty stupid on their part. :rolleyes:


That said, I too had to face that thing a few times, but tbh, if someone DCes or has to bail because RL, I'd say it's not his fault - as long as he says so. :p

A 24h lockdown would make queues much, much longer, and also discourage even more ppl to run those - already few do because of the abysmal return you get from them, since your gear will be better than what you get to begin with, so... :(

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I will support if everyone has to pass a test to show they are geared/skilled enough to complete the content for the roll they are trying to fill. And that everyone agrees to spacebar.


I will drop a group in a sec if people can't do their roll or people want to watch the cutscenes. You want to get carried or watch the cutscene that is fine with me. I don't want to carry you or watch the cutscene; so I will just leave.



I'm sorry but your idea is bad. Only thing that going to happen is people afking till you kick them.

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I guess you've never pugged with a bad group? Ever pugged and found the healer was undergeared or the tank was in wrong stance? Should everyone be forced to play with a group no matter the number of wipes on pulls and bosses? Should everyone be forced to waste their time when it becomes apparent to them that the group is most likely not going to be able to complete the FP?


I reckon your answer to this would be: Well don't pug then.


Yeah, no thanks.

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So if someone has to leave due to RL interference they should be locked out for an entire day? Yes, that does seem like a good idea.


Save for a very serious emergency I really don't see the problem.


Note, I have a wife and kids. I know I can get interrupted at any point and most of my gaming time is only after my baby is asleep and my son is in his room for the night (supposed to be falling asleep). I know I can still get interrupted. So save if I talk w/ my wife and set aside a no-interruption time I DO NOT queue. Because I know there's a decent chance I could be interrupted with minor son issues and have to keep walking away for a few minutes. It's called simple courtesy.


Now if someone has a serious emergency happen somehow I doubt they'll give a crap if they're locked out for 12 hours or 24 hours, whatever number you want to give it that seems reasonable to dissuade people from dropping for no good reason/not even giving it a go. If I had a serious emergency the last thing on my mind would be how I'm locked out of GF for a while.


People who don't want to deal with the kind of crap that comes with GF queue shouldn't be using it then, simple as that. Only group with guildies/friends then if you're picky.

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I understand your frustration but like stated sometimes RL issues come up unexpectedly or the que took so long you are engaged in something else and forgot about it. Either way its frustrating from both ends.


There is a good suggestion here that might help which has caused alot of controversy over in WoW.


When you reach level cap and a certain gear level you have to run trials before you can use the group finder. These trials test your gear and your competence at the spec you are at. Nothing hard but it helps you do your rotation, mob priority etc. Once you pass the trials you unlock GF.


It doesnt weed out all the potatoes but it does make the GF slightly more bearable.


People just hated having to do that on alts is where the controversy came in. The trials are something akin to what you do on Tython when fighting the training droids every so often in the quest lines.

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So you tell me what is the secret to the first boss in Blood hunt? I have been in it 6 times in 6 pugs and never got past it..


The problem is that the DPS check on the first boss in Blood Hunt HM is way too tight to serve its purpose. Compared to that DPS check other HM FP's are a breeze. We were in that FP with two DPS who deal somewhere inbetween 3,9k DPS and 4,1k DPS and even we just barely managed to beat the enrage timer. That boss is simply overtuned for the purpose it serves: To provide a somewhat pre-ops preparation while rewarding gear with which you can start ops gear. Instead this boss works best when you already have operations gear and a set bonus, which makes him giving you raid-entry gear useless.


People who don't want to deal with the kind of crap that comes with GF queue shouldn't be using it then, simple as that. Only group with guildies/friends then if you're picky.


There is a very thin line between "being ready to spend my time on GF crap" and "wasting time". I'm more than ready to spend some time explaining to the tank why Soresu stance is better. I'm more than ready to explain why an agent should take Cunning instead of Aim. What I am strongly against, which happens in 2/5 cases, is the sheer idiocracy with which people handle criticism. if I tell someone: "Listen, just a reminder. You'll get more aggro with Soresu instead of Shii-Cho stance. Might want to switch.", then the only reaction I expect is to at least ponder about it. Not insults, not some delusional tank who thinks he can do everything because he is a tank, and certainly not he and his DPS friend trolling the other two group members.


It's not about being picky, it's about expecting a decent human level.

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No, let me correct this. Don't join group finder with pugs. You can still get your daily GF coms by forming your own group of four, and joining GF with that for a random FP, so you can do it that way. But if you intend in advance to leave if you don't get the FP or group that you want, then don't join with pugs, it's really that simple.


So we could use the same argument against you...


Don't like people quitting the GF, then get a group of four together and do the GF that way. It really is THAT simple.

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People who don't want to deal with the kind of crap that comes with GF queue shouldn't be using it then, simple as that. Only group with guildies/friends then if you're picky.


This is the prefect reason for not having a lock out. Don't want to deal with people dropping group that don't use GF.

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People who cry about quitters are bads that get quit on constantly due to their badness. Usually.


So if my pc has connection problems or I have a real life emergency I should be banned from FPs for 24 hours?


You already know thats foolish when you said it.


Stop acting in a way that makes people quit.

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I guess you've never pugged with a bad group? Ever pugged and found the healer was undergeared or the tank was in wrong stance? Should everyone be forced to play with a group no matter the number of wipes on pulls and bosses? Should everyone be forced to waste their time when it becomes apparent to them that the group is most likely not going to be able to complete the FP?


I reckon your answer to this would be: Well don't pug then.


Yeah, no thanks.


^ This, all this... The OPs idea is terrible...

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People who don't want to deal with the kind of crap that comes with GF queue shouldn't be using it then, simple as that. Only group with guildies/friends then if you're picky.


So GF should just be removed from the game then? Because it would be empty, if everyone followed your idea.


I don't tend to drop many groups outright, I usually vote kick the weak link. But sometimes when there is more than one weak link, I'll drop. Or rather, ask for a vote kick to avoid the timer.


Last night, ended up in a 60 HM FP, the tank was undergeared in a mix of 172/178/186 with no augments, the other dps was barely over 40k health. The healer was nice however. Replacing a tank is a bear of a task, I considered vote kicking the other dps, but looking at the tank's gear, meh, not worth the trouble.


I watched them fight the first trash mob, it was clear to me what the outcome would be. The healer was fighting to keep the tank alive and the other dps was at 50% health quick enough.


So I bid them well and zoned out and asked for a vote kick, which they gave me, no harm or foul.

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