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What would be your favorite 5 man team?


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Overall, I'd pick:

1. Vette

2. Gault

3. Akaavi

4. Talos

5. HK-51


Though ideally, it would vary some depending on the character - my main characters being:

LS Juggernaut - Vette, Jaesa, Ashara, Talos, Raina

DS Assassin - Khem, HK-51, Xalek, Treek, Talos

Sniper - Raina, Vette, Lokin, Blizz, Kaliyo

LS Saga - Nadia, Felix, Qyzen, Dorne, Ashara

Mercenary - Gault, Mako, Blizz, Akaavi, Vette

Scoundrel - Akaavi, Vette, Gault, Theran Cedrax, HK-51


Though I haven't played the Knight/Trooper far enough to have an opinion on Doc, Rusk, Scourge, Vik, and Yuun.

Edited by Dontelar
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Kira - because I want a Jedi and I like her sass

T7 - because I need an astromech droid

2V-88 - because I need someone to watch the ship and I like his humor

HK-51 - because I need an assassin droid

Blizz - because I need a Jawa








Because I role with Jedi chicks

And Blizz - cuz I need a Jawa

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This is a good question. I won't be ab;e to give a general answer, as it will vary depending on which of my characters we are talking about, so I will be answering on a character by character basis. Though, I wont be doing it for all of them, that would take forever, just the ones where I have actually put thought into them.


Powertech Male (all about honor and crap)

  • HK-51 (Personal story reasons)
    Qyzen Fess (Well, duh)
    Akaavi Spar (see above)
    Torian (see above)
    I have no idea for the fifth...


Scoundrel Male (Light Sided, all about them credits and getting it on with the ladies)

  • Risha (One of my favorites, absolutely hilarious, and fulfills the last part of my guys description)
    Nico Okarr (Should be easy to figure out why)
    Guss Tuno (I love this guy, probably my favorite, the two work well together)
    Gault (Another personal favorite, I think the dialogue between everyone would be hilarious)
    Vette (Another one who I think would be pretty funny to see, also, what Risha doesn't know wont hurt her)


Juggernaut Male (Pure Darkside, only cares about death and destruction, not very bright)

  • DS Jaesa Willsaam


Female Juggernaut (Basically Bioware loved this girl so much they made a clone of her named Lana)

  • Lana (her clone)
    Marr (Favorite Sith)


Vanguard Male (Darkside, based off of Sgt. Barnes from Platoon, hates the Empire with a passion)

  • Aric Jorgen (It's fun watching my guy pick on him)
    M1-4X (Soulmates)
    Zennith (These two would be perfect together)
    Rusk (Another Trooper like guy)
    HK-51 (Duh)


Mercenary Male (Darkside, only cares about credits and himself)

  • Skadge (I love this guy, and these two get along great. They be homies)
    Andronikos (Seems like a good match up)
    Kaliyo (Would be fun)
    Blizz (Because why not)

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For Melee:


Tank - Khem Val or Qyzen

DPS: Nadia

DPS : Torian

Heals: Mako

and me


(additional DPS to replace tank or healer)



For Ranged:


Tank: Khem Val or Qyzen


DPS: Blizz

Heals : Mako

and me


Additional DPS to replace tank or healer


Edited by Kalfear
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For my inquis/main



Talos or Treek or even mako




Could change and alter could use alot more butttt this is pretty good for me No andronakis, No Doc, No T7, Defently M1-4x, Elara sure, No ashara, MAYBE the ship droid if i can heavily customize it to be a sky trooper!

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Going with my LS II or III Consular


Tharan Cedrax (with Holiday) he's the one who got away and the one she's worked with ever since she picked him up on Nar Shaddaa. Felix blamed him for making him the rebound guy, up to his dying day.


Lana Beniko the dark side interest, will they be able to make it?


Theron Shan the one she flirted with, but ended up choosing Lana over him, they remain good friends and good working partners, though he resented Lana until he met the love of his life...


Kira Carson a Child of the Emperor and now Theron's love interest! Also, I just love her lines of "Feel my force!" and "Eat light saber jerk!" One of the better written companions imo.


Last one is hard. I like quite a few of the original companions, but haven't gotten through them all either, so maybe like Gault, I'll end up liking some more after those are finally done, but I think I'm going to choose one who I'm not overly fond of as I did her companion story line and it made me be a bit meh on her (not as much as Qyzen though, really, what's he doing on my ship?), but I think would work well with the story...


Raina Temple! An Intelligence officer working for Lana!

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My LS/Neutral Double Agent!


Theron Shan the love interest and fellow spy.


Vector Hyllus, the one she's been working with ever since Alderaan and the one that she almost became engaged to until she met Theron.


Lana Beniko, partner and now dating Vector.


Elara Dorne, the soldier, fellow ex-Imperial, and now medic!


Another tough call but thinking...Torian Cadera! The Mandalorian they picked up along the way and now Elara's love interest! What?! I don't want her to be lonely!

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