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What would be your favorite 5 man team?


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Eric pretty much confirmed that we'll be meeting all companions during the new expansion. We still don't know the specifics , but if you had the ability to choose 5 companions from across all classes who would be in your team and why?


1. Mako. Because best waifu.

2. Dr Lokin. He's actually pretty funny, doesn't get enough credit. Plus the rakghoul thing is pretty unique.

3. Scourge. The only tolerable force-user.

4. T7. Every Star Wars group needs a utility droid. I do miss T3-M4.

5. Skadge. Because I'm a contrarian and want to upset the forum :p

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For my Smuggler:






Guss Tuno


For My Trooper:


Elara Dorne



Felix Iresso

Ava Jaxo


For my Jedi Knight:


Kira Carson

LS Jaesa Willsaam


Theron Shan


For My Consular

Nadia Grell

Ashara Zavros

Tharan Cedrax and Holiday

Jaesa Willsaam

Qyzen Fess


For My Bounty Hunter




Akaavi Spar

Torian Cadera


For My Sith Warrior


Jaesa Willsaam


Lana Beniko

Doctor Lokin


For My Imperial Agent

5 HK-51 units with self destruct systems tied to her wrist computer, because she doesn't trust anyone, and really, can you freaking blame her?


For my Inquisitor

Khem Val

Talos Drellik


Doctor Lokin

Vector Hyllis

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For my Sith Warrior:


Vette - Wife

Scourge - For awkward conversation between Wrath's

Khem Val - The inquisitor doesn't deserve that ****** teddybear of destruction!

Gault - He, is my NUMBER ONE....GUY!

M14X - Because he is my favorite companion and it will be funny to watch him tank for me as he spouts republic propaganda :D


For my Agent:

Vette - Just because I always imagine my Agent always getting into funny arguments with her (And before you bring up Kaliyo...Screw Kaliyo)


HK-51 - A master conspiritor and assassin needs his own assassin droid




Treek - Good to have someone who can quickly 'clear away the evidence'


Dr Lokin - Because my agent needs someone he knows well enough in his team

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Elara Dorne

Aric Jorgan

Corso Riggs

Fideltin Rusk



Bounty Hunter


Torian Cadera


HK-51 / Treek

Akaavi Spar





Guss Tuno

Gault Rennow (so much for his "No point in running away, you'll just find me again", said to BH :D)

Nico Okarr

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Depends on my character... I'll list my 4 favoured characters below. Sorry for the wall of text in advance. :o


My main Sorc, male and full DS, would enjoy this setup:

- Ashara Zavros, because his Apprentice and girlfriend. Always keep them close. Both of them. ;)

- Xalek, because read above. Except girlfriend, that is. :eek:

- Lord Scourge, because of his knowledge.

- LS Jaesa for the manipulative lolz.

- Talos Drellik because my Sith is an archaeology fanatic, and Sith Relics always mean more Power.

Plus HK-51, of course. After all, who doesn't need a private Assassin without loyalty issues? :p


My male, full LS Guardian, would rather pick the following:

- Kira Carsen. Padawan, wife and so on.

- Lord Scourge, because of his character. And knowledge.

- T7. Always good to have a reliable mechanic who can shoot and electrify things.

- Nadia Grell, pickup as a second Padawan - because why not? Always felt the need of more variety on that aspect...

- Likely Ensign Temple. LS, Force Sensitive... Need I say more? Third Padawan slot: filled. :D


My male, LS PT would pick an almost full Mando team, being a Mandalorian himself:

- Mako because it's his romance. Also his young wife. Plus, healer and slicer? Sign me up!

- Torian Cadera. Good buddy, honorable Mando, skilled warrior.

- Blizz. Who doesn't need a mechanic with a cute warcry?

- Akaavi Spar. Mando, again. And a damn well written one, at that.

- Last slot is hard to fill, but I'd likely go with a reprogrammed M1-4X. Never hurts to have a large, heavy armored wardroid, especially if you're a freelance. ;)


Finally, my male, DS Scoundrel who chose to be a Pirate would swap out most of his team:

- Akaavi Spar, again because of romance. Plus, she's a terrifying speaker if you talk diplomacy... And Pirates rarely want not to scare the competition. :D

- Skadge, because muscle. Hard not to be feared with such a mountain on your side.

- Bowdaar. Again, muscle and scary looking, although more trustworthy. A good check for Skadge, I guess.

- Androninkos Revel, former Pirate means he knows that stuff. Would be a good lieutenant for a Pirate Lord.

- Gault Rennow. Good to have another smuggler around, helps organize things.


And those are 4 of my 60s. :)

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Kira Carsen - Second in Command

Nadia Grell - My Padawan, or Kira's if I'm not a force user

Elara Dorne - Medic

HK 55 - Meatbag Elimination Specialist

Rusk - Designated ******, can be replaced with that Weequai (I know I'm butchering that spelling) Trooper companion

Edited by EvilMark
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My own favorite team for my main LS Sith Inquisitor female:

- Talos Drellik (I like his personality, he`s so compassionate and kind +he loves history :))

- Raina Temple (Kind and great character too)

-Torian Cadera (Honorable and compassionate too)

-Ashara Zavros (Well, she`s my apprentice and we want to change the Empire for more tolerant one):):hope_07:

-Lana Beniko (Well, another LS Sith + i just like her more than Andronikos now as a romance , so i want to keep romancing her, i really felt that there was a small bond already forming between the two :)


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For my Jedi Knight

Kira (Padawan)

Nadia (Padawan #2)

LS Jaesa (Padawan #3)

T7 (a Jedi always needs an astromech)

Doc (we're bros)


Sith Inquisitor

Xalek (Padawan)

Ashara (wife)

DS Jaesa (Padawan, side girl)

Talos (relic dude/medic)

HK-51 (private assassin)

Andronikos can go back to Tatooine



Elara (wife/medic)

Yunn (tech)

4X (bodyman) (sorry, body droid)

Ensign Temple (negotiator)

Lt. Iresso


Bounty Hunter

Mako (wife/slicer)

Akaavi (another mando)

Torian (he's a fellow mando)

Treek (another merc)

HK-51 (personal assassin)



Nadia (wife/Padawan)

Kira (Padawan)

LS Jaesa (Padawan)

Tharan & Holiday (xenotech, medic, entertainment)

Vector (negotiator)



Vette (girlfriend, treasure hunter)

Jaesa (Padawan)

Xalek (Padawan)

Lord Scourge (dual-Wrath beatdown)

Khem Val (fun times)



Risha (girlfriend, got connections)

Bowdaar (bodyguard)

Treek (no particular reason)

Nico Okarr (fellow smuggler)

Vette (treasure hunter)



Ensign Temple (girlfriend, negotiator)

Doctor Lokin (trustworthy-ish, rakghouls are fun)

Pierce (bodyman, explosives expert)

Quinn (Imperial officer)

HK-51 (personal assassin)

Edited by DobbySchwa
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for my Bounty hunter team (dont really want to bother with the others)


Elara Dorne



Akaavi Spar

Hk-51 (55 also acceptable)


Can't mess with that level of professionalism, competence and bad-assery.


For Akaavi my Mandalorian bounty hunter will have to talk to Mandalore, somehow figure out what imperial beaurecrat, or uppity sith lord decided to brand Akaavis clan traitors and then promptly put a blaster bolt between the eyes before hanging up the persons stuffed face on a wall in akaavi's new quarters. Oh and I guess talk to darth Marr to settle this whole business, but its cool he gave me authority at the end of the Yavin storyline to do stuffs.


Honorable Mentions: Risha, Lt iresso, Qyzen, Vector, Kaliyo, Scorpio, Dr Lokin, Raina Temple, Talos, Xalek, Lt pierce, Jaesa (light side) 4X, Tanno, Yuun.


(dang the imperial agent actually gets some pretty ****** companions, solid crew I should say)

Edited by Faardor
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For my inquisitor:

Khem val

Jaesa willsaam

HK-51 (or 47 if possible)

LT Pierce

Ashara (because u know, chick fight with Jaesa)


For my bounty hunter:


Mako, because everyone loves Mako

Vette, because everyone loves Vette

T7, because i bet Mako would love T7

Blizz, because who doesnt love Blizz?

Talo Drelik, because he would get along great with the girls

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