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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Disappointed with LiveStream


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Post signed. Anyone here who plays another large MMO about internet spaceships knows what community interaction actually looks like. This was just a 10 minute circle jerk with bad audio and frozen screens.


Todays Summary:


Companions will come back.

Any gear you put time and effort into making them stronger is obsolete.

They will release the story in little chunks so that everyone won't finish it on a weekend and unsub for several months.

They made costly cinematics instead of end game raid content.

Everything that has been collecting dust on the shelf is a nono to even think of mentioning.

They did a great job.


You forgot the fact that YOU GET TO BE THE OUTLANDER!!!!

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I, for one, am more excited having seen the bits that we have been shown. I'm glad they didn't spoil anything major! I think people just have too high of expectations and are just being impatient.


most people already read the book and wondered why the movie was much of the same.

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It's just more proof that Bioware doesn't care about us the community at all. If they did they would have taken the questions being thrown at them. They would have done what the player base has asked and turned around and start putting in more raids, more fp's more pvp. How many times do we need to repeat this WE DON'T WANT STORY WE WANT GROUP CONTENT!


This is why FFXVI is killing just about every MMO on the market right now. They show a year plan of what they want to do with the game, how they are going to do it and work on it. Bioware can't even come out with a new pack in the cartel market. This is why Blizzard has tons of subs returning to WoW after showing off Legion and Bioware are losing even hardcore fanbois to other games.


Know what I was willing to give this game another shot but it's clear this is looking worse then the NGE and that's saying a lot.

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I, for one, am more excited having seen the bits that we have been shown. I'm glad they didn't spoil anything major! I think people just have too high of expectations and are just being impatient.



Christmas can't come soon enough for some.

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It's just more proof that Bioware doesn't care about us the community at all. If they did they would have taken the questions being thrown at them. They would have done what the player base has asked and turned around and start putting in more raids, more fp's more pvp. How many times do we need to repeat this WE DON'T WANT STORY WE WANT GROUP CONTENT!*


This is why FFXVI is killing just about every MMO on the market right now.* They show a year plan of what they want to do with the game, how they are going to do it and work on it. Bioware can't even come out with a new pack in the cartel market. This is why Blizzard has tons of subs returning to WoW after showing off Legion and Bioware are losing even hardcore fanbois to other games.*


Know what I was willing to give this game another shot but it's clear this is looking worse then the NGE and that's saying a lot.


*citation needed

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It's just more proof that Bioware doesn't care about us the community at all. If they did they would have taken the questions being thrown at them. They would have done what the player base has asked and turned around and start putting in more raids, more fp's more pvp. How many times do we need to repeat this WE DON'T WANT STORY WE WANT GROUP CONTENT!


This is why FFXVI is killing just about every MMO on the market right now. They show a year plan of what they want to do with the game, how they are going to do it and work on it. Bioware can't even come out with a new pack in the cartel market. This is why Blizzard has tons of subs returning to WoW after showing off Legion and Bioware are losing even hardcore fanbois to other games.


Know what I was willing to give this game another shot but it's clear this is looking worse then the NGE and that's saying a lot.

Don't you mean you want group content? You don't speak for others, you can only speak for yourself. Personally, I am so excited for this expansion. I want it for the story. Here's a suggestion: have patience with all the "want group content" stuff. It'll come, but it will take time to happen.
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Know what I was willing to give this game another shot but it's clear this is looking worse then the NGE and that's saying a lot.

You were? Wow, the cycle of abuse continues with you, doesn't it? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

this is my final straw. i have unsubbed and giving my money to those who work for it.

I thought your final straw was when you unsubbed in February?

unsubbed and on my last few days.

...no wait, or was it last September?

At this point I'm done paying for this game as BioWare has let this community down time after time and there are better games with Dev's who care about what there players think. I'm unsubbed as of today, you won't get another dollar from me until we see some change.

oops, skipped over the time it happened in December, too

still came back and now unsubbed again.

what's that you say? January 2012?

I just got done ending my sub.


Sheesh mate, you seem to hate it but keep coming back over and over - you really should break the cycle of abuse, it's not healthy.


(it's fun what the 'search' function and having 5 minutes to kill turns up)

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I, for one, am more excited having seen the bits that we have been shown. I'm glad they didn't spoil anything major! I think people just have too high of expectations and are just being impatient.

Okay I am a consumer and what Bioware is doing is very anti-consumer.


If they want people to stay subbed for this, then they need to give us everything. Not this "We can't tell you!" stuff, I pay money so I have a right to know what is happening with the money I am putting into the game is going for. This is why people point out how Blizzard and Square are doing better, they tell everyone what they are giving the consumer for the money they are putting in.


Watch I bet they will pull another ME3 with this too.

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It's just more proof that Bioware doesn't care about us the community at all. If they did they would have taken the questions being thrown at them. They would have done what the player base has asked and turned around and start putting in more raids, more fp's more pvp. How many times do we need to repeat this WE DON'T WANT STORY WE WANT GROUP CONTENT!


This is why FFXVI is killing just about every MMO on the market right now. They show a year plan of what they want to do with the game, how they are going to do it and work on it. Bioware can't even come out with a new pack in the cartel market. This is why Blizzard has tons of subs returning to WoW after showing off Legion and Bioware are losing even hardcore fanbois to other games.


Know what I was willing to give this game another shot but it's clear this is looking worse then the NGE and that's saying a lot.


You are exactly the right amount of upset about the fact that your interests are not presently the focus of the developer team. By invoking the ghost of the NGE we know that this is a post that must be taken very seriously. Your rhetoric is in no way hyperbolic, or representative of only one of the many interest groups that play SWTOR. It is very clear that you speak for the overwhelming majority of all SWTOR players; and by not moving the game in the direction that you approve of, BioWare might as well shutter the doors of the Austin studio on October 28, burn the building to the ground, and salt the earth so that nothing might grow out of the terrible ideas that place produced.

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Okay I am a consumer and what Bioware is doing is very anti-consumer.


If they want people to stay subbed for this, then they need to give us everything. Not this "We can't tell you!" stuff, I pay money so I have a right to know what is happening with the money I am putting into the game is going for. This is why people point out how Blizzard and Square are doing better, they tell everyone what they are giving the consumer for the money they are putting in.


Watch I bet they will pull another ME3 with this too.


Then go play those games. You've been leaving for the past few years.

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It's just more proof that Bioware doesn't care about us the community at all. If they did they would have taken the questions being thrown at them. They would have done what the player base has asked and turned around and start putting in more raids, more fp's more pvp. How many times do we need to repeat this WE DON'T WANT STORY WE WANT GROUP CONTENT!


This is why FFXVI is killing just about every MMO on the market right now. They show a year plan of what they want to do with the game, how they are going to do it and work on it. Bioware can't even come out with a new pack in the cartel market. This is why Blizzard has tons of subs returning to WoW after showing off Legion and Bioware are losing even hardcore fanbois to other games.


Know what I was willing to give this game another shot but it's clear this is looking worse then the NGE and that's saying a lot.


The community has been loud and clear. We want story, period. That is what this game thrives on. The collective "eh" from the community to the no new raids reveal several months back is obvious:

a) not many players left

b) many new or returning players joined

c) even the message boards aren't that populated with people complaining about the lack of raids


It truly seems most people don't really care that much about this type of play when they instead can get story.

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I'm not disappointed with the live stream, Bioware/EA was forthcoming to confirm enough for me that I can take everything a certain source said about the state of the game for 4.0 and beyond as gospel react accordingly based on that information. They didn't have to do that, they could have just kept mum collected sub fees and spring all this on us at the last minute they didn't and I respect that. I'm also going to leave when 4.0 goes live but I'm actually going to play the game more until then to enjoy this version as much as I can before it's gone. I'm kind of relieved even a 30ish veteran of RPGS like me is daunted to play a game forever so it's nice to have an exit strategy in sight and given the amount of time I spend playing relative to the subcribtion fee this has been the best bargan I've ever gotten on anything.
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Didn't you leave at one point? Something, something, something glass houses something, something stones.


He walked his talk... as did I.. unlike some around the forum who perpetually threaten to quit over everything yet never actually do. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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If I've learned anything from silently reading posts from here and Reddit, it's that people just LOVE to complain about everything. The stream was great. My heart nearly skipped a beat when I heard that any companion can re-spec to a tank, DPS, or healer. That's awesome. Honestly, if that's all we learned from the stream, I would be just fine. It seems like a lot of people just can't be patient and wait for more information, or even better: trying out the expansion for yourself when it comes out, instead of whining about it beforehand.
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The community has been loud and clear. We want story, period. That is what this game thrives on. The collective "eh" from the community to the no new raids reveal several months back is obvious:

a) not many players left

b) many new or returning players joined

c) even the message boards aren't that populated with people complaining about the lack of raids


It truly seems most people don't really care that much about this type of play when they instead can get story.


No doubt raiders are a minority, and a pause in new raids is not a problem for SWTOR.


The problem IMO is the complete lack of new group content (of what we know so far) and gameplay leaning towards playing this story solo rather than coop. With SoR we at least had the opportunity to do some of the content together, with KotFE there seems to be absolutely zero incentive to do so.


They also keep harping on about "choice matter", "replayability" and "focus on story" which sounds all good and dandy but we have yet to see it in action. If it is anything like prior story content it suffers from one massive problem IMO: Replayability becomes an illusion. Millardkillmoore explains it decently:


Bad guy shows up? You can choose to fight him. Or you could choose to force persuade him to give up, he shrugs it off, and then you fight him.


Choices matter.


For so many choices from 1-60, replaying the mission with a different choice only goes to show you just how little that choice actually matters. The guy you killed last time and spared this time either forces you to kill him anyway or he takes a shuttle to Planet WeWontSeeThisGuyEverAgain.

There is a staggering amount of missions that simply lost value to me after playing them through a second time during 12XP because of how poorly this whole "choices matter" thing has been handled.


At least with (good) group content you have content that is truly replayable because of different difficulty settings and because you can play this content from the perspective of a DPS, healer and tank.

Edited by MFollin
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My heart nearly skipped a beat when I heard that any companion can re-spec to a tank, DPS, or healer. That's awesome. Honestly, if that's all we learned from the stream, I would be just fine.


/Agree. This is a great move on their part IMO, and the stream was worth the time just for this. Plus, they clearly are removing a lot (perhaps all) of the gear dependency for companions.. which is great for quickly changing companions if I get bored with one.

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You were? Wow, the cycle of abuse continues with you, doesn't it? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I can't quote this enough. I cannot stress this enough. Heck, if there was ever a need for an oscar to be provided for a documentary on how this community acts, this guy deserves it.


The fact that you are here, right now at this moment, discussing the game shows one thing: What they are doing is working as intended. You can claim that you will go all you want. You can claim that you don't like it one bit. But the fact that you can say it on this forum is evidence enough that, at the moment, you are giving Bioware 12,99€/$ a month for being allowed to say it.


People have been complaining since this game has gone F2P that they will leave. That this is done for them, and that they are through. Yet you see them six months later, still posting on a subscription only forum on how they are tired of this game.


The fact of the matter is: People complain how bad marketing is right now. How Bioware is pi***ng them off. How they are fed up about it. Know what? The same people that did it in June do it right now. In your opinion, this game is doing some of the worst marketing there is, yet you stick around. We've been having a content drough since May, without any new content to do, yet people keep playing. If you stick around through that, Bioware doesn't need any marketing. The fact that a new expansion is on the horizon is enough to keep you playing. And if you don't keep playing right now, you sure as hell will give them those additional twenty bucks to play KotFE at one point or another.




We? I keep reading the word "we", but I still have to see a definition of who this "we" is people keep talking about. "We" is a word to indicate a plural. Five people are going to a restaurant right now: "We are going to the restaurant.". Who is we?


The whole community? Certainly not.

The majority of this community? No again.


I've been asking people what they think about the new focus on improved cutscenes, better story and episodic storytelling. You know what was the overwhelming answer? "It's a good decision. I'm here because this game is KOTORs spiritual successor, not because I want to play WoW.". Of over a hundred people across all my friendlists, maybe six think that KotFE looks horrible. Ten are indifferent and 84 think it is a good or great idea.


So don't use we as if we made you our official spokesperson in this forum. You want group content. See? I fixed that for you.

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They will release the story in little chunks so that everyone won't finish it on a weekend and unsub for several months.


What that really means is we'll get 9 chapters at launch, 10 and 11 before the end of 2015 (probably 1 in november, 1 in december) and then we'll get 1 chapter starting with january every other month to keep us subbed through 2016... then the expansion is complete.


So what you could do is, play the expansion, get the 65 gear, do some stuff with you guild, get bored, leave/unsub for 6 months and come back mid summer and there's a ton of content to play through.

Edited by SirUrza
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I can't quote this enough. I cannot stress this enough. Heck, if there was ever a need for an oscar to be provided for a documentary on how this community acts, this guy deserves it.

We? I keep reading the word "we", but I still have to see a definition of who this "we" is people keep talking about. "We" is a word to indicate a plural. Five people are going to a restaurant right now: "We are going to the restaurant.". Who is we?


As the old saying goes.... "that would be him and the mouse in his pocket". :p


I find it interesting how many people can not own their opinions and must constantly frame them in some version of "we". They need to man up and own their opinions, IMO, rather then hide behind "we".

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