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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

August Livestream Wrap-up


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Since companion gear will be for "look" only (which I happen to think is a great idea for easier leveling and making all your companions equally useful), should we remove all their gear before 4.0 (to save mods and recreate the looks we want)?


Also, should we pull any companion customization looks that we have purchased? Along with that, if we don't, then when we run into our companions again in the future, will they be the "stock generic version" of that companion, or will they retain our customization (such as if my Kira has dark skin and black hair, will she stay that way when/if I run into her again in KotFE, or will she be the "standard" Kira look, years older?)


Thanks for all the feedback. :)

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It was always a needless complexity, given you have 5 or more companions to deal with.


This change is good IMO. It is a QoL change.


What do you mean by needless? That you personally have no desire to customize and control your companions' gear?

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So let me get this straight.. KotFE is just it's own little bubble-reality... :confused:


All the companions will still actually exist, but simply just be blocked off during the released missions....? That is a bunch of tomfoolery.

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Does this mean we can't gear our companions in PvP gear anymore for open world PvP?

lol I knew I wasn't the only one who did that.

Anyway my questions are these:

Will we be able to have multiple companions out at once?

Will our spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend companions have dialog/quests to do even if they aren't included in the story?

And I think this one was mentioned but I'll ask it again: Will there be a maximum number of companions for one character? if so, what will it be?


Thank you in advance.

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How does gear come into play here?

Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level, regardless of the gear they are wearing. However, you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look. (note: this is not a part of Appearance Designer)


What if some players would rather be able to gear their companions, instead of having Bioware assign whatever stats they think are appropriate?


(Anyone who has gone through the process of buying high-tier comm gear either for direct gearing, or to pull mods for the gear on their PCs and companion, can attest to how horribly bad Bioware is at assigning stats...)


The ongoing reduction of flexibility and customization in SWTOR is a major disappointment.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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What if some players would rather be able to gear their companions, instead of having Bioware assign whatever stats they think are appropriate?


(Anyone who has gone through the process of buying high-tier comm gear either for direct gearing, or to pull mods for the gear on their PCs and companion, can attest to how horribly bad Bioware is at assigning stats...)


The ongoing reduction of flexibility and customization in SWTOR is a major disappointment.


but, i can dress them up however i want, and everyone knows that style>functionality ./kappa

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Sorry but if you are going to say "we are all about the story" that is the guiding light. This is little more than a cop out imo. basically "omg people complained they won't be able to play with their fovorite companion" lets break the 4th wall. I get that from deadpool, I thought better of BW.


Then to be blunt, you don't know much about running a business... which says to never piss off customers you don't have to... and in this case, there is no good reason to...


You don't want them, don't use them...

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Sorry but if you are going to say "we are all about the story" that is the guiding light. This is little more than a cop out imo. basically "omg people complained they won't be able to play with their fovorite companion" lets break the 4th wall. I get that from deadpool, I thought better of BW.


Agree. I see no reason why they couldn't just remove some characters from companion roaster. They did it in every other game, some people weren't happy, sky didn't fall. It would be just silly if I could summon Wrex to my squad in Mass Effect 2 after meeting him on Tuchanka where he said he still loves me but he won't rejoin the Normandy at the moment...

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Most uninformative information release ever. We knew about Lana Beniko, we already had an idea about Darth Marr, and the rest wasn't interesting. About the only important info they said was that companions will be able to be all 3 roles now. Could of just recorded/posted the game play videos and posted the previous sentence and gotten the same effect.
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So many game mechanics are dumbed down in the name of QoL though. Oh was that too hard or time consuming for you? No worries, we'll just do it for you so you don't have to worry about these pesky stats and builds stuff, just play the story. Companions in RPGs have always been like that, particularly BW rpgs.


Yeah, I'm torn with this change, and calling it a QOL change leads down the slippery-slope of removing anything that takes a little time to do in the name of it.

On one hand it will be great for new players to the game.. So many times over the years I've seen players struggle and in some instances just quit because they are doing it so wrong, often I have come and helped them and do an inspection and there's usually a few factors at play, firstly they are often under-leveled, secondly, their gear is bad, and lastly, their companions gear is a mix of wrong and still lots of pieces from the starter planet, and this is on Belsavis..

So I can see this as a great help to new players.


On the other hand, this is removing a gameplay element. There are plenty out there, including myself, that after leveling or new level bump, spend quite some time minmaxing their fav companions gear, I dont use the yavin stuff for 2 reasons, it looks like garbage and the stats are so bad that even 178 gear is better optimized.

But, even before yavin came along, it was something I done and enjoyed, getting my companions tricked out in cool looking gear with min-maxed stats.


I think this fits with what they are trying to do, its become quite obvious with the direction change with SoR that they are trying to court the super casuals, and business wise, that's a smart move as they are legion.

Edited by Mowermanx
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These questions have been asked already, but repetition stresses importance so here goes:

1. Will returning companions be retaining their customizations when we reencounter them?

2. Will new comps get customizations, and will old comps get new customizations?

3. Will comps new multi-role status apply to old comps in pre-KotFE content?

4. Will comps stat increases divorced from gear apply to pre-KotFE content, or just post content?

5. How does the comp growth stats work? Is it like starter gear in each slot which keeps them functional at all levels? If so will we be able to give them better gear? or is it more like Yavin where they will have at or near ultimate stats at each level?

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Without Spoiling Is the choices we make just important to affect companions or are you going to give us what we want which is we don't want to have to fight against the Emperor and instead can you give us the choice to join him for real!

**not just upset a companion or few people because we want to play our character roles real and be evil not just agressive or sturborn!**

We are tired or being the good guys despite the companion consequences, Id kill em all if I had to to join the Emperor!




Edited by thomasshan
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Why are you all still asking questions? It has been three hours after the first post and not one has been answered. Do you think really think they will show up again?


See you next month for another awesome livestream about how to choose companions or some crap, but dont forget, you will be the OUTLANDER!!!111!.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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Can you post the videos to Youtube, as well? I can never catch a live Twitch stream, but their playback system is utter garbage. Blame my connection quality or not, but I actually want to see what happened; not take minutes-long buffering pauses every few seconds. Even on mobile quality -which is probably a resolution of 6 pixels- I don't even get a steady playback to listen to.
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Why are you all still asking questions? It has been three hours after the first post and not one has been answered. Do you think really think they will show up again?


See you next month for another awesome livestream about how to choose companions or some crap, but dont forget, you will be the OUTLANDER!!!111!.


It was said that they would be answering these questions throughout the week. You should be more patient.

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Will new companions have affection to be gained/lost? From the live stream today, when light or dark choices were made, affection wasn't gained or lost with Lana. Would we have to "recruit" a companion first in order for affection to be affected?
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