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August Livestream Wrap-up


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I guess the question session is over then :/, was hoping I was in time before.


Well you were in time, Musco said he would be in this thread answering questions for two days. He just forgot to mention he'd only be in here 15 minutes per day, and would answer the questions we really wanted answers to with another question. He couldn't stand to do something besides nothing, so he ducked out early. And the devs wonder why the community is frustrated.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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No they will not. Now all Companions will simply just be better at Crew Skills the higher their Influence is.


This is something I think a lot of us would like more detail on. Folks like me choose crew skills based on these bonuses, because crit bonuses are key on gathering missions. Right now, it doesn't sound like this change will work in our favor, so could I persuade you to make info on this aspect a priority?

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My Main question is will one flirt with Lana effect the relationship you have with your past companions. Basically, say you were doing Shadow of Revan, you flirted once with Lana just to see what would happen, but that's it. Would your companion think that you cheated on them in KOTFE? I would really like to know this. I love all of my companions (Except Quinn) I don't want to see any of them leave. :confused: Edited by Iinvitedyou
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I watched the archived footage and I do not approve of the way this stream was handled. Not only was there unnecessary chatter drowning out the characters voices, but that loss of audio during the knight of zakhuul entrance on the landing pad? Absolutely deliberate, don't care how they try to chalk it up to technical difficulties. You haven't ever had a audio drop like that and for it to happen exactly at such a key cinematic moment in the story screams sabotage. If you don't want to show something then don't try to show it but don't intentionally botch it up. So very very distasteful. That little stunt turned me off the rest of the vid. Not looking forward to the next stream or teaser since you have a problem staying true to the intended design path. You guys get a big disapproval rating from me. :mad:
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  • 2 weeks later...

hello and welcome to my first post. I will restrict myself to what I believe are important unanswered questions.


Q1. Can I recruit class companions that I have never used? example, I have never played an imp agent, should I still expect to be able to recruit scorpia at level 60+ fallen empires?


Q1A. is the above not how it works and I need to go play an imp agent? like some sort of universal unlock on the account that goes across player characters? (sort of like legacy) will I inherit affection (now influence) from all my player characters companions? what if I have doubles of the same one?


Q1B. if both of the above methods are valid are they any different? is there an advantage or disadvantage in terms of power? Can I pick up the companions story missions as if I was level 1?


Q1C. if the second method is valid can I play as an imp agent after the fact to unlock scorpia and increase her affection?


Q2. are you really going to let me pick and choose my companions? that is why I subscribed. what about this new wave of Fallen Empire companions? are you going to turn around and not give me a choice on them? what if I hate one of them too? maybe even more than *shudders* Quinn? then we are kind of back to square one, aren't we?


Q3. Seventy-Six pages of questions and, like, two of the questions were answered? are you guys not going to tell us how this is going to work? getting kinda close to October, isn't it? in a few weeks we will be asking each other instead of you. It seems you think that that is to your benefit and that you are going to stonewall until then.


hashtag those telltale dollars though


wow, that got flamey fast, didn't it?

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Don't worry -- you'll fit right in here :p


thank ye, matey. or, if you are an avatar fan, flame-o hotman.


Q4. have you gathered data about which choices people make on their class quests? if so how are you interpreting it? For example are there choices even darkside characters will take some light points on to avoid? what methods of data gathering are you using and what does it reveal? are you really claiming that the class choices previously made (which had no impact other than light side/dark side points and affection gain) are going to effect Fallen Empires?


Q5. Choose your own adventure VS meaningful narrative. I guess this is broadest, realest question. As of this writing there is no known design solution to this problem. so it's not just a matter of innovating swtor, its a matter of solving a problem that exists in all computer-gaming-based-storytelling. are you claiming to have solved this previously unsolvable dilemma?

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Okay, I have a question, not sure if anyone has asked yet, but say my Jedi Knight has Kira using Companion Customization #4 and wearing the relaxed vestments outfit. When she first shows up in the NEW content, will she be reverted to her default look, or will she retain Companion customization #4 and a relaxed vestments outfit?


While I imagine it's the latter, I thought I'd ask cause you never know if things things are thought of or not.

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What will happen to all of my companions pvp and pve gear when the expansion hits?


Try watching the livestream, or reading the rest of this thread. This gets asked about twice per page. They are NOT taking any companions away from you. They may not be involved in the new story (yet) and so they will be 'gone' story wise, but when doing your dailies if you want Mako by your side, she can be even if you have not yet found her in the new storyline.

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Try watching the livestream, or reading the rest of this thread. This gets asked about twice per page. They are NOT taking any companions away from you. They may not be involved in the new story (yet) and so they will be 'gone' story wise, but when doing your dailies if you want Mako by your side, she can be even if you have not yet found her in the new storyline.


I think he was asking about their soon-to-be-useless gear, not the companions themselves.

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For "Additional Character Slot" will it be 600 Cartel Coins or no, in the new expansion? :confused:

So can we buy a character slot to extend 22(sub) and 16(prefered) limit ?

Or do we need to buy level 60 characters to extend 22 / 16 limit ?


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Extra character slots will be the same as they are now... they still aren't increasing the 22 /16 cap.

Not true according to Dulfy's coverage of last week's Livestream:

  • Character limit – if you are already at 22 character limit and you create a new L60 character it will add a new slot for you up to a cap of 40-50 character per server. If you don’t want to make new L60 characters you can buy more character slots.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Extra character slots will be the same as they are now... they still aren't increasing the 22 /16 cap.
Yeah I'm not sure where you're getting this from.


It always boggles the mind how people will just post an answer without even knowing whether it's right or not. :confused:

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Extra character slots will be the same as they are now... they still aren't increasing the 22 /16 cap.


The FAQ says something different :

15. What if I have already reached the maximum character limit for my server? Will I still be able to create a ‘Start at Level 60’ character?

Yes, as we will be raising the maximum limit to 40 characters per server. Each acquisition of a ‘Start at Level 60’ character will grant an additional free character slot.


40 characters / server sounds real good to me :tran_smile:

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Yeah I'm not sure where you're getting this from.


It always boggles the mind how people will just post an answer without even knowing whether it's right or not. :confused:


I'm getting it from until about 5 minutes after I posted that, everything I'd ever seen from Bioware was that they will NOT be increasing the cap with the Expansion. Not everyone has seen every single thing said the very second Dulfy posts it or the very second it's said in a livestream or whatever. The fact that others are able to correct me, that's great, but you don't have to be an *** about it.

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