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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

August Livestream Wrap-up


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Will we be able to use KotFE-added companions outside of KotFE story content? Say, supposing I wanted to grind the Yavin IV dailies with Koth Vortena by my side...


Didn't they already say you weren't going to be able to go back and do old missions? That might count for dailies too.

Edited by Frybert
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I agree to be honest. If some companions do not actually rejoin our team within the STORY, then the gameplay option is just bizarre. They should've just blocked those who don't trully return to our squad.


I think this is the best way out of a difficult situation for BW. It allows to actual write a semi-coherent narrative with meaningful companion interactions in a reasonable timeframe and budge and lets everyone who wants their flesh light stand in's to follow them around have their Vette and eat it too.


Again, you are under no obligation to play either way, which is surprisingly different for an MMO.

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Where is Theron Shan? Does he have a role to play/is he a companion?


SGR. Will there be more options than just Lana? Theron was her male counterpart and we've no word on whether he's coming back or not. Lana is DS, my ladies are all LS - will they have an option to either sway Lana away from the dark side, or will there be more options?

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Will we lose the 12x experience boost when KotFE hits?

Because I think it would be a mistake to remove it. I think a lot of people will want to experience the original stories taking place before KotFE and many of them probably don't want to spend weeks grinding in order for that character to keep up with the leveling curve.

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And take the heat from a wave of angry fanboys, demanding that their favourite companion be returned to them at once? Yeah, sure.
If Mass Effect and Dragon Age team can take it every time they make a new sequel that mostly have only new companions, don't see why not here. Apart from being able to look at old companions that are not recruited in the actual story, what will be the use for them? They will never say new lines again. Only their non-recruitable versions will say new stuff. And it will be just bizarre if I can summon Scourge and have him stand beside in a KOTFE cutscene when the real story Scourge is speaking and tells me he won't join me back Edited by Pietrastor
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My two questions will go a bit into another territory, so I completely understand if you can't answer them right now:


Question #1: Will there be a limit on how many companions we can aquire through the story? If I recruit 5 new companions from the first nine chapters, and another companion returns/is introduced in Chapter eleven, do I need to give a companion a boot?


Question #2: Can I recruit companions from other classes. Say I really love Skadge (which I really don't), and I want him on my Smuggler now: Can I do that?

If Mass Effect and Dragon Age team can take it every time they make a new sequel that mostly have only new companions, don't see why not here. Apart from being able to look at old companions that are not recruited in the actual story, what will be the use for them? They will never say new lines again. Only their non-recruitable versions will say new stuff. And it will be just bizarre if I can summon Scourge and have him stand beside in a KOTFE cutscene when the real story Scourge is speaking and tells me he won't join me back


Completely wrong. They have already said that, given the nature of KotFE, every companion will return as a story involved character in some form. It might not happen during the initial nine chapters, but it will happen eventually. Besides, we do not know how many (if at all) important companions won't make a return as companions. I'll bet my credit savings that Bioware has taken a good look at the metrics before deciding which companions to scrap. And I guess that every LI returning as a companion is a safe bet.

Edited by Alssaran
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Question: Does the companion armor thing start at level 1 or only after you move into the expansion? Same for the companion roles?


The way you worded it on this post for the companion armor changes, makes it sounds like its only start after you start the Knight of the Fallen Empire. If does start at level one, this feature is going to have huge impact on cypertech, especially their droid parts as they will now be complete worthless. I'm sure other crafters will be affected too. I'm not saying it bad thing, as I really do like it on one hand, but it will have huge impact on crafters. I'm kind hoping it only starts with the new expansion for armor thing as it would not ruin a huge part of the market. The role thing, I hope starts right away.

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How will it work with how many Companions we will have. Will we be able to recruit Companions from other classes along with all the ones we currently have and the new ones we will be getting ? I'm confused on how many comps there will actually be. Currently with HK and Treek I have 7 comps. With Nikko that will make 8. I would like to recruit from other classes at least 5 , and with Lana and the new comps showing up will there be a max number of comps you can have ? Eric can you please elaborate on this some for me. #totally confused.
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So what I got out of the Livestream. We are going to have story with consequence that has NO consequence on your game play if you are a current player because if the story says "no they are no longer your companion" you can still play with them if they are your favorite. bad immersion. Also all companions can be all things... dps, tank or heals. So again bad for immersion... BUT this is all about the story, story is about immersion. If you can not be immersed in the story the story is BAD.


Thanks for confirming that you don't get it. The reason that they are letting players summon companions that are not available yet by story is BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN SCREAMING ABOUT IT. Those of us who are willing to play out the story simply CHOOSE TO NOT SUMMON THAT COMPANION.


This is NOT rocket science. But man... complain if they DO something, complain if they DON'T.

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So what I got out of the Livestream. We are going to have story with consequence that has NO consequence on your game play if you are a current player because if the story says "no they are no longer your companion" you can still play with them if they are your favorite. bad immersion. Also all companions can be all things... dps, tank or heals. So again bad for immersion... BUT this is all about the story, story is about immersion. If you can not be immersed in the story the story is BAD.


Thank you for confirming it is about attracting a lot of new players first and for most though.


How is the immersion any different than there being 30 other vettes or makos or khems or kiras at fleet?

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Regarding Companions combat mechanics:

Will there be any changes to companion's weapon load outs now that roles can be switched? How will melee characters heal? Will all of them be getting blasters?


Regarding Companion romances:

Will there be any changes to the existing companions that are returning in KOTFE with regards to SSRs?

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Will we lose the 12x experience boost when KotFE hits?

Because I think it would be a mistake to remove it. I think a lot of people will want to experience the original stories taking place before KotFE and many of them probably don't want to spend weeks grinding in order for that character to keep up with the leveling curve.


I dont know if its going to be gone, but remember that it currently only lasts until 55.


The only thing we have on when it might end is this:

This boost will remain active for all subs into this Fall.


On a personal note I do hope it ends. If they make the leveling like it is in SoR it wont even take long to get to 65 (it currently only takes between 2 to 3 hours to get from 55 to 60)

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About this "Untied gear to companions" part. When you guys do "auto" stats, for example Bolster, you tend to do minimal gear stats. I've worked hard to get a few of my comps in current max 198 gear. Are you just going to give them basic gear auto stats or will they be stats of max gear?
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I know you guys said you weren't gonna answer questions along the lines of... 'Is -soandso- going to show up?'


But seriously. A yes or no for Theron would be awesome, and if we'll be able to continue those romances.


A yes or no, period... isn't a spoiler. It's just telling us he's there, and involved :p

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So what I got out of the Livestream. We are going to have story with consequence that has NO consequence on your game play if you are a current player because if the story says "no they are no longer your companion" you can still play with them if they are your favorite. bad immersion. Also all companions can be all things... dps, tank or heals. So again bad for immersion... BUT this is all about the story, story is about immersion. If you can not be immersed in the story the story is BAD.


Thank you for confirming it is about attracting a lot of new players first and for most though.


YOU can roleplay the story/game anyway you want. No one is MAKING you bring back companions and play with them thus the immersion can be however you want it to be. Other people might like to bring them back and play with them and not care about what YOU think is immersive.

It's about doing what is best for the greatest majority possible.


If you want doc to still heal? Doc can still heal, you don't HAVE to make him a tank or a DPS.


Still I knew you would find something to try and make your usual negative comments on, you always do.

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They aren't forcing you to play with Khem as a healer, or to bring out Kira when story-wise you're still supposed to be trying to find out what happened to her.


The guy with Eric even said that he strongly suggests that, for the best experience, people should play through with the scripted companions as they are prompted through the narrative.


It's just that the game isn't mechanically forcing you to do so - so if "xXL33TJED1Xx420" happens to care more about having Vette at his side in a slave-girl outfit than he cares about whether or not it makes sense for the story, he'll have that option for his own gaming experience. Since it seems like it's all personal phases, that choice shouldn't affect your play-through or your immersion experience at all.


I know I'll be playing through with the scripted companions - precisely for the sake of "immersion" - and the game is giving me that option.


Sorry but if you are going to say "we are all about the story" that is the guiding light. This is little more than a cop out imo. basically "omg people complained they won't be able to play with their fovorite companion" lets break the 4th wall. I get that from deadpool, I thought better of BW.

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I have 3 questions.


A: If I am a Jedi sage and I romanced the female from RoTHC (can't remember her name) and Lana Beniko Before Edit: After (my bad) I married Nadia Grell, would that impact anything in KoTFE?


B: If we make a new level 60, how will they be geared?


C: Will we get a set of 198 gear at the start of KoTFE? (or what ever rating gear).


Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Edited by TomBane
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If we purchase lvl 60s from the cartel market ,what happens to like their lightside/darkside points or do they get set at neutral? What about names and appearance ? are those customize able ? Can we choose what our lvl 60s will look like and create a unique name ? or will it be all default and wed have to pay extra cc to change look /name ? How will this work ? Also if we do purchase lvl 60s how will the compaions affection will we get all the companions instantly unlocked for kotfe or will there be an unlock companion fee at terminal since you buy a lvl 60 ? Edited by LordKitana
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Sorry but if you are going to say "we are all about the story" that is the guiding light. This is little more than a cop out imo. basically "omg people complained they won't be able to play with their fovorite companion" lets break the 4th wall. I get that from deadpool, I thought better of BW.

You. Can. Still. Play. The. Game. Consistent. With. The. Story.


Why does giving the next guy the option to play it differently make any difference to your experience? Especially when you're likely to be in different "Personal Phases"?

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Sorry but if you are going to say "we are all about the story" that is the guiding light. This is little more than a cop out imo. basically "omg people complained they won't be able to play with their fovorite companion" lets break the 4th wall. I get that from deadpool, I thought better of BW.


You know what would have happened if they didn't leave the "summon gameplay companions" cop out?


I guarantee you, and I will bet a twenty million sweet credits on it, that the forum would have been spammed with meaningless: "Where is Kira?!" "I want Mako back!" "Give me Risha back!" "WHERE IS MY QUINN?!" posts within a matter of minutes(!) after the players click "Yes" on accepting the KotFE Prologue quest.

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Just a quick, simple "thank you"!!


I totally was not expecting the companion updates and honestly, just the two changes of having access to all roles for all comps, and removal of gearing for them pretty much makes the expansion for me, even if the content sucks (note: that doesn't mean I think it will...looks great so far!).


So thanks in advance for a highly anticipated QoL change!

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Thanks for confirming that you don't get it. The reason that they are letting players summon companions that are not available yet by story is BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN SCREAMING ABOUT IT. Those of us who are willing to play out the story simply CHOOSE TO NOT SUMMON THAT COMPANION.


This is NOT rocket science. But man... complain if they DO something, complain if they DON'T.


You aren't getting it. They said this year is "all about the story". Not only that but a story with CONSEQUENCE. Well if the story says I no longer ever period have Kira as a Companion BUT the game sill lets me summon her, that is breaking the 4th wall. So in my opinion they are indeed failing to do something, namely keeping to their promise of story with consequence because if the story says they are no longer a companion then me still being able to summon them is avoiding the consequence.

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You know what would have happened if they didn't leave the "summon gameplay companions" cop out?


I guarantee you, and I will bet a twenty million sweet credits on it, that the forum would have been spammed with meaningless: "Where is Kira?!" "I want Mako back!" "Give me Risha back!" "WHERE IS MY QUINN?!" posts within a matter of minutes(!) after the players click "Yes" on accepting the KotFE Prologue quest.


True... which is why I always said their line for this expac was complete marketing BS. This expac and the changes are about new players not us. It doesn't change the fact that when they pretend to be so dang passionate about this "story with consequence" BS and then cop out on it like this.

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