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How many keybinds does everyone use?


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I have an MMO-mouse (Razer Naga Epic) which helps immensely (as I can just click on buttons 1-12 with my thumb only) - highly recommend one, especially when you have as many abilities to keep track of as we do in SW:TOR.


I use two full quickbars and about half of a third quickbar on every single character (at this point, I have two 60s, a 59, and five 55s - belated edit here because I can't keep track of my levels apparently :p ). I always use keybinds for every one of those abilities because clicking on each ability is just silly. It A) wastes time and B) ends up giving me Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


There are a few abilities on certain characters that I don't use or that are used so infrequently that I won't bother creating a keybind for them - like Unity.

Edited by Atreiya
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Mouse button one, mouse button two, mouse button 3 (backpedal), mouse button 4 strafe right, mouse button 5 strafe left. That's on a Logitech M510.



Generic keyboard keybinds:


1  2 3  4 5  6   q w  e  r  t  y      QuickBar 1
a  s d  f  g  h  Q W E R T Y      QuickBar 2
A S D F G H  z  x  c  v  b n      Quickbar 3
Z X C V B N                            Quickbar 4


The other half of QB 4 and QB 5 are used for low priority stuff that I mouse click, repair droids etc.


qwerty and 12345 are what I'd call my "home keys" and get all the most important stuff, QWERTY and asdfgh are things that are not quite as important or have cooldowns of 12 seconds or more, and the rest of the major binds are for useful and commonly used things but not super high priority constantly used things.


In addition I have a functional scheme for binds. 3 e E d D are always defensive cooldowns, 2 w W s are AOE abilities, 4 5 r t R T are primary rotational abilities, q is a stun, Q is a stun breaker, a is an interrupt, F is a damage boost or finishing move, g and G are energy replenishment/cooldown reduction moves. 6 y Y are taunts, CCs, or additional stun/interrupts.


It makes switching between classes a lot easier. If something is about to hit me hard, it doesn't matter if I haven't played a sith warrior in 9 months and can't even remember what the names of the abilities are, if I press d, then something that makes me less likely to die will happen.


Oh, almost forgot,

   [ ] ; ' { } : "     Bound to raid marker symbols



So, I guess that totals up to about 50 keybinds for the ground game.






f    roll right
s   roll left 
e   full throttle
d   1/3 throttle
q and a    target target near center of screen
Tab   cycle targets starting with closest.
x   full stop
Space   boost
5   power to engines
t   power to weapons
g   power to shields
F5   power even to all systems (I never use this)
mousebutton 4   strafe right
mouse button 5   strafe left


I play a lot of GSF and can't fly well with the default binds, so I guess that brings the grand total of keybinds that I consider mandatory on any character that gets serious play time up to 61.


I really really wish that in the, "hey WoW does that, let's copy them," branch of development they would implement saveable keybind profiles in addition to the saveable UI profiles. Doing 61 binds on more than 20 characters is a lot of binds. I kinda dislike changing specs and patches that reset more than one or two abilites because of all the rebinding that ensues. I'm also not keen on ability bloat with expansions for the same reason. With SoR the changes in the discipline system pretty much held the number of abilites stable, and I was very pleased to see that.


My binding habits are a relic from my, "raiding is srs bzns," days during the Burning Crusade in WoW. We were prepared, though at times what we were prepared for was for the guild leader to say, "Release and run back," 19 times on a progression night.

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I really really wish that in the, "hey WoW does that, let's copy them," branch of development they would implement saveable keybind profiles in addition to the saveable UI profiles. Doing 61 binds on more than 20 characters is a lot of binds. I kinda dislike changing specs and patches that reset more than one or two abilites because of all the rebinding that ensues. I'm also not keen on ability bloat with expansions for the same reason. With SoR the changes in the discipline system pretty much held the number of abilites stable, and I was very pleased to see that.


If they did that I would be more inclined to experiment with my setup more than I have.


I stick with the default 1 to 0, -, and = for quickbar 1 and I add in shift for quickbar 2, alt for quickbar 3, and ctrl for quickbar 4. (On one character I also tried shift+alt and shift+ctrl for quickbars 5 and 6 but I found it to be excessive and unnecessary. I generally only have things on those two bars that are perfectly fine with being click-only. Stances, heroic moment abilities, class buff, etc.) Attacks (or heals) pretty much always go on quickbars 1 and 2, arranged however it makes sense to arrange them for each character. Offensive & defensive cooldowns go on quickbar 3. And quickbar 4 is actually where I have mobility stuff (rocket boost, roll / force speed / etc., stun break, speeders) and some other random stuff like out of combat heal, stealth, or guard.


And that's pretty much all I set up on every character I create. If I had some crazy urge to try out some crazy setup that surrounded WASD or whatever else other people have done... If I found some other setup that I liked, I know I would want to get ALL of my characters onto that new standard, and that's a huge task when you're looking at doing that manually on a ton of different characters.


Although I got an easy compromise when I got a new keyboard and gained these 6 programmable keys along the side though. I set up the keyboard so that in swtor those side keys count the same as 7 to 0, -, and =. This kind of changes how I can approach my use of the quickbars a little bit since it makes that last half of them a lot easier to reach without actually changing the bindings to different keys. I could theoretically put any single quickbar to full use now.

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I'm left handed, which makes things difficult sometimes. I tried a Naga, and that didn't help me either...


Barring that... I'm a mixed keyboard turner using WASD to move, and the mouse to strafe (or Q and E)... or a mouse turner, depending on the situation. I've adapted to both. When I'm mouse turning, I use just the normal 1-0. When I'm keyboard turning... I just click :p usually abilities I can't reach. I can also reach 1-5 with my left hand WHILE keyboard turning. But that gets dicey.

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Z - removing all incapacitating effects

G,H,J - shields and protection

X - for interrupting

Q,E,R,T,F,Y - attack abilities

+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


C - character

B - inventory

U - strongholds

M - map

Edited by iankalo
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This thread sort of made me impulse buy a gaming mouse and I've never used one before. Anybody familiar with the Logitech G600 mouse? Right now I've been using 1,2,3,4,5 and QWERFCXZS with a few some Shift modifers. Anybody have any tips/suggestions how I might go about changing?


I assume that some would stay consistent, but more than two years in and I really still consider myself a noob in MMO when it comes to this stuff. Funny too when I only just started using keybinds at all at the beginning of this year.:p

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R is always pvp trinket/remove cc

Tab for stealth classes is always stealth ( maras stealth is F1)

` is hutball



S =shift

Edited by Kaedusz
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Well i have roughly 48 bound.. but only use.. maybe 20ish..


my binding are as follows


Toolbar 1 Slots 1-12



So all the keys can be hit with a max of 2 keys away from my finger.. and i put the less uses abilities further away usually ( T,G,B)

my 2.3.4 tool bars have the same bindings except with a modifier key

toolbar 2 is SHIFT+1,Q,E,R,T,F,G,Z,X,C,V,B

toolbar 3 is alt+1,Q,E,R,T,F,G,Z,X,C,V,B

toolbar 4 is Ctrl+1,Q,E,R,T,F,G,Z,X,C,V,B


Like i said I dont use most of them as being bound.. i just clk on the skills on toolbars 3,4 for the most part (alt+1 is rest ability on all characters and alt+2 is mount on all) everything else on those bars i just clk


I've used a few gamepad things like the Logitech g13, the n52 (what is now the Razer Tartarus) , orb weaver, and a few others.. but I dont care for them.. its a pain to swap between the keyboard to type and the gamepad to play. I also didnt really find them any better then my set up..


I also have a Razer Nage (old one.. i've had it for 6ish years) and i DO use the buttons on the side of it.. well 3 of them.. the top 1,2,3 and i use those for issuing commands to my companion, so that i can make them attack my target and pull them off with just a push on my thumb.. and IF i'm using something like teamspeak or Ventrilo i use the middle mouse button to activate push to talk

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I try to play this game like a FirstPersonShooter


1 2 3 4 5 6





S+1 S+2 S+3 S+4 S+5 6


A.. S.. D.. S+F S+G



Some of my characters use Control key as a modifier but it's usually just for easy presses like 1 2 3


I try to keep special binds the same throughout my characters. Reusing the same key for:

Area of Effect


Push away; Knockback


Damage Over Time



I only have MouseButton4 (back) and MouseButton5 (forward) on the side of my mouse

MouseButton4 is for Rocket Boots; Shift+Mousebutton4 = Mount

MouseButton5 is reserved for Teamspeak or Ventrilo = PushToTalk


I returned a Razer Naga because it didn't add new buttons, it only remaps your number row or numpad, so I claimed false advertising. At the time I used my numpad keys for ventrilo binds and miscellaneous windows binds. My number row and numpad were already in use, so I got real pissed off and returned it. Razer Naga added 0 extra buttons.


In retrospect, I could have moved my vent and windows binds to the dead Right Hand keys that I don't use while playing and reserved my numpad for ze naga. When you're in pissed off consumer mode, you don't do your best thinking.

U I P [ ] \

J K L ; '

N M , . /

Edited by Falensawino
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I set pretty much all of my keybinds that I can have for my left hand on the keyboard, meaning buttons







Are all set for either standard movement WASD or for abilities with or without alt-button (not counting movement thats 34 buttons for abilities). So I can play for the most part without moving my left thumb from the alt-button. Some abilities are set on the mouse special buttons, usually targeted AOEs so I can aim them at the same time I click the ability. Some characters have more necessary abilities than can be fit to above buttons, so I may actually have to click few with my mouse on the tabs.. Stuff like speeder for instance.

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