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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Double XP week or month?


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Can we please get another Double XP week or possibly month to level our level 55s to level 60? So we have our toons ready for the new expansion? I know SoR is pretty quick, but its annoying to have to run it so many times to get to 60 and other ways just take more time.


Or you know, simply increase the cap of 12x XP to 60 ... would even be more awesome. Still don't get why you haven't implemented that.

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Can we please get another Double XP week or possibly month to level our level 55s to level 60? So we have our toons ready for the new expansion? I know SoR is pretty quick, but its annoying to have to run it so many times to get to 60 and other ways just take more time.


Or you know, simply increase the cap of 12x XP to 60 ... would even be more awesome. Still don't get why you haven't implemented that.


Because it only takes max 4 hours with skipping to level up from 55 to 60. Don't overreact.


We won't see Double XP Weekend as long as we have Epic Story Boost. They would collide with each other. Bioware won't allow you to do one quest and get 5 levels :p

Edited by PavSalco
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Can we please get another Double XP week or possibly month to level our level 55s to level 60? So we have our toons ready for the new expansion? I know SoR is pretty quick, but its annoying to have to run it so many times to get to 60 and other ways just take more time.


Or you know, simply increase the cap of 12x XP to 60 ... would even be more awesome. Still don't get why you haven't implemented that.


Proof that this community is lazy

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SoR takes longer then 2 to 3 hours.


Regardless ... a Double XP week or month would come really in handy.


cheh, not for me. Maybe if you dont spacebar everything and if you're not that good with your class / take really bad quest doing paths. Prelude + rishi is usually enough to get me from 55 to 60. I might have to stop by CZ to finish up the last bar or so. Being able to skip yavin is a god send since that planet is a really boring mission grind fest.

Edited by Faardor
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Bioware please ignore Mr. Negativos above here and please do a Double XP week!

They're not "being Mr. Negativos", they're disagreeing with your premise.


How long does it take you to do from level 55 to level 60? Do you skip conversations you've seen before? (Particularly as how you've mentioned doing SoR again is boring) Do you dodge trash mobs?


With an XP boost consumable running, along with the +flashpoint legacy xp bonuses, and +exploration legacy xp bonuses, I've been able to reach level 60 doing the prelude flashpoints + Rishii. Which went rather quickly, if I don't say so myself.


Try and defend your premise. If you cannot debate that your request is logical and reasonable, don't expect it to be taken seriously.

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I could see a double XP week right before the start of early access for the people who want to bring some toons to 60 at the last minute. That being said, I've got 3 toon sitting on Rishi at lvl 60 waiting for the cap to increase before continuing SoR so I can definitely say that its a bit overkill.
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I just ran the 4 FA flashpoints this afternoon and it took me 3 hours, and that was really booking my way through. Did Rishi on another char recently that alone was probably 3-4 hours. Then Yavin...2 hours maybe? That doesn't include Ziost. Anyway, now that I've done about 13 characters to 60 the whole SOR thing has gotten tedious, I'm sorry to say. It's actually my least favorite story line in the game. :( I like the characters...but the plot never did excite me and just when it started getting interesting...it ended.


I wouldn't mind seeing an exp boost for 55-60. Still have seven more characters to go to level 60 after all. ;)

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SoR is designed to get you from 55-60 pretty quick. And you need to finish it to do ZIOST anyway which is what you'll need to get the new story content in 4.0


with 12xp you're easy to get 55 before you even step foot on rishi and will easily be 56-57 by the time the forged alliances is complete.


so not sure what the extra xp buys you other than being overleveld for the content you'll need to do for ziost and 4.0 anyway.

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Hyperbole aside, the Shadow of Revan expansion content was designed to take a single player about 8 to 10 hours of play time to go from level 55 to 60. That is hardly an absurd grind: in fact, if anyone cares to remember back to last December when the expansion launched, one of the biggest complaints was the fact that it was so short; people were logging in at 9 am Pacific when the server opened and had finished the new content (except the raids) by 5 or 6 pm. Yes, the "level every 15 to 25 minutes" of the 12x XP boost is gone at 55, and that can make the "level every 60 to 90 minutes" of 55 to 60 seem grindy, but it really isn't: you're just used to a ridiculously accelerated pace.


I suggest taking a break from a toon once you hit level 55. Run around on one of your max level toons for a day or so, then return to the 55 toon to finish it off; and you'll see that 55 to 60 really isn't anywhere close to the obscene that you're making it sound like.

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I've been feeling the same way about the SOR story lately. I'm even thinking of taking my characters that are in the 50s and running flash points until 60. The gear cap is going to increase anyway, and because I don't do any raiding I don't need super high end gear. I honestly don't see the point in going past rishi.
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I will say this, after being spoiled by the 12x XP from 1-55 it does feel like slamming on the brakes once you start 55-60.


But it's still not bad enough to call for an XP buff...


Seriously, my Seer hit 60 before I finished Rishi, and I skipped Makeb with her because doing the weeklies on my main wore me out on that planet. What am I doing differently? Are you lot not using the XP boost items you get from doing class quests or something?

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SoR takes longer then 2 to 3 hours.


Regardless ... a Double XP week or month would come really in handy.


there's literally no point.


why? because in order to have your toons ready for expansion, you probably want to finish Rishi/yavin/Ziost on them. and as a subscriber with current xp gain? even when I skip everything but main quest chain (but doing forged alliances) and without cheesing Makeb... I hit 60 long before I finish Yavin.

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I should probably add that I use makeb after corellia to get to 55 but I dont finish it and start SoR when I hit 55.


At that point once i enter the actual flashpoints of the prelude ill also pop a 25% xp boost and ill be in DPS spec unless im on a tank. Spacebar wherever possible and all that. If a guildie also has to do the prelude ill do it with them since an extra body, jesus droid and companion really speed up the boss fights. I keep popping XP boosts until I reach 60 which is usually rishi and then a part of CZ if I have a little bit to go.

Edited by Faardor
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All it takes is one or two side missions early on and you should be 59 when you finish Corellia...58 at worst.

NO need for anything above and beyond 12x.

I've leveled 5 60's in just under a month (probably less but GTN time and talking counts too lol)

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With the 12xXP running for the class mission, you only need to use the XP-boosts you get rewarded to level fast beyound level 55. I've managed to level up to lvl 60 pretty fast, so it's not much of a grindfest. Just do the class missions, and you'll be there.... Edited by SplashNOR
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All it takes is one or two side missions early on and you should be 59 when you finish Corellia...58 at worst.

NO need for anything above and beyond 12x.

I've leveled 5 60's in just under a month (probably less but GTN time and talking counts too lol)


Corellia?? Some mistake is here lol. Even if you do all quests in game it is not possible to make lvl 57 on Corellia quests. You know once you are 7 lvl above the quest you get no EXP ;)

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SoR takes longer then 2 to 3 hours.


Regardless ... a Double XP week or month would come really in handy.


Well I just enjoyed running ... Makeb from level 47.... before going to Rishi. I could have done Section X or CZ-198 or a multitude of other things to hit 60. I went to Rishi at level 56, and I've already hit 60 and haven't completed it.


It doesn't have to be quite so linear, and I'm failing to see why you would want a double xp weekend during the Epic Story Boost being active? Play the game, you'll soon hit 60.

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All it takes is one or two side missions early on and you should be 59 when you finish Corellia...58 at worst.


On a random side note, doing every flashpoint, and practically all side missions and a couple of Kuat runs, a non-subscriber without using experience boosts may, may just hit level 49 on completing Corellia.

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