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Is Legacy Name or First Name unique on the server?


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Legacy use to be unique but was changed awhile ago.


Much to my annoyance... Now there's another Serenity legacy on Jung Ma, who may or may not be giving me a bad name : (


(I don't know anything about the player, just seen it on a couple of toons.)

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Much to my annoyance... Now there's another Serenity legacy on Jung Ma, who may or may not be giving me a bad name : (


(I don't know anything about the player, just seen it on a couple of toons.)

I'm happy that so far there's no Mockingbird legacy on The Ebon Hawk besides me that I know of.


If all else fails I can always change it, I suppose. I *like* having a unique legacy, darn it.

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Since it doesn't make since in this setting for names to be unique, here's hoping they one day get rid of the unique names.


Like there's no other Leia, Luke, Han or Bob in the galaxy :p


I think there has to be some unique identifier for characters in the case of trouble tickets. Names are simple in that regard.

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I think there has to be some unique identifier for characters in the case of trouble tickets. Names are simple in that regard.


Trouble tickets are based off of account not the character. You can submit a ticket on character A which has the problem and with out identifying the character with the problem CS will have to request additional information.


The trouble comes in when dealing with other players. If Bob is selling X item and you whisper Bob to buy the item which Bob are you talking to?


If the game offer first and last name combine to identity you character that would open up more names.

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I think there has to be some unique identifier for characters in the case of trouble tickets. Names are simple in that regard.


If there is, it is most likely a numeric identifier, as far as databases are concerned.


The issue here is the player to player communication, but that could be solved by having a "unique_name@account_name", like Cryptic games do (at least I think it is Cryptic)

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If there is, it is most likely a numeric identifier, as far as databases are concerned.


The issue here is the player to player communication, but that could be solved by having a "unique_name@account_name", like Cryptic games do (at least I think it is Cryptic)

A unique handle would be fine. Account name? No.

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If there is, it is most likely a numeric identifier, as far as databases are concerned.


The issue here is the player to player communication, but that could be solved by having a "unique_name@account_name", like Cryptic games do (at least I think it is Cryptic)

UGH, I hate when people bring up this idea.


I don't want any @whatever next to my names just because people cant think of unique names.

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Character name is unique (first name)

Legacy name is not unique (last name)


Legacy use to be unique but was changed awhile ago.



They should allow your character to have a last name without the Legacy system and make that full name as the name that is locked. (in other words, either allow spaces in your character name creation or put a first name field and a last name field in the character name creation). Always thought it was silly to only allow one "John" on the server. Millions of people named John. But probably not many people named John Diddleydanger.


No, my name isn't John or Diddleydanger. Just making my point :p

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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They should allow your character to have a last name without the Legacy system and make that full name as the name that is locked. (in other words, either allow spaces in your character name creation or put a first name field and a last name field in the character name creation). Always thought it was silly to only allow one "John" on the server. Millions of people named John. But probably not many people named John Diddleydanger.


No, my name isn't John or Diddleydanger. Just making my point :p


^ This would be great, and a lovely way to avoid the @handle. I don't want everyone to just be able to look up my handle and see if I'm online or not. But being able to put in spaces would be great

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Much to my annoyance... Now there's another Serenity legacy on Jung Ma, who may or may not be giving me a bad name : (


(I don't know anything about the player, just seen it on a couple of toons.)


I wish that they will redo the system and make legacy names unique and character names non-unique.


There are more characters than legacies, so one immediate advantage is fewer people needing to call their characters "Lüke" or "Lukè"... If they want to be called Luke they can be called Luke. There would only be one Luke Skywalker, but many possible Lukes and the "Skywalker Legacy" on a character would mean something.


Sure, the jerks would probably not be advertising their legacy, but they could make that available with a click... Right click the character portrait and you would see the legacy name.


Mail could also be sendable to a legacy. Add a legacy line to the compose section and you could send mail to whoever just by typing "Skywalker" there, or if it was specifically intended for a particular Skywalker then type that character's first name into the appropriate line.

I figure for most characters legacy mail would be all they would need, but the game would still send mail to specific characters.


The game should know who had what legacy names first, so just give everyone else a free legacy rename. They could even sweeten the deal if they threw in a free rename for every character that had to be used before they were logged in... Just a pop-up that wouldn't let you log in unless you put the character name in, with a notice that you could rename the character to any legal name and posting the same info here on the site.



Hmmmm... Think I'll take it to the suggestion board.

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They should have done it the other way around. Make the Legacy name your identifier and make character names non-unique.


It could have been a good idea if they had account friendslist and so on but they do not.


I like it the way it is now with a unique charactername :tran_smile:

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