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Story of The Outlander


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So as we all know the Outlander will be our character, maybe your alt or your main, but according to a developer (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=818168) We will recieve a new character that will start at level 60, one "free character" as he liked to put it and that you can purchase a new any time you want from the CM. But my only question is: "How the fu** will that work?"

I mean, where's the story? How can you choose wether you killed that guy or saved him, or married her or him, or when you fled home because a guy told you something really bad would happen and beat that one guy on the street and later deciding to answer the beast's riddle and ridding from the city that later made you king for it and married their widowed queen. But after the city started to fall you were told by an oracle that you had to bring the former king's murderer to justice, but then after asking another oracle you find out that the murderer might have been yourself and then later on you find out you were adopted, and then your wife/queen goes to kill herself, and later you go to find if the fact that you were adopted was in fact true you meet the man who had given you to your adoptive parents from the former king and now realising that you had married your own mother and killed your father.

Historical jokes aside; what would your story be if you never HAD a story to work with, or will we have this pre-thing at character creation where you make the choices that would affect your story in KOTFE ? It gets a bit confusing for me

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So as we all know the Outlander will be our character, maybe your alt or your main, but according to a developer (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=818168) We will recieve a new character that will start at level 60, one "free character" as he liked to put it and that you can purchase a new any time you want from the CM. But my only question is: "How the fu** will that work?"

I mean, where's the story? How can you choose wether you killed that guy or saved him, or married her or him, or when you fled home because a guy told you something really bad would happen and beat that one guy on the street and later deciding to answer the beast's riddle and ridding from the city that later made you king for it and married their widowed queen. But after the city started to fall you were told by an oracle that you had to bring the former king's murderer to justice, but then after asking another oracle you find out that the murderer might have been yourself and then later on you find out you were adopted, and then your wife/queen goes to kill herself, and later you go to find if the fact that you were adopted was in fact true you meet the man who had given you to your adoptive parents from the former king and now realising that you had married your own mother and killed your father.

Historical jokes aside; what would your story be if you never HAD a story to work with, or will we have this pre-thing at character creation where you make the choices that would affect your story in KOTFE ? It gets a bit confusing for me


If the character you boost to 60 is Imperial, the game will assume you chose DS options, and conversely, if the character is Republic, it will assume you chose LS options.


As for romance companions, they will most likely assume a boosted 60 won't have romanced a companion since some classes have more than one option. On the other hand, it's very obvious from the effort put into the romances that Bioware has a "canon" romance companion so they may roll with that choice. (That is, a male Warrior marries Vette, NOT DS Jaesa, or a Smuggler marries Risha, for instance).

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If the character you boost to 60 is Imperial, the game will assume you chose DS options, and conversely, if the character is Republic, it will assume you chose LS options.


But that's a load of crap... My Sith Seer is all DS, and my Chiss Agent is all LS. Where's the flavour in forcing alignments like that based on faction?

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But that's a load of crap... My Sith Seer is all DS, and my Chiss Agent is all LS. Where's the flavour in forcing alignments like that based on faction?


because they need to make an assumption, if you want something differnt, roll a new char and play through the preKOTFE stuff

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But that's a load of crap... My Sith Seer is all DS, and my Chiss Agent is all LS. Where's the flavour in forcing alignments like that based on faction?


The flavour is, you played a DS or a LS character. Yes, would be nice if they just had a check list to click on, but they don't, so they have to pick for you up to that point. After 60 you can decide from there.


Or just make a new character :p

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What the Oedipus are you talking about? Lemme just see if I can break this down...


But that's a load of crap... My Sith Seer is all DS, and my Chiss Agent is all LS. Where's the flavour in forcing alignments like that based on faction?

because they need to make an assumption, if you want something differnt, roll a new char and play through the preKOTFE stuff

The flavour is, you played a DS or a LS character. Yes, would be nice if they just had a check list to click on, but they don't, so they have to pick for you up to that point. After 60 you can decide from there.

Or just make a new character :p


If we're looking for customization or flavor, then we're simply looking the wrong place! These "free 60's" will be considered a veteran of the Great Galactic War. You can be a wise Jedi, a powerful Sith, a hardy soldier, or a surprisingly loyal mercenary. However, while this is all well and good, you will not be the Hero of Tython, Darth Nox, the Commander of Havoc Squad, or the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. You will be another character- one who wasn't necessarily the hero in the last war- but now has a chance to make a place in history as the Outlander.


So you'll need to understand that who you'll be playing as is simply not "you" from the 1-60 game. You'll be just another veteran from the War... One whose choices are much more predictable. While you chose to spare your Sith Master (in spite of his year-long-hard-on for your death), the more predictable Sith would've snapped that Old Man's neck the second he had the chance.


Does that make sense?

Edited by Anysao
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What the Oedipus are you talking about? Lemme just see if I can break this down...


So you'll need to understand that who you'll be playing as is simply not "you" from the 1-60 game. You'll be just another veteran from the War... One whose choices are much more predictable. While you chose to spare your Sith Master (in spite of his year-long-hard-on for your death), the more predictable Sith would've snapped that Old Man's neck the second he had the chance.


Does that make sense?


It really does not appear to be so very hard to add one choice option for the player to make the level 60 a Darksided or Lightsided character. Considering that in all prior games the 'canon' player character is lightsided, a lightsided Imperial is not an extraordinary choice.

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Why would a DS warrior marry vette? Mine didnt remove the shock collar. Would make more sense for that to be the default and she should despise you if you meet again.


They should let bounty hunter and smuggler be neutral.

Edited by RameiArashi
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But that's a load of crap... My Sith Seer is all DS, and my Chiss Agent is all LS. Where's the flavour in forcing alignments like that based on faction?


Note that this assumption is for boosted level sixty characters only, because they didn't actually play through the story from 1-60. The game is supposed to (I say "supposed to" since we all know that SOR intros still ignore Imperial romance after nearly a year) remember the choices you made for a character that actually played through the story.

Edited by Diviciacus
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But that's a load of crap... My Sith Seer is all DS, and my Chiss Agent is all LS. Where's the flavour in forcing alignments like that based on faction?


You want to go the easy route, bypass all the previous content and make a lvl 60? Then you don't get to choose your choices. If you care enouh about the choices made, then go back and work through the story.

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What the Oedipus are you talking about? Lemme just see if I can break this down...






If we're looking for customization or flavor, then we're simply looking the wrong place! These "free 60's" will be considered a veteran of the Great Galactic War. You can be a wise Jedi, a powerful Sith, a hardy soldier, or a surprisingly loyal mercenary. However, while this is all well and good, you will not be the Hero of Tython, Darth Nox, the Commander of Havoc Squad, or the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. You will be another character- one who wasn't necessarily the hero in the last war- but now has a chance to make a place in history as the Outlander.


So you'll need to understand that who you'll be playing as is simply not "you" from the 1-60 game. You'll be just another veteran from the War... One whose choices are much more predictable. While you chose to spare your Sith Master (in spite of his year-long-hard-on for your death), the more predictable Sith would've snapped that Old Man's neck the second he had the chance.


Does that make sense?


Not quite since we are going to be having the same companions as your original character had (if you choose the same class). Then you won't have had the choice of being the hero.

Or maybe you're right. Maybe this new character won't be the Hero of Tython, Darth Nox etc. Maybe this will be a completely new character (with the same voice apparently) that had his own companions and his own story and so on

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If we're looking for customization or flavor, then we're simply looking the wrong place! These "free 60's" will be considered a veteran of the Great Galactic War. You can be a wise Jedi, a powerful Sith, a hardy soldier, or a surprisingly loyal mercenary. However, while this is all well and good, you will not be the Hero of Tython, Darth Nox, the Commander of Havoc Squad, or the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. You will be another character- one who wasn't necessarily the hero in the last war- but now has a chance to make a place in history as the Outlander.


So you'll need to understand that who you'll be playing as is simply not "you" from the 1-60 game. You'll be just another veteran from the War... One whose choices are much more predictable. While you chose to spare your Sith Master (in spite of his year-long-hard-on for your death), the more predictable Sith would've snapped that Old Man's neck the second he had the chance.


Does that make sense?


That's how I always saw it. Our current characters are OURS because we were with them from the time they started their journey. The free 60 is someone who basically did a bunch of stuff that the AVERAGE person in that class would have. The AVERAGE Sith is DS, the AVERAGE Trooper is LS... the point is we get the character when they're average, and then change things around with them. And that's a fun idea to me. I actually like the idea of playing a DS Sith who finds themselves slowly having a change of heart after having to become the savior of not only the Empire, but the Republic. Or likewise, a Jedi Consular who's entire world and everything they've built has been torn to pieces, and has to deal with the fact that everything they did was in vain which could very easily cause them to fall to the DS.


Now, if they had forced that change on characters who I have leveled up myself and made LS or DS deliberately, then yeah, I would be pretty pissed. Luckily, they aren't doing that. Now I just want to see what they're doing about companions.

Edited by Yermog
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Not quite since we are going to be having the same companions as your original character had (if you choose the same class). Then you won't have had the choice of being the hero.

Or maybe you're right. Maybe this new character won't be the Hero of Tython, Darth Nox etc. Maybe this will be a completely new character (with the same voice apparently) that had his own companions and his own story and so on



My understanding is that it will just be a generic Darth Nox, Empire's Wrath, Hero of Tython or Havoc Squad leader. They are the same as your characters but since they start at 60 Bioware made their choices for you so you start with a full DS imp chars and full LS rep chars and the story goes on just like it would be your personally leveled character.


You want to make it fast into/try out KotFE with a "test" character, you create a fresh 60 with a preset choices.

You want to see your choices in KotFE, you bring your levelled toon.

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If the character you boost to 60 is Imperial, the game will assume you chose DS options, and conversely, if the character is Republic, it will assume you chose LS options.


As for romance companions, they will most likely assume a boosted 60 won't have romanced a companion since some classes have more than one option. On the other hand, it's very obvious from the effort put into the romances that Bioware has a "canon" romance companion so they may roll with that choice. (That is, a male Warrior marries Vette, NOT DS Jaesa, or a Smuggler marries Risha, for instance).


Where have they said that DS Jaesa isn't canon?

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Where have they said that DS Jaesa isn't canon?


I never said DS Jaesa wasn't canon. I meant from a romance perspective; it's pretty obvious with which companion Bioware "ships" the Male Warrior, Agent, and Smuggler (Vette, Kaliyo, and Risha, respectively). So what that post was saying was that either a boosted 60 won't have romanced a companion, or for males of those three classes, the romanced companion will not be DS Jaesa, Ensign Temple, or Akaavi.

Edited by Diviciacus
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