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Why is it possible to counter Electro Net?


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The damage was never buffed with 3.0 it needs a damage boost that's it.


No, enet needs to be redesigned from a ****** defensive/solid offensive (or trolling) ability to a very solid defensive ability that is not reliant on your team to be effective.


The current iteration of enet is a group utility, it needs to become a tool that mercs/mandos can utilize regardless of the skill level/coordination of the group they are currently paired with.

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No, enet needs to be redesigned from a ****** defensive/solid offensive (or trolling) ability to a very solid defensive ability that is not reliant on your team to be effective.


The current iteration of enet is a group utility, it needs to become a tool that mercs/mandos can utilize regardless of the skill level/coordination of the group they are currently paired with.


It used to be very effective pre 3.0 when the fear of it's damage was a real thing ppl complained that its cd was to long which it was and it was reduced to 1 min and 30 secs. If it were to become a more self sufficient ability which imo it already is it's damage is just awful even with movement it would most likely end up seeing a nerf.


If they want to improve mercs surv it's not going to be with e-net, it does what it's suppose to it's damage simply needs to be buffed.

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honestly, leave it alone. they didn't take away sorc bubbles so they could h2f out of barrier.


just give merc's better defenses or immunities like they've done and tend to do with every other AC. b/c let's be honest, that's where we're going. more not less.

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honestly, leave it alone. they didn't take away sorc bubbles so they could h2f out of barrier.


just give merc's better defenses or immunities like they've done and tend to do with every other AC. b/c let's be honest, that's where we're going. more not less.


The difference is that sorc barrier + EB is a purely defensive ability, enet can be used as an offensive or defensive ability.

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Op is a troll. Elecro Net is the most OP ability in the game and is a game changer in ranked when used at the correct time. It prevents everything if a person doesn't have a cc break. Does he know how the net actually functions?
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It's the perfect DCD in this game, your windows of defense are only as long as it is taking you out of attacking, no other DCD is like that though god bubble used to be before enduring bastion buff.


At best, it only costs you 30% of your GCDs if you are using it on cooldown to negate burst, and at worst it will cost you far more since it is more likely to take you out of range of attacking meaning you have to stroll up to close the gap again or burn it twice for the gap closer without the defense.


It's the one DCD in the game that actually takes skill to use it effectively without negating yourself in the same instant, and people still complain about it. Sorry but those guys who know how to use it, if you took it away they would probably still beat you because they are skilled players.


23 % uptime, nuff said. No one is asking for it to be completely taken away, but no one should have 23% invincibility up time.

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Op is a troll. Elecro Net is the most OP ability in the game and is a game changer in ranked when used at the correct time. It prevents everything if a person doesn't have a cc break. Does he know how the net actually functions?


Everything? :eek: You can still use all healing/damaging crap, just don't move. Hell, even if you move the damage is laughable with current health pools, even more - you can reduce/ignore this damage on some adv. classes if you pop defensive cooldowns. Everything! :p

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Op is a troll. Elecro Net is the most OP ability in the game and is a game changer in ranked when used at the correct time. It prevents everything if a person doesn't have a cc break. Does he know how the net actually functions?


1) Net doesn't prevent everything, it only prevents mobility cooldowns and force barrier. It does not prevent the use of DcDs, OcDs, heals, or offensive attacks.

2) With the exception of barrier, all hardstun effects prevent everything that Enet prevents in addition to preventing everything that Enet doesn't prevent.


Try again.

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23 % uptime, nuff said. No one is asking for it to be completely taken away, but no one should have 23% invincibility up time.


23% uptime, on a DCD that is costing you 30% of your GCDs, no other DCD costs you that much in time in relation to the uptime it has. It has huge penalties with use, namely you can't attack if you want to maintain that defense. Sorry but that is the perfect defense compared to say, VG adrenalin rush, Undying Rage, or Shroud where those classes can still attack while being for the most part invulnerable.

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23% uptime, on a DCD that is costing you 30% of your GCDs, no other DCD costs you that much in time in relation to the uptime it has. It has huge penalties with use, namely you can't attack if you want to maintain that defense. Sorry but that is the perfect defense compared to say, VG adrenalin rush, Undying Rage, or Shroud where those classes can still attack while being for the most part invulnerable.


ah just ignore mmmbudda, the guy complains about the op roll every thread he can, ignoring the topic to go on about it. #nerfOperatives, #NerfConcealmentRoll, #OperativeHate


For the net though, its certainly not OP. Its annoying as *Beep* personaly, but in no damned way is that skill op in the slightest. Its a damned good tool in the merc/commando arsenal, they just need a few more little buff's and maybe they might get somwhere. Or amybe we'll find they need more little buff's, who knows?


Everything.. might change in this upcoming addon

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23% uptime, on a DCD that is costing you 30% of your GCDs, no other DCD costs you that much in time in relation to the uptime it has. It has huge penalties with use, namely you can't attack if you want to maintain that defense. Sorry but that is the perfect defense compared to say, VG adrenalin rush, Undying Rage, or Shroud where those classes can still attack while being for the most part invulnerable.


Did you seriously just say adrenaline rush is better than op roll?!


Move along people, nothing to see here.


Just lol.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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E-net is stunbreak bait


This. Some classes can also negate the damage, either way it can force an opponent in a tight spot to burn a dcd (or two).


iirc, the design intent was for the ability to be used as a defensive tool to enable us to create distance. It can however be used as an offensive ability, which caused complaints and the subsequent nerf allowing it to be negated.


In doing so I believe strongly that the combat team completely over-looked (or just didn't care) that we were then short of previously mentioned tool to enable us to create distance. So essentially all we gained was a new offensive tool.


Still waiting on the ability to enable us to create distance, while all the classes around us have already gained gap closers in one form or another. Come 4.0 it'll probably be even worse for Mercs / Mandos.

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*Still complaining about the operative/scoundrel roll on the wrong thread*



Prehaps certain skills having slows applied to the, such as tracer missile as may be one of the new utilities may help? There is also the utility to prevent the commander/merc from being jumped to instantly after their jump back. Perhaps something like that could be expanded on?


You've got to take into account that this leap back is also only a 20 second cooldown item. Perhaps if they also made it like the sniper roll which you resisted all effects while doing so?

Edited by Hiro_Wildfire
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ah just ignore mmmbudda, the guy complains about the op roll every thread he can, ignoring the topic to go on about it. #nerfOperatives, #NerfConcealmentRoll, #OperativeHate


For the net though, its certainly not OP. Its annoying as *Beep* personaly, but in no damned way is that skill op in the slightest. Its a damned good tool in the merc/commando arsenal, they just need a few more little buff's and maybe they might get somwhere. Or amybe we'll find they need more little buff's, who knows?


Everything.. might change in this upcoming addon


because op roll is balanced... but ok

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Did you seriously just say adrenaline rush is better than op roll?!


Move along people, nothing to see here.


Just lol.


30% DR built in and keeps you at 40% hp with an insane amount of damage coming in... yeah it sucks for commando, that's why I said VANGUARD because it's a really powerful DCD as a vanguard. Oh yeah, and you can still keep whacking someone down while it's going.


Op roll = loss of GCD which is how long the immunity lasts, every time you roll you lose 1 if not more GCDs when roll takes you out of range. I understand the bad operative touched your commando in the wrong place, trust me they do it to mine too. But I'm not fool enough to blame it on roll being OP'd. If he's rolling, he's not fighting and there are ways to bait the roll and pop them hard, I do it all the time.


I mean if you're really smart, you can e-net, make them break to roll out of your burst, then cryo them. Now you can either whack them hard and take them down or heal up while your dots run off, then TO and CR for another 8 seconds of stun dancing in front of them.

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There is also the utility to prevent the commander/merc from being jumped to instantly after their jump back. Perhaps something like that could be expanded on?


I don't mean to poo poo on this, because it is constructive criticism/suggestion, but punts, stuns, and mezzes are generally useless defensive measures in the current meta in soloQ and regs. that's because sins and juggs are going to be immune to any of this for the first ~4s, and the ranged classes are out of range of (most of) them. you can punt ops and most maras (they actually have a counter to physics now too). but what happens is the sin opens and the jugg leaps in. one of them (better if it's the jugg) CCs you while the rest of the team feasts at the vanishing merc carcass. thus, even though the op and mara could be punted...they really cannot because the jugg/sin will have you CC'd for them. you could argue that your teammates are fail to let this happen, but w/o trinity comps, there isn't a whole lot even a freecasting healer can do...even if you have tank ACs on your team, the taunt doesn't mitigate enough for that kind of burst either. it's a frustrating position.


but to be fair to this thread, I don't think enet in any of its iterations would have any effect on this common scenario.

Edited by foxmob
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While they may need some utility to help them in ranked, buffing the biggest ***** move in the game is not the answer. Stronger heals and/or damage reduction is what they need.


I agree. Mandos and mercs can already do a lot of damage when left alone. They just need better defenses so they can survive some longer.

Edited by AmarantKando
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That is ONLY plasmatech / pyro adrenaline rush, that is it, and considering it is the single most underpowered spec in the game, it still sucks, you might as well be blowing sparkles at the enemy during that time.


As for healing with the commando, you mean that absymaly weak heal that BW gave us now which I have to cast over 10 times to heal fully? Yeah, that one. People an be in denial all they want about the concealment roll, but no matter what you say, it has more uptime than -any- other defensive in the game, it is pretty much a sage bubble and a gap closer for 3 seconds 23% of the time. As for your strategy, that is assuming all those things are not on cooldown at the time, because unlike lol slash, we have to wait 45 seconds to use our stun again. It does work, and that -is- what I usually do to melt them. We can only hope BW doesnt screw everything up EVEN more with 4.0, but I really am not holding my breath.


If you really think it's so good, why don't you play it?

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Maybe it's hard to believe but there are ppl who love a certain class and not simply swap between FOTMs.


Tell me about it, my scoundrel is fluffian spec, mando is assault, and guardian is focus ATM. So I wouldn't say I roll FOTM but I do switch them up to keep me fresh, and I do try out other classes and spec to learn about them better and counter them better.


You know, I had a friend in another game that had a saying, "if you think a class is so powerful, play it and you'll see everything wrong with it." So again, if you think it is so strong, play it and you'll see the problems that the class and spec has. Because none of them are perfect, some are just better at covering weak points than others but there are weak points you can attack.

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The difference is that sorc barrier + EB is a purely defensive ability, enet can be used as an offensive or defensive ability.


lol please stop. merc is entirely dependent on his team. if they're good, he can use it offensively (but they don't need him to because they're good) and if they're not, he has to use it defensively, and it doesn't matter anyway because it's only good against one opponent and team idiot lets the other team 3v1 their merc.


edit: bear in mind you were quoting from me where I said leave net ALONE -- as in it is breakable and all dmg is nullified by a medpac or a reactive shield and one offheal.

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lol please stop. merc is entirely dependent on his team. if they're good, he can use it offensively (but they don't need him to because they're good) and if they're not, he has to use it defensively, and it doesn't matter anyway because it's only good against one opponent and team idiot lets the other team 3v1 their merc.


This reminds me very much of my situation as a Gunslinger.

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