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Why is it possible to counter Electro Net?


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The title is pretty straightforward. The purpose of e-net (especially) lorewise is to counter the advantage of force sensitives, allowing the user to beat them. Yet there are ways to resist it by force users, which shouldnt happen. Is it just me who thinks this isnt OK?


A sent/mara, who can't stand being e-netted

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Its almost like this was supposed to be our oh **** ability......oh wait....it was. Then people whined about it and low and behold people can now break / resist it. Beyond stupid, I know. The biggest sinners are operatives. CC break, and just lolroll the damage.
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No, what you have described sounds like a sage/sorcerer wave/overload with a root. Electronet is a sneaky slow that also does a colossal amount of damage if you try to move with it, which adds up 10 times. It is represented by a net stretched to points on both sides of your toon. It also disables your key escape abilities, like stealth out or god bubble. You can root break it to enable your abilities again. It is something to watch out for if you are below 50% of hps and a merc/mando is nearby, and you are out in the open and depend on mobility/LoS to survive.
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I agree that Electro Net should not be able to be CC Broken. It is a Turn The Tide skill, and should not have a easy to use counter, except other Turn The Tide skills, God Bubble is countered by Electro Net, but Electro Net is able to be more easily countered by CC Breaker. So... Why even bother with Electro Net? Both Rolls are good, and balanced skills that are countered by Electro Net, but... Why Electro Net them when Rooting them is easier, and you can lock them out for even longer sometimes than an Electro Net!


Didn't Read the WoT?: Remove the ability to CC Break, Electro Net.

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No, just no. E-net is already OP, and if I'm not mistaken Merc/mando is the highest parsing DPS, in the game. While they may need some utility to help them in ranked, buffing the biggest ***** move in the game is not the answer. Stronger heals and/or damage reduction is what they need.


And Mandos/mercs wonder why they are already tunneled so hard.

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I look at it like this: E-net is stunbreak bait, at least if you're using offensively (such as on a healer) instead of defensively (like a self peel). So, if they break, you would have your hardstun ready.


Moreover, electronet is the one move in the game that can force a sorc to use both stunbreaks (unbreakable will, then barrier) on the same move.


If you can't imagine how forcing an enemy to blow his breaker at a critical moment, while still having your stun up, is not a significant tactical advantage, you are bad.


Of course, on the receiving end, my "counterplay" is on surviving e-net for long enough without breaking it. If you e-net me while standing near other ranged (or even melee, but why would you be that close to me to begin with?) dps, you might have a grenade coming your way. :p Otherwise I'll knockback or CC what I can (and I do have bubblestun), pop an adrenal, try to move as little as possible, and I can generally survive long enough for the e-net to wear off.


None of this is whining or QQ. I'm just pointing out that rather than whining about electronet being trinketed, the OP should turn around and use the knowledge that "such and such burned their trinket" to their advantage. If you're in a premade on voice chat, that becomes even easier.

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No, what you have described sounds like a sage/sorcerer wave/overload with a root. Electronet is a sneaky slow that also does a colossal amount of damage if you try to move with it, which adds up 10 times. It is represented by a net stretched to points on both sides of your toon. It also disables your key escape abilities, like stealth out or god bubble. You can root break it to enable your abilities again. It is something to watch out for if you are below 50% of hps and a merc/mando is nearby, and you are out in the open and depend on mobility/LoS to survive.


he knows. ;)


I do think there are far too many mobility buffs in this game to allow enet to be so easily broken. and if you could not break it, that would instantly cut the sorc leader board number in half and quadruple the merc representation. sins would also be slowed down (literally a figuratively) by an unbreakable enet.


on the other hand, the lack of "counter play" is what generally makes game play bad. so you'd have to be very careful about implementing this. it's not an iwin button for mercs cuz it's still only single target and and minute and a half CD. but it would be a death sentence for whomever it lands on in soloQ, and it would probably be the same in grp. (regs are a complete crapshoot so leaving out of the equation)


I would prefer to have some dcd or health returning ability that allows mercs to be self sufficient rather than a more power net that just makes the class more extreme (ala AP PT): incredibly powerful but easy to burn down.

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"Why is it possible to counter electro net?"


Because of course, all skills in the game need a counter. E-net's counter is the cc breaker and its quite a costly one really, especialy if the commando/merc has their stun up (Or their friend right behind you does) it dosen't build resolve on you either (Not a complain, an observation)


if somone breaks the net, they still take the damage. They're then also open to getting stunned, used in the right way with somone who has their cc breaker up? It's devastateing, all skills in the game need a counter though.

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Because it adds counterplay, as well as points of critical decision for both the merc and the target. Do you break the net? Or a mezz or a stun, knowing you might get punished for it later? Hold on to the breaker when netted to see if you will also eat a stun, and so break both the stun and (part of) the net? As the netter, do you net right away, going balls deep on dps hoping the target doesn't know to break the net/won't react in time? Do you try to bait the breaker? Which cc do you bait it with (and which ones would you rather they instead eat)? Do you coordinate with your team, try to get them to be the breaker-baiter (mostly a solo ranked thing; it's a given in team, and won't happen in regs) or just do it yourself?


Beyond that, it would be overpowered if it wasn't breakable - if only situationally so. Mercs wouldn't be overpowered; abilities can be overpowered without the class necessarily being it as well. But a change like this would mean mercs couldn't get buffed where the class actually needs it without becoming overpowered (assuming the buff is not so negligible as not to matter). Broken individual abilities/mechanics is a big part of what makes this game impossible to balance, because they make classes so much better in some scenarios than they are in others.


Mercs need a buff, electro net does not.

Edited by diadox
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Enet was designed to be a defensive ability from the get go, the idea was that you could put in on a target (generally melee) that was chasing you and they would have to either:


1: CC break to use movement abilities to stay on you

2: Take damage while having their movement constrained, which should (generally) result in very dead melee given how much burst either merc/mando spec can pump out.

3: stop attacking you and go 100% defensive/retreat


The reality is that enet is merely "ok" as a defensive ability, but it is an amazing offensive utility when properly utilized by a group that is focus firing.


If you want to make enet inescapable then the target that you enet should only take damage from enet and no other source.

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"Why is it possible to counter electro net?"


Because of course, all skills in the game need a counter. E-net's counter is the cc breaker and its quite a costly one really, especialy if the commando/merc has their stun up (Or their friend right behind you does) it dosen't build resolve on you either (Not a complain, an observation)


if somone breaks the net, they still take the damage. They're then also open to getting stunned, used in the right way with somone who has their cc breaker up? It's devastateing, all skills in the game need a counter though.


That's a nice sentiment, but there are several abilities out there that all you can do is wait them out while they either A. Continue attacking you or B. Let them heal to full without any consequences if timed correctly.

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I look at it like this: E-net is stunbreak bait, at least if you're using offensively (such as on a healer) instead of defensively (like a self peel). So, if they break, you would have your hardstun ready.


Moreover, electronet is the one move in the game that can force a sorc to use both stunbreaks (unbreakable will, then barrier) on the same move.


If you can't imagine how forcing an enemy to blow his breaker at a critical moment, while still having your stun up, is not a significant tactical advantage, you are bad.


Of course, on the receiving end, my "counterplay" is on surviving e-net for long enough without breaking it. If you e-net me while standing near other ranged (or even melee, but why would you be that close to me to begin with?) dps, you might have a grenade coming your way. :p Otherwise I'll knockback or CC what I can (and I do have bubblestun), pop an adrenal, try to move as little as possible, and I can generally survive long enough for the e-net to wear off.


None of this is whining or QQ. I'm just pointing out that rather than whining about electronet being trinketed, the OP should turn around and use the knowledge that "such and such burned their trinket" to their advantage. If you're in a premade on voice chat, that becomes even easier.


You mean the commandos melee root or 10 meter stun? Sure it would be a great thing if we had a 30 meter stun and 30 meter root, but we dont.

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Its almost like this was supposed to be our oh **** ability......oh wait....it was. Then people whined about it and low and behold people can now break / resist it. Beyond stupid, I know. The biggest sinners are operatives. CC break, and just lolroll the damage.


Except you can only negate 2 damage ticks with roll, and those two ticks would fall on 8 and 10th ticks to get the most out of defensing it with roll (since you wouldn't be able to get to activate it again if you tried on 9, since the 10th would happen a split second before you roll).


And if the operative is going to double tap roll, he's only going one place, away from you. So heal up, recharge your ammo and build your supercharge back because he'll be back once his combat stealth is off cooldown again. And when his combat stealth is cooled, so is your e-net, but his breaker won't be for another 30 seconds.


As far as being able to CC break on e-net? Do you realize when 2.0 came out that 1 merc/mando completely negated sorc/sage with that one ability. E-net, pound until death which usually came within that e-net. Sorcs were no where near as OP as today, they had big mobility issues outside of Madness, and that 1 button effectively negated the entire class and made their level 51 skill useless. Sorry, that had to be changed, one ability should never completely negate an entire class regardless of spec.

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As far as being able to CC break on e-net? Do you realize when 2.0 came out that 1 merc/mando completely negated sorc/sage with that one ability. Sorry, that had to be changed, one ability should never completely negate an entire class regardless of spec.


Indeed, no class should get an "I win" button, not even mercs/commando's as slightly weak as they are in some area's. Other area's need a buff not the net, some people jsut need to learn how to use it however.


I do love how somone pop's up with complaining about the operatives roll though. Carn't seem to escape from it with certain people on the forums.

Edited by Hiro_Wildfire
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Indeed, no class should get an "I win" button, not even mercs/commando's as slightly weak as they are in some area's. Other area's need a buff not the net, some people jsut need to learn how to use it however.


I do love how somone pop's up with complaining about the operatives roll though. Carn't seem to escape from it with certain people on the forums.


It's the perfect DCD in this game, your windows of defense are only as long as it is taking you out of attacking, no other DCD is like that though god bubble used to be before enduring bastion buff.


At best, it only costs you 30% of your GCDs if you are using it on cooldown to negate burst, and at worst it will cost you far more since it is more likely to take you out of range of attacking meaning you have to stroll up to close the gap again or burn it twice for the gap closer without the defense.


It's the one DCD in the game that actually takes skill to use it effectively without negating yourself in the same instant, and people still complain about it. Sorry but those guys who know how to use it, if you took it away they would probably still beat you because they are skilled players.

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As far as being able to CC break on e-net? Do you realize when 2.0 came out that 1 merc/mando completely negated sorc/sage with that one ability. E-net, pound until death which usually came within that e-net. Sorcs were no where near as OP as today, they had big mobility issues outside of Madness, and that 1 button effectively negated the entire class and made their level 51 skill useless. Sorry, that had to be changed, one ability should never completely negate an entire class regardless of spec.

I don't disagree with what you say. I'd just like to point out that the situation with mercs in 3.0 is exactly this: "control from stealth or immune jugg and pound until death which usually comes within that stun." catch a sniper out of entrench, and it's the same thing. 3.0 made sorcs crazy good and every other ranged a joke outside of premades (i.e., grp ranked)., and even there, madness is more popular.

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