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KOTFE Old Factions breaking Immersion ?


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Apparently KOTFE will be treated like the Forged Alliance Questline which didnt have any effect on the regular Planets, however i am quite worried about how they will handle this in the new expansion since the Empire and the Republic will both have been annihilated. We will still be able to access every planet as well as the Fleets which are clear signs of the Faction's existance, despite our efforts to avenge their destruction by the Infinite Empire. So basically we will jump back and forth 5 years in time, whenever we stop playing the Storyline and return to the Fleet? I have been very concerned about this problem ever since they announced this expansion while stating that the old planets will still be accessible. Maybe they plan to reestablish the old Factions at the End of KOTFE to justify this and the lack of Cross Factions in the Expansion. I'd really like to hear some opinions about this.
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Apparently KOTFE will be treated like the Forged Alliance Questline which didnt have any effect on the regular Planets, however i am quite worried about how they will handle this in the new expansion since the Empire and the Republic will both have been annihilated. We will still be able to access every planet as well as the Fleets which are clear signs of the Faction's existance, despite our efforts to avenge their destruction by the Infinite Empire. So basically we will jump back and forth 5 years in time, whenever we stop playing the Storyline and return to the Fleet? I have been very concerned about this problem ever since they announced this expansion while stating that the old planets will still be accessible. Maybe they plan to reestablish the old Factions at the End of KOTFE to justify this and the lack of Cross Factions in the Expansion. I'd really like to hear some opinions about this.


Fleets will still be the main place and the planets are not getting big changes either. If you want true immersion, do not search for it in a MMO. There are already enough immersion killers in this game.

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Well its good they are keeping the planets the same so we can still go back and help friends and new players or just go back and explore or get things we haven't yet. I think it would be harder and more of a hinderance should they try to get around the time warp thing for planets, though it would be cool to have a permanent war torn korriban and other planets.


We are supposedly getting new planets and a new Fleet where both factions playing kotfe can hang out.


Crazy thought: We actually can choose to join Valkorian, and instead of it being 3 factions, we have 2. The republic which is rebuilt through the expansion, and the Empire ruled by the new emperor, Valkorian, or Vitiate if that rumor is true lol. So the fallen empire would be the old Sith Empire really. At the end we are back to Empire VS Republic.

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Frankly I'm happy they went that way, if they were to adjust everything in the game for KOTFE that would make a lot of people flip the table, not to mention that would require them to remake the game since the beginning. Old planets have class stories, in the trailer we can see Korriban in ruins so it's not just the maps that would need an overhaul but stories too. Also should they decide for Ziost approach and cut off people from old content that wouldn't be fair too.


I played a few MMOs before and I always hated it how there was coming a major update like this and my favourite city from now on was a giant crater :D


I'm sure new content will be mostly operating on new locations so you won't really feel the immersion broken that much and at the same time, people who may not like it may choose to just ignore it and stay in the old universe :)

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I know it's not coming but I would love to see each planet from the core game getting a new small instance (in the size of Manaan) with post-invasion setting. Those small instances would have one or two dailies in which we would help villagers with getting supplies etc. :rolleyes: That would be immersive enough. After starting KotFE we would have the choice to travel to normal Korriban (friends and achievements) or post-invasion Korriban (story and immersion). Or at least make new instances for Korriban and Tython... so we can mourn our lost allies :( (with the possibility of coming back to pre-invasion Korriban/Tython). Edited by PavSalco
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hm think it it illogical to keep faction as meaningfull post expansion but gotta realize the fleet is in the (Past) so yeah people 1-50 or who only want to do1-60 who don't own the expansion probably need a place to be so can't just remove it anymore than I can stop my ability to take quest on korriban at level 60.
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I get a headache trying to think about how this should work out with my chars time-hopping all the time.


In the current timeline I can somehow justify going back to planets which have a state of the past. I have cleared all missions, so I just ignore the mobs and pretend it's how the planet looks now (more or less).


However, when the factions don't exist anymore, then there would be no rep or imp bases and so on. It's confusing me.


And yes, as someone mentioned, it would be great if planets would get new instances.


The solution that I have in mind:


When you visit a planet, let's say Alderaan, you get a pop-up asking you if you want to go to nowadays-Alderaan or the original Alderaan. With the new Alderaan showing how it looks after the invasion (or whatever happened). I would be fine with this.

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When you visit a planet, let's say Alderaan, you get a pop-up asking you if you want to go to nowadays-Alderaan or the original Alderaan. With the new Alderaan showing how it looks after the invasion (or whatever happened). I would be fine with this.

Some kind of a daily zone akin to Section X would actually be pretty awesome, even if it's being put there simply for lore/RP purposes.

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Fleets will still be the main place and the planets are not getting big changes either. If you want true immersion, do not search for it in a MMO. There are already enough immersion killers in this game.


You mean tanks wearing bikinis into battle isn't realistic? :eek:

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Apparently KOTFE will be treated like the Forged Alliance Questline which didnt have any effect on the regular Planets, however i am quite worried about how they will handle this in the new expansion since the Empire and the Republic will both have been annihilated. We will still be able to access every planet as well as the Fleets which are clear signs of the Faction's existance, despite our efforts to avenge their destruction by the Infinite Empire. So basically we will jump back and forth 5 years in time, whenever we stop playing the Storyline and return to the Fleet? I have been very concerned about this problem ever since they announced this expansion while stating that the old planets will still be accessible. Maybe they plan to reestablish the old Factions at the End of KOTFE to justify this and the lack of Cross Factions in the Expansion. I'd really like to hear some opinions about this.

I'm with ya...I have no idea how they'll pull this off...seems like a massive undertaking for minimal change...I guess we'll know more closer to launch.

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Hmmm, I wonder how we explain how someone on fleet just stopped the attack on Taris when I haven't even been there yet? I mean, I just got off the boat from Ord Mantell, ya know? I know the future! I am a force user, praise be to anakin the all wise and knowing! Heck, since someone else already saved it before I even knew it was a problem I might as well not even go there. Thanks for saving me from another trip to Taris, you're a life-saver!
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It's about as realistic as pulling a Czerka Roadster out of your back pocket and jumping in. (That's a hekk of a back pocket, that's all I can say.)


And a tauntaun, and a rancor (or 2) couple of banthas..slot machine and vending machine falling from orbit.

my gunslinger calls in an orbital strike and stands in middle of it like nothings happening but walks by a campfire and suddenly set a blaze.


my sentinel other day froze herself in carbonite with sabers still active and pointing through her head, when she thawed herself just shook it off like a champ!


don't even get me started on the drug addition and tolerances we've built up to all the illicit stims and adrenals we've been taking...why else do they need new ones every few levels.


few dozen different species and I can understand everyone, but can't speak a single language other than basic. whens the last time you learned a new language but couldn't speak it?


parents everywhere must really love their kids with names like "superKillaz" or "boomboom of the mcboom legacy"

Edited by DOHboy
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I'm guilty of this, a little. My latest character is a Shadow called Be-bop'alula. But all the previous characters in SWTOR had relatively serious sorts of names.


have no problems taking some liberties...but sometimes i really wonder what people are thinking.

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Well its good they are keeping the planets the same so we can still go back and help friends and new players or just go back and explore or get things we haven't yet.


Can you imagine the rage threads in the forum if they did somehow nuke the old classic worlds? Those players that get all worked up about double XP and 12X XP with no disable switch.... they would be all amassed up against the walls of the Bioware fortress with full pitchfork and throwing torch regalia. It would be the mother of all uprisings. :p

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Can you imagine the rage threads in the forum if they did somehow nuke the old classic worlds? Those players that get all worked up about double XP and 12X XP with no disable switch.... they would be all amassed up against the walls of the Bioware fortress with full pitchfork and throwing torch regalia. It would be the mother of all uprisings. :p



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