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Did anyone ever get their new companion Nico Okar?


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Well one thing they could have done is be more clear upfront rather than put it at the very end in the small print. I understand that that is a marketing strategy but it's one I disagree with, as it really does cause issues like this. You basically anger a lot of customers who view your company as being sleazy.


The email says "Be a Subscriber by July 31 to get the legendary gunslinger Nico Okarr". That can easily be interpreted as getting the gunslinger on the 31st by being a subscriber. All they would have had to do was add a few extra words to be more clear and we would not have to answer this question and the questions for the future rewards every month.


"Be a Subscriber by <date> to get <reward> on Oct 27th"


Just those few extra words would have solved a lot of problems and would make it seem less like a sleazy marketing strategy to dupe a few people into thinking they get the reward right away.

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"Be a Subscriber by <date> to get <reward> on Oct 27th"


Just those few extra words would have solved a lot of problems and would make it seem less like a sleazy marketing strategy to dupe a few people into thinking they get the reward right away.


Sorta like...




Each reward has a date listed. In bold.

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So think back to when you started and what mistakes you made, and the learning curve you followed, and maybe develop a little patience to the newcomer and keep your facepalms to yourself.


One of the best posts I've ever read. It warms my heart to see that there are still people that have empathy for others, no matter how aggravating the situation may seem at first glance. I bet you knew that you'd get called out for posting such a thing, but you did it anyway. I have to admire you for that.

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One of the best posts I've ever read. It warms my heart to see that there are still people that have empathy for others, no matter how aggravating the situation may seem at first glance. I bet you knew that you'd get called out for posting such a thing, but you did it anyway. I have to admire you for that.


never played an MMO before I joined TOR at launch, was avid gamer but never MMOs


if you've ever played any games last 15 years the controls should be pretty basic, depending on if you are a mouse mover or a keyboard walker (both work) in fact I do both from time to time (some times both at same time).


hardest thing is knowing what NOT to click (nim pig, trapjaw) not necessarily how to click. There are plenty of tutorials and i'm sorry, not every game (especially mmos) can hand hold eveyrone and not expect some basic concepts of gaming. Some things you just need to learn yourself or use google to figure out.


I found it more condescending than helpful, the rest of us got by just fine, and we're not overly special. How did people at the beginning of gaming even manage to play games (especially computer games) without the internet or without others to tell us how (since many were single player)? we experimented and learned.

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can you make companion in box nico so companion come out when opened? Then if companion is back after companion, use light saber on nico, and nico will be companion after companion is out?




Edited by DOHboy
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Now I know why so many people like mmos. It's that wonderful sense of community and friendliness get. You people make me so sad honestly. Really, and truly, sad. Edited by Nnytk
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Now I know why so many people like mmos. It's that wonderful sense of community and friendlyness you get. You people make me so sad honestly. Really, and truly, sad.


1) there is a search button, easy to find lots of posts asking same question with same answer

2) the information is clearly written on the page, easy to read

3) common sense would tell you that its tied to the release of the expansion.


failing 1, 2, 3 don't expect a warm response from people answered it nicely the first time...even cordially the second time, third time not so well....it gets old after awhile.

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1) there is a search button, easy to find lots of posts asking same question with same answer

2) the information is clearly written on the page, easy to read

3) common sense would tell you that its tied to the release of the expansion.


failing 1, 2, 3 don't expect a warm response from people answered it nicely the first time...even cordially the second time, third time not so well....it gets old after awhile.


Then why even come into the topic, if all you're going to do is be hateful? What's the point?

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Then why even come into the topic, if all you're going to do is be hateful? What's the point?


You were not addressing me, but let me comment to your question.....


Because the thread title immediately flags the OP as someone who did not take time to actually read the full page about Nico and the expac rewards in general. A skim reader I would assume.


Why does that matter. As a one-off event.. it does not and would not attract attention. But there are several threads per week where people are asking for information that often times is staring them right in the face or is one google search away. In fact.... we have already had several of the "where's my Nico threads in the forum.


It's a needless thread in the forum IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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same reason you did...


Could you perchance show me where I was hateful? I hope you don't mean my sad little post in response to the crushing rudeness, vitriol, and general unhelpfulness displayed in not just this topic, but in ones all over this "community" forum.

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This should only have been a 3-4 post thread, and ended after the first few helpful people provided a response. The majority of posts were people complaining about the OP asking a question. It shouldn't matter if the answer is posted in a different thread and may be found with a quick search. If the question bugs you and has been answered, ignore the thread and move on.


I am more irritated at the negative responses on this thread than I am at seeing this question asked for the umpteenth time. The negative attitude of many people on this thread (and many, many others) discourages others from posting legitimate and novel questions/ideas.

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Could you perchance show me where I was hateful? I hope you don't mean my sad little post in response to the crushing rudeness, vitriol, and general unhelpfulness displayed in not just this topic, but in ones all over this "community" forum.


That brush is awful big. While I like the color blue, and Picasso, I'd prefer not being painted like that, thank you very much. I'll paint myself when need arises.

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Could you perchance show me where I was hateful? I hope you don't mean my sad little post in response to the crushing rudeness, vitriol, and general unhelpfulness displayed in not just this topic, but in ones all over this "community" forum.


was just responding to the question of "'why even come to this thread?"


same reason you did...


you havn't bothered to answer any particular question, or provide and useful information and instead just jumped into point out that just about anyone who is posting in here is obviously "crushingly rude and generally unhelpful".

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was just responding to the question of "'why even come to this thread?"


same reason you did...


you havn't bothered to answer any particular question, or provide and useful information and instead just jumped into point out that just about anyone who is posting in here is obviously "crushingly rude and generally unhelpful".


Maybe he was just being ironic. :p

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was just responding to the question of "'why even come to this thread?"


same reason you did...


you havn't bothered to answer any particular question, or provide and useful information and instead just jumped into point out that just about anyone who is posting in here is obviously "crushingly rude and generally unhelpful".


Yep I said every single person in here was being hateful, oh wait no, no I did not.


Also yes I did just "jump in". I mean it's not like I could have come in here to answer the question, then when I saw it was answered started reading through the topic and getting kinda peeved to see SOME of the responses.


Oh and I'd say pointing out that being hateful is not conducive to a good community would be considered useful information, albeit a bit obvious as well :D

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Yep I said every single person in here was being hateful, oh wait no, no I did not.


To be fair, though, when you said

You people make me so sad honestly. Really, and truly, sad.

It could have been read as if you were referring to everyone. That could have been the precedent for the general "you" in your posts.


But yes, you are right that a lot of the hate was not needed. To be fair, though, any rudeness was very mild until the op posted again and kicked it up a notch all by himself. That post has since been deleted, but you can still see it in quoted replies. Calling people names and cursing at them didn't help the direction of the thread.


In my opinion, some people are just apt to take things way more personally than is healthy for them.

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I keep general chat on it's on chat window, and most of the time I have it hidden.


Sometimes though.. I am interested in a little comic relief in game and will unhide it. :) If someone asks a polite question, I will often answer it.. most often right after someone else either answered incorrectly or if someone is trolling the question asker.


I'll admit, I can "be a generous God" from time to time as well.. And yes, that is the feeling that sometimes seeps through.. :o:cool:


Most commonly though, it's far more similar to: "It is not their fault, you've just seen it too many times." Repeated silently, in my mind, over and over... :D


EDIT: There are SOME questions, even unasked ones, I will generally answer out of hand.. Such as how to link quests in the chat, as it makes life easier for everybody. (Especially me, if they are asking for help with a quest I can't remember whether or not is in my level-range.) So yeah, technically I'm helping myself out, somewhat.


Polite questions, sure, I'll be polite as well. Especially if the words are spelled properly. I know it's just Internet-speech, but for some reason, it just annoys the H out of me to see a "Help Plz" (especially if no more info is forthcoming after that), receive multiple group invites, when I've already declined or whispered "no" and so on and so forth.


But those people, who actually think about their question and post it properly in chat? (Taking into account that they may not know exactly what they are asking about or how to describe it), I will be the first one to reply, politely and equally respectful.

Edited by Lord_Robert
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Now I know why so many people like mmos. It's that wonderful sense of community and friendliness get. You people make me so sad honestly. Really, and truly, sad.


I'm sorry but when people neither read nor use that strange earth logic, I assume that they are either lazy as **** or stupid as all hell (we're talking short buses and helmet wearing here).


Being a new player doesn't excuse one from being a kriffing moron. You have guide books you can purchase, online or at the bookstore/game store. You have the internet to search these items. Hell go to google type in swtor gear and many links will pop up. Even things like swtor map and HOLY CRAP things pop up. There's a tutorial. Hell when GSF and Stronghold came out those damn tutorials kept popping up on every toon I logged into for the first time.


I'm not going to sit here and hand hold people either too stupid or too lazy to explore the world they're planning to play in or do their own research.


Take Rishi for example. People were complaining about the Crier Droid. I hadn't gotten to that part yet, but I had gen chat on and I, holy crap!, read what they were saying and how to do it. First time I messed it up, but then I used logic and tried a different approach and it worked. Same with the solo Revan fight, I saw people explaining what to do with the Red and White orbs and voila it helped me out cause I read what people were typing.


And let's not forget gear. I read through the different classes/species before I made my first character. It's why I chose Chiss Agent first, it reminded me of Draenei (I had just left WoW) and I read what they did in game.


Reading isn't hard to do. In this day and age NO ONE should be unable to read. If you are, you need to go get a tutor and learn to read.


If you're too lazy to find the information out on your own through the game's tutorials and clicking things to see what it does, well, you're not entitled to any help whatsoever.


Sure, everyone has a derp moment and we'll go '*sigh* how do I summon my companion again? I'm having a derp moment' Things happen. But if you can't take the time to learn the game on your own, well, sorry, you shouldn't expect people to hold your hand.

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I'm sorry but when people neither read nor use that strange earth logic, I assume that they are either lazy as **** or stupid as all hell (we're talking short buses and helmet wearing here).




If you're too lazy to find the information out on your own through the game's tutorials and clicking things to see what it does, well, you're not entitled to any help whatsoever.


Very well put. Im not against helping people, but FFS stop being lazy and at least try to play the game with some semblance of intelligence...


"I cant be bothered to look anything up because..."


Because what? Will rabid gerbils eat you face if you try and find out pertinant information?


"I cant be bothered to read all the information in a promotion because..."


Because what? Your cheetos might get stale in the 30 seconds it takes to read those two paragraphs?


I cant help but imagine some of the people playing these games as still having their shoes tied by their parents, as well as still being told to open the hanger for the spoon airplane as much un-necessary help and handholding they seem to need :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I will believe it, when I see the crew man in my toons crew list, just like they are gonna have us 2 more toon slots....

ten to one, those 2 new character slot don't happen, or they will have a small discount on the slots in the Cartel Market.



Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco View Post

Hey folks,


I have seen a few questions around how the “Start at Level 60” will work that comes with Fallen Empire. I want to start by saying that we will be releasing a blog when we get a bit closer to launch that describes all of the nitty gritty details and walks you through everything. But for now I wanted to cover a bit about how it works and address some of the things I have been seeing.


As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time. I know that this raised the question of character limits as well. In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit per server by 2 for the Fallen Empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!


I know you still have many questions, such as how this impacts Class story, etc. We will be revealing all of these details down the line as we get closer to launch.





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