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All of game design is a gamble. It would have been a gamble had the new expansion been nothing but new FPs, OPs, and PvP maps. Strongholds and GSF was a gamble. Redesigning how FPs and Ops work to ensure relevancy for all future content on that front is a gamble.


GSF focused on a new Space and a new PvP mechanic

Strongholds focused on an Interior Designer Mechanic

The "Jesus Patch" focused on UI and Legacy updates

All through the last 3+ years the game has kept attention on increasing endgame content

KotFE just happens to focus on the story element of the game with a big update to how endgame content is to be played.

To act like endgame content has been ignored is completely asinine.


Not sure if you know this but most successful MMO's don't release expansions that cater to one thing they release expansions that give everyone something to do because that is the best way to go include all your customers and not just a single section of them.

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At the start of the game you had 8 totally different stories that were unique with KOTFE you get one story that has only slight changes based on faction and companion reactions but the overall story is one story line which last time I checked is less then 8 unique story lines.


But all that original story content is still there, new players coming in still get to do that and everything else that is the game AND all the new content ALL for the same subscription fee.


Remember you were the one who goes on about people like me being all about ourselves and not the community as a whole.


Seems to me you are only thinking of yourself and not looking at what the community as a whole get for their sub fee.

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1. Sure it did. The amount of people running ops etc. must be at an all time low. Anytime in the past 6 months I've gone in game to try pick up a quick HM FP run or maybe look for a pug group to join they are all but non existent to the point I don't bother any more.

Compare that is say 6 months prior I had no issues what so ever, always quick pops and never a problem finding a pug - it was more about which OP I wanted to do more than it is can I get into any OP group now.

From that you can see BW needed to do something to make this end game content more accessible to players so there actually was group content to do - these changes go a long way to accomplishing that hopefully.


Remember it's about the community, now just you and not getting your shiny new op.


2. It's not a gamble in the context you made your original point. You said no end to KoTFE depending on how well it does, well if it doesn't end it's doing well and no players needing replaced because ... ITS DOING WELL. Simple.


Anyway moot point, they said they will not be ignoring the MMO content and new ops will be coming.


3. None of that is being axed, they just aren't adding extra into the expansion. all of it is still there on all the planets it was originally added for.

Given the choice between 16 chapters as designed or 5 chapters with superfluous stuff like heroics I would go for the 16 chapters anyway.


They haven't to my knowledge added a heroic since launch have they? Do you always complain about this point or just right now because you're not getting new ops right now?


4. I'm saying unconfirmed as in you are basically saying "you may not get to do that". What is confirmed about maybe not being able to do something exactly? Let alone the promise you spoke of was far from a promise, heck it wasn't even a statement. More of a teaser in the type of thing you might be able to do and I think it wasn't even geared towards companions from memory but more people you meet in the story who may or may not be able to be recruited as companions.

Unless you are able to quote something I am forgetting here? I'm not hunting the info down, you're the one making the statements, you prove it.


5. Cross server only helps the niche groups which are operation/pvp players. More story adds something to the game and benefits a much larger cross section of players plus brings back old players and helps draw in new players. That to me benefits the community more.


anyway I'm not anti cross server, I think it would be a beat addition. My point is you said they lied about "better than cross server" but realyl for the above reasons KoTFE IS better than cross server.

Bring on cross server as well ( but expect more time lost for new ops as it gets developed ) - the more the merrier.


6. It was, quote it then - as I don't recall seeing the words "I promise you'll never go a year without another OP".


7. Riiight now you're just clutching at straws. Either way ... no reason to add anymore NiM. My point is conceded thanks.

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Not sure if you know this but most successful MMO's don't release expansions that cater to one thing they release expansions that give everyone something to do because that is the best way to go include all your customers and not just a single section of them.


This game makes operations and flashpoints more accessible to a greater amount of people than ever before thus it IS catering to more people than say just adding a couple of new ops that even less people than last time will bother with.


You're acting like PVE is being ignored entirely when it's not, it's gett a massive overhaul just like companions are, just like crafting is. You don't have to like it but don't pretend it's just being blatantly ignored.

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1. Sure it did. The amount of people running ops etc. must be at an all time low. Anytime in the past 6 months I've gone in game to try pick up a quick HM FP run or maybe look for a pug group to join they are all but non existent to the point I don't bother any more.

Compare that is say 6 months prior I had no issues what so ever, always quick pops and never a problem finding a pug - it was more about which OP I wanted to do more than it is can I get into any OP group now.

From that you can see BW needed to do something to make this end game content more accessible to players so there actually was group content to do - these changes go a long way to accomplishing that hopefully.


Remember it's about the community, now just you and not getting your shiny new op.

huge snip



to be honest, op participation cratered when they removed any real reward from most of them. once people got out of the habit of doing ops, they drifted away

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This game makes operations and flashpoints more accessible to a greater amount of people than ever before thus it IS catering to more people than say just adding a couple of new ops that even less people than last time will bother with.


You're acting like PVE is being ignored entirely when it's not, it's gett a massive overhaul just like companions are, just like crafting is. You don't have to like it but don't pretend it's just being blatantly ignored.


The current player base has had access to all those OP's and Flash points they have done them millions of times before and it's not like they are adding anything new to those 2 things just raising the level so it is still the same old tired content that is just scaled to be harder and in the end people will just find the easiest OP's and flash point to farm gear from and stick to that.

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1. Sure it did. The amount of people running ops etc. must be at an all time low. Anytime in the past 6 months I've gone in game to try pick up a quick HM FP run or maybe look for a pug group to join they are all but non existent to the point I don't bother any more.

Compare that is say 6 months prior I had no issues what so ever, always quick pops and never a problem finding a pug - it was more about which OP I wanted to do more than it is can I get into any OP group now.

From that you can see BW needed to do something to make this end game content more accessible to players so there actually was group content to do - these changes go a long way to accomplishing that hopefully.


Remember it's about the community, now just you and not getting your shiny new op.


2. It's not a gamble in the context you made your original point. You said no end to KoTFE depending on how well it does, well if it doesn't end it's doing well and no players needing replaced because ... ITS DOING WELL. Simple.


Anyway moot point, they said they will not be ignoring the MMO content and new ops will be coming.


3. None of that is being axed, they just aren't adding extra into the expansion. all of it is still there on all the planets it was originally added for.

Given the choice between 16 chapters as designed or 5 chapters with superfluous stuff like heroics I would go for the 16 chapters anyway.


They haven't to my knowledge added a heroic since launch have they? Do you always complain about this point or just right now because you're not getting new ops right now?


4. I'm saying unconfirmed as in you are basically saying "you may not get to do that". What is confirmed about maybe not being able to do something exactly? Let alone the promise you spoke of was far from a promise, heck it wasn't even a statement. More of a teaser in the type of thing you might be able to do and I think it wasn't even geared towards companions from memory but more people you meet in the story who may or may not be able to be recruited as companions.

Unless you are able to quote something I am forgetting here? I'm not hunting the info down, you're the one making the statements, you prove it.


5. Cross server only helps the niche groups which are operation/pvp players. More story adds something to the game and benefits a much larger cross section of players plus brings back old players and helps draw in new players. That to me benefits the community more.


anyway I'm not anti cross server, I think it would be a beat addition. My point is you said they lied about "better than cross server" but realyl for the above reasons KoTFE IS better than cross server.

Bring on cross server as well ( but expect more time lost for new ops as it gets developed ) - the more the merrier.


6. It was, quote it then - as I don't recall seeing the words "I promise you'll never go a year without another OP".


7. Riiight now you're just clutching at straws. Either way ... no reason to add anymore NiM. My point is conceded thanks.


1.Sure and revamping the content that the current player base is tired of playing over and over again is going to some how make them want to play them again besides finding the easiest one and grinding gear from that?


2.If it wasn't a gamble they wouldn't be trying so hard to go for the dragon age and mass effect players the only logical reason is they fear subs will drop and they need someone to market it to.


3.I believe they had heroics in the dread master story line but I know for sure they had a lot of them in rise of the hutt cartel.


4. straight from the guy in charge of story himself which clearly says you can kill companions. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8256270


5. cross server helps pvp,op's and flash points so yea a rather large part of the game and also better then cross server is what BW calls it,

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1.Sure and revamping the content that the current player base is tired of playing over and over again is going to some how make them want to play them again besides finding the easiest one and grinding gear from that?

There are a number of problems with this statement. First you assume that all current users of SWTOR raid, or have done all the prior raids at lvl. Percentage of raiders in any MMO seems to be very small going from 1.35% to maybe upward of 10%. So that is a very small portion of the fan base to cater too.


Second you assume that most of the players are active. While we have current official numbers, the most we have is from a cantina event a year and a half ago, where he said that there 10million casuals and 1million actives.


So really you have no way of knowing what the current fan base is tired of. I can speak of my own guild, one of the largest on server, runs 3-4 raids a week, and has 360+ unique accounts. Of those that are raiders in that mix, the majority are excited at the prospect of having 9 ops at level...


2.If it wasn't a gamble they wouldn't be trying so hard to go for the dragon age and mass effect players the only logical reason is they fear subs will drop and they need someone to market it to.

This statement is a logical fallacy called a "false dilemma"


Where two alternative states are shown as being the only possibilities when in fact other possibilities exist.



First for them to be "trying so hard" you would have to show a dedicated marketing initiative aimed at those two groups. Casual mentions of Mass Effect or Dragon Age simply don't cut it.

IF this was back in 2009 they would be saying that its based on Mask of the Betrayer and Storm of Zehir. Earlier on still other games.

This idea of time skip and loss/changing of companions and love interests has been around as long as I've been playing BW games(hellow Lady Aribeth), and waking up drugged without your gear in Hordes of the Underdark.


So if you are going to make this claim you have to base it something more than them saying, "well we drrew inspiration from DA and ME", becasue with those the drew inspiration(read repackaged story elements) from previous games as well... Just no one was live streaming E3 back then.


3.I believe they had heroics in the dread master story line but I know for sure they had a lot of them in rise of the hutt cartel.

Well since the Dread Masters was part of the original Rise of the Hutt Cartel storyline, yes they had some heroics. There were several on Makeb, but Makeb sucked so hard that I did my best to avoid it, and there was one Heroic 2+ on Oricon that I was so happy be be able to solo once I got a set of 168 set bonus gear(because finding someone to go with you was a pain).


4. straight from the guy in charge of story himself which clearly says you can kill companions. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8256270

Doesn't say that you will be able to kill a certain companion. In fact makes no actual promise that you will be able to kill any companion. Simply says


Companions: there’s a ton of stuff going on with companions in this release, and we’re not ready to dive into most of it just yet. What I can say is that past companions will return in the story, sometimes as very critical parts of the overall story shared by all Outlanders. Which classes can recruit which characters, who can be romanced, who can you kill and who might betray you? You’ll have to play and see


Play and see means that they are making no promises and you will figure it out when the game goes live. Your original statement was:

Telling you that you can kill X companion when you might not actually get the chance to at all.

Once again they never said you could kill X companion. First they said play and see, which means no promises of being able to kill any companion, it means you will know if you can when the game goes live. Second they said choices matter, even if that is a possible outcome on some comp stories in expansion, you can, through you choices block that story path.


5. cross server helps pvp,op's and flash points so yea a rather large part of the game and also better then cross server is what BW calls it,


Yes BW says they are working on something better than cross server. You seem to think that they are being less than honest because they haven't shared all their development ups and downs with you. No MMO that has gone cross server has given any solid numbers as to any actual improvements it has made for player base. If you can show solid numbers of x% more people taking part in PvE or PvP content that might be something.


However as long as ranked PvP remains 4v4 cross server won't do a lot of good, in fact forced to play with ppl who may not for instance understand English, would actually IMO hinder 4v4. My rank is already based on how well my random team does, no my own performance, so having it further hindered by language barriers would actually drive me away from PvP.

Same with ops. There are several sets of good and workable tactics for taking down a boss like Underlurker. However your raid team needs to be able to communicate in bosses as highly technical as that one. As it is a large percentage of ops that go through GF are premades... Don't see that changing even with cross server.

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There are a number of problems with this statement. First you assume that all current users of SWTOR raid, or have done all the prior raids at lvl. Percentage of raiders in any MMO seems to be very small going from 1.35% to maybe upward of 10%. So that is a very small portion of the fan base to cater too.


Second you assume that most of the players are active. While we have current official numbers, the most we have is from a cantina event a year and a half ago, where he said that there 10million casuals and 1million actives.


So really you have no way of knowing what the current fan base is tired of. I can speak of my own guild, one of the largest on server, runs 3-4 raids a week, and has 360+ unique accounts. Of those that are raiders in that mix, the majority are excited at the prospect of having 9 ops at level...



This statement is a logical fallacy called a "false dilemma"


Where two alternative states are shown as being the only possibilities when in fact other possibilities exist.



First for them to be "trying so hard" you would have to show a dedicated marketing initiative aimed at those two groups. Casual mentions of Mass Effect or Dragon Age simply don't cut it.

IF this was back in 2009 they would be saying that its based on Mask of the Betrayer and Storm of Zehir. Earlier on still other games.

This idea of time skip and loss/changing of companions and love interests has been around as long as I've been playing BW games(hellow Lady Aribeth), and waking up drugged without your gear in Hordes of the Underdark.


So if you are going to make this claim you have to base it something more than them saying, "well we drrew inspiration from DA and ME", becasue with those the drew inspiration(read repackaged story elements) from previous games as well... Just no one was live streaming E3 back then.



Well since the Dread Masters was part of the original Rise of the Hutt Cartel storyline, yes they had some heroics. There were several on Makeb, but Makeb sucked so hard that I did my best to avoid it, and there was one Heroic 2+ on Oricon that I was so happy be be able to solo once I got a set of 168 set bonus gear(because finding someone to go with you was a pain).



Doesn't say that you will be able to kill a certain companion. In fact makes no actual promise that you will be able to kill any companion. Simply says


Companions: there’s a ton of stuff going on with companions in this release, and we’re not ready to dive into most of it just yet. What I can say is that past companions will return in the story, sometimes as very critical parts of the overall story shared by all Outlanders. Which classes can recruit which characters, who can be romanced, who can you kill and who might betray you? You’ll have to play and see


Play and see means that they are making no promises and you will figure it out when the game goes live. Your original statement was:


Once again they never said you could kill X companion. First they said play and see, which means no promises of being able to kill any companion, it means you will know if you can when the game goes live. Second they said choices matter, even if that is a possible outcome on some comp stories in expansion, you can, through you choices block that story path.




Yes BW says they are working on something better than cross server. You seem to think that they are being less than honest because they haven't shared all their development ups and downs with you. No MMO that has gone cross server has given any solid numbers as to any actual improvements it has made for player base. If you can show solid numbers of x% more people taking part in PvE or PvP content that might be something.


However as long as ranked PvP remains 4v4 cross server won't do a lot of good, in fact forced to play with ppl who may not for instance understand English, would actually IMO hinder 4v4. My rank is already based on how well my random team does, no my own performance, so having it further hindered by language barriers would actually drive me away from PvP.

Same with ops. There are several sets of good and workable tactics for taking down a boss like Underlurker. However your raid team needs to be able to communicate in bosses as highly technical as that one. As it is a large percentage of ops that go through GF are premades... Don't see that changing even with cross server.


The cross server language solution is simple like FFXIV which has cross server they lock the servers which you can cross queue with by language like NA crosses with NA servers JP crosses with JP EU with other EU servers so that language issue you bring up is in reality a non issue.It's not that they need to tells us every detail of how cross server will work it's that they need to tell us something other then "soon tm".


Sadly while I could prove what I am talking about with the whole companions stuff but that data is something that would get me banned so I can't exactly use it.


On the mass effect and dragon age deal that one is simple they invited Ladyinsanity to the E3 closed door even and she pretty much exclusively covers dragon age and mass effect and has a large following of people who play those games from her Youtube channel I would say that is pretty clear evidence that they are shooting for those types of players.

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Yes BW says they are working on something better than cross server. You seem to think that they are being less than honest because they haven't shared all their development ups and downs with you.

Wait lol, so you still think they're working on something? I don't. I believe the 90cc transfer is their peace offering after failing to capitalize on that promise. I think they honestly tried...but they've delivered nothing so far, and I doubt they ever will.

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Percentage of raiders in any MMO seems to be very small going from 1.35% to maybe upward of 10%. So that is a very small portion of the fan base to cater too.
statements like this are folly.


how do you measure a playerbase? based on what rule? logging in f2p once a year = a player?


of course raiders are outnumbered. you're comparing players that log a couple hours per day to players that log a couple hours a year.

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statements like this are folly.


how do you measure a playerbase? based on what rule? logging in f2p once a year = a player?


of course raiders are outnumbered. you're comparing players that log a couple hours per day to players that log a couple hours a year.

Very good points Pagy....your other post as well.

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statements like this are folly.


how do you measure a playerbase? based on what rule? logging in f2p once a year = a player?


of course raiders are outnumbered. you're comparing players that log a couple hours per day to players that log a couple hours a year.


As you note there are quite a few ways to measure playerbase. Doing it as a pure percentage of people that log in is meaningless. What really matters from the perspective of the long term health of the game is:

1. Revenue Per User - You can set a bar to winnow the player base to players who generate at least $X of revenue over Y period of time. The easiest Y to use there is Monthly. So X would be Monthly Sub Fees + Cartel Coin Purchases per month + % of Game Card $ Bioware gets for those that use Game Cards/2. This captures the $ that players bring in.

2. Active Players - Players that log on for at least T threshhold over period of time Y. This captures the number of players that log in for a specified period of time over say a month. That lets you capture the F2P players that are active. These are the people that help to fill out PVP, FPs, Ops and generally just make the game feel more full of life. These are also your target audience to upsell subscriptions to.


Based on past things that they have posted I have a high degree of confidence that Bioware has all of those numbers. Given the profitability of SWTOR (despite the naysayers forecast of Doom and Gloom SWTOR is nicely profitable), I have every confidence they look at these numbers and a lot more. I'd be willing to bet that their data analytics team reports regularly on the % of time that "Active Players" spend doing what activities, and the % of time that revenue producing players spend on individual activities.

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statements like this are folly.


how do you measure a playerbase? based on what rule? logging in f2p once a year = a player?


of course raiders are outnumbered. you're comparing players that log a couple hours per day to players that log a couple hours a year.


Utterly ridiculous. You do realize every planet & server as a whole has not only a population percentage number, but a who list to show who is where, yes? And having access to said list, I can honestly say that seeing people in raid locations is a rare sight compared to just seeing players on the planet or in pvp. Also for your statement to be true regarding the time periods that f2p spend in game, it would have to mean that for the servers to maintain medium to high population rates so consistently that the players in game would have to interchange on a daily basis and that, like I said is utterly ridiculous. Just accept facts that you are the minority.

Edited by Aeristash
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Sadly while I could prove what I am talking about with the whole companions stuff but that data is something that would get me banned so I can't exactly use it

You are talking in circles on this one.

FIrst you claim they promised that you could kill X companion and now you can't.

When shown that they made no promises regarding this in any official post, but rather that you would only know when you actually played the expansion.

Then you can say that they made said promise and broke it by using previously noted dubious source.

Is your problem that you can kill a comp, or that you can't kill the comp you wanted to?

Either way, BW in no official source has yet promised that you can kill any companion. They simply said that those questions would not be answered until you play the game.


On the mass effect and dragon age deal that one is simple they invited Ladyinsanity to the E3 closed door even and she pretty much exclusively covers dragon age and mass effect and has a large following of people who play those games from her Youtube channel I would say that is pretty clear evidence that they are shooting for those types of players.

Of course BW is going to try and entice customers of their other games to play this one. They are offering rewards for SWTOR player for buying Battlefront too. That doesn't mean that they are worried about how Battlefront will do. Having bought all the games in the Neverwinter series as digitial downloads from BW in the past, I still get regular emails from them askiing me to consider other games that they have produced in a similar vein...

That is just simple marketing. If you liked x-product of ours you may also enjoy this one. That doesn't equate to a dedicated marketing campaign. Likewise having a blogger(possibly a paid blogger) who is at Gamescon covering another of your games sit in on stuff for another of your products does not a dedicated marketing campaign make.

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Wait lol, so you still think they're working on something? I don't. I believe the 90cc transfer is their peace offering after failing to capitalize on that promise. I think they honestly tried...but they've delivered nothing so far, and I doubt they ever will.


Eric said they were in a recent Dev post, so no reason to think that they are not or that they are lying about it.

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Utterly ridiculous. You do realize every planet & server as a whole has not only a population percentage number, but a who list to show who is where, yes? And having access to said list, I can honestly say that seeing people in raid locations is a rare sight compared to just seeing players on the planet or in pvp. Also for your statement to be true regarding the time periods that f2p spend in game, it would have to mean that for the servers to maintain medium to high population rates so consistently that the players in game would have to interchange on a daily basis and that, like I said is utterly ridiculous. Just accept facts that you are the minority.
this is confirmation bias. people aren't in raids because there are no raids to do.


the only content in this game is the 12x xp stories for alts.


maybe focusing on the players that still play is the better way to go to satisfy the business case. but it's certainly not going to grow the game and attract players back for longer than the few hours it will take to finish the new story then unsub yet again.

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Based on past things that they have posted I have a high degree of confidence that Bioware has all of those numbers. Given the profitability of SWTOR (despite the naysayers forecast of Doom and Gloom SWTOR is nicely profitable), I have every confidence they look at these numbers and a lot more. I'd be willing to bet that their data analytics team reports regularly on the % of time that "Active Players" spend doing what activities, and the % of time that revenue producing players spend on individual activities.
metrics support forecasts. nothing more. it isn't a crystal ball.


predicting consumer behavior is always difficult, otherwise why would any business fail?

why did swtor completely flop after the first few months after release?

why did gsf flop completely?


kotfe will be like any other business decision...it will succeed or or might not.

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Recently? That was close to a year ago...


I can't find a place to link or quote it, but I do remember reading as well that the feature they alluded to just shy of a year ago is still in development. It isn't forgotten, but they are unable to discuss it... something to that effect. Sounds about par for the course lately for the development side, but that may be the more recent acknowledgement that Khiriath was referring to.


Only mention I found was at Dulfy's Gamescon QA Page:

Q: Cross server?

A:Not ignoring the issue, something awesome in the works

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this is confirmation bias. people aren't in raids because there are no raids to do.


the only content in this game is the 12x xp stories for alts.


maybe focusing on the players that still play is the better way to go to satisfy the business case. but it's certainly not going to grow the game and attract players back for longer than the few hours it will take to finish the new story then unsub yet again.


Well actually displaying a little confirmation bias yourself. You can argue with metrics all you want, but its pointless. You don't know what that even means to Bioware. If you really believe they have quantifable evidence new raids would earn them more money than what they are doing now (building the scaling tech and KOTFE) and not doing it just cause....Your only kidding yourself.


That is not how business works.

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this is confirmation bias. people aren't in raids because there are no raids to do.


the only content in this game is the 12x xp stories for alts.


maybe focusing on the players that still play is the better way to go to satisfy the business case. but it's certainly not going to grow the game and attract players back for longer than the few hours it will take to finish the new story then unsub yet again.


Your statement is only true for veteran raiders who have raided to exhaustion. There are plenty of raids available and someone is always in fleet looking to get a group together for a weekly. The majority just aren't raising their hand nor are they decked out in full ultimate sets at the least. This says that they haven't been raiding nor do they feel enticed to.

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Well actually displaying a little confirmation bias yourself. You can argue with metrics all you want, but its pointless. You don't know what that even means to Bioware. If you really believe they have quantifable evidence new raids would earn them more money than what they are doing now (building the scaling tech and KOTFE) and not doing it just cause....Your only kidding yourself.


That is not how business works.

you're totally right.

every business makes perfect decisions and succeeds on merit.

case closed then.

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That is not how business works.


hehe, confirmed for no 1st-hand knowledge of how bidness works.


The amount of gut feelings, hitting it hard and hoping for the best, and sloppy consensus is constantly astounding. Not limited to any particular sectors either.

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statements like this are folly.


how do you measure a playerbase? based on what rule? logging in f2p once a year = a player?


of course raiders are outnumbered. you're comparing players that log a couple hours per day to players that log a couple hours a year.


I myself log about 12 hours a day, 7 days a week AND I work and take care of my family.

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