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No more Yavin 4


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Why should anybody go to yavin 4, after addon 4.0???


To farm companions equipment or to kill revan for the 1000 time XD...

The only planet where you can get nice equip for your companions, nice and easy.

But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0...So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!

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Why should anybody go to yavin 4, after addon 4.0???


To farm companions equipment or to kill revan for the 1000 time XD...

The only planet where you can get nice equip for your companions, nice and easy.

But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0...So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!


For the easy 200k + credits for dailes.

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Why should anyone go to CZ-198, Section X, Belsavis, Korriban, or to any other planet after 4.0? Why even go to those planets now?


Because they want to.




I haven't even taken a character to Yavin yet. I plan on going some time, and with me currently busy leveling classes that I haven't played through the stories for yet, it looks like some time after the new expansion launches that I will get back to making (and playing) my favorite classes which are the ones that would be going there.

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Maybe for the credits?



My friend made this chart for Yavin (now this can be more or less depending on if you loot and do all the side missions as well) She doesn't need companion gear so she opens it and sells it to the vendor.


Yavin (add 10 minutes if you do the revan fight and add $16,242 to the total)

Time: 9:27-10:05

Mission Credits: $95,022

Loot: $159,464 (Note this may be considerably less if you need the companion gear. None of my toons do at the moment)

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Why should anybody go to yavin 4, after addon 4.0???


To farm companions equipment or to kill revan for the 1000 time XD...

The only planet where you can get nice equip for your companions, nice and easy.

But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0...So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!


Were you under the impression that once you do a gear grind you are finished for the life of the game?


I'm assuming you are using that companion gear now and will continue until 4.0. Guess that you are getting/will get use out of it so not for nothing.

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Why should anybody go to yavin 4, after addon 4.0???


To farm companions equipment or to kill revan for the 1000 time XD...

The only planet where you can get nice equip for your companions, nice and easy.

But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0...So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!


You are assuming the companion gear is not updated to the new system, or even new companions. Big assumption that.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Yavin 4 can be a different experience for different players.


On a PVE server, you rush in finish it and leave. Walk away with bank.

On a PVP server, it can be hell trying to get dailies done and still avoid OWPVP when your mind is on anything other than OWPVP.


Then you have servers like PoT5 ... dead so the Repub population doesn't even exist. So go to Yavin 4 as a leveling character or one that needs the companion gear and it turns into pure hell as the Imps still far out number the Repubs.


Me frankly, I do Yavin 4 on PoT5 (when I'm on a Repub toon) during early morning when this dead server is more than a ghost town than it usually is.


Otherwise I just skip it entirely. I find farming elites on Ziost is far more of a money maker and comms generator than any series of dailies out there. In about 9 mins I can kill 3 elite walkers, 4 elite jedi, and 1 elite or ultra elite droid. Average return is 1 planetary comm and about 6k - 8k credits. (The ultra elite droid tends to drop 13k - 18k.) So in less than 10 min round I can earn 60k - 75k credits. Spend 30 mins there and I'm over 200k.


The best dailies out there is Yavin 4. And yes, you can earn +200k doing all the dailies and the solo weeklies. But it takes a good 35- 55 mins to do that on a PVP server on a minority faction like there is on PoT5. I basically earn the same income in half the time dealing with zero player agro


But on a side note, Yavin is a great place to gather resources. Once upon a time I could get over 100k for a stack of resources from Yavin that I gathered just doing my old daily run. These days that market no longer exists on PoT5, but if you got slicing you can make a killing. Generally speaking, each slicing node will drop 1 - 2 credit boxes and each box generally has about 1500 credits. I can fill up my inventory more than once on credit boxes just doing dailies there.

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Why should anybody go to yavin 4, after addon 4.0???


To farm companions equipment or to kill revan for the 1000 time XD...

The only planet where you can get nice equip for your companions, nice and easy.

But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0...So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!

Nothing? Really? Have you played the game with your companions in 192 Yavin gear?

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What I think is that Yavin is going to turn into another Oricron. Especially on the PVP servers.


I think this for a simple reason. The devs have all but handed us 190 / 192 gear on a silver platter. Doesn't really require much to get this gear at all other than some dedicated playing time.


And I suspect the reason is to give us all a base line gear for the new expansion. Hell, I expect any new 60s created will likely have 190 gray gear just to start with. and by the time you finish the 9 chapters, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the gear isn't in the 210 range making all of this 190 / 192 gear about as useful as a stick in a lightsaber fight.

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So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!


Welcome to MMOs, where gear becomes obsolete on each level cap increase, both for companions and yourself.


Look at it another way, I've geared 60+ companions in the Yavin 4 sets and make about 200k per run doing so. I'm not complaining about the easy 12mill that can be used going forward.

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You guys are missing the point. Level cap increases always made gear outdated but not useless, it's still good to have it at the start of an expansion. But now, if this is true:


But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0..


Then that gear on companions really does become completely and utterly worthless except for the credits you can get for them. Because no one would be able to gear up their companions anymore, at all, except for appearance. Taking away the only meaningful method of improving my favorite companions in a game that revolves almost entirely around gear feels very restrictive.

Edited by RAVM
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You guys are missing the point. Level cap increases always made gear outdated but not useless, it's still good to have it at the start of an expansion. But now, if this is true:




Then that gear on companions really does become completely and utterly worthless except for the credits you can get for them. Because no one would be able to gear up their companions anymore, at all, except for appearance. Taking away the only meaningful method of improving my favorite companions in a game that revolves almost entirely around gear feels very restrictive.


So you're freaking out on a speculation that comps don't have gear anymore in 4.0- which is not even confirmed or out yet?

Edited by Jamtas
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So you're freaking out on a speculation that comps don't have gear anymore in 4.0- which is not even confirmed or out yet?


I made a comment about something which I admitted might happen. I don't think that qualifies as freaking out.


It's happening everywhere on these forums lately because Bioware doesn't want to tell us anything. Imagine if you just spent millions of credits augmenting a companion's gear..

Edited by RAVM
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I made a comment about something which I admitted might happen. I don't think that qualifies as freaking out.


It's happening everywhere on these forums lately because Bioware doesn't want to tell us anything. Imagine if you just spent millions of credits augmenting a companion's gear..


You'd get two months + however long before you decide to enter KotFE to use them?


Now imagine your companions running around naked for the next 2+ months.

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Will we even be able to go back and do dailies on any of those planets? I thought they said there was a defined point in the new expansion that once you crossed it there was no going back to previous quests/stories...I have no idea if that includes dailies but think about it.


The Yavin4 dailies center around a lot of companion gear of which may become obsolete in the new expack. Will the Devs simply cut out all that content once you pass the point of no return? What will the daily rewards be if our companions now gear differently then prior to the KOTFE expansion?


I for one do not think they will close the door to all the dailies .....that is a lot of content to just throw out but who knows :eek:

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Will we even be able to go back and do dailies on any of those planets? I thought they said there was a defined point in the new expansion that once you crossed it there was no going back to previous quests/stories...I have no idea if that includes dailies but think about it.


The Yavin4 dailies center around a lot of companion gear of which may become obsolete in the new expack. Will the Devs simply cut out all that content once you pass the point of no return? What will the daily rewards be if our companions now gear differently then prior to the KOTFE expansion?


I for one do not think they will close the door to all the dailies .....that is a lot of content to just throw out but who knows :eek:


They won't close the door. They will lock you out of previous class quests so you need to finish you class quests before you start the new stuff. That is my understanding of it.


But, more to the point, OP you do realize that this happens with any old dailies cap area once there is a new cap, right? This has happened before, and will happen again. lol


Now, it is your choice. You can choose not to go back ever, or you may have reasons to go back which include, cred its, mats, helpoing out guildies etc. Your choice as it is now with Oricon for example.


So, chillax bro. There other concerns if you need to be concerned about something.

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