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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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Some people expects apples and peaches...


The game has only launched for 9 days... and your canceling lol.


What a waste of money especially those canceling with CE.



SWTOR is fun... story lines, decision making, craftings an companions with a Tie Fighter type space game to boot.


There are many many bugs but if you can't adapt to this how will you adapt to life lol. okay bad analogy but sometimes its related.

Edited by spicycookie
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Really? What do you think is going to happen when you make WOW your life and then go to a different game that has the same mechanics.. Honestly,I played WOW for 3 months and couldn't stomach it anymore.. The one thing about this game is the sounds.. I love the sound effects.. I love the Star Wars look. Is it different.. No.. It doesn't need to be.. I just think too many guys are expecting the world.. They are all WOW apologists and when something comes out that is similar they bash it. Seriously,WOW just needs to die.. A panda add on,really? Blizzard games = overrated!
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All of that you would have figured out in the beta. Why bother continuing?


At least during beta you haven't invested in it yet and have the promise or at least hope of it becoming better by launch. ToR was suppose to ride on the SW IP and succeed I guess.


My mother always told me if you can't say something nice don't say anything... so I'll just laugh at your post.


Hahahahaha. Oh wow.


Did my mother knows yours? She said the same thing to me so I laughed at her and told her not to talk! muahaha

Edited by Swirly
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At least during beta you haven't invested in it yet and have the promise or at least hope of it becoming better by launch. ToR was suppose to ride on the SW IP and succeed I guess.




Did my mother knows yours? She said the same thing to me so I laughed at her and told her not to talk! muahaha


if i had sons/ daughters like you i would put a bullet in my head.

Who do you think that hosted you inside their own body for 9 months from cells to embryo? share food, drinks while you hanging in there?


It dosent matter how unfair, uneven your mom sounds. You owes her with your life. Think before talks.


Unthanksful piece of ****heads.

Edited by aerovihn
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I am glad to see that some people understand where I come from. Others who troll the forums just to dismiss should again look at my join date and what I say. If you have dedicated players who quit over reasons many fan sites support 6.1/10 user ratings , there is reason for concern. So play in denial if you wish. it makes my opinion no less valid then yours. Good luck!

With questioning your opinion or anything similar, but citing a user score on Metacritic as a reason why a game is good or bad isn't that helpful. Metacritic is open to all and thus can be voted on by all. Battlefield and Call of Duty fans have recently had a battle royale seeing who is the worst in rating the other game as low as possible. The same is true for any World of Warcraft expansion as haters roll out i force and all rate zeros. The same could, very possibly, be true for SWTOR.


All I wanted to say, so TL;DR, Metacritic is useless.

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While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


I don't disagree, because it is after all just your personal preference. However it's interesting to me that you would be surprised by any of this after following the game's development so closely for 2 years +.

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Maybe so but answer me this, When bioware says "we are fixing it" do you mean to say you want them to say "well we plan on instituting a number of scripts inserted in the game at the base level of strand A wherein then it will allow for X Y and Z to happen"


Or are you saying you want BW to say "we are working on it"


Has anybody actually thought that BW doesn't post on here specifically because rather then post "we are fixing it" is because they are actually fixing it?


Or for that matter, how many times do people expect the Dev's to post "we are fixing it"


No, I'd actually would like them to give us an insight on what particular solutions they are working. The "when" part is not that important, the importance is in providing something to look forward to. Ominous "we are working on it" are not enough, because that is what they currently say to everything.

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I am glad to see that some people understand where I come from. Others who troll the forums just to dismiss should again look at my join date and what I say. If you have dedicated players who quit over reasons many fan sites support 6.1/10 user ratings , there is reason for concern. So play in denial if you wish. it makes my opinion no less valid then yours. Good luck!


Modern Warfare 3 has a 3.0 but its a great game, battlefield 3 has 6.0 score and is an excellent game.


People claim "Users scores are more valid than critic scores" are in denial ..... user scores are dominated by haters and fanboys ...


This game may not be a perfect 10 ... but its not 1-2-3-4 either ... user scores are pathetic, the 99% of the people that vote dont think objectivly, infact alot of them just post to troll.

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This thread is packed full of people who's self-esteem and personal wellbeing seems to be threatened by criticism of the game. People frantically trying to silence the OP, saying he has no right to even speak, must be mad. It's like Gallileo when he stated the world wasn't flat - people wanted him lynched.


If the OP's comments cause you this kind of concern then I suspect you need some professional help with your mental health. This is a game, he can say what he likes, and because his opinions differ from yours, this does not, in fact, make him insane or bad. IF you feel bad inside like someone has insulted YOU over this whole incident, then you are a sad sack.



BTW I think your girlfriend is ugly.


How does that make you feel? R A G E . R A A W R . M E . M E . M E. DOES NOT COMPUTE - BANG!

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This thread is packed full of people who's self-esteem and personal wellbeing seems to be threatened by criticism of the game. People frantically trying to silence the OP, saying he has no right to even speak, must be mad. It's like Gallileo when he stated the world wasn't flat - people wanted him lynched.


If the OP's comments cause you this kind of concern then I suspect you need some professional help with your mental health. This is a game, he can say what he likes, and because his opinions differ from yours, this does not, in fact, make him insane or bad. IF you feel bad inside like someone has insulted YOU over this whole incident, then you are a sad sack.



BTW I think your girlfriend is ugly.


How does that make you feel? R A G E . R A A W R . M E . M E . M E. DOES NOT COMPUTE - BANG!

I reaspect The fact That he doesnt like the game, But respect the fact that I dont need to hear how he's quitting i didnt take part in any of his purchases that his problem i do like to hear what people think of the game. If dont agree I am not bashing them . B ut I dont care if He plays or goes. YOu dont like It. I get it, But as many times as he reposted saying the same thing trying make people see his point just sounds like campaign to get followers to bash the game . You dont like it You cancelled your sub . Your work is done here bye. Edited by SHAKKENBAKE
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I keep saying it continually in hopes people listen, When you break up with your girlfriend you don't buzz about crying saying to people "I left her because of XYZ" You pack up your things and leave.


This is the same concept here. If you don't like the game and decide to quit, I will be honest with you NOBODY CARES. We understand you don't like the game etc and so forth but ultimately the people playing still like the game and will like it until they don't. Nobody really cries overmuch. Especially when it feels baseless because an argument that is lead with "It's game score is a measly 6.0 on "Game-a-critithon" Which means nothing to me or likley nothing to everybody else.


Siskel and Ebert gave two thumbs up and super rave reviews of some movies I wouldn't waste five minutes on. Critic sites are useless. it's all about what YOU think. If you think it's crap fine but go tell your mother because nobody needs to hear it nor will they validate it and help you justify it.

Edited by Spyderwraith
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No, I'd actually would like them to give us an insight on what particular solutions they are working. The "when" part is not that important, the importance is in providing something to look forward to. Ominous "we are working on it" are not enough, because that is what they currently say to everything.


Ok i see your point.

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I reaspect The fact That he doesnt like the game, But respect the fact that I dont need to hear how he's quitting i didnt take part in any of his purchases that his problem i do like to hear what people think of the game. If dont agree I am not bashing them . B ut I dont care if He plays or goes. YOu dont like It. I get it, But as many times as he reposted saying the same thing trying make people see his point just sounds like campaign to get followers to bash the game . You dont like it You cancelled your sub . Your work is done here bye.


Then don't read his post. Ta da!

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This has probably been said already.


Bioware put themselves on the highest pedestal possible and, for some people, they just couldn't deliver.


It was completely overhyped. You log in and expect to ****** but you don't because the graphics look like they could run without a graphics card.

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Its a shame you are leaving OP hopefully in few months the game will be where you want it if ever.


You have explained why and would agree on some of your reasons, but what I do not understand is why you hang around a place you dislike and constantly post on the reasons you have cancelled no one really cares that you have cancelled or all the others tbh.


Good luck with the next game.

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But respect the fact that I dont need to hear how he's quitting


Hahaha, no I will no respect the fact that you don't need to hear how he's quitting... the title of the thread makes it overwhelmingly clear what it's about.. if you didn't need to hear how he's quitting why did you come into the thread in the first place?

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I feel the same, followed the game since it was announced and signed up to this site the day you could. I thought that Bioware would do something great and yet it just feels worse than WoW and I don't even play that game anymore.


The world feels so dead and lacks ambient sound, you can have vehicles flying over you on city planets and they don't make a sound. There is nothing interesting to find or do in it and the story doesn't play the role I wish it did. Most of the quests are boring kill 10 of these quests and not your class story ones.


Again world PVP doesn't seem to exist, I wouldn't even count Ilum as world PVP either, just a battleground like AV from WoW.


Cancelled and uninstalled already.


Tatooine called, it said hi. Welcome to a lawless zone.


If world PvP doesn't exist, it's a player issue, not a Bioware issue. The option is there.


And Ilum is nothing like AV. It's like a better AV, or what AV was ripped off from, WAR.

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