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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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It's also possible that Bioware simply haven't delivered on expectations that they themselves created. And let's be fair, many, many times along the journey leading to release, their interviews gave the impression that this game would be sufficiently different.


But those of us who are disappointed simply hope that things will improve, and so either quit for a time, or subscribe and give Bioware the time to build on what they have made thus far.



It is different just not different to your liking. I hear people all the time say this is not like other MMOs.

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I am a unique and beautiful snowflake and my thoughts matter.


The above sentence, being a load of ********, gives way to a truth. The numbers matter. They are the only thing that does matter. And if 1 million people are still around come a couple months from now then the game is doing good.


Just unsub and move on man. These lengthy sad sap posts do not mean ****. Only the money matters.

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why does everyone bring up the 6.1 rating thing when they don't like the game?


that was ONE website and it has already been proven that most of those ratings were bogus/trolls.



every single other gaming site, reputable gaming site no less, has this game at about 8.8 rating, by both professional raters and fans on those sites.




the game has been rated 8.8 NOT 6.1.

Edited by TitanJJ
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It is different just not different to your liking. I hear people all the time say this is not like other MMOs.


I disagree. Besides the cut-scenes, the game is not sufficiently different to any other mainstream MMO. They pushed the bar on story-driven quests in a MMO, but ya know, AoC featured cut-scenes for every quest, and the first 20 levels have voice overs, as do much of the game now.


With experience and age comes the ability to see past the shiny baubles and silk wrappings. It also comes with cynicism and disappointment. :)

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Sorry the game didn't turn out to be what you were expecting.


On the other hand, I'm absolutely loving this and would be playing now if I wasn't waiting on a work project to finish up!


Good luck in your travels and check back in a few months. I have a feeling BW will be adding a huge amount of content in the coming months, and perhaps changing or improving some of the systems you didn't like.

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Yeah, I'm quite surprised that people still bring up the rating from those websites. Only the professional ratings are worth anything. The public ratings for major games are 99% hugely flawed. Competitors and even the company who made the game many times use second hand gamers to encourage others to vote down or up on a game. It has been revealed over and over again where companies have encouraged their community to go vote their game up. Seems stupid, but many people will base their decision to buy or not to buy a game on those same ratings.


It's kind of like on Rotten Tomatoes (Movie rating website) the professional review is 9/10 while the public view is something like 5/10 with those guys making idiotic comments about a drama not having enough action or guns. You just can't trust them.


I don't share the OPs same views, maybe MMOs aren't for him though. The game will transform over the coming years a whole lot. This is really just the rough draft for what they want to eventually become. I'm sure even 8 months from now, it will have a ton of changes for the better, and some possibly for the worst for others. The game developer tries to please the majority, not a small minority who wants specific things to their liking. Maybe there's some other game for you OP. I know my operative's combat is the least bit boring.

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Yeah, I'm quite surprised that people still bring up the rating from those websites. Only the professional ratings are worth anything. The public ratings for major games are 99% hugely flawed. Competitors and even the company who made the game many times use second hand gamers to encourage others to vote down or up on a game. It has been revealed over and over again where companies have encouraged their community to go vote their game up. Seems stupid, but many people will base their decision to buy or not to buy a game on those same ratings.


It's kind of like on Rotten Tomatoes (Movie rating website) the professional review is 9/10 while the public view is something like 5/10 with those guys making idiotic comments about a drama not having enough action or guns. You just can't trust them.


I don't share the OPs same views, maybe MMOs aren't for him though. The game will transform over the coming years a whole lot. This is really just the rough draft for what they want to eventually become. I'm sure even 8 months from now, it will have a ton of changes for the better, and some possibly for the worst for others. The game developer tries to please the majority, not a small minority who wants specific things to their liking. Maybe there's some other game for you OP. I know my operative's combat is the least bit boring.

I think its great . . what does it matter beyond that? Also why should anyone feel compelled to announce to everyone that they do not like a video game . . . man If I spent all my time posting all about what I don't like about every video game I don't play Id never actual play the games I like, of which this is my current favorite.


Soooo . . . . get a life.

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that was ONE website and it has already been proven that most of those ratings were bogus/trolls.


Proven by whom? A review is an opinion and that reviewers opinion is that the game is a 6.1. I understand it's hard to comprehend someone having a different opinion to yourself for most on this forum, but unfortunately for you people do.


Anyway, I'm enjoying the game thus far.

Edited by Itose
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Overall I enjoy the game, I am still trying to find a class I like through.


I agree with the world being bland. If i took a screen shot of some areas it would look interesting and full of life. When running through in realtime...it does feel lifeless.


You see npcs cowering from a group a sith holding sabers, or a security busting a cheating gambler at the casinos. I wish I could see the event take place. Give some life to an almost still image.


I mostly just like the small random encounters some games create of purpose or often by mistake.


Anywho I still like the game...all that stuff I listed falls into extras.

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While I wont say i am quitting I am also a major fanboy who has been following this game for awhile only to be a bit disappointed with the end result. My main hope at this point is they roll out some big fixes quick or i wont last a couple more months :( There are alot of broken things or missing things that a mmo of 2011 should have. One thing that majorly stands out is how fricken hard it is to get a FP pug (yes I am in a guild) I tend to randomly get wild hairs up my butt to go do a FP and when i try and find a pug it takes forever to fill it and get started esp with the crazy CD on fleet pass.


I am also going to say there are things i fricken LOVE. Companions are fricken awesome and i just hope they expand getting more companions in later times with crazy quest lines that make you work for it or maybe from boss drops somehow( Rare companions kinda like rare armors)

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To the OP:


I actually feel myself nearing to the point where I am about to quit, too. And I have been a huge fan-boy of the game since before it was even confirmed, due to my long-term fandom of Star Wars ( since 1983 ) and my love of BioWare games.


It simply is a lot of things which add up, big ones and little ones. The world feels segregated even on the later planets, you hardly ever see an imperial. There is just too much empty travel time, which is just running, running, running ( or biking, biking, biking at the later levels ). Higher level mounts need to give a faster movement upgrade than just another 10%.


Many companions are a bore. Of my Jedi Shadow, I like two out of five companions ( Tharan and Nadia ), the rest I want to chuck out of an airlock or at least never talk to again. The whole affection system doesn't scale well at all, I am level 50 and I am slooowly grinding up my companions affection via very expensive level 4+5 gifts... only to get quests which take me back to old leveling zones like Alderaan, which tells me that the developers expected us to unlock those quests much sooner.


And at first glance most Republic companions ( outside of the Jedi Knight ) seem much less interesting than the Empire ones ( outside of the Sith Inquisitor ). As a devoted Republic fan, this makes me sad. Spell effects also seem much more impressive on the Empire side, although this is just personal opinion.


And you have to take certain companions with you to play effectively. For most classes that is the healer or tank companion. I already mentioned how much I dislike most of my companions, but since Nadia is my characters waifu, I want her to be with him. It does work, but it means that I have hot regen after every fight which involves only one silver enemy ( and two silvers make the fight really hard ), while gold enemies make me have to always stare at the opponents health bar, to catch any cast he does and interrupt it.


Every companion should have stances and abilities for all three roles, so that we can take the people with us we actually like, instead of the most effective ones.



Then there are the large number of missing comfort functions. A better GTN, people on your friend list auto-filling the recipient box in your mail, being able to sit anywhere outside of your ship. Faster access to important places. It feels just completely like a arbitrary gametime tax to have to run from your hangar to the shuttle bay to the space port to whatever your real destination is.... and do it backwards when you have done whatever you needed to do, only to have to do it again for the next destination where you go to. This is just dead game time, where nothing of interest happens.


The crafting system seems only useful for leveling. The whole appearance customization via modding falls apart at the endgame, when epic item sets are strictly better than whatever you could come up with, due to set bonuses.


And there are lots of other issues. The responsiveness of the game is not ideal. There are graphical bugs. The game is extremely taxing on my graphic card, much more so than other games with better graphics, to the point of where its ventilator goes into overdrive and I got a constant buzzing in my ears for the last weeks.


I know, this is a lot of moaning and individually these items wouldn't make me feel so down that I seriously consider cancelling. But they have been adding up over the last weeks and, well, I hope at least a good number of them will be taken care of.


I think the lack of a lot of expected comfort features may be one of the biggest issues for me... they make me feel unwelcome in the game.



Sorry for rambling on, but I felt that I needed to get this off my chest.

Edited by magnuskn
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So far loving the game. My only fear is that Bioware will pay too much attention to whiney little W0Wbeeches who seem to want to turn every game they try into Warcrap....even though that game has bored them to the point they no longer want to play it. I'm hoping Bioware realizes that these idiots will either go back to that Blizzard monstrosity or get the hint that something different....something that really challenges them and makes them GROW as players/gamers.....may be exactly what the doctor ordered to alleviate their ennui.


But I always have been overly optimistic :D Time will tell.

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I found it funny how people give up the game with out seeing a high majority of the content. You basically played for 1 day (I hit 25 in 1 day ) and gave up. You probably went to 3 planets. The End game planets are amazing and very much more depth. It's to bad a lot of people are quitting before the they can even finish the first act of their story.
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I found it funny how people give up the game with out seeing a high majority of the content. You basically played for 1 day (I hit 25 in 1 day ) and gave up. You probably went to 3 planets. The End game planets are amazing and very much more depth. It's to bad a lot of people are quitting before the they can even finish the first act of their story.


I actually am level 50 and have done all planets. I am not quitting, although the huge number of issues is getting to me.

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I actually am level 50 and have done all planets. I am not quitting, although the huge number of issues is getting to me.


EVERY released product has initial release flaws this is not something new be it video games mmo's cell phones etc and so forth.


The issue here is how long a person is willing to stick it out so those flaws can be addressed

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EVERY released product has initial release flaws this is not something new be it video games mmo's cell phones etc and so forth.


The issue here is how long a person is willing to stick it out so those flaws can be addressed


Yeah, I know. I stuck by WoW for most of its seven years. But I also think that the developers need to show interest in talking to their audience. At the moment, it is only us talking and we are left with out doubts.


But I repeat: It's not one big issue making me feel disenchanted, it is the accumulation of little and bigger ones. Companions, appearance customization and the UI are my main concerns right now, all of which make me actually want to play the game less with each day where I have to suffer through the issues with those topics.

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But I repeat: It's not one big issue making me feel disenchanted, it is the accumulation of little and bigger ones. Companions, appearance customization and the UI are my main concerns right now, all of which make me actually want to play the game less with each day where I have to suffer through the issues with those topics.


Same. My main is a Guardian, which feels like a class with a lot of problems so far, one of my companions is bugged (won't occur again but those affected will be SOL for a while yet), I'm a bit pissed with the crafting system and then sprinkle witn UI, customization, frustratingly lacking group tools and other minor things and it all adds up.


I don't think it's unreasonable to get a bit disenchanted.

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Yeah, I know. I stuck by WoW for most of its seven years. But I also think that the developers need to show interest in talking to their audience. At the moment, it is only us talking and we are left with out doubts.


But I repeat: It's not one big issue making me feel disenchanted, it is the accumulation of little and bigger ones. Companions, appearance customization and the UI are my main concerns right now, all of which make me actually want to play the game less with each day where I have to suffer through the issues with those topics.


I see your point and yes I do agree communication is key, however as I work in a technical field myself I know the general population when given a "we are working on it" answer they immidiatley follow it with "when where why how"


Most of the population is not content unless they hear a On this concrete date XXX at this specific timezone XXX we will have XXXX and XXX fixed"


And to be honest not one single DEV will be able to give you concrete answers. Take the patch release Tuesday, they gave us a timeframe and it was delayed by a margin and people SCREAMED

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I'm having fun and taking my time playing. I find the planets to be beautiful honestly and I am constantly admiring the scenery. The only real problem I have is how hard it can be to get groups for FPs. I tend to out level them after maybe running them one time or not at all because its just not efficient to wait around the republic fleet to form a group for one.


That is the only real complaint I have since I want to get out and explore the galaxy instead of possibly wasting time looking for a group not exploring and questing. I am not suggesting it work like WOWs and be cross server, but a functional tool for your server that simplifies getting groups and allows you to continue your journey would be very nice.

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First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25


I stopped reading there.

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