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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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The point was they quit over the reasons the fan site reviews given, bad combat, overkill on cut scenes, way to much walking for no good reason, dead world with static mobs that don't move, single player game poorly done. Pvp is pretty terrible and boring. These are just a few of the reasons you see 6.1/10 ratings by thousands of fan's reviewing the game. I know those who love it don't like to hear this but ignoring it won't make it go away or be invalid when such a large number lead to these ratings. Anways if you like it that is good, keep playing it!


You keep saying you read this fan rating of 6.1/10 but I'd like a link please to where you read this. If I can't read it for myself, I won't believe it. This is especially true due to the overwhelmingly positive reviews I've seen for the game on many different sites.

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When I see a mere 60-70 people per planet, that's not Massive.


This game should be flat out DX11.


How dare people take holidays with family and friends when SWTOR is available to play!!!! Just last night, I saw only 158 people on Dromund Kaas 3 Only three Dromund Kaas instances? Losers.


Um, WinXP is still the most common OS by a -huge- margin and as such DX11 games wouldn't work on it. They knew what they were doing. A shame you don't.

Edited by Brightglade
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Take my opinion for what its worth...... I like this game... I really do and I'm gonna keep playing it..... HOWEVER, from everything i've read on people's opinions on this forum and others and from what I've experienced so far in game as a lvl 32 scoundrel.... BW is dangling this game over the edge of the empire state building.... and here is why:



1. Limited End game Content L-I-M-I-T-E-D!!! MMO MMO MMO limited!!!


2. Below average user friendliness ie. UI lacks customization


3. Limited replayability with 4 primary classes, given that there are only 4 storylines, per side, and 50% of the main attributes of each class you get no matter what AC you choose


If you wanted to take a MMO to the next level you did, a level down... as far as Single player content with the option of sharing it with a pal or friends... A+.... MMO features D+ for dookie!

Edited by Kueger
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How dare people take holidays with family and friends when SWTOR is available to play!!!! Just last night, I saw only 158 people on Dromund Kaas 3 Only three Dromund Kaas instances? Losers.


Um, WinXP is still the most common OS by a -huge- margin and as such DX11 games wouldn't work on it. They knew what they were doing. A shame you don't.


Read my sig... who do you think I WORKED for... xp is being put 6 feet under.


Any game can be backwards compatible. BTW.

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I just laugh at people that say "this isnt like WoW" or "it is not as polished as WoW" or "WoW doesnt have these issues". Well no *********** **** douchebags! Blizard the creators of WoW has had how long to polish their turds to jewels. I played WoW for 3 months and still have an unopened copy of Wrath collecting dust because I thought the game was a piece of ****. This has been one of the smoothest launches that I have ever been apart of. No random server crashes for me like others I have been apart of. No serious glitches on my end that caused gameplay to stop. The single player is straight up KotOR and my buddy can *********** be there too! The PvP is a little bit lacking what with the way the bumps in stats, gear, and skills.... but something will come out of that. I am having a blast! I even like the Space combat which people ***** about all the time. Yeah it is on rails... but it provides a great mini game to play as my 4 companions slave away in some gem mine trying to find those damn purple gems. When you come back with your tail in between you legs and reup you sub, I will be happy to blast it off with my lighting strike in the fixed up PvP. Until then suck it!
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First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.


My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.


For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.


While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication and such a desire to just like the game I should post.



I understand you completely, I canceled my subscription too for most of those reasons.

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If you think 10,000 posts on a forum that has 24,000 doesn't represent a huge problem in the game (not just for the 10,000 posters but also for those who don't use the forums) then you have a problem.


Out of over a million subscribers? Yeah, that doesn't represent a huge problem. It represents a vocal minority.


Let's see, 2.4% of the game's population has felt the desire to create a thread. 1% of the game's population has made a thread posting glaring problems, from their point of view.


This is what is called a vocal minority. Given that we've just made up the 10,000 threads number, we have a possible 1% of the game's population who has such a problem that they feel the need to vocalize their opinion. Of which an equal number voices a completely different opinion.


I understand if math isn't your thing. Making up a number with a bunch of zeroes doesn't mean all that much when the actual population has significantly more zeroes behind it.

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I respect your unbiased opinion, OP. That said you haven't even finished act I yet. IMO the game develops suddenly at that point.


I was about to quit too but then I finished Alderaan and the next few class quests and got my legacy. I suddenly have something brand new to work toward. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I think that act II starts JUST in time lol.

Edited by Aurinax
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Take my opinion for what its worth...... I like this game... I really do and I'm gonna keep playing it..... HOWEVER, from everything i've read on people's opinions on this forum and others and from what I've experienced so far in game as a lvl 32 scoundrel.... BW is dangling this game over the edge of the empire state building.... and here is why:



1. Limited End game Content L-I-M-I-T-E-D!!! MMO MMO MMO limited!!!


2. Below average user friendliness ie. UI lacks customization


3. Limited replayability with 4 primary classes, given that there are only 4 storylines, per side, and 50% of the main attributes of each class you get no matter what AC you choose


If you wanted to take a MMO to the next level you did, a level down... as far as Single player content with the option of sharing it with a pal or friends... A+.... MMO features D+ for dookie!


1. The game was released 2 weeks ago. How much end-game do you honestly expect in that 2 week window? 12 hardmode instances, world and instanced PvP, and 2 raids seems quite a bit at launch.


2. Is an issue, but hardly a "dangling off the Empire State Building" one. More like "dangling off the bridge 8 feet over the river".


3. 4 storylines per side + 2 AC's per primary class = 8 unique replayable runs.


Opinions aren't universal. Yours, are kind of shortsighted.

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I had tempered expectations and I feel the game surpassed my expectations. I've played most of the main MMO's as well and this game feels different and has many similarities to WOW, it is a different game and I have enjoyed it. Not sure what the future holds as I am close to 50, but I think there are plenty of years to improve and make the game even better.
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First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.


My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.


For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.


While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication and such a desire to just like the game I should post.



Look a bunch of stupid information none of us care about.


You cancelled. Now leave.


People don't realize some people enjoy this game.



***making the forums better flaming complainers 1 at a time***

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I'd be happier with another year of development opposed to the game in its current state.


Put this one back on the fire. Its still pink on the inside and isn't safe to eat.


Just wanted to say unless it is hamburger there is no reason you cannot safely eat red meat say in a steak or roast. Bacteria live on the outside of the meat so searing it would kill any ecoli or whatever. Hamburger however is ground up meat so the bacteria is mixed in and the whole thing needs to be cooked to 160 degrees. There is nothing unsafe however about eating a medium rare steak.

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It's got to be stressful for the average MMO developer out there today. If it sticks to the trinity themepark style -- it's a WoW clone. If they decide to choose sandbox elements over themepark -- it utterly fails within the first 2 - 3 months.


The way I see it; a lot of people don't know what they want. It's quite amusing to see how many people firmly believe this MMO will tank with a launch as healthy as this one. Especially making such claims a week after release -- even after the developers promised to push out additional content very soon.


With the late news of a 'significant change' to space in this game, you'd think people would be excited. But no, people want to keep carrying on about how bad this game will fail. Maybe they're just afraid that their precious GW2 or WoW will have a difficult time due to SW:TOR's presence.


I thought the trolls were to be purged after 'subscriber only' forums were put into place. Maybe we need to wait until the free month is up -- then they'll all go away.


Edit: You know what pushes my buttons? People who think they know the ins and outs of the MMO market -- and claim they know the 'perfect' recipe for the 'ultimate' MMO.

Guild Wars 2 is free with no subscription. This is NOT a threat to WOW or this game, since people will obviously play GW2 for free AND pay for one sub based game such as this, WOW, or Rift. I applaud Arenanet for taking as much time developing GW2 as possible, and releasing it "when its ready" because they want it to be as polished and working as possible. This is how all games should be done, and not rushed out the door in an attempt to bank in and it becomes a buggy unplayable mess.

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I'd be happier with another year of development opposed to the game in its current state.


Put this one back on the fire. Its still pink on the inside and isn't safe to eat.


So you like your steak char-broiled? You should probably wait for a month or two before playing an MMO then. Any MMO.


I prefer medium rare. Pink on the inside, but perfectly fired on the outside. Thus far this game is not only safe to eat, but enjoyable too. Kind of like the Prime Rib I made for christmas.

Edited by Jxspyder
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I think reading these forums make me want to unsub more than the actual game does ;D



I am having great fun leveling my first character. WAY more than I ever did in WoW. The single player has so much more immersion. You can't deny that. And I laugh at people who try to boil it all down to "wasting millions on voice acting". Story immersion is a big deal. It makes leveling a character/class fun.


Why watch a movie when you can just read the book? It's pretty much the same comparison. Sure some people like reading more and quite often the books have much better stories...but people spend millions on making movies and people watch them.


As far as "missing features", I haven't found any major ones yet, it's all pretty much WoW to me. I thought all of you were expecting this? I wasn't even following this game since it's inception and it was obvious to me. If you wanted something that actually different and innovative, you are going to play Guild Wars 2. If you want WoW with a Star Wars flavor..that's why you are here.

Edited by Jadarok
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Just wanted to say unless it is hamburger there is no reason you cannot safely eat red meat say in a steak or roast. Bacteria live on the outside of the meat so searing it would kill any ecoli or whatever. Hamburger however is ground up meat so the bacteria is mixed in and the whole thing needs to be cooked to 160 degrees. There is nothing unsafe however about eating a medium rare steak.


I guess I should have specified.


I also knew there would be some dork that would come out and point this out to me.


Its a piece of chicken. You lose.

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I am glad to see that some people understand where I come from. Others who troll the forums just to dismiss should again look at my join date and what I say. If you have dedicated players who quit over reasons many fan sites support 6.1/10 user ratings , there is reason for concern. So play in denial if you wish. it makes my opinion no less valid then yours. Good luck!


You are trying to quote metacritic, which has a user grade of 6.1... i dont have to educate on why this is a completely useless grade considering less than a thousand people out of almost 2 million have given it a rating... and how easy it is for say, a certain company to generate accounts to bring said rating down.


The big green rating next to that 6.1 speaks volumes, 88%.

Edited by Freeball
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