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Marriage, Work, and SWTOR Balance?


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Yesterday I came to the odd realization that this is my life currently. Work, SWTOR, and marriage is shared somewhere in there.


I literally thought to myself "this is my entire day everyday". How do you guys balance your days around the game?


I try to balance it by playing mostly when my wife isn't home, or on work days just limiting myself to the time I spend on the PC to 1-2 hours a day.

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I usually stay up a little later than my wife and play during the time she is asleep and I am still up. Or if she just wants to do her own thing I might play a little. But, wife >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work >>>>>>>> swtor.
LOL yeah this is true. Ive had to stop raiding cause once she says "you dont pay attention to me" oh boyyy
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Yesterday I came to the odd realization that this is my life currently. Work, SWTOR, and marriage is shared somewhere in there.


I literally thought to myself "this is my entire day everyday". How do you guys balance your days around the game?


Is called Midlife Crisis.:p

Max Payne 3 the Game Movie enjoy!:cool:

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Ive had to stop raiding cause once she says "you dont pay attention to me" oh boyyy

LOLOLOLOLOL!! My wife is pretty cool about my gaming habits, something we discussed thoroughly on our first date :cool:, but she still likes to throw that line around, so I have to remind her of our first date convo. ;) It usually goes, " Baby remember when......" HAHAHAHAHA!!!

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my and SO's computers are next to each other in the same room. I play my thing, he plays his thing. and becasue we are next to each other, we can also turn, talk, share - sometimes we also play together. SWTOR we don't play together, sadly, but we dabble in other multiplayer stuff.


it helps to share general interests (even if don't quite enjoy the same specifics) and having respect for each others hobbies.


P.S. that respect for each other's hobbies also includes respecting scheduled activities. becasue that also involves respect for time of other people who are also involved in those schedules.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Well, I'm the wife here, and I always encourage my husband to play his games cause it's both of our releases from stress and wanting to punch holes in peoples' faces. Sometimes my husband will be all like 'all you care about is the game' and then i have to rightly remind him that 'yo you play too numbnuts' and then we're good.
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Well, I'm the wife here, and I always encourage my husband to play his games cause it's both of our releases from stress and wanting to punch holes in peoples' faces. Sometimes my husband will be all like 'all you care about is the game' and then i have to rightly remind him that 'yo you play too numbnuts' and then we're good.


This is why its good for gamers to marry each other - because non-gamers just don't get it.


I wish I had held out and married a gamer...

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Rather easy... since my husband and I play most of our games together :p If it's not on PC though... we're usually arguing over who to gets to play whatever console. And since I'm the home maker out of the two of us... chores are usually done, and cannot be used as bribes!


And my husband is in the Navy, so... he usually plays after work. After he plays, he face plants into his pillow.


If my husband's internet connection is stable during deployments. We sometimes get to play together even when he's overseas. Right now he's in Japan, with an okay connection. So we can play a few times a week when he's not super tired. It makes all the difference in the world to me.

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If you are having to balance TOR with your marriage then you are playing way too much of the game.


Maybe split your TOR time into another game too, like WoW. Marriage, work, TOR and WOW balance. That way you'll stay in moderation.


Edit: since I came back in July I've been playing for several hours a day and I've been feeling TORed out a lot. I don't know how you guys manage it, lol.

Edited by Flyceratops
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Rather easy... since my husband and I play most of our games together :p If it's not on PC though... we're usually arguing over who to gets to play whatever console. And since I'm the home maker out of the two of us... chores are usually done, and cannot be used as bribes!


And my husband is in the Navy, so... he usually plays after work. After he plays, he face plants into his pillow.


If my husband's internet connection is stable during deployments. We sometimes get to play together even when he's overseas. Right now he's in Japan, with an okay connection. So we can play a few times a week when he's not super tired. It makes all the difference in the world to me.[/QUO


************************************************************************************************************************************I i would like to thank your husband for his service first of all.

Now regarding topic. I put baby to sleep. Then put the wife to sleep ( a good stiff one usually does it), then i can finally focus my attention on ruling the galaxy. But that means i never sleep. A true sith really never sleeps.

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Yesterday I came to the odd realization that this is my life currently. Work, SWTOR, and marriage is shared somewhere in there.


I literally thought to myself "this is my entire day everyday". How do you guys balance your days around the game?

I don't balance my life around the game, I balance the game around my life.

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It's not really that weird if you think about it. It could be reworded to "work, relationships, hobbies" just as easily. If TOR is your main hobby there's no shame in that. It's only bad if it interferes in your job/relationships.


I personally have several hobbies, which includes TOR, so I have to juggle them in addition to work and family obligations.

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