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Why dont people like Huttball ?


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I find the huttball wz to be great for a few reasons


1: it promotes tactical assassments: you simply cant rush out and hit things, it requires you to assess the situation and act acordingly.


2: it promotes team play: more than any other wz a small force of tping players can win this wz


3: it discourages melee zerging: yes its an issue when melee zerging works, this is one of the few wz where its 3 dimensional enough to not encourage clustering of melee players.


4: passing (if ppl got how to do it) helps vs clustering and zerging, it adds a skill element to a simple cft that no mmo has had before.


all in all i feel the wz is for advanced pvp players and while i can see how some ppl quing dont enjoy the effects of this i also belive its time people are forced to take the leap into more advanced warzone playing just as they had to be shock learned when the first warzone (bgs in wow) was introduced back in the days.

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Huttball is definitely a great warzone, I think people are more upset about the PvP system itself, even if they don't admit it. The medals award diversity more than contribution and objective play; and republic are losing alot of matches to higher lvls. I think the warzone should stay as it is, fix the stuff around it.
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Because it's heavily biased towards ranged classes and it's what pops 19 times out of 20 on the Imperial side.


Come to the republic mate, i almost neve see huttball :D


Faction balance is the first BW fail, you cant blame players for it, its BW job to make each side appealing enough. They obviously failed.


I myself would 10 times rather play empire than rep but i dont want to add to the imbalance.

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Huttball is great when you play with premades with voice com, you can't fight and type at same time, nor all randoms are even reading /ops chat or willing to play for the team. In such cases you just see peeps ducking it out with no regard to ball, ball carrier or any other tactical thing.


Same can be said about other objective warzones, but to a lesser extent since the fights take place at turrets / doors mainly.

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I didn't mind huttball at first. It is indeed fun.


It got dull when 95% of my BGs were huttball because the faction balance on my server is *terrible*. It's almost insulting when I get huttball against a Republic team. Also, no matter how much it encourages working as a team, they continue to fight away from the ball, clump in the middle, never pass, etc.

Edited by Excedrin
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Most of the time you get 3 players that actually go after the ball and try to score. After a team is down by 2 people just start going for kills, ignoring the ball and ganking everything in sight.


Lvl 50 cybertechs flying around scoring every 2 secs is lamesauce. Bolstering helps but lv:mad:l 50s in pvp gear, steamroll everything in their path.

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the over use of it is a verry valid reason but in reality that comes from the extremly HEAVY overpopulation of the sith side on almost all the affected servers, the choice would otherwise be to tell ppl to sit in que for alot longer.


the situation is almost impossible to solve tbh, i doubt they will add the same side matches to the other 2 wz and the only remaining one is xserver stuff and that is not an option.


i wish ppl would balance the factions out themself but for some reason ppl like the black outfit emo stuff to much

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I dont like huttball because it's a terrible zone, with mega high damage/slow pits of green goo/fire


which paired together with Knockbacks that every single class seems to have on a 30second cooldown. makes it one of the most frustrating warzones in any game


great post.


Id like to add that some of us want real pvp, no one cares about moving a ball. Like seriously who cares we just want to fight.


As an assassin I hate it cause I always get jumped, assassins are too squishy to do 2 vs 1.

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eh its just kinda frustrating.


Some guy picks up ball, hits his speed boost + cc immunity, proceeds to out run the entire team and cap the ball and no one can stop him.

Not fun.


You knock guy off catwalk, some level 10 derp is shooting him from your score line cliff, ball carrier charges into the derp, proceeds to score.

Not fun.


Throw ball. get a 1 second delay on the throw. Your teammate is no longer there and you just got intercepted due to spell delay.

Not fun.



Pretty much the PvP in huttball is a blasst, with laods of environmental goodies around.

The scoring itself is pretty terrible. You just can't stop some players from scoring, its extremely frustrating.

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I like Huttball, I'm just waiting for the patch to kick in so winning matters. Right now the only difference between winning and losing is a green or red screen at the end, I just go for medals to get more rewards at the end. Edited by MrTerrito
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I hate huttball because the classes with a sprint can just charge right to the goal. Second is other players can pull the ball carrier. Both things making it so one team can easily roll the other. But going into stealth makes one instantly drop the ball.


Basically, I think pushes, pulls, slows, and haste boosts shouldn't work on the ball carrier. Let them have to rely on the ball toss to make large forward progress.

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Come to the republic mate, i almost neve see huttball :D


Faction balance is the first BW fail, you cant blame players for it, its BW job to make each side appealing enough. They obviously failed.


I myself would 10 times rather play empire than rep but i dont want to add to the imbalance.


It's not BW fault most of the community is drawn to angsty emo characters. Rawrrr my parents didn't love me! /killkitten

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3: it discourages melee zerging: yes its an issue when melee zerging works, this is one of the few wz where its 3 dimensional enough to not encourage clustering of melee players.


People don't like huttball because this is an understatement of the century.


The Huttball map is so biased against melee players that it isn't even funny. No map should allow ranged classes to instantly neutralize or even outright kill melee players with a push of one button, while it is a common occurrence in Huttball.


It is a great fun if you are a ranged class, but if you are a melee, or even(and may the god have mercy on your soul) a melee that doesn't have knock-backs of its own, playing Huttball is an experience similar to elephant step-dancing on your balls for three hours.


Huttball is a main reason why I hope they implement the ability to choose/block which warzone you queue for as soon as possible.

Edited by Drakovicz
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  • It's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen
  • It's the most unbalanced of the 3 maps (level 50's one-shottin)
  • It just doesn't fit...yes it is possible that something like this might happen...but it feels like I'm playing WoW
  • There is no logic in it (Why would the Imps and Republic do as the Hutt wants...why aren't they trying to escape?)

Edited by Eillack
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