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I'm officially done with hunting for HK-51 parts.


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I've probably spent around 13 hours looking for this stupid thing on Hoth, I went straight there after getting the scanner (it was the first planet I clicked on) and I've gone round and round and round this crashed ship. No luck, I've seen dozens of players come and go also without finding it.


It's no longer worth the hastle to me, I wish this would just be a CM item, I'd happily throw money at the screen.

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Of the three times I've done this (fourth in progress), only once it has taken me any significantly longer time on Hoth. 13 hours, though, is either hyperbole, or you have no idea how to actually use the scanner... It is impossible for it to take this long if you know what you're doing and are looking in the correct place, the area is not big enough to take that long. Edited by Luinthoron
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You can't find it because you jump from one place to another. If you were checking the place every 5m-10m you should have found it in 30 mins at worst but it usually takes about 15min-20min. Edited by PavSalco
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I think the longest I've searched was a little over an hour and that was on Taris... where the part showed up almost outside of what I thought was search zone (right by the travel hub)


you have to imagine the map as a grid and scan systematically. start on one side of it, and move steadily towards the other side. don't just erratically hop from point to point. you may get lucky, or you may end up search for hours. with systematic scan, it will take time but should never take more than an hour in worst possible case scenario. Hoth area is actualy relatively small, compared to say DK or Taris.


this may just be my luck, but every single time, I found my part in that central break in a ship/search area, where a bunch of mobs congregate

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Oh don't be so feeble. It's perfectly solo-able if you are one of these lone wolves or you can't find a group.


And anyway, I have strongholds on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. Just about every time I log in to them there are folks in general chat either asking to group up for the part-hunting, or announcing they have found a part so others can claim it. It is not as if people aren't still doing it. Plenty of folks seem to be.

Edited by PLynkes
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More outdated group content that nobody does anymore. Yay.


It would be really nice if they updated this stuff for the players who, for whatever reason, weren't able to do it when everyone was doing it.


As of a month or two ago, most locations I scanned at I was able to group up with another that was looking. I had to ask a couple of places, but more than one had one if not more people scanning around. There was actually 3 different groups scanning around the temple on coruscant lol. Only DK and I think Taris locations I did on my own. Maybe I was lucky.


To the OP: As others have said, do it systematically. Find the general area from Dulfy, start in the middle (dulfy post gives at least one location it was found, and scroll down to the comments to get many others to give you an idea of how wide an area you need to cover) and work your way out. Always whisper those you see around doing the same thing and get them to group up so you cover more ground and don't be afraid to ask in chat if anyone is looking for the HK parts. As far as Hoth goes, I found the part south of the wreck just a bit.

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More outdated group content that nobody does anymore. Yay.


It would be really nice if they updated this stuff for the players who, for whatever reason, weren't able to do it when everyone was doing it.


It is pretty easily soloable now (and has been for quite some time, probably something like since RotHC). Even the HM flashpoint. Just because people cannot be bothered by trying to understand how the scanner works (13 hours means OP is doing it seriously wrong) doesn't mean it should be changed.

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I'm cheap, so I've hunted for the part over twenty times personally. Also numerous times when I am on Hoth and someone asks for help looking for it. I've never spent more than an hour looking for it and it's usually in about a dozen places. I suggest asking for help on Hoth, in your guild, or when looking on another planet. (I've help folks find parts on multiple planets one after another.) This game usually has helpful folks that will lend you a hand when you need it.
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Dromund Kaas and Taris were the worse for me. Took me three separate attempts at Dromund Kaas and two separate attempts at Taris before I finally found those parts. And forget doing anything when you start the search. If you leave game, you have no way on knowing if somebody came in after you and reset the item location making your previous search null and void.


After doing it once, I literally said, "to hell with this". I have gladly spent 1 million credits with each toon afterwards that I have chosen to give this companion too. It is easier and quicker to grind out 1 million credits than it is to spend hours searching for all these parts again.


As for doing this with others ... easier said than done when you are on a low population server like I am.

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I'm cheap, so I've hunted for the part over twenty times personally. Also numerous times when I am on Hoth and someone asks for help looking for it. I've never spent more than an hour looking for it and it's usually in about a dozen places. I suggest asking for help on Hoth, in your guild, or when looking on another planet. (I've help folks find parts on multiple planets one after another.) This game usually has helpful folks that will lend you a hand when you need it.


But that means I have to interact with people, hissssss :rak_06:


Edited by Aries_cz
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Which server are you on? I'm on Ebon Hawk and saw lots of people doing the search (and joined them) on all planets. Longest was maybe 30 min even with help, shortest was less than 5 min because found in three probes.


Yup, I did it on two characters on ebon Hawk about a week ago. Plenty of people out and about, ask in general chat if anyone else is searching. Team up and get the search party going, much faster. I always announce I am going to go search for the parts when I arrive, in case anyone else is already searching.

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You can't find it because you jump from one place to another. If you were checking the place every 5m-10m you should have found it in 30 mins at worst but it usually takes about 15min-20min.


Yep... if you want to minimize total time to gather a part on a planet.. start with the known location area(s) and then do a 10-20 meter grid search. If you are within 30 meters (if I recall correctly) the scanner will note that a part is within "x" meters. As soon as you see that, you narrow your grid search to 5 meters and home in on it.


Hoth was one of the easier ones for me. Taris was more trouble.. but still..... grid pattern search narrowed it down within 10-15 minutes and another 5-10 minutes to actually find it and pop it.

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When trying to search realize that you are scanning with circles (spheres really, but circles is best to understand the concept. There will be overlap so you can be thorough (which you have to be, lest you will miss it and waste hours - or worse give up) and I suggest using landmarks and a systematic back and forth pattern. Think of what hex-graph paper looks like and use that pattern do a row about 20m apart per search then move over 15m and be offset about 10m from the last row...


If you do this, it will always be where you *haven't* looked. Nothing worse than finding it where you have already looked...

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I've done the HK quest 10 times already, and only a couple of times have I had any real difficulty finding any of the parts. The one in DK is usually the worst.

And, of course, I had a hard time the first time on Tatooine until I found out you just buy the part from the Jawa. :)

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