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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will SWTOR (KotFE) survive Battlefront?


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The better question is, will SWTOR survive KOTFE? Cause uh, sure as hell doesn't look like it. Unless of course your one of the anti-social "I hate guildz cuz dey r elitst!" anti-group content carebears, apparently for the carebears this expansion is gonna be FANTASTIC!


Who is the carebear? For me it looks like the other way around, people feeling so insecure because changes are coming. So? Who are anyone of us to say if it's good or not until we see and test it? Dumbed down? Maybe, but people have proven they are dumb so I think it's fitting.


Truth is most of coming changes were begging to be made for quite some time now, and can't wait for an new ops? Tough luck, you got TWO last year and more will come in the next. The only people that CAN be unhappy is the pvp crowd the rest can relax and wait their turn.

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Imagine that, one EA game killing another.

I guess there is killing inside the family in RL why not inside the company also...


First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live, and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story "feel", how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well. You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.

I have both - will be playing both.. Battlefront is FPS - KotFE is MMO...


Folks, don't be fooled by beautiful cutscenes. They are not the game and do not represent the experience.

Kind of ingame footage also... just saying..
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Imagine that, one EA game killing another.


First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live, and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story "feel", how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well. You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.


Folks, don't be fooled by beautiful cutscenes. They are not the game and do not represent the experience.


I doubt one will affect the other negatively (but one never knows). Personnally, I have no interest in Battlefront.

Furthermore I doubt that PvPers are the only ones keeping SWTOR relatively healthy.

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... as i dont recall ever saying anything akin to what you are implying here.


Tallwyn you minsunderstood, sorry, I should have clarified. I agree with your post and your argumentation, and I am sure so will many supporters of BW and their KotFE plans. What I am saying is that when I use this type of argumentation against BW, many of those same people who will agree with your post will call me out on mine. I wasn't referring to you at all, but to those who might agree with you but then be incapable of seeing the other side of the coin.

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Tallwyn you minsunderstood, sorry, I should have clarified. I agree with your post and your argumentation, and I am sure so will many supporters of BW and their KotFE plans. What I am saying is that when I use this type of argumentation against BW, many of those same people who will agree with your post will call me out on mine. I wasn't referring to you at all, but to those who might agree with you but then be incapable of seeing the other side of the coin.


I dont really want to drag this any further, but i do want to say my final thoughts. If you are posting your opinions on forums, sooner or later, people will react to them, in whichever way they see fit. You have to expect some backlash, especially when your titels are kind of provokative in nature.


That being said, the difference here is, i am not going to go to the Battlefront forums, after i recognise that the game is not for me and comment on how it should be made and so on, or ask questions like: "Will Battlefield 5 be the end of Battlefront?" I dont see the point of it as no matter how they would make that game, it's probably never going to be something id enjoy for a long time.

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Next, to Darth-Obvious and others who have taken this opportunity to rain your hate down ... regardless of how ridiculous you find my opinions and the sarcasm-laden style that I present them with, I hope you can at least admit that I am probably not the only person that is deeply concerned about the direction that SWTOR is taking. There will be people like me who let their subs run out after KotFE is released, there are people who have cancelled already, and there will be people who will try it for a while and then go free to play for sometime ... in short, the entire KotFE is a big change that is not for everybody.


The question then is, how many people will actually leave? Obviously I do not konw, but hypothetically, there is an upper limit that cannot be crossed (i.e. the game's paying population can only decrease so much) before consequences ensue and the game suffers, or in the worst case scenario they pull the plug. And for those of you who defend BW and this game, this should be a concern. So the concerns of those like me should be your concerns as well, because it is in your best interests that the widest and most varied segment of the SWTOR population is happy and finds something to do in this game.


You seem to be completely clueless about the fact that people are leaving MMOs in droves.


KoTFE is not a factor in the overall grand scheme of things, not talking about in terms of life, but rather video games.


WoW, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, Star Trek Online, have all announced expansions within 2015. Both Elder Scrolls Online and Wildstar went F2P in 2015 as well. <- This shows that all of these MMOs are desperate to keep players. The fact that all of those things happened in 2015 isn't a funny coincidence, it's a clear vision that the genre isn't what it once was and that average person doesn't want to play a 100 hour plus online RPG, ie a MMO, that doesn't have much a pay off. Oh and that's every MMO, not just SWTOR. There is no instant gratification with MMOs like there is with a phone/mobile game. In other words the types of games more people are willing to pick up and play, try out, spend money on, etc.


In SWTOR's case they've finally gotten to the point where they realize that it's moronic to appeal to the hardcore audience of players like PVPers, Raiders, etc, because those aren't the people who staying subbed to the game or buying Cartel Packs. They are the free riders. You aren't their target demographic anymore. They want the people who have the most money to spend that can only play the game for an hour or two a night and are willing to buy stuff like Cartel Packs. The game is being made easier for those people, and removing a large number of tedious elements so that they will stick with the game for longer periods of time.


You absolutely without a doubt have no clue how these things work. You constantly state you opinions as if they are fact when you couldn't be any more dead wrong, and for whatever reason you also believe that you actually matter in this world or that have some sort of purpose, but you don't, you're just some nobody who can't see things for what they really are who's constantly trying to validate their own opinion on a video game forum because you can't deal with whatever horrible personal reality you've created for yourself.

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You seem to be completely clueless about the fact that people are leaving MMOs in droves.


I agree, and agree that this is a trend, with all the games you list later on and the changes they are making. That does not change the fact that each of these games, SWTOR included, still has a minimum of necessary players that is required to keep it alive. I'm sure that the people at BW know exactly what that number is and as you say, are catering the game to THEM (the demographic that you detail).


The thing is, if their focus is TOO narrow (the single-player-story crowd) and somehow they manage to disappoint THEM as well, then they have nothing to fall back on. That is why I am saying that diversification within an MMO is a blessing for EVERYBODY, because bringing in a wide range of people with different interests helps the population and therefore helps the game stay alive.


You absolutely without a doubt have no clue how these things work.


No, I'm pretty sure I do, and that is why I have stated elsewhere that there will never be any more group content. As a matter of fact, my argumentation in that thread is similar to yours here. Why add group content (in a year from now) and assume that extra cost when the game is financially healthy as a single player game? It won't happen, not with EA holding the strings to the coinpurse.


You constantly state you opinions as if they are fact when you couldn't be any more dead wrong, and for whatever reason you also believe that you actually matter in this world or that have some sort of purpose, but you don't, you're just some nobody who can't see things for what they really are who's constantly trying to validate their own opinion on a video game forum because you can't deal with whatever horrible personal reality you've created for yourself.


Ok let's break that down a bit ...



  1. Yes, I like to strongly champion my opinions in a forum that is in large part about opinons.
  2. When dealing with speculation (which I admitedly like to engage in), by the same token that I cannot be DEAD RIGHT (as you claim), I also cannot be DEAD WRONG. I am speculating, because I enjoy doing that. Only time will tell. If I turn out to be wrong, I will resurrect these threads and eat my hat (as I have written elsewhere). Will you?
  3. Yes, I have indeed created a horrible reality for myself inside this game and in my personal life as well. I suppose it is a credit to me as an expressive writer that through my sarcasm on unrelated themes, it is clearly apparent to all what a sad and sorry life I lead. Let's call it a tie on this last point.

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Battlefront isnt going to have a story. That's not what that game is about


It doesn't need a story to kill PvP in SWTOR. If I have to make a choice between PvP in this game, and Battlefront (which is PvP in a superior game engine) then it's Battlefront.


That only kills one aspect of SWTOR for me.

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