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Get rid of Legacy Gear.


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Now hear me out, I have been on and off of this game since production, since there was only a forum on this site. I have spent many hours and dollars in this game. Now to my point Legacy gear should be removed from the game. Why? Simple!

People are able to have up to what? 22 toons on a server and if someone were to have 22 level 60's, always playing this game, always running Operations it creates a lot of problems when it comes to loot and gearing. For example I have been running operations now since April of 2015 it is now August 2015 and I have had 0% success at getting a Mainhand weapon for my Main toon. That is 4 months of running ops weekly with at least 3 level 60 characters in Temple of Sacrifice rolling for the Main hand every time and getting nothing. While others keep winning and upon inspect low and behold they already have a mainhand equipped.

"But it's for my Alt"

So if everyone is rolling for their 22 Alts all the time how are people like me who can only play a few times a week for maybe an hour or two supposed to gear our toons?

I am not even trying to get into HM gear or anything I want to gear like two toons in Ressurected gear and that's it until expansion even then I don't want to get into HM Operations. Is it too much to ask something be done about this system so Gear is able to go to those who need it? Otherwise PvP is my only option because people can't steal gear from me it is all based on buying with Comms.

World of Warcraft and many other successful MMORPG's do not have legacy type gear and it forces players to stick with the toons they will play and love and not just gear everyone they have.

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That just means those players will be joining on their poorly geared alts instead, meaning the run will be less smooth and you'll still be rolling against them - if your group get there at all.


Arrange proper loot rules before doing Ops, e.g. "only one piece per player" and/or "only need on things you need on your current character". If they can't accept that, kick them or find a different group.

Edited by MFollin
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That just means those players will be joining on their poorly geared alts instead, meaning the run will be less smooth and you'll still be rolling against them - if your group get there at all.


Arrange proper loot rules before doing Ops, e.g. "only one piece per player" and/or "only need on things you need on your current character". If they can't accept that, kick them or find a different group.


Right, but with this games BOLSTER feature for Story Mode content through Group Finder gear and stats isn't an issue to push through the operation, at that point it becomes about knowing your rotation and knowing the fights. Legacy gear is just diluting the gear pool and spreading it out way too thin. I like your idea of me just starting a raid group for mains only or rolls for current toons only that might work.

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Maybe you should make some alts?

I have 5 60's and I do OPS like 3x per TOS when it's on GF and still no dice on a Main Hand and that's since April It's ridiculous.

so how many weeks is that ? average 4 weeks a month so 20 weeks x 3 runs per week on TOS trying to get a Main Hand so in 60 attempts no main hand, 60 rolls... Hell I even ran TOS SM 4 times back to back one day and nothing.

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No no and hell no. Say a group needs a tank. But I need gear on my DPS. Either I can wait for another group for 1 hour and make them wait even longer or I come on my tank and abide by 1 token per person. Also Bolster is meh and you want my Jugg DPS on UL pugs? This is just another waaaah I don't win loots but I refuse to make rules or join organized runs so everyone must suffer. Stop being greedy.


Also, you have no thoughts for doing HM. Guess what that gear is for doing HM. It seems you just want to strut around fleet in your gear. Those alts doing HM have a better reason than your reasons.

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Is OP expecting people to raid with him and gain nothing for doing so because they already got gear on whatever toon they are using?


It doesnt matter if they take their well geared character and roll on loot, or their low geared toon and roll for loot. Your chances of getting loot will remain the same either way. Actually you have more chances on getting loot, since they are using legacy gear, and therefor need less tokens to gear their characters.


I should know, I have 20 characters in my legacy on one server and use legacy gear to do operations and help my guildies gear. I need less tokens than them because I have invested on legacy gear i can use on multiple characters in my legacy. And yes, I gain nothing but comms for helping them gear. I would not do this for pugs however, as they seem to expect some players to go in without getting anything in return.


1 token a face is fair for everyone and respects every raiders time and effort.

Edited by Kiesu
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Wouldn't it be easier to buy the mods you need from GTN instead of running ops 24/7? Or the rating from those crafted ones are below ToS ones? Correct me if I remember wrong, 198 mods that appeared for sale for a little while were an exploit, but aren't 192 available for crafting/purchase? Or is the limit 190?
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I have to disagree with the OP. I wish there was more Legacy gear that dropped, instead of bind on pickup.


I usually run heroics and FPs solo, and nothing is more annoying than getting an orange drop of something you can't use on that char or any of their comps, and having it bind on pickup. For instance getting a Lightsaber on a Operative.


When I first saw the title of the post though, I thought they meant that "legacy vendor" gear that is sold on DK or Coruscant. In which case I'd agree completely. That stuff isn't worth crap.

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When I first saw the title of the post though, I thought they meant that "legacy vendor" gear that is sold on DK or Coruscant. In which case I'd agree completely. That stuff isn't worth crap.


Again same as my last post


If shayddow wants to get rid of legacy vender gear I can live with that


As long as I can get rid of all WZ's after all they are all crap a wast of time and no fun at all to do, while we getting rid of stuff really look at PvP gear in general I mean come on, this stuff isn't worth crap to us who don't do PvP.

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Really get rid of it because the OP does not use it.


Ok I can live with that....

... I don't do OP's, WZ's or starfighter can we get rid of them as well?


Oh and coming to think of it I don't use PvP gear!


Seconded. Just because you think something isnt worth crap might be millions worth of enjoyment to someone else.


I for once use Coruscant/kaas legacy stuff for cosmetic rather than legacy smuggle, and would hate to see them removed.

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Stop fighting PvE toymobs and start with warzones instead. No issue there to get a mainhand that has the same item level as your offhand. Besides, why work your a.. I mean behind off for the best PvE stats in the game in your mainhand, when u can do all the planetary dailey cashruns with a ranked pvp gear and a companion that has the 192 gear? (I even run the dailey cashruns with a companion that has inherited my unranked pvp gear, and that works fine aswell)
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One option BW could do is disable the Need option if the main hand or any other legacy gear that drops isn't for the character your playing.


For example if your playing an assassin or shadow and a main hand blaster pistol drops, when the assassin or shadow makes a choice their only options are greed or pass, need would be disabled for them, only the classes that use the main hand can need.


Could also take it a step further if possible that once you need in a main hand and win it, if you run the ops again and it drops again, it recognizes you've won it and need is locked out as a choice.

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One option BW could do is disable the Need option if the main hand or any other legacy gear that drops isn't for the character your playing.


For example if your playing an assassin or shadow and a main hand blaster pistol drops, when the assassin or shadow makes a choice their only options are greed or pass, need would be disabled for them, only the classes that use the main hand can need.


Could also take it a step further if possible that once you need in a main hand and win it, if you run the ops again and it drops again, it recognizes you've won it and need is locked out as a choice.


Besides Mono, no Op drops MH assembled pieces. Unless you are suggesting that god awful system we had before where you couldn't even trade.


Also, people do gearing runs for a toon so this just silly. Loot system is fine if you set rules down. Gear is only needed for progressing upwards in Ops difficulty not just to have it unless you want to buy a run. If you want to get gear join a guild or team that will gear it up. If you are just here to pug SM 186 gear is fine enough. Heck 180 is.


I hate these posts as it reeks I don't like something and it doesn't work in my favor so let's make it mess with everyone else loot systems. I make my MH free roll in all my runs. :rak_03:

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Besides Mono, no Op drops MH assembled pieces. Unless you are suggesting that god awful system we had before where you couldn't even trade.


Also, people do gearing runs for a toon so this just silly. Loot system is fine if you set rules down. Gear is only needed for progressing upwards in Ops difficulty not just to have it unless you want to buy a run. If you want to get gear join a guild or team that will gear it up. If you are just here to pug SM 186 gear is fine enough. Heck 180 is.


I hate these posts as it reeks I don't like something and it doesn't work in my favor so let's make it mess with everyone else loot systems. I make my MH free roll in all my runs. :rak_03:


I'm giving nothing more then a sugguey that's it. I agree that if you want it done right, be in a guild or team but if BW does do something I was merely giving a suggestion in how to help.

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That's not a bad idea Nightblazer, It could work. or they could just not have drops at all and once mission is over all members get a weapon or whatever for there class.


Not that I care all that much as said really don't do them. Fun reading these threads though.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Now hear me out, I have been on and off of this game since production, since there was only a forum on this site. I have spent many hours and dollars in this game.


I really dont understand why people feel the need to establish some type of veteran credibility before they post? It means a total of zero.


Legacy gear is a life saver. TBH OP it sounds like you have a personal problem - not enough time, RNG and PUGs can be tough, but thats how you are opting to play the game. Dont blame BoL.

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Start or join a late night raiding guild. There's bound to be people in the same boat as you, I am in a guild that raids from 10 pm to 1 am in the region I am in. Obviously people on your server are still raiding at that time as well, or you wouldn't be able to join PUGs.
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No no and hell no. Say a group needs a tank. But I need gear on my DPS. Either I can wait for another group for 1 hour and make them wait even longer or I come on my tank and abide by 1 token per person. Also Bolster is meh and you want my Jugg DPS on UL pugs? This is just another waaaah I don't win loots but I refuse to make rules or join organized runs so everyone must suffer. Stop being greedy.


Also, you have no thoughts for doing HM. Guess what that gear is for doing HM. It seems you just want to strut around fleet in your gear. Those alts doing HM have a better reason than your reasons.


Your argument for keeping Legacy gear for UL pugs and finding groups faster shows you never played THIS MMO before legacy gear was introduced nor an MMO that doesn't have it like World of Warcraft. Let's be honest about this MMO it IS WOW with Star Wars Skin hell just announced the Sorcs/Sages are getting Bubble + Move. Next its gonna be Bubble hearth! Yes getting rid of legacy gear would force players to gear their toons properly BEFORE entering Operations giving US a reason to run Flashpoints again. As for strutting around on fleet that's what we all do anyway but mostly my reasons for wanting a full set of SM gear is to be able to help my Guild/Friends/Family when they need me whether it be SM Content or HM.

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I have a simpler fix, put the main-hand On vendor for 400 ults, Solved.....


BTW OP, if you have run that many Ops, you should have easily enough creds to buy 3-4-5 Mainhand barrels from GTN.


Shouldn't have to buy raid gear from another player, but I do agree comms should be able to purchase you something from a SET and why not MH or relics? Agreed!

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