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Fix free to play


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TOR unashamedly has the worst F2P model in any online game.


Subscribing should give bonuses, not take away Draconian restrictions.


Of all the ignorant things I read on the forums this month, this tops my list...and that is quite impressive.

Have you ever even played another F2P game at all? Do you know how many P2W games are out there? How many money scamming games? Have you ever seen a Korean grind MMO?


Even for an overstatement, that claim is completely baseless.

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I find the way they still try to milk more cash out of their subscribers worse than any so-called "problems" with f2p.


Subscribers still have many things locked behind cartel coin barriers, and I find that an inappropriate cash grab.

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There's is nothing to be fixed. You want a f2p that requires a fix ? Go try Aion (no general chat/no trading/no whispering/no grouping tools/no broker/nerfed rewards/nerfed gold (credits) ,pretty much no everything besides character creation and forever solo mode because of restrictions)


Hell SWTOR F2P is too generous compared to pretty much 9/10 of the other f2p mmo's.

Edited by Kirameki
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I noticed since I came back to the game recently "Fix Free to Play" rants are a rather regular cry on these forums.

"SWTOR f2p is the worse f2p model in gaming history", "TOR's f2p was horrendously done".....just some of the sentiments I've read over the past month and a half thus far.


I don't get it-- except to say there's a LOT of entitlement / cheap people out there. The funny thing is before I read the crying about f2p on these forums I was thinking the f2p was pretty damn good ! I'm dead serious....and I still thing this game has a fair f2p model.


The comparison chart is right here.... http://www.swtor.com/free/features/


Looks fair to me .... you get a taste of nearly everything , I think the only straight up "really big" feature you get ZERO of unless you buy a pass for are Operations.


You want the content people -- enjoy for free and without the whining ....or cough up $15 a month.


But either way the argument that f2p is crappy is INVALID and pointless.

Edited by Shirx
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To be fair Free to play gets plenty enough with it now, you can look at Wildstar and be like well they are doing this and that, but like it has been said in here before, they are running on fumes and striving to stay a float.


You get more out of F2P on SWTOR than you do say World of Warcraft.

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To be fair Free to play gets plenty enough with it now, you can look at Wildstar and be like well they are doing this and that, but like it has been said in here before, they are running on fumes and striving to stay a float.


You get more out of F2P on SWTOR than you do say World of Warcraft.


technically, ( and well, not just technically, I've been doing that since tokens were introduced) in world of warcraft, I can buy subscription tokens for in game gold and essentially play for free with no restrictions. but world of warcraft is not a hybrid game anyways, so we really should compare TOR to other hybrid games rather then subscription only games.


in both secret world and rift (and ESO) I don't have general restrictions on my gameplay but if I want acess to new content, I have to either subscribe, or buy modules individually (think section x)


that said. personally, I think preferred at least should have some of the petty restrictions removed. like not all quest rewards being available.


I have zero problem with having to unlock certain things, like buying crew skill slot, hide headpiece etc. I have zero problem with weekly passes, I think they are great. I think vendor costs etc being higher for f2p/preferred is fine


but some of TOR's restrictions are just... really?


Of all the ignorant things I read on the forums this month, this tops my list...and that is quite impressive.

Have you ever even played another F2P game at all? Do you know how many P2W games are out there? How many money scamming games? Have you ever seen a Korean grind MMO?


Even for an overstatement, that claim is completely baseless.


don't play Korean games as I'm not much for the grind, but of the hybrid/pure f2p/buy to play games that I HAVE played




Secret world

Guild wars 2



SWTOR has a pretty crappy f2p model compared to those.



wildstar is not on that list, as its not f2p yet, however, their model STIll sounds far better than that of TOR.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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don't play Korean games as I'm not much for the grind, but of the hybrid/pure f2p/buy to play games that I HAVE played




Secret world

Guild wars 2



SWTOR has a pretty crappy f2p model compared to those.


wildstar is not on that list, as its not f2p yet, however, their model STIll sounds far better than that of TOR.


Fair enough, although I was quoting someone who stated this to be the worst F2P model in any online game (not just MMORPG's), which includes a lot of them.


The success of the game and costs of cash-shop items should be included in the judgement as well though. A game that is doing poorly might not have the right f2p model after all. And for instance, as far as I know ESO expanions are significantly more expensive than SWTOR one's.

Edited by Gokkus
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Secret world

Guild wars 2



SWTOR has a pretty crappy f2p model compared to those.


Um... ESO is not F2P. It is B2P. You can't play the game until you buy a full copy of the game. Same with GW2, except GW2 goes on sale frequently.


SWTOR does not require an initial purchase, you can download and play 1-50 without giving them anything at all. Not even a sausage.


These are completely different models. I'm not sure about TSW, Neverwinter or Rift, but I know that TESO and GW2 are a completely different animal and should not be compared to SWTOR's hybrid model.

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Fair enough, although I was quoting someone who stated this to be the worst F2P model in any online game (not just MMORPG's), which includes a lot of them.


The success of the game and costs of cash-shop items should be included in the judgement as well though. A game that is doing poorly might not have the right f2p model after all. And for instance, as far as I know ESO expanions are significantly more expensive than SWTOR one's.


you end up paying one way or another.


ESO expansions however, come at no additional cost to subscribers as long as they stay subscribed (along with several other benefits), so.. there's that. (as to secret world ones)


Why is TSW on a list as F2P? Its not. You can't play unless you plop down $30 or get it cheaper on steam (thank you, summer sale).


becasue its a hybrid model that doesn't require subscription to keep playing from month to month. so think of it as preferred version of SWTOR


to be honest, I would MUCH prefer it if SWTOR was b2p hybrid with fewer petty restrictions for non subscribers.


the thing is... pure f2p players having a lot of restrictions? I don't mind that so much. preferred status IMO needs a few more revisions.

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the thing is... pure f2p players having a lot of restrictions? I don't mind that so much. preferred status IMO needs a few more revisions.


There is nothing I could agree with you any more than this. Personally I think they at least need a second tier of preferred status.

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Free to play provides plenty of value for the cost. Personally, don't really care what other games are up to.

What you seem to not understand is that MMOs need a large and vibrant and active community. The best way to get this is to offer a generous free to play model that encourages people to stick around. Subs should provide cool bonuses and many FtP players may eventually sub. If some never sub that doesn't matter because their presence still helps populate the world.


SWTOR has a very punitive FtP model that drives a lot of people away before they can fully experience the game.

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The f2p in this game is bad, that's why I sub. Though it is nice that if you let your account lapse you can still log into some of your characters and do some basic things at least. If I let my WoW time lapse, that's it can't access characters without sub.


F2P made you sub, that is what the purpose of the f2p system is here. so it actually works.

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The f2p in this game is bad, that's why I sub. Though it is nice that if you let your account lapse you can still log into some of your characters and do some basic things at least. If I let my WoW time lapse, that's it can't access characters without sub.


f2p is suppose to be bad for this game which actually works by having others sub and the f2p for this game is quite generous already

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Setting aside the expected fanboi defense force, everyone knows that SWTOR has one of the worse F2P models out there. They've had plenty of time to do it right but BioWare looks to be comfortable with a restricted demo model.


It's their game and their choice. There are plenty of other MMO options if you don't want to deal with this game's model. Certainly they're under no obligation to provide more for free.

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What you seem to not understand is that MMOs need a large and vibrant and active community. The best way to get this is to offer a generous free to play model that encourages people to stick around. Subs should provide cool bonuses and many FtP players may eventually sub. If some never sub that doesn't matter because their presence still helps populate the world.


SWTOR has a very punitive FtP model that drives a lot of people away before they can fully experience the game.


Economics states that the more incentive there is for a behavior, the more of that behavior you get.


Ergo, the less restricted the F2P model is, the more F2P players sure... but that also lends towards subscribers going F2P (or in this case preferred). Which means less revenue... and for a business, that's a bad thing. It's an entertainment product, not a charity for those who can't drop $15 a month.

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This game has a free to play that's more just a trial game. There is so much restriction to free to play. I'll make this quick. Look at the new Wildstar free to play model. Free to play has access to all content, all they did was give subs benefits like xp boost and cool im game items and various things. In Swtor it takes forever to level as free to play, you can only do 5 pvp matches a week, you can't do raiding unless u spend cartel coins or buy weekly passes on gtn for large amounts of credits. I think you need to work on free to play some more.


Then go play Wildstar. No one is entitled to anything in SWTOR for free. The fact that they give you 8 free stories from level 1-50, with restrictions, is something they are not required to do nor is it something you are entitled to have. It is supposed to be a trial to entice you in to play the game and eventually sub. If you feel its too restrictive then you can either sub or stop playing and go play Wildstar. Have fun with that too. I doubt you will get the sheer amount of content you can get in SWTOR for free.

Edited by Danery
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