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Fix free to play


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This game has a free to play that's more just a trial game. There is so much restriction to free to play. I'll make this quick. Look at the new Wildstar free to play model. Free to play has access to all content, all they did was give subs benefits like xp boost and cool im game items and various things. In Swtor it takes forever to level as free to play, you can only do 5 pvp matches a week, you can't do raiding unless u spend cartel coins or buy weekly passes on gtn for large amounts of credits. I think you need to work on free to play some more.
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Free to play provides plenty of value for the cost. Personally, don't really care what other games are up to.


QFT personally i think they are far to generous already ftp . There are some who abuse i t and go out of their way not to spend money already FTP should just be very minimal and basic features and access

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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It doesn't affect you in any ways a sub, and it helps other players, so don't know why you are so against it.


The end goal of the game is to make money. F2P becoming less restrictive means more players staying F2P instead of subscribing; this is lost potential revenue. Potential revenue that could be reinvested into the game's development to create new content to continue to incentivize subscriptions.


My question is; assuming the game is in the state it is currently, what would you see as the items you would drop from F2P players so that they can access content? What additional restrictions would you give them to loosen other restrictions? Or do you just want to give them something for nothing? That's where I don't agree, especially as I am a subscriber; don't give something for nothing. The fact the game has a F2P option is great, but don't tell me they need more for nothing...

Edited by azudelphi
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It doesn't affect you in any ways a sub, and it helps other players, so don't know why you are so against it.


What a ridiculous argument.

You feel that somebody who pays nothign towards the game or it's upkeep should get anything near the same amount of content/features as someone paying a monthly subscription?

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This game has a free to play that's more just a trial game. There is so much restriction to free to play. I'll make this quick. Look at the new Wildstar free to play model. Free to play has access to all content, all they did was give subs benefits like xp boost and cool im game items and various things. In Swtor it takes forever to level as free to play, you can only do 5 pvp matches a week, you can't do raiding unless u spend cartel coins or buy weekly passes on gtn for large amounts of credits. I think you need to work on free to play some more.


Derp alert ----> Even in true F2P games (by the way... SWTOR is not a true F2P business model) there is no free lunch. There is content access, rates of xp gain, etc. that are walled behind either subscribing or unlocking as you require it via CCs. And that is as it should be for a Freemium MMO.


Don't want to be forced to "skip" or "do without" means pay your way. ;)


SWTOR Freemium model (which is what it actually is)... it follows the tried and true approach to humans of letting them choose to either purchase an all you can eat ticket OR purchase a la carte. The user gets to choose. What the use does not get is "all you can eat" for the "purchase of a cup of coffee".


TL;DR Pay or don't pay. The choice is yours to make. But no amount of whining about what is or is not FREE will change things.

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QFT personally i think they are far to generous already ftp . There are some who abuse i t and go out of their way not to spend money already FTP should just be very minimal and basic features and access


I actually think they have all the access knobs dialed in just about right for the Free, Preferred, and Sub for this game right now.


To the topic in general... not specific to my quote of NovaBlast.........Sure... different game companies do it a little differently... but that is fine.


I find it hilarious that people will complain if one MMO copies a feature from another MMO .... AND..... people will complain if one MMO does not copy a feature from another MMO. This current wave of "do it the way Wildstar is doing it" is absurd. 1) Wildstar is running on fumes and needs to attract a lot of players old/new to that game if it is going to survive... which means they are in a weaker business position then SWTOR was when it went Freemium. Hence they are going to paint and make their shift in business model to look more attractive then it is. 2) if people really think Wildstar free = sub in form and feature set...... :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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Every time I see one of these threads I shake my head. SWTOR gives you full access to the vanilla game story with a taste of group content for free. That's 8 classes to level to 50.


They restrict credits to 200k. I challenge you to find any vendor items that cost more than that. What exactly are you limited to buy for 200k besides vanity items from the GTN?


They restrict Artifact gear. Blue stuff is great already for 1-50. Once you become preferred by either subbing or purchasing the expansions, level 50+ expansions purple gear is not restricted.


They restrict unify colors and hide helmet. Its cosmetic. So you have to work a little harder to round up gear that matches if you care so much about it.


No rested XP. I leveled 2 toons to 50 as F2P and didn't really see any problems with xp.


Group stuff is limited to 2 FP, 2 WZ (unless you group gueue with subs), 2 OPs. Ok.


Really, I find it hard to be sympathetic to posts like this. I have yet seen an argument that what they give for absolutely no cost isn't in fact really awesome. I spent two months as F2P to give the game a try and see if it was worth the cost to sub.


Now there may be a discussion to be had about preferred status players benefits being loosened up perhaps. I could get on board with a lot of that. They spent something to contribute to the game at least. But F2P? Nah, idk man.

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The end goal of the game is to make money. F2P becoming less restrictive means more players staying F2P instead of subscribing; this is lost potential revenue. Potential revenue that could be reinvested into the game's development to create new content to continue to incentivize subscriptions.


My question is; assuming the game is in the state it is currently, what would you see as the items you would drop from F2P players so that they can access content? What additional restrictions would you give them to loosen other restrictions? Or do you just want to give them something for nothing? That's where I don't agree, especially as I am a subscriber; don't give something for nothing. The fact the game has a F2P option is great, but don't tell me they need more for nothing...


A one time CC purchase makes you "preferred". If you are looking at the pure "F2P" option, you're looking to not spend a cent. It's still doable with the CC OPS/WZ/Artifact passes on the GTN.


Wildstar 1.0 was bad F2P since CREDD was too expensive at the exchange. This is actually doable if you wish to grind and still is a lot less of a grind than Wildstar 1.0. If pure f2p is too restrictive, get 2400 ccs.

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Oh boy another of those threads.... :rolleyes: So how do you expect the devs will pay for the hamsters that turn the wheels that create electricity to power the machines that control the servers so you can play and dont forget the guy that has to feed the hamsters.
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There is nothing to fix. It's a business model, you get a trial version. You don't pay for it so you cannot really demand anything more from it. What needs fixing is preffered status - THAT is total ********.


So imagine that - you pay a yearly subscription and suddenly crap happens in your life, you need extra cash so you stop paying for a game. What are you left with? F2p with increased credit cap by 150k - that is not how you treat your customers.


Why not make it so the longer you pay the more benefits you have in case you stop paying your sub? Say, you pay for a month you get hide helmet, you pay for two months, you get unify colors, you pay for three months you get access to speeder piloting at level 15 etc. etc.


THAT would be a fair preffered status.

Edited by Asheris
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F2P should include 8 class stories to the end of the capital planet. That gives you 1 flashpoint and a feel for the game. That is where it should stop. Want off the capital world sub up or 5 dollars on CM to get preferred.
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F2P should include 8 class stories to the end of the capital planet. That gives you 1 flashpoint and a feel for the game. That is where it should stop. Want off the capital world sub up or 5 dollars on CM to get preferred.


that was how it originally worked (level 15) so about half way through capital world.

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F2P should include 8 class stories to the end of the capital planet. That gives you 1 flashpoint and a feel for the game. That is where it should stop. Want off the capital world sub up or 5 dollars on CM to get preferred.


That would probably fix the problem with entitlement people seem to have.


I don't see anyone moaning about how WoW only allows to you play for free up to level 20 :rolleyes:

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Oh goodie another "I dont want to help support keeping the game running, but give me what i want for free" thread.


You get comms you can trade for gear and mods so anything you -need- in game you can already get. You just -want- the shiney things you see on the gtn.


But you really really really want that fancy mount you see on the gtn for 300k? Mow some lawns (or skip one Starbucks coffee/pack of cigareetes) and buy $5 worth of cc and get yourself to preferred.


You absolutely positivly haaaaaaaaaaave to get that Revan piece off the gtn thats 900k so you can pretend your Revan #45654335677766 in game? Sub.


Much as people want it to be, you dont get -everything- in life for free, you have to payfor what you -want-.


:p Edited by XiamaraSimi
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