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SWTOR Gamescom Cantina Tour Q&A


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I asked Eric about the male Togruta, and it's unlikely that there will be a change - that's how it sounded to me.


In a small group we talked to one of the designers (sorry I forgot his name) about Grimtooth, the Rancor of Makeb. The conclusion there is, that if there is an Legacy achievement, then it must be doable, and therefore he will look into it.


We also talked to him about the "Sharp Dresser" title or how it is called. He said he would at least look into it as well.


There were a few more bits we talked about, but there's no substancial info out of it, because it was partly just chat as well. Not everything was super-serious. ;)


A few points we chatted about as well :


- the need for more cargo bay space

- the Kolto tank decoration which isn't looking blueish right now anymore

- Yavin Stronghold showing the same cinematic intro over and over again when entering

- the wish for more puzzles in quests (that was shared by I think everyone standing in our small group)

- the team is now technically at a point so that tzhey cvan more easily add this

- the amount of "choice & consequence" will drastically increase in the new expansion (or at least that's how it sounded to me)

- technical limitations being there [ I guess the Engine ] but there is still work to optimize everything

- no "Cataclym"-like change of all worlds

- most importantly : If you arrive in the new expansion, there will be a double warning that you cannot go back and finish any of your quests which are still open ! Especially class quests !


That's what I remember. Not accurately in words, but in this sense.

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Very good, lets hope they get back to us with some of the answers to the questions.


- most importantly : If you arrive in the new expansion, there will be a double warning that you cannot go back and finish any of your quests which are still open ! Especially class quests !


This was very useful to know, many players have asked how it will work.

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The conclusion there is, that if there is an Legacy achievement, then it must be doable, and therefore he will look into it.


We also talked to him about the "Sharp Dresser" title or how it is called. He said he would at least look into it as well.

While not something I was about to quit over, this is definitely a pet peeve of mine. It'll be nice if they do look into these.

- the amount of "choice & consequence" will drastically increase in the new expansion (or at least that's how it sounded to me)

This, more than anything is what I hope they follow through on with the expansion - how much variety your choices can actually inject into the on-going story is going to be key to replayability since it's not being differentiated based on faction or class.

- no "Cataclym"-like change of all worlds

Good to hear that confirmed, I didn't really expect that they were going this route, but there was a nagging 'what if' in the back of my mind.

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- most importantly : If you arrive in the new expansion, there will be a double warning that you cannot go back and finish any of your quests which are still open ! Especially class quests !




They did this for the Ziost story line and the QQ was still real so I'd imagine the threads here after people first realize they can't go back and do 'some' content that they missed for whatever reason. The forum shall drown in the tears of the illiterate.

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A few points we chatted about as well :


- the need for more cargo bay space

- the Kolto tank decoration which isn't looking blueish right now anymore

- Yavin Stronghold showing the same cinematic intro over and over again when entering

- the wish for more puzzles in quests (that was shared by I think everyone standing in our small group)

- the team is now technically at a point so that tzhey cvan more easily add this

- the amount of "choice & consequence" will drastically increase in the new expansion (or at least that's how it sounded to me)

- technical limitations being there [ I guess the Engine ] but there is still work to optimize everything

- no "Cataclym"-like change of all worlds

- most importantly : If you arrive in the new expansion, there will be a double warning that you cannot go back and finish any of your quests which are still open ! Especially class quests !


That's what I remember. Not accurately in words, but in this sense.

I'm especially fond of your 1st question...and the last comment is good to know. I wonder if that will include PvP, GSF or advancement type quests (like HK)?

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- most importantly : If you arrive in the new expansion, there will be a double warning that you cannot go back and finish any of your quests which are still open ! Especially class quests !


That's what I remember. Not accurately in words, but in this sense.


Wait, to do the expansion I'll have to give up doing any dalies!?

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I- the need for more cargo bay space


Hah, this reminds me that the person who asked this said their cargo space and legacy storage is getting cluttered with all the different armor sets they earned in all the different missions and Scott hinted at Collections getting an overhaul that may solve that particular issue... :D

Edited by KyaniteD
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I think it might only count class quests. Need further info.

That's what I had assumed earlier as well, but this line seems to indicate it may be more than just Class Quests:

- most importantly : If you arrive in the new expansion, there will be a double warning that you cannot go back and finish any of your quests which are still open ! Especially class quests !

They may have been thinking "any class quests" still and we're just reading too much into it, but a little clarification would be nice.

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I am curious to hear more about the "Consequences" within the story they mentioned and if it impacts anything besides the story line. I would rather not see a repeat of the Lightside/Darkside points for the current grind to 50 where you were pigeonholed into making pure LS or all DS choices if you wanted to have any relics while leveling. or use any of the gear on those vendors. I like the idea of making choices that can majorly influence the story, but I want to make the choices and not have to worry about this effecting my alignment for any possible gear I might be able to get.
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I am curious to hear more about the "Consequences" within the story they mentioned and if it impacts anything besides the story line. I would rather not see a repeat of the Lightside/Darkside points for the current grind to 50 where you were pigeonholed into making pure LS or all DS choices if you wanted to have any relics while leveling. or use any of the gear on those vendors. I like the idea of making choices that can majorly influence the story, but I want to make the choices and not have to worry about this effecting my alignment for any possible gear I might be able to get.


There was a Lady Insanity video that seemed to imply that there would be things like, sparing a particular person results in their companion returning to you amicably later... where-as killing a particular person may result in their companion coming at you for vengeance later. Not to mention there is apparently divergent-convergent plot... like, optional side missions. It's kind of taking an ME route towards story it seems.... I am cautiously optimistic as always.

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It's kind of taking an ME route towards story it seems.... I am cautiously optimistic as always.


Oh, this reminds of another thing they said: They had the dev team (re-)play ME2 and look at what made ME2 great and tried to implement some of that in SWTOR/KotFE. So this whole 'I'm getting ME2-vibes" is spot-on and actually intended. :)


(I apologize for my memory coming back in bits and pieces, it was a stressful day at 34C and a plain horrible night on the train home, I'm barely starting to feel human again.)

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There was a Lady Insanity video that seemed to imply that there would be things like, sparing a particular person results in their companion returning to you amicably later... where-as killing a particular person may result in their companion coming at you for vengeance later. Not to mention there is apparently divergent-convergent plot... like, optional side missions. It's kind of taking an ME route towards story it seems.... I am cautiously optimistic as always.


I read that when information was first coming out about the expansion. I am pretty excited about this for the story. I just don't want my actions tied to leveling gear like they were in the 1 to 50 leveling.

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Hah, this reminds me that the person who asked this said their cargo space and legacy storage is getting cluttered with all the different armor sets they earned in all the different missions and Scott hinted at Collections getting an overhaul that may solve that particular issue... :D


Oooh, that would be too good to be true (as I am having a similar problem, being an armor collector - especially the original orange sets that I farmed for hard in the days of old).

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Hah, this reminds me that the person who asked this said their cargo space and legacy storage is getting cluttered with all the different armor sets they earned in all the different missions and Scott hinted at Collections getting an overhaul that may solve that particular issue... :D


Yes. I asked this. Have you been there ?


Wait, to do the expansion I'll have to give up doing any dalies!?


I don't remember talking about dailies.


Will Operation gear tiers be removed?

Enitre game reitemized, changed almost every quest


Can anyone explain what this exactly means, is there no gear progression anymore?


Don't remember anymore whether there has been talk about it or not, I'm sorry.



Besides, he had a T-Shirt on which I read (I'm not sure whether I read this correctly) "Valkorion's Death Blast" My question whether this is "the father" was met with an "who knows ?"

The writing was - however - in a similar lettering like the first line of the "Far Cry Blood Dragon" box - looking like metallic letters.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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That's what I had assumed earlier as well, but this line seems to indicate it may be more than just Class Quests:


They may have been thinking "any class quests" still and we're just reading too much into it, but a little clarification would be nice.


I was worrying about that but another person that was there mentioned it as well with a bit of a different wording that gave me the impression it'd be just "main story" stuff:


In addition he said that you will be asked twice before starting the KotFE quest. Every unfinished class story, companion story and the other storylike quest lines (like Rishi/Yavin, Ziost) will disappear and cannot be finished anymore. Nevertheless he confirmed that you will still have access to all planets you could visit before as well as the fleet. The known planets will look as they ever did.


I imagine that'd mean the main class story and the main storylines of Ilum, Makeb, Rishi, Yavin, and Ziost. Maybe even Oricon since Ziost is included in the quote.


Would still like some clarification as well but that quote at least gives cause to believe it'll just be main story stuff.

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In addition he said that you will be asked twice before starting the KotFE quest. Every unfinished class story, companion story and the other storylike quest lines (like Rishi/Yavin, Ziost) will disappear and cannot be finished anymore. Nevertheless he confirmed that you will still have access to all planets you could visit before as well as the fleet. The known planets will look as they ever did.


This could be right - class quests & planet story quests. Makeb, for example. With the first one I'm 100 % sure, with the second one I'm not 100 % sure.


But - as they are still working on that thing, things might be revealed in more detail one day.


Thinking more about this quote above it indeed sounds as if someone had been recording the talk all of the time. :D

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