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RP server


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What do people do on an RP server? I know it stands for role playing but this is already an rpg, what do you do on the server? Is it lets all talk like we are actual sith/jedi in chat? refer to each other as "my lord" and "master jedi"? can someone that frequents an RP server shed some light? I would appreciate it.
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It stretches far and wide. There's a lot to being roleplay. Think of it as embracing the RPG of the MMORPG. But, it's more than calling one another "my Lord". Sometimes, less.


I'll try to make it as simplistic I can. We RP (or roleplay) on said server, and create a character, aesthetically, emotionally, and historically. You can forget the classes and story, too. And even knowing any characters from the story/lore. You, effectively, create an alter-ego (kind of. It's far from accurate, but it's simpler to describe), and 'play' as that character. So, you may find yourself as an aspiring Jedi, rising from the ranks of a lowly Initiate in a player guild that acts as a splinter of the Jedi Order. After some years, and a lot of character development, you may find yourself as a Jedi Master. But, it's hard to be relateable, as people RP for a range of different reasons, and would describe it in many different ways.


For some, it's a fun chance to use their nerdy knowledge, acquire more, and just have fun. Some roleplayers will be the best people you've ever met. Others will be the worst. :p

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We... RP..


Generally, in GenChat, there may be a flavoring of RP ("We Sith do not need to ask for help on Heroic missions." Or lines like that, generally followed by advice on how to complete the quest, with more snark on those asking for help killing Skotia or completing class missions).


Basically, we (meaning those I have seen) roll characters and play as those characters in the story. Whatever the story may be defined as for that player.


Personally? I roll characters and play as the character in every non-group quest I'm doing, regardless of server, but I'm also a soloplayer (for the most part, I have broken down and started running FPs with people a bit more). Some people in groups or guilds have a group/guild story they are playing as. Some people just get together and hashout random trash talk in a cantina. (Depends on time of day for that last one).


Basically, we RP on RP servers. In theory. Definitions if RP beyond Role-Playing vary with the specifics (need a group/don't need a group, for example).


And names are important on RP servers. If you RP with people with a name like Pvplordawesome and expect anyone who isn't regularly grouping with you to remember the character's name is actually Sarasa or something, it might get distracting.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Basically roleplay, general chat is filled with it like made a new jedi char last night and some of the level 60s where there chatting and roleplaying with some newly made chars instead of giving advice in normal terms they used roleplay terms and so on.


Then got to the fleet, and a bunch of people where trading and chatting in a roleplaying fashion.


Sorry for typos and errors, but basically there is roleplaying everywhere and can be quite fun

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I've never played on a RP server but I assume one big difference would be that DK chat has less stupid crap.


Depends on when you log in. We still get Jawas going, argue about lore, argue about the EU being made into Legends and where SWTOR falls under the new EU or Legends, gear, stats, Darth Baras' Code, Darth Baras' scream and rage issues, Lord Zash being hot/not hot, so forth.


GenChat is generally accepted as an Out Of Character chat. Most RP happens in group/whisper/guild/other channels

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I've never played on a RP server but I assume one big difference would be that DK chat has less stupid crap.




Less, perhaps, but not so much to make it bearable.


In all honesty, there's very little difference between normal servers and RP servers. The RP done in General Chat is very minimal and fairly rare. Most of the "serious" RP happens in cantinas or favorite spots on various planets (Jedi Temple, Sith Academy, Outpost Thorazan on Tatooine, outside House Organa on Alderaan....


For the most part, while questing, you'd have no idea that you were on an RP server at all, except for a moderate increase in the general maturity of players. ... and that's the main reason I play on RP servers. I don't ever RP, but its nice to filter out a little more of the selfish/ego-hungry teenage demographic.

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What do people do on an RP server? I know it stands for role playing but this is already an rpg, what do you do on the server? Is it lets all talk like we are actual sith/jedi in chat? refer to each other as "my lord" and "master jedi"? can someone that frequents an RP server shed some light? I would appreciate it.

They do exactly the same things they do on a PvE server. The RP server tag means absolutely nothing.

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Most of the "serious" RP happens in cantinas

Eh... BaRP really isn't the highlight of RP. Bunch of tossers standing around writing overly long emotes about how they toss down glass after glass of whiskey (that has no effect on them of course) while showing a complete disinterest in everything and everyone around them because they're so tough...

or favorite spots on various planets (Jedi Temple, Sith Academy, Outpost Thorazan on Tatooine, outside House Organa on Alderaan....

Yep. A lot of publically listed strongholds are also used these days apparently.

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RP is collaborative storytelling. You use /emote to write custom actions, such as:

Beltane runs around flailing her arms.

(Except not that.)


It doesn't have much to do with the game itself for many RPers, since RP can happen in text only format, on forums or chat rooms and the like. RP characters are generally separate from your game character. For instance, just because you have a level 60 Jedi Knight doesn't mean you killed the Emperor in character.


And most of the serious RP happens in guilds. Bar RP is a good place to meet new people but is hardly all there is to it.


Also, I can confirm that there are plenty of trolls, griefers, etc on RP servers. General chat is the first thing I turn off on a new character.

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In my experience not much RP happens on a RP server unless you join a RP guilld.


That said designating a server 'RP' is just an easy way to get some like minded individuals on the same server.


Also from what I have seen even on a RP server most players are still the non RP type

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Wow this thread got bigger than I thought. I'm at a professional development thing for robotics and figured nobody would respond.


So basically you create a character which is you. You then play as Lord Hamsandwich or whatever i name myself and talking gen chat as though I were a sith or how I would act if I were a sith. Is that about the size of it?


So instead of "my toon is a sorc blah blah blah..." it would be more "I am a Lord of the sith and you should give the respect I deserve blah blah lah sith ramblings..."

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Wow this thread got bigger than I thought. I'm at a professional development thing for robotics and figured nobody would respond.


So basically you create a character which is you. You then play as Lord Hamsandwich or whatever i name myself and talking gen chat as though I were a sith or how I would act if I were a sith. Is that about the size of it?


So instead of "my toon is a sorc blah blah blah..." it would be more "I am a Lord of the sith and you should give the respect I deserve blah blah lah sith ramblings..."[/QuoTE]



For the most part, yes. For GenChat, it gets a bit more complex from my experience.

Depends on the context. If someone is complaining about a character, a few SithInqs I have crossed paths with have suggested that [shock] should b an option, or things along this lines.


GenChat is to anyone on your faction, on the planet, so RP'ing in GenChat is a little tricky, unless you are acting as you character would react to thinks being said in a chatroom while driving around a planet on a speeder.


And RP doesn't have to be text form. Dungeons and Dragons, the Table-Top-Role-Playing-Game is not fully text form, if you even you text. But that's a moot point because in this game, all RP is emotes and text with a few actions (generally states in text...)

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well I might try this out because I did a few pen and papers 2 semesters ago but apparently I'm not very good at it so if i can get some practice here then maybe I'll be tolerable Irl.


Honestly, the only main rules to RP'ing in a group are: control only your own characters; keep yourself consistent,( if your Agent hates all aliens, do not suddenly have a change of heart for no reason, gotta have a decent reason) (and indicate when you are speaking Out of Character); don't "magically develop" talents your character didn't already demonstrate a small possibility of having (agents with absolutely no Force Abilities should not suddenly be able to Force Choke someone, unless there was a small hint in-story of Force Abilities); and have fun.


It's pretty hard to have a bad RP if people stick to the basics. Sure, some are better writers than others, but RP is all in the head in the end.


LyraineAlei steps back from her phone and returns to preparing for a large family reunion. Playing SWTOR will have to wait until her evening, if she gets to it at all today.

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I believe the original concept of an "RP Server" was that there would be certain rules applied to guide players into more "in character" type of behavior.


Such as, naming conventions (No silly or nonsensical names like "jedipants" or "deadlysith" and such like)..


Penalties for "griefing" RP areas..


Certain channels being restricted to IC or OOC use..


Unfortunately none of those rules have ever been effectively enforced on any RP server I have been on, so the title is kind of misleading in that respect.


Most likely what it does now is serve as a signpost to attract the majority of Roleplayers to roll on that server in the hopes the RP community will flourish there, and that non-RP players and PVP'ers will pick other servers more condusive to their play styles.

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Wow this thread got bigger than I thought. I'm at a professional development thing for robotics and figured nobody would respond.


So basically you create a character which is you. You then play as Lord Hamsandwich or whatever i name myself and talking gen chat as though I were a sith or how I would act if I were a sith. Is that about the size of it?


So instead of "my toon is a sorc blah blah blah..." it would be more "I am a Lord of the sith and you should give the respect I deserve blah blah lah sith ramblings..."


Close but not quite. RPers still are distinctly IC (in character) and OOC (out of character) at different times. General chat is always OOC just because RPing in there would be like rolling in troll bait.


For example, if I'm zooming around the fleet picking up missions and stuff, I'm not RPing. But when I specifically go someplace with the intention to RP, turn walk on and start emoting, then I'm RPing.

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Wow this thread got bigger than I thought. I'm at a professional development thing for robotics and figured nobody would respond.


So basically you create a character which is you. You then play as Lord Hamsandwich or whatever i name myself and talking gen chat as though I were a sith or how I would act if I were a sith. Is that about the size of it?


So instead of "my toon is a sorc blah blah blah..." it would be more "I am a Lord of the sith and you should give the respect I deserve blah blah lah sith ramblings..."


well... not entirely. you control the character and write them if you will, but not only its not necessary to be in character at all times, most people in my experience aren't, at least not in general chat. when you ARE speaking in character, unless this is something your character does - speaking in third person, they will usualy speak in first.


however.. and this is kind of an important part. the only real difference between roleplaying server and regular pve/pvp server is that in addition to all the usual mmo trappings of raiding, pvp, questing, achievement hunting etc etc (all of that IS being done on rp servers) some of the players put extra thought into their character personalities and participate in group fiction improv if you will.


have you ever seen "whose line is it anyway?" well its kinda like that but you continue to play the same character and you are not assigned a temporary setting by a third party, but rather you and your roleplaying partners decide on one and how long your interactions are going to last.

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I started playing on Roleplay servers or "RP claimed" servers back in Lineage 2 because I got tired of the communities that Normal PvE/PvP servers had, that sadly are bleeding into the RP community. I mainly RP for longevity of my favorite games. I'm an alt-aholic currently at 21/21 characters with only 3 or 4 below 55. I don't have time to be a hardcore raider/pvp'er anymore so I use my free time leveling up my characters and then acting out stories that I had since the glory days of pre-CU SWG/NGE.


I've been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember and have always wanted to be/play a Sith/Darksider and Roleplaying in ToR allows me to act on those stories.

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