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Anyone has a World Of Warcraft Cataclysm vibe concerning the next expansion?


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oh I agree, very much so, and they took one step forward two steps back when they


1. created lfr, and yet continued to hide certain story important bosses behind highest difficulty setting.

2. removed some of the stories outright.


I just mean - there IS a story. impersonal as it is - there's quite a bit of it, its just mainly in text behind kill 10 fozzles quests. and what amazes me is that they have been utilizing more cutscsenes... and yet and I don't know if its becasue I've been playing for a while or what, but none of the stories gave me that epic.. wow, that was awesome since, well.. Cataclysm.


anyways. I don't think KOTFE is going to be as expansive in terms of changes as Cataclysm was.. but I'm still getting a general vibe of game reset, so... yeah..


The sad thing is, there's actually some really interesting and in-depth story there. As a setting, it's old, with a lot going on, and some interesting characters.

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... What ? Where did you get that impression ?


They stated it in their blog. Each story scene will have to be advanced for each player separately. You can group, but you have to run it fully for each player in the party.

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I think this is going to be a terribly underwhelming expansion. If people REALLY look through the smoke and mirrors and hype its a bunch of stuff being taken away. Class stories and companions being the two biggest. Its new MMO stuff not being developed alongside. PVP the same, no new flashpoints or operations.


Freeze us in carbonite to "rest" things? Puleeseeee Its dumbing down the game so its easier and less expensive for Bioware.


Wake up folks.


And that seems to be the Facts to, as no EABioware person has ever refuted these "May-be Facts". And since no one from EABioware has Refuted these No more Class stories among the other vital things.


Then ppl that can use a mind will also think the same things.


They could've/should've done a kind Op with story of what could be a New threat to the Galaxy without saying withou any real spoilers but didn't. Even a cpl Fps with a Showcase title of what May be a new threat would've worked to.


Like i've said before, with the Proof that has been laid before us so far without any of the EABioware staff saying otherwise...........


This Will No longer be a real MMO type game, but Only an Single Player RPG game with new online 1 hour or more, or even less sometimes being added every month with KOTFE with 2 outcomes with ur companions and 2 ououtcomes with ur Main Storyline, though more like 1 real main storyline since you have to be the Hero.


It Negates the need for most ppls alts, or having any alts altogether. It may also negate the need for most Guilds as well.

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What vibe means ...


A new expansion that adds the following.


1) A revamp of the engine that supports more and better

2) a brand new character creator with lots of choices and models.

3) a new class

4) 2 new warzones

5) random and planetary events

6) a conquest planet 2-3 times the size of alderaan and lots of events, invasions, guild vs guild, etc going on

7) a revamp to all planets

8) less commendations and more crafting, or world rareness. Wow may dont have a super story or a story at all, but it had in the past some elements of uniqueness, it made u feel that way... Do you remember an event to open some gates with some special super rare drop items? And 2-3 people got them from guilds and guilds united to open the portals? Something like it... events that make u feel that...


9) some sandbox mechanics?


As for this expansion, all we know its all story, companion upgrades, crafting upgrade but with no more info than that... I believe at the end EA will decide to update the engine and they will make a total revamp. The reason is, all new mmos that fail mostly, are so much more in that aspect alone (graphics) and people ask that. Since swtor has the elements of success, I dont think they will dare for a new mmo that may fail... for example new controls for the consoles but fail for PC. Its a huge risk. And look after 4-5 years, swtor is still here and now EA doubles the investment into it... It made it :)


I am trying all the new mmos and all of them, are with console UI!!! its unplayable in pcs and they fail.

Edited by Oyranos
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The reason why WoW did the major changes with Cataclysm is because people wanted the ability to fly in the older zones but couldn't with how the game originally was. So, add a bit of story as to why the game suddenly changed, and you get stuff all fubard but now people can fly everywhere.


Sure, I feel a Cataclysm type change in KotFE coming, but not so much as what Cataclysm itself did. Things need to constantly change in games to 1. keep players happy and 2. make it so the game doesn't become stale and boring.


This particular expansion is working on companions and crafting. The next minor or major expansion or game update patch may be more about raids, flashpoints and pvp. We don't know, but we can't expect bioware to make changes right this second, it takes TIME. Sometimes very little time, sometimes it can take YEARS. It all depends on what is available to them and what they can currently do in the game.


I heard rumors that it took forever and a day to get living mounts from just regular speeder type mounts cause it was causing issues to performance. You have to give them time. If you're impatient and want everything right this second, you're in the wrong genre and should go play some Xbox or Playstation games until your fav mmos incorporate the changes you want.

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The reason why WoW did the major changes with Cataclysm is because people wanted the ability to fly in the older zones but couldn't with how the game originally was. So, add a bit of story as to why the game suddenly changed, and you get stuff all fubard but now people can fly everywhere.


Sure, I feel a Cataclysm type change in KotFE coming, but not so much as what Cataclysm itself did. Things need to constantly change in games to 1. keep players happy and 2. make it so the game doesn't become stale and boring.


This particular expansion is working on companions and crafting. The next minor or major expansion or game update patch may be more about raids, flashpoints and pvp. We don't know, but we can't expect bioware to make changes right this second, it takes TIME. Sometimes very little time, sometimes it can take YEARS. It all depends on what is available to them and what they can currently do in the game.


I heard rumors that it took forever and a day to get living mounts from just regular speeder type mounts cause it was causing issues to performance. You have to give them time. If you're impatient and want everything right this second, you're in the wrong genre and should go play some Xbox or Playstation games until your fav mmos incorporate the changes you want.


^ this for sure! To add to this point from what I read, I think KoTFE is the staging ground for really fun and huge OP's in future updates.. Why? Well the scaling system alone allows anyone to follow the entire story and also gets everyone geared properly so that there is less waiting or removing people who aren't ready for those type of scenarios. From allowing SM of OP's soloable it also gives the majority of how dynamics work in that type of OP's or FP. I don't think any other game preps you as well as what the devs have planed... But that's just from reading there highlights on the FP and OPs post they made.

Edited by CKNORTH
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No, I don't get that vibe at all. I used to love WoW but it became so gear elite and PvP and/or raid-centric that I couldn't really enjoy the game any longer. I quit and never looked back. The genre between WoW and SWTOR is very different. WoW is more the stereotypical "go kill 8 bears" grind with a minimal "story" for reasoning whereas as SWTOR has stated from the very beginning that they were going to be story-heavy. It's a game centered around those who love immersion in story first and having the fighting/grind back that up rather than vice versa. It also makes gear not so difficult to get that only those with several hours and a elite raiding guild can obtain it. Definitely not like WoW in that respect, thank goodness. The best we can do is wait and see what thisw expansion does but I am willing to bet that it will become even more story-heavy and make it so that choices are more critical to the overall direction your character takes and how it effects them. This is something I wholeheartedly welcome! LONG LIVE THE STORY BASED MMOS! Edited by mrsrachelm
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guys. GUYS. just becasue the story is in text only doesn't mean there is no story. WoW has story. all those kill 10 bears quests - have story reasons for it.


this just shows how much of a difference voice acting makes.


No doubt.


There's a ton of lore and story in the WoW setting, it's just... obscured and impersonal, as I noted earlier.

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I have more of a WoTLK feel, if we're talking in terms of WoW. It's not some generic dangerous NPC, in an expected, dull expansion, that just happens to destroy the environment. There's pace for brilliant stories, new, epic lands, and to meet some great people. We have one clear leader, with others at his back, who will have to be stopped.


With Cataclysm, it was "Oh. Deathwing will be the end boss. All he does is destroy stuff, and is a generic, boring '******' dragon." Well, to me, anyway.


With the Lich King, his power was beyond just him, but his undead army... and who doesn't love zombies?


Saying that, the Emperor needs zombies, now.

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It Negates the need for most ppls alts, or having any alts altogether. It may also negate the need for most Guilds as well.


And that will be the ultimate undoing of SWTOR. Guilds and progression ops keep people in game. They foster community, even if not everyone raids. With everyone off doing solo content and little attention paid to guilds in years by the devs or community team, they will fall to the wayside and so too the players that go along with them. A huge chunk of people that would be interested in this change in direction to solo content (the "GIVE US KOTOR 3 ALREADY!!!" crowd) will never even step foot into the game because it's still technically an MMO and/or they don't want to pay a subscription to play.


A single storyline will be fun once, maybe twice. After that most people will be looking around for something else, won't find it and will move on. Either BW/EA are incredibly stupid and shortsighted, or their strategic business plan is to milk SWTOR for all its worth around the movie release and then let it wind down over the next couple of years leading into some other type of major Star Wars game release, maybe an MMO or something different.

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I have more of a WoTLK feel, if we're talking in terms of WoW. It's not some generic dangerous NPC, in an expected, dull expansion, that just happens to destroy the environment. There's pace for brilliant stories, new, epic lands, and to meet some great people. We have one clear leader, with others at his back, who will have to be stopped.


With Cataclysm, it was "Oh. Deathwing will be the end boss. All he does is destroy stuff, and is a generic, boring '******' dragon." Well, to me, anyway.


With the Lich King, his power was beyond just him, but his undead army... and who doesn't love zombies?


Saying that, the Emperor needs zombies, now.


Or not undead army's, but the equivalent in SW would be Rakghoul Armys!! First time the tatooine event happened and going through TFB, I was literally freaked out about the plague... I could see them doing a whole expansion just on that story alone!! :)

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Not really. Cataclysm changed WoW's "old content" for even new players, KotFE will (most likely) not do that, as all old content will still be accessible.


they did say something about streamlining leveling experience and they didn't say it would be leaving 12x story xp in permanently.

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A total revamp like Cata would be fun but I doubt that is what is going to happen. WoW's lore was gated behind raiding, which Blizzard has attempted to create a story mode version but I have no idea who well that raised the amount of players participating in that sort of game style.


I never found when they focused (Blizzard) on an npc to express a personality that it was done very well. They did have some fun npcs but most of them while interesting were more interesting on what you did not know than what you did. It just never to really seem to work for them.

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