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Mara/Sent awful in PVP terms.


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I'm not yet max level so many things are unbalanced. (Level 51). I find myself being burnt down in a matter of a second by 2 people, no matter the class. Maras/Sents have 4 Defensive abilities, and no self-healing (Unless you play Anni).

In the level 30-59 PVP group, I can be killed by a level 40 Guardian by himself. Before you say "HA! You suck noob!", and all that jazz, whilst fighting I used every defensive, CCd when I could and did the best possible rotation, and I was only able to get him down to 30%. (He had 40.1k health, and I had 42.3k). Highest hit I have seen yet is a 9k. Other classes don't hesitate or pop all of their CDs and still do that damage. Maras/Sents have been hated on by the Dev's for way too long! Give them a buff in 4.0! :mad:

Edited by Dorbington
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I'm not yet max level so many things are unbalanced. (Level 51). I find myself being burnt down in a matter of a second by 2 people, no matter the class. Maras/Sents have 4 Defensive abilities, and no self-healing (Unless you play Anni).

In the level 30-59 PVP group, I can be killed by a level 40 Guardian by himself. Before you say "HA! You suck noob!", and all that jazz, whilst fighting I used every defensive, CCd when I could and did the best possible rotation, and I was only able to get him down to 30%. (He had 40.1k health, and I had 42.3k). Highest hit I have seen yet is a 9k. Other classes don't hesitate or pop all of their CDs and still do that damage. Maras/Sents have been hated on by the Dev's for way too long! Give them a buff in 4.0! :mad:


Yes, its very easy to kill us. Neither it is our job to facetank ppl. Neither are we the worst, mercs are in much worse place (maybe its hard for you to imagine, but believe me). Good players still can survive long and do good damage, but it takes practice and discipline.

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Yes, its very easy to kill us. Neither it is our job to facetank ppl. Neither are we the worst, mercs are in much worse place (maybe its hard for you to imagine, but believe me). Good players still can survive long and do good damage, but it takes practice and discipline.


...and pocket heals. Don't forget the pocket heals.

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Marauder is not half as bad as pple make them out to be.. It just takes alot of play time, it is great in team fights.. and can kill those sorc heals np.. if you get focused by all the other teams range class you will drop quick.. its about knowing when to fight and when to heal.. I suggest playing a moba to all pvpers,, so 5hat you know what its like to not have heals so you know when to fight when to avoid confrontation and not just stand in middle getting killed by sniper.merc.sorc... I mean we have insane burst.. healing debuff marauder is most fun in game you will have except for operative is close:rak_01:
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Marauder is not half as bad as pple make them out to be


I would agree with you if they weren't the most CC susceptible class in the game. As it currently stands, with the ridiculous amounts of CC flying around, and the severe lack of any cc immunity for Marauders, they are as bad as everyone makes them out to be.

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I just started pvping the last couple of days. I have a anni mara and im suuuuuper squishy, but I can kill anything one on one. Its about rotation and speed. The one self heal we have isn't really a heal. I sure wish we actually had one heal that helped. If our shield move actually lasted longer It would help a lot or significantly reduce the cool down timer on it. I also wish mara had a speed boost move. With only one jump. Im constantly having to chase down people and end up dying before I reach them.
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I just started pvping the last couple of days. I have a anni mara and im suuuuuper squishy, but I can kill anything one on one. Its about rotation and speed. The one self heal we have isn't really a heal. I sure wish we actually had one heal that helped. If our shield move actually lasted longer It would help a lot or significantly reduce the cool down timer on it. I also wish mara had a speed boost move. With only one jump. Im constantly having to chase down people and end up dying before I reach them.


Take the predation utilities, Unnbound and Relentless for a 90% speed increase every 30 seconds at no cost. Also cleanses roots and snares.

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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Yes, its very easy to kill us. Neither it is our job to facetank ppl. Neither are we the worst, mercs are in much worse place (maybe its hard for you to imagine, but believe me). Good players still can survive long and do good damage, but it takes practice and discipline.

Practice does make perfect. Especially Marauders.


Also: Don't level a Mara/Sent :mon_trap: lol do whatever you want.

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At least in regs...maras really aren't that bad. They have decent survivability with their defensives. They have great damage output and with predation utilities they have pretty good mobility too. In focus I will die sometimes, but camo is a very underrated ability in my opinion. It is a great anti focus tool with damage reduction built in. If you haven't already taken unbound then do so....it is a game changer for maras in regs. Also...don't judge until you are at max level. With the burst maras are capable of I believe they should be played somewhat like sins and operatives. You should be focusing high priority targets such as healers or heavy dps to burst them down quick. Like the two stealth classes you also have a combat stealth (not as good of one, but one nonetheless) so you can get in a get out when you need to. I play them kinda of like a semi hit and run type, but can hold out in a longer engagement if I need to. If you aren't anni you also have very good target switching damage.


I honestly have been very happy with my performance with marauders. Only time I have trouble is if I am being heavily focused....am netted without cc breaker....or somehow managed to find myself alone against a concealment op. Sticking with the team negates the last situation.


Not saying they are the best class, but they are a very fun class in regs and perform perfectly fine.

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you really have to use utilities with this class, last night i guarded doors with sorc and 2 jugs o n me, had 14 kills and 5 deaths. and i play in watchman, with over 500k total damage. not great stats by any strech, but useing invise and gbtf in right spots helps. some heals to which if your team dont have, you done anyhow. but utilities keep us up, the one ability you just cant ignore in watchman, invise and being sped up with dot remover is $$$. i think the changes are very much in line, but once agian, if you take the no ramp time spec, you playing fools gold. best dps isent what we are...we are there to pressure and annoy. to buff team for better dps, speed. if you use watchman or combat, youll get these instead of the ubber omg i can out dps everything. sorry but numbers are not half as good as me inviseing and tst a door with 3 imps trying to plant, 10 times match...
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great post sailk. you are really correct. you have to be sneaky and dont lose cool and try to face tank. the invise is just to good to not use 24/7. my best games come when im inviseing to lose my guy and attacking out of nowere. totaly correct you are. anyone else doing it other ways isent playing this class correct.
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you really have to use utilities with this class, last night i guarded doors with sorc and 2 jugs o n me, had 14 kills and 5 deaths. and i play in watchman, with over 500k total damage. not great stats by any strech, but useing invise and gbtf in right spots helps. some heals to which if your team dont have, you done anyhow. but utilities keep us up, the one ability you just cant ignore in watchman, invise and being sped up with dot remover is $$$. i think the changes are very much in line, but once agian, if you take the no ramp time spec, you playing fools gold. best dps isent what we are...we are there to pressure and annoy. to buff team for better dps, speed. if you use watchman or combat, youll get these instead of the ubber omg i can out dps everything. sorry but numbers are not half as good as me inviseing and tst a door with 3 imps trying to plant, 10 times match...


Hello as i do agree that marauders are not unplayable at this point. However i do not agree with your statement about us not being meant for great dps. We are one of 2 pure dps built advanced classes the fact that we now have more utility based use in warzones vs damage and survivability is rather disappointing predation is a good ability and are cooldowns at one time were ok, But you have to relise that if most marauders are averaging 600k damage or so in warzones when in pre 2.0 we had more than that. Its not great progression in the class. I cannot say that i have all the answers to marauders issues but the devs have to look into what needs changing with the class to make it more on par with some others.

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Hello as i do agree that marauders are not unplayable at this point. However i do not agree with your statement about us not being meant for great dps. We are one of 2 pure dps built advanced classes the fact that we now have more utility based use in warzones vs damage and survivability is rather disappointing predation is a good ability and are cooldowns at one time were ok, But you have to relise that if most marauders are averaging 600k damage or so in warzones when in pre 2.0 we had more than that. Its not great progression in the class. I cannot say that i have all the answers to marauders issues but the devs have to look into what needs changing with the class to make it more on par with some others.


I think its actually pretty easy to pull 600-800k damage with all 3 specs. I often will pull 1 - 1.5 mil in each of the specs in a longer warzone. I have pulled 2+ mil with fury in novare coast and voidstar a few times even since 3.2. They can do pretty darn good damage, but I honestly think they do better when you use a semi stealth like tactic. Get in get out. Switch targets fast. Stay on healers. Etc.

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I think its actually pretty easy to pull 600-800k damage with all 3 specs. I often will pull 1 - 1.5 mil in each of the specs in a longer warzone. I have pulled 2+ mil with fury in novare coast and voidstar a few times even since 3.2. They can do pretty darn good damage, but I honestly think they do better when you use a semi stealth like tactic. Get in get out. Switch targets fast. Stay on healers. Etc.


While I can see where your coming from, I really feel this isn't what was intended for us at release of the game one, and while yes we are not broken as some people make us its hard to say we are not at least a little broken.


I play my sentinel a lot, although sometimes it is just frustrating. I can easily pull 600k - 900k in a good warzone and have gotten to 1.2M once so far I'm in full rated, not completely optimized but obviously close to where I need to be. I focus more on objective play then chasing large numbers honestly or I could probably go higher.


However the problem I'm seeing now that we are in 3.3 is I cant just tear through every healer I meet. I'm competing with classes that have far better survivability, and are putting out better numbers. I have a couple of Guardian/Juggernauts on my server that easily break 2m every match with less deaths. I have Shadow/Assassins that Running comparable specs to me exceed my damage with better self healing, CC, and survivability in general.

Hell I have a sage on my server that has broken 3.3 million healing in a Novar Coast match.


Sadly 3.3 really hurt us IMO with the changes to healing, and such I had a match where the Scoundrel healer just stopped and sat there letting me and another sentinel beat on her and it still took 2 of around 45s to kill her, and that is with constant reapplying of the healing debuff.

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while i can see where your coming from, i really feel this isn't what was intended for us at release of the game one, and while yes we are not broken as some people make us its hard to say we are not at least a little broken.


I play my sentinel a lot, although sometimes it is just frustrating. I can easily pull 600k - 900k in a good warzone and have gotten to 1.2m once so far i'm in full rated, not completely optimized but obviously close to where i need to be. I focus more on objective play then chasing large numbers honestly or i could probably go higher.


However the problem i'm seeing now that we are in 3.3 is i cant just tear through every healer i meet. I'm competing with classes that have far better survivability, and are putting out better numbers. I have a couple of guardian/juggernauts on my server that easily break 2m every match with less deaths. I have shadow/assassins that running comparable specs to me exceed my damage with better self healing, cc, and survivability in general.

Hell i have a sage on my server that has broken 3.3 million healing in a novar coast match.


Sadly 3.3 really hurt us imo with the changes to healing, and such i had a match where the scoundrel healer just stopped and sat there letting me and another sentinel beat on her and it still took 2 of around 45s to kill her, and that is with constant reapplying of the healing debuff.




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Maras are fine they literally just aren't self sufficient they have great dcds to prevent damage taken and ways to stay on target. They simply need a healer or better self healing in general if anything anni self heals should be looked at because it's a big part of cutting mara's main weakness which is lack of self healing and with the way pvp currently is self healing is strong all 3 healer classes but more importantly especially for sorcs and operatives to a lesser degree is that it's very consistent and have little to no draw back while doing so.
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One big thing about the class currently is that is support DPS. They really cannot support themselves, but with a good team they can do amazing.


A few days ago, I was in a warzone and there were 2 other sentinels. I was sure that we were going to lose. However, our team had amazing healers and all the sentinels did amazing that round.


The class still has issues, but it is getting better.

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One big thing about the class currently is that is support DPS. They really cannot support themselves, but with a good team they can do amazing.


A few days ago, I was in a warzone and there were 2 other sentinels. I was sure that we were going to lose. However, our team had amazing healers and all the sentinels did amazing that round.


The class still has issues, but it is getting better.


Which is fine if you only focus on that, however, think about this. Would the Warzone gone better or worse had your team had a Jugg, Powertech, Sorc, or Sin in those 3 spots instead of 3 Marauders.


In most cases that would have performed better, with half the effort and less of a need for heals.


Take that same scenario and remove the healers. What would have happened and how differently would the 3 Maras have done in comparison to any combination of the above?

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Which is fine if you only focus on that, however, think about this. Would the Warzone gone better or worse had your team had a Jugg, Powertech, Sorc, or Sin in those 3 spots instead of 3 Marauders.


In most cases that would have performed better, with half the effort and less of a need for heals.


Take that same scenario and remove the healers. What would have happened and how differently would the 3 Maras have done in comparison to any combination of the above?


This and ever again this!

Any other opinion on a sentinel´s viability has nothing to do with consistent experiences.



It´s about the sentinel´s extreme dependencies of the overall group or warzone meta.

This class reacts much more on any disbalance in comparison to the above mentioned classes for instance.

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any argument has to start with group heals. the watchman spec was viable due to heals. self healing atm is so bad that it just dont heal enuff. not the way burst is. aside of that i have no issues with dps. more then not i can kill a sage or healer if i want, unless they are really really good. dots are perfect atm, merc slash hits, even ramp up im fine with. the issue is without grp heals this class will always be bad in a wz when you have zero healing. unless you play stealthy, pick spots and play smart. when the other guys is caught offguard, you have far better chance of pressuring him and killing him. if you just play objectives and smart, you can do so many things to help win wz, like get ahead of other team with doors, also get into endzone unseen, or invise and get the kill when guy is low, or snare, aoe damage, alot of things can do that are usefull. but sents issue always starts at the garbage, the utter garbage self and group heal we have, its a flat out joke biodevswearunderoos had gaul to even make it were it is today. they shoulda been shot...
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I just came back after a 2 year break.......my sent just feels fragile. I spend more time fleeing from the fight than being in it.........Just not as fun as it used to be.......running all the time cause you are dieing so fast sucks.....
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