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Making all Ops scale to level is a rediculous plan.

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The system that exists now is fine. There are Ops for those players wanting a challenge, and there are lower level Ops for those players that just want to experience content and hang out with their friends. So what they aren't a crack Ops team.


The net result of scaling all Ops will just be to eliminate content for +90% of the player base. A few vocal die-hards will be pleased, but most players don't stick around long enough in this game to develop the interest to form accomplished Ops groups and do challenging content.

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Tin foil hat time...


Scale all ops content to 65 and tune similar to 3.0, wait a few months after KotFE, run reporting showing few players participating and completing 65 ops, state new operations are not coming because so few participate in ops.


/sarcasm off


I really don't think they have a nefarious plan to try and kill ops through the rescaling, but I do wonder what will happen if they tune them all similar to 3.0 and a large portion of the player base finds the challenge or commitment too difficult.


Those players will no longer have old content to run over-leveled and over-geared for comms anymore, and they were very vocal in their displeasure when Bioware took Elite / Ulti comms away fro the old ops shortly after 3.0.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I like 2 manning the old nims and was looking forward to doing Hateful Entity at level 65 but whatevs, its a MMO we have to roll with the changes if we want updates. Also, under-manning stuff wasn't how the Ops were intended anyway.


I think the prog Ops people should get their nims and scaled up Ops.

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The system that exists now is fine. There are Ops for those players wanting a challenge, and there are lower level Ops for those players that just want to experience content and hang out with their friends. So what they aren't a crack Ops team.


The net result of scaling all Ops will just be to eliminate content for +90% of the player base. A few vocal die-hards will be pleased, but most players don't stick around long enough in this game to develop the interest to form accomplished Ops groups and do challenging content.


So... you want more content for people who enjoy steamrolling and less content for people who enjoy a challenge.


Let me introduce you to this neat thing called "Story Mode." You see, Story Mode was made by the loving people at BioWare because they recognized that different people enjoy different things. Story Mode is for people like you who enjoy steamrolling, Hard Mode and Nightmare Mode are for people who enjoy a challenge.


Now we can all enjoy the game without whining that another person's fun is ruining our own. :rak_03:


Also there is this thing in operations which you probably haven't heard of: it's called "Bolster." BioWare made it special for people like you who want to have success handed to them.

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The net result of scaling all Ops will just be to eliminate content for +90% of the player base. A few vocal die-hards will be pleased, but most players don't stick around long enough in this game to develop the interest to form accomplished Ops groups and do challenging content.


They are bringing all ops up to level 65, they are actually increasing the content to do for everyone at high level.

Edited by Icestar
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Tin foil hat time...


Scale all ops content to 65 and tune similar to 3.0, wait a few months after KotFE, run reporting showing few players participating and completing 65 ops, state new operations are not coming because so few participate in ops.


/sarcasm off


I really don't think they have a nefarious plan to try and kill ops through the rescaling, but I do wonder what will happen if they tune them all similar to 3.0 and a large portion of the player base finds the challenge or commitment too difficult.


Those players will no longer have old content to run over-leveled and over-geared for comms anymore, and they were very vocal in their displeasure when Bioware took Elite / Ulti comms away fro the old ops shortly after 3.0.


My thoughts exactly.

I like to add there will be no overgearing as well. So unlike end of 2.0 with 180 gear the best gear will be the equivalent of 168.

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The net result of scaling all Ops will just be to eliminate content for +90% of the player base. A few vocal die-hards will be pleased, but most players don't stick around long enough in this game to develop the interest to form accomplished Ops groups and do challenging content.


SM content will remain easy even at 65.

Yes, HM EC, TFV, SV, DF, DP will no longer be faceroll, but group finder is SM anyway so I disagree with your +90% comment.

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As long as the new difficulty will be like Ravager rather than ToS, it would actually be more fun. Just fingers crossed we won't have Underlurkers in every op, because the impassable fights are not fun. So, ingers crossed, it's like the Ravagers. :)
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As long as the new difficulty will be like Ravager rather than ToS, it would actually be more fun. Just fingers crossed we won't have Underlurkers in every op, because the impassable fights are not fun. So, ingers crossed, it's like the Ravagers. :)


Well the only challenge in EV was the invisible Soa and lightning balls, so unless old bugs return even NiM EV at 65 will be easy once we've got a piece or two of level 65 gear.

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Well the only challenge in EV was the invisible Soa and lightning balls, so unless old bugs return even NiM EV at 65 will be easy once we've got a piece or two of level 65 gear.


I wonder how loot tables will be. Will they remain the as they were or different.

Also, bring back named Weapons (but without LS/DS requirement) cause a Darth Bandon Saber was breaddy good

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Well the only challenge in EV was the invisible Soa and lightning balls, so unless old bugs return even NiM EV at 65 will be easy once we've got a piece or two of level 65 gear.


Puzzle boss reset glitch was hardest!!!


And pyamid flying through soa.... Without damaging him... Thats pretty hard too!


Ok wait... No... im wrong... Ther was a couple times when there were no platforms... But they fixed that with invisible balls of lightning... So maybe lvl65 will bring back NO platforms! Yay!

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Posting a message that was sent to me in support of my OP.


"I usually don't post in forums on this stuff since the blowhards just get off in it


But you are correct. The "pro" ( uugghh gag) raiders will still whine everything too easy, the game is dying because of scrubs/carebears/bads/noobs etc..


This will not increase end game content; the raiders will whine it is old content they did a million times. As you point out; it will eliminate it. The blowhard self styled pros will cry it is old content and too easy blah blah, and nobody else will care to struggle though getting an ops group to wade through hours of **** they never did ...for this very same reason. They aren't not looking for blowhard bragging rights; they just to actually play through the story.


And these "pros", while claiming that solo mode and such, will kill group content...are moronic. Those who don't wanna do NiM/HM etc...are not gonna do them just because they are the only thing out there. They do not them now; they will not do them later. The existence of Solo mode or doing things over leveled is why they WANT to do that.


And the "leet" raiders wont want them anyway; it is half the reason they play : to whine about "bads" and stroke their epeen on forums.


I burned out on hardcore gaming years ago. To cater to it is a bad idea; it represents a small fraction of the player base.


So, i think you are correct. This will see fewer people running them, not more. Those who did not run them at level in past, will not do so later. And the "leets" will cry that there is no new content. "

Edited by MotorCityMan
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It's okay, you can still go back to tatooine to casually one-shot random gray mobs, since that's your idea of fun.


My idea of fun is to avoid grouping with players like you and instead enjoy the laid back atmosphere of experiencing content at a leisurely pace with my friends.

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So... you want more content for people who enjoy steamrolling and less content for people who enjoy a challenge.


Let me introduce you to this neat thing called "Story Mode." You see, Story Mode was made by the loving people at BioWare because they recognized that different people enjoy different things. Story Mode is for people like you who enjoy steamrolling, Hard Mode and Nightmare Mode are for people who enjoy a challenge.


Now we can all enjoy the game without whining that another person's fun is ruining our own. :rak_03:


Also there is this thing in operations which you probably haven't heard of: it's called "Bolster." BioWare made it special for people like you who want to have success handed to them.



Like most players, I don't consider the grief involved in doing difficult content worth the effort. I am not asking for the newer Ops to be reset to a lower level. I am just pointing out that making Classic Ops lvl 65 will just make them off limits to most players, just as they were when they were issued. The players that do challenging content are hardly going to be excited to go back and re-do Ops they have already done 100 times. The net result is that raising the difficulty level will just result in less content for most players.


And avoiding self important, arrogant, condescending trolls who think they have license to abuse anyone that hasn't done content they have is a big reason why I have no longer have any interest in competitive Ops teams.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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I think the wast majority of players have no problems with the Ravagers, and that's on the level content. However, I agree that solo mode and overlevelled opened up the window for the folks like me, who were afraid to try it and also, well, on solo mode you have time to see the terrain, instead of running at high speed not even noticing anything but the person directly in front of you.


What i don't understand though is that so many people come to the forums and say how they would enjoy slow-paced, comfortable friendly environment, but there are seem to be very few folks like that in the game. :confused:

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There is a term for this. It's called "lazy".


See, instead of giving people who actually do and enjoy operations new content they can just rescale and say "look, stuff for you to do!".


EA/BW seems to think that rescaling gives operations "new life" when in truth it is simply laziness on their part.


People who do operations won't keep playing if all they have are old Ops, and new players or those who normally don't do operations at level won't do the upscaled Ops because they aren't faceroll easy when rescaled up.


There is no upside to this. It isn't "content for raiders" and it isn't solo mode content nor is it easy enough for non-raiders to get together and do.


In my opinion, the upscale system is a waste of time and resources and will not accomplish whatever it is EA/BW is hoping it does.

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There is a term for this. It's called "lazy".


See, instead of giving people who actually do and enjoy operations new content they can just rescale and say "look, stuff for you to do!".


EA/BW seems to think that rescaling gives operations "new life" when in truth it is simply laziness on their part.


People who do operations won't keep playing if all they have are old Ops, and new players or those who normally don't do operations at level won't do the upscaled Ops because they aren't faceroll easy when rescaled up.


There is no upside to this. It isn't "content for raiders" and it isn't solo mode content nor is it easy enough for non-raiders to get together and do.


In my opinion, the upscale system is a waste of time and resources and will not accomplish whatever it is EA/BW is hoping it does.


I agree. I've never really been able to find enough decent people to go back and do NiM TFB/SnV/DF/DP for titles, mounts, etc. I was really looking forward to being 10 levels above and being able to faceroll them with a few close friends like I can do in EV/KP/EC right now.


Making everything level 65 gives players lots of challenging content sure. But it's still old content. Old content that people aren't going to want to do progression on because they've already done it. Who's going to want to wipe over and over on NiM SOA, or NiM Kephess again for the sake of "progression". IMO (yes, just my opinion) not a lot of people.


It's really been one disappointment after another with this game for me since launch with a couple of cool things sprinkled in here and there.


To top it all off, they tease us with ONE class story mission for each class in SoR which still left everything so open ended in the story, then they're like "nah, we're not going to continue those stories in KotFE".


Just my thoughts. Still enjoy the game enough to play $20 (CAN) for it every month. Would just like so many things done so differently. Maybe it's infeasible haha.

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I thought the blog said all story mode will be bolstered for anyone between lvl 50-65. It should be tuned easily if they're allowing level 50s (who don't have all the same abilities) as higher level characters.


The question I have is HM/NiM tuning. I like farming most of that stuff, and don't really want to repeat progression on 3 year old content.

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On the upside, the vanity items will become rarer and therefore more lucrative.


Eh not necessarily. As the prices go up less customers can afford it unlike now with cheaper prices more customers and you end up with Bulk sales. And also it shuts out competitors which further increases the price. For example Brontes will have to be done in equivalent of 180 Gear as no NiM gear exists. How many guilds will be carry the least skilled through it. Hardly few. I don't see any upside to this. It's why everyone was selling this summer. Like everything else with BW, take advantage now before they mess with it.

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The question I have is HM/NiM tuning. I like farming most of that stuff, and don't really want to repeat progression on 3 year old content.


Am I the only person who likes playing the game for a challenge and not for loot? I hate waltzing through content I out level, the only interesting thing about it is trying to underman it, and even that is a bore for the 50 ops which almost can't even deal damage to you.


Right now the game sorely lacks interesting and challenging things to do at level 60. There is HM Ravages, HM ToS, 6 HM Flashpoints and... that's it. So I'm welcoming this change in hopes that there will be more fun gameplay challenges available for a change.

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Am I the only person who likes playing the game for a challenge and not for loot? I hate waltzing through content I out level, the only interesting thing about it is trying to underman it, and even that is a bore for the 50 ops which almost can't even deal damage to you.


Right now the game sorely lacks interesting and challenging things to do at level 60. There is HM Ravages, HM ToS, 6 HM Flashpoints and... that's it. So I'm welcoming this change in hopes that there will be more fun gameplay challenges available for a change.


I play for tacos

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Am I the only person who likes playing the game for a challenge and not for loot? I hate waltzing through content I out level, the only interesting thing about it is trying to underman it, and even that is a bore for the 50 ops which almost can't even deal damage to you.


Right now the game sorely lacks interesting and challenging things to do at level 60. There is HM Ravages, HM ToS, 6 HM Flashpoints and... that's it. So I'm welcoming this change in hopes that there will be more fun gameplay challenges available for a change.


Many in this and other threads on the lack of new Ops / rescaled old Ops want a challenge, I know I do.


Where I differ from you is that I want a new challenge, an instance I haven't set foot in with a story I haven't seen before with bosses I haven't killed over and over.


I guess I don't consider scaling the stats up in old content to be interesting or challenging.


Besides, if playing old Ops tuned up a bit is what you find interesting and challenging, you already have this available today for the 55 and 60 Ops.


Just take off as much gear as you need to balance your stats to the Operation and go enjoy your challenge, no one is stopping you, and it accomplishes the same thing the rescaling will do at 65.

Edited by DawnAskham
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