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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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Cause you know it is broken...Used your head...Jesus


Okay, yeah, I'm supposed to know what is broken? The PvP matchmaking? That I'm not supposed to get xp for battlegrounds?


What if I got into an empty battleground, tried again, got a full one and full match, then empty, then so forth?


And why shouldn't someone get xp for having their time wasted by poor matchmaking?

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At this point it could be hundreds of players, by tomorrow morning it could be a thousand. You know how long it would take to ban that many people?


I can see the headlines now... "Bioware banned thousands on the first day of Early Access for a game mechanic being exploited."



Will take 30 seconds /search level 30 plus = xxx players. xxx player have completed 2 quests = ban...

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This is why I like a game like EvE. THere is a presumption that knowingly exploiting a bug, whether or not it had been deemed an exploit, will result in consequences.


yeah, the eve devs are cool, virtually no rules, but if you break the game mecahnics for personal gain, your gone. for good.

Edited by Feeblezak
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You shouldn't. Pvp to your hearts content.


However XP for pvp should be removed and all who participated in this exploit recieve a permenant ban.


It's not an exploit. BioWare caused because of their own stupidity. People should be mad at BioWare that they aren't letting all the Pre-orders in; if they would have let us all in this wouldn't be an issue. I blame BW for a huge launch disaster; and so does most of the sane community.

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Permenant ban for all those involved. No mercy to the scum. THey skipped all the game content to get to max level first through exploits, we don't want people like that in game.


I'm actually not even sure this can be called an exploit. I mean technically this is a way of exploiting a game mechanic which at this very moment can be used to obtain an insane amount of XP in a very short period of time. However for the argument's sake we should also remember that this is not a bug or glitch, this is a game system that is working as intended. Nothing is going wrong there. The only reason this is happening is simply because there are not many people on the servers, yet.


So sure, I'm all for deleting all those chars that got to level 40 in 10 hours of gametime, just not sure that's really cheating or an offence. Rather something BioWare overlooked.

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Staggered was expected...


This issue alone is destroying the release :/


I feel for the players because many will not exploit and many will feel compelled to.


Either there is a roll-back or I and my friends will not play on either of these servers.


This will funnel more people to patched servers and basically counter what they were trying to do with this staggered release plan.

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It's not an exploit. BioWare caused because of their own stupidity. People should be mad at BioWare that they aren't letting all the Pre-orders in; if they would have let us all in this wouldn't be an issue. I blame BW for a huge launch disaster; and so does most of the sane community.


I'll think you'll find it is an exploit, what a piece of crap, XP should not be rewarded for pvp. i blame bioware for that but not for the sucmbag filth exploiters ruining the game atm.

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Okay, yeah, I'm supposed to know what is broken? The PvP matchmaking? That I'm not supposed to get xp for battlegrounds?


What if I got into an empty battleground, tried again, got a full one and full match, then empty, then so forth?


And why shouldn't someone get xp for having their time wasted by poor matchmaking?


Because doing what you said won't have you lvl 40 in a few hours...stop being facetious!

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It's not an exploit. BioWare caused because of their own stupidity. People should be mad at BioWare that they aren't letting all the Pre-orders in; if they would have let us all in this wouldn't be an issue. I blame BW for a huge launch disaster; and so does most of the sane community.


Yep that is the way Development is going to see it just keep justifying it to yourself. "I cheated cause I could"...

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Personally id give everyone a 48 hour timeout.


No new early access, and shut down all the servers as a punishment.


The sheep must be brought into line. PUNISH THEM.


This, although im more in favour of permea-banning all above level say...25, and giving the places to other, more deserving members.

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For those arguing that this is BW's fault, couldn't that be argued for any developer and exploit? An exploit means someone is using a bug or a gap in a way that is not intended. Just because the developer leaves a gap, doesn't mean there are no consequences for using it as an exploit.


except the game was programmed to function like this.


It was Biowares mistake for not catching this issue during beta or predicting its consequences on these low population servers.


I would never blame the players for an issue like this.


But saying that, I would roll these players back to what they were at level 10.

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Its not like they weren't warned about this.


Having the bug report tool broken for the last 2-3 builds didnt help either.


True this.

As GZ said, all they needed at that point was their metrics.... Right? Right???? hehe.


They'll fix it. Whatever they decide to do, all it will get someone is a level 10 equipped level 50 character that is going to be really lonely until everyone else catches up.

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@ people saying but what about the people who leveled the honest way and what not, and to the people who say there is no way to prove this.


Do any of you know what a database is..

EVERYTHING is recorded there.. XP/hour, Valor/hour, Credits/hour, Quests completed/hour.


All they need is a simple rule to run the database and it will spit out every single character name who have used this exploit and action can be take against them

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How is it an exploit to queue for warzones?



Its entirely biowares fault for underpopulating the servers so much at launch.



And it gives an even bigger advantage to those who won the preorder lotto.


Pretty much.


And they'll be 50 and farming mats and becoming filthy rich before you know it, meanwhile destroying the economy for everyone else.


But yeah, GREAT launch right?

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I'm actually not even sure this can be called an exploit. I mean technically this is a way of exploiting a game mechanic which at this very moment can be used to obtain an insane amount of XP in a very short period of time. However for the argument's sake we should also remember that this is not a bug or glitch, this is a game system that is working as intended. Nothing is going wrong there. The only reason this is happening is simply because there are not many people on the servers, yet.


So sure, I'm all for deleting all those chars that got to level 40 in 10 hours of gametime, just not sure that's really cheating or an offence. Rather something BioWare overlooked.


The simple fact is everyone knows what is going on and is aware of this and are using it to power level them selves. Plain and simple. Just because BW is wrong or messed up does not give you the right to take advantage.


BTW this has happened in all MMOs I have played including WoW!

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